The best of me

By englishF1stories

28K 400 521

"That's my little sister mate !" "I know" "You're a playboy Charles, so get away from her before one of you g... More



2.3K 37 19
By englishF1stories


I wake up to the sunlight streaming through the room, with a horrible headache from the night before. I opened my eyes with difficulty, and I noticed at that moment that the bed I was in must not have been mine, or else I had changed it during the night, and it was at that moment that a smell of perfume, that perfume I know more than well, it had intoxicated my nostrils during my night of madness with the Monegasque driver, and I understood.

"No, no, no, no, no," I whisper while turning my face to my side, seeing a completely asleep Charles Leclerc, his hair in a mess, make him once again irresistible. "Don't tell me I've been fooled a second time," I beg in a low voice, hoping for an answer to fall from the sky to tell me that what I think is not the reality of things, that it's all just a misunderstanding. I let my body fall onto the bed, which wake Charles up who was still sleeping next to me.

"Why are you up so early, you need to recuperate after the night you just had," he said to me, letting the doubts take more and more space in my mind.

"Leclerc? "I call to him.

"Mmm," he replies again with his eyes closed.

"Be honest with me and tell me if we've slept together again!" I ask him, panic rising in my voice.

"Nothing happened, I walked you here because you couldn't remember your room number," he tells me as I let out a breath of relief.

"Thanks God," I breath.

"What will be your reaction if something happen between us ?" he asks to me, his eyes closed, letting me know that he can fall in sleep at any moment.

"I don't know maybe disgust but also pride," I confess to him, my eyes glued at the ceiling.

"Pride ?" he asks me completly lost.

"Yes, proud of you because you wouldn't have been a coward this time, I didn't wake up in a bed you left unattended," I confess.

"I don't usually sleep with someone, or at least not until I wake up, but last night was an exception, you were drunk and I wasn't going to let you sleep on a sofa," he says and I laugh.

"How gallant you can be," I exclaim ironically. "You'll never change Leclerc, you seem to want to stay a bastard all your life, but don't come crying on my brother's shoulder when you're in trouble after accidentally impregnating some poor girl who's fallen for your game," I tell him before getting up from his bed, retrieving my dress, heels and bag and heading for the door.

"I would change Clara," I hear him say almost inaudibly.

"I don't care Leclerc, I've told you what I think but I don't care what you do, it's none of my business," I reply before walking out of hiis room and heading for mine.

"Don't tell me I just saw the young and beautiful Carla Sainz leaving the room of the womanizer Charles Leclerc!" Lando exclaims behind my back, which stops me in my tracks.

"Jesus ! Don't scare me like that milky boy !" I exclaim trying to have a normal breath, my hand on my heart.

"You should be careful Carla, Charles is a ladies' man, and what the hell are you doing in his shirt?" he asks as he looks down at my outfit and I do the same.

"I guess he helped me change so I wouldn't sleep in his sheets in a dress," I reply.

"Did you have sex?" my friend asks.

"No, I've been tricked once and that's already one too many," I admit and then I see a smile appears on his lips at my words.

"Fine, go change and I'll wait for you to go eat," he says with a wink.

"I'll be as quick as I can," I reply as I leave for my room. I put my feet up in my room and hurriedly snatched the Monegasque pilot's shirt and headed for the shower. I come out after a few minutes and opt for a simple pair of blue jeans and a white blouse, I grab my bag, my phone and run to join my friend at full speed.

"You look beautiful as always," he says and I give him a genuine smile.

"Thanks a lot Lando, you don't look so bad yourself," I say and we then head to breakfast. We sit down at a table and start eating and talking when we see my brother and his teammate coming towards us.

"Try not to mention the fact that you shared a bed last night," Lando says to me as the two Ferrari drivers come to sit at our table, all smiles.

"My three favorites people together !" Exclaims Carlos with a big smile and he comes to my side, put a kiss on my forehead. " How are you after last night ?" He adds.

"I feel like I've just come out of my coffin, but otherwise I'm fine," I reply, to which the whole table laughs.

"Does this shock anyone, when you two are together it's a disaster," my brother replies with a smile, happy that Lando and I get along so well and I know he'd like it to be the same with his new teammate but the latter was more than likely to piss me off.

"I just enjoy the time," I reply.

"And the free alcohol," adds Charles with a smirk on his lips, the same lips that ran through my entire body a few moment ago.

"Oh and the men too, the spanish guys are hot, I love my country !" I say to him, my eyes on his.

"Yeah I think we get it yesterday, you almost sleep with one of them," adds Charles with a proud smile, this little bastard.

"Carla is that true ?" Asks Carlos to me.

"No, I just dance with a guy nothing else," I reply to him, telling my truth because it was the way I see the things last night, I never thought for a moment that I would sleep with this man.

"Stay away of men hermana, I don't like to see you close to them," Carlos says to me with a fim tone.

"It was not my attention to give false hopes to this man," I tell him.

"I know, but I don't want you to fall for it and sleep with a man and have him drop you like a turd in the morning, you deserve someone good," he says to me and I let my gaze fall on Charles as he looks at me in panic, nodding slightly to tell me not to start the subject.

"A man did that to me once Carlos, and I can guarantee you I won't let it happen again," I tell him without taking my eyes off the Monegasque, as I feel Lando's heavy gaze on me.

"He's just a little shit, do I know him?" he asks me angrily.

"Oh good question," I respond by looking into his eyes, sensing the panic in Charles' and the confusion in Lando's.

"Don't tell me he's a friend of mine, please," he says, bordering on begging me with his eyes for my answer to be negative.

"No, no that little shit is not a friend of yours," I reply, feeling more than a little guilty for lying in his eyes.

"He's not a driver either?" he asks me still serious despite the panic slowly dissipating.

"No ," I add, not very proud of myself and then I see Charles relax, his stress having evaporated, and the pressure just disappearing from his shoulders.

"That make me feel better," he said, genuinely relieved.

"But I can't deny the fact that Pierre Gasly is hot," I admitted and as I expected I received different reactions from the three boys. On the one hand, a giggle from my friend the McLaren driver; on the other hand a look of confusion and sermonizing from my big brother and to finish on a look full of rage and anger from the Monegasque, which brings me more than satisfaction concerning the last one.

"Jesus," whisper my brother. "No offense, but he's a woman's man, he's not right for you and I don't want him to see my little sister naked," he said, more sincere than ever.

"Your fabulous teammate is the same, he hooks up with girls too, Pierre and him are the same," I reply to him my eyes glued at the green eyes of the driver with the number 16.

"Carla stops to be so mean with him, Charles is a good guy and if you want to continue to be so blind so do it, but keep your comments to yourself," he said, taking Charles' full defence, which made me very angry.

"Think what you want Carlos, I don't give a fuck," I blurt out as I leave the table immediately, not glancing at the three boys who don't take their eyes off me.

"I'm sorry Charles, the more time goes by the more she seems to get angry at you for no reason," Carlos tells him, as his voice gets more and more distant in my ears and I can't help but let out a sarcastic laugh at his words.

"Carla Sainz !" my friend's voice sounds behind my back, stopping me in my tracks.

"What do you want Lando, I'm not in the mood anymore," I say to him, traying to be calm in my voice and I see a little smile appear on his lips.

"One day you'll have to tell him, Carla, you know that as well as I do," he said as he came to put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him to comfort me from my confrontation with Carlos.

"I may hate the little Monegasque with all my being, but I don't want the look in Carlos' eyes and all the admiration he has for him to change, I don't want to break their friendship," I tell him and then I feel his lips against my hair.

"But you destroy yourself," he whispers to me.

"But thats for the best of my brother so thats fine, it's just a small phase," I tell him.

"More than a year is no longer considered a small phase as you call it," he tells me.

"Maybe a small extended phase then," I say with a little smirk on my lips, trying to convince him.

"This little smirk don't work with me," he says me.

"I can't say I don't try," I breath.

"Do you want to have a little business with the french driver, and I don't talk about the one who can't pronounce squirrel," he tells me and I can't hold a laugh at the second part of his sentence.

"Pierre is hot it's not a secret, but if I say that it was just to have the satisfaction of making Charles angry," I confess to him.

"You're a little bitch with him, I love that," he says me with a big smile.

"Your language!" I said firmly.

"Come on, I can say bad words too, wait, why I try to defend myself, I'm more old than you, that's my job to keep an eye and an ear on your vocabulary miss Sainz," he tells me.

"I'm the younger but I'm the mature one between us," I reply with a proud smile.

"You're naughty today," he tells me with a little smirk on his lips and I can't hold a laugh.

"I just need to see the face of the Leclerc and my mood twist, and not in the good side," I confess to him.

"Yeah I think I get it," he replies.

"When I see him with his beautiful green eyes I just want to kick his ass, when he smiles and his dimples come out he makes me want to kill him, his whole being pisses me off to no end," I admit to him and just talking about him makes my body angry, as Lando looks at me amused, does not miss.

"But you find him attractive, he is your type Carla, I know you pretty well," he whispers in my ear, and I scoff at his words.

"Do you try to put me in his arms or what ?" I ask him, and he lets a kiss on my temple.

"I'm just trying to make you see the reality of things, Charles is your kind of boy that's a fact but I know you won't fall back into his arms," he said pulling me close to him.

"How can you be sure I won't fall back just for one night?" I ask him surprised that he is so sure of his words.

"Because even if you don't admit it to yourself we both know that what Charles did hurt you more than you know, and it stung your ego, which I know you hate," he says with a small smile as I look back at him, not wanting to acknowledge his words which I know are reality.

"Maybe if I sleep with Pierre I'll hurt Charles like he hurt me" I tell him, as if my idea was the best solution, but I quickly come back down to earth when I see the look Lando gave me. "Or maybe not," I exclaim with an embarrassed smile, feeling stupid for having had this idea.

"Don't go there Carla, I know you and I can assure you it's not you, you can do it if you want to but you'll regret it because you'll feel used again and I know you'll be broken again, I don't want that for you," he told me honestly, his gaze concerned.

"It was a stupid idea, I'm sorry," I murmur.

"It's fine, and I understand why you have this idea, but do not fall into his game it is not the solution," I tells me with a protecting voice.

"I will not, I'm a Sainz, I'm not stupid," I say to him with a teasing tone and I hear him laugh.

"Yeah I think I can't forget this little detail," he replys before letting a new kiss on the top of my skull.

"You love the Sainz family, you can't deny this fact," I say to him with pride. Everbody know that Lando and our family have a special bond, a special relationship, he is like my twins but from a different mother and with one more year.

"I have to force myself to like you, your family feeds me for 1 year when I come to your house," he said and I couldn't help but laugh, I couldn't contradict him, we tended to make a little too much food when we had guests to eat in the family house.

"You're mean but thats fine, I'll say nothing to Carlos," I reply with a smile.

"I'm joking, you know how I love your parents," he says with a mocking smile.

"Just our parents, you can't be serious Lando, me and Carlos are the best people you have the chance to meet, I'm offended !" I exclaim, faking my shocking expression.

"I love you my little Carla no stress, the fact is just that I prefer your parents but that's life," he says and I move away from him, pushing him slightly.

"What's happen to you you're so mocking and mean today, that's a nightmare," I say to him.

"You're the naughty one today, don't try to turn the wheel," he replies to me.

"I have a reason, you no, you're just mean as always," I say to him and my words stop him in our walk, but I don't pay attention to it and go on my way.

"You're a witch," I hear him whisper in his breath.

"Be careful Lando, I could cast a bad spell on you!" I say to him.

"I always knew you were evil, it seemed strange that the whole Sainz family was so perfect," he said as he joined me.

"Whatever," I say before we came across a Pierre Gasly accompanied by a young and beautiful woman. "They'll never stop, him and Charles," I say in a murmur and he lets his gaze fall on Lando and on me, without forgetting to offer us a smile.

"How was your night with my little Calamar, exausting ?" He asks me with his stupid smile. I don't hate him, really he looks like a sweet man with his french accent but his attitude is something I don't appreciate.

"I don't make the same mistake twice Pierre," I reply to him and I see a surprise look on his eyes.

"Really ? What the hell you two doing in the same bed ?" He asks me like an evidence.

"We just slept, that's what a bed is originally for," I reply but his look of surprise doesn't disappear from his blue eyes.

"You didn't...?" he asks me.

"No," I admit to him as seriously as I can.

"Is my little Calamar broken?" he asks me.

"No, I don't think so. Why should it be ? " I ask him confused.

"Because he never sleeps in the company of someone," he tells me in a calmer voice, trying to understand by himself the reason of this sudden behavior from Charles.

"Yeah he tells me, but I don't understand why you react like this, it's not a big deal, I was drunk and he didn't want me to sleep on the lobby's couch," I explain to him but his expression don't move or change.

"That's not him," he whispers still trying to understand still trying to understand.

"If Carlos would have found out that his sweet friend would have let me sleep on a couch and not in a bed, they wouldn't be having a conversation over breakfast, believe me," I admit.

"I need to see him," he says, heading for the breakfast room, leaving the woman behind.

"Pierre !" calm him Lando.

"What ?" he replys turning towards us.

"You forget someone," says my friend pointing the girl.

"Putain," he whispers in french. "I'll call you later, bye" he said turning around again and continuing on his way.

"He's not serious?" the young woman asks as Lando and I exchange a look.

"Well," Lando begins, scratching the back of his neck.

"He's got an emergency but if he said he'd call you back then he will," I reply, offering her a slight smile.

"What a bastard!" she exclaims before turning on her heels and leaving the hotel.

"Why didn't you tell her the truth?" my friend asks.

"Because if I did I would have belittled Pierre and you know I hate it when people do that, Pierre and I may not be friends but I have no right to speak for him," I calmly admit to him, expressing my thoughts and he then offered me a smile.

"You are too good for this world, Carla," he says to me before taking me in his arms.

"I just try not to do to others what I wouldn't want others to do to me," I whisper against his chest.

"Yeah you're too good for this mean world," he replys sincerely.

"Thank you milky boy," I say to him, lifting my face his his, giving him a smile.

A week has passed, and I had set foot on the Rocher only a few hours ago, having felt the euphoria of this Grand Prix from the first minute I entered the principality. I felt more than lucky to be able to travel and follow my brother on many of his races, but of all the places I had been lucky enough to go Monaco was the place where I felt the safest. In the years that followed my departure with Charles I forbade myself to come to his home Grand Prix, fearing to meet the gaze of one of his family members for some reason, but Carlos did not give me a choice this year, he wanted me to be there for him, and when I refused I saw once again his look of disappointment at my answer, so I felt obliged to give in, and always with the ball in my stomach to meet another member with Leclerc blood in his veins.

It was the famous Saturday, the qualifing day, as I stepped into Ferrari hospitality I immediately felt the look of this Monegasque on me but I decided not to pay attention to it and to continue my journey towards my older brother.

"You're here !" Exclaims my brother when he sees me with a little smile on my lips.

"I told you I'd come so here I am !" I say to him and he takes me in his arms, letting a kiss on my forehead.

"I was scared you change your mind in the last minute, but I'm more than happy to see you here," he says to me with real joy in his voice.

"I'd promised you Carlos, and when I promise and never break it," I murmur to him.

"I know but I'm always scared you delate everything at the last minute because you don't want to see the face of Il Predestinato," he replies to me.

"Oh I'd forgotten about him," I said ironically, in fact I'd only been thinking about him and his family, petrified to have to meet them, to have to face his mother and brothers while I slept with Charles, but my brother didn't know that and it was better that way.

"I just ask you to be sweet with him this week-end, I know you don't like each other but his family is here then tried not to make a scene in front of them," he asks me gently, pleading me with his eyes.

"I'm not going to provoke him if it makes you feel any better and I was going to avoid him and his family, so don't worry," I confess to him and I see him relax.

"Thank you, that's mean a lot for me Carla," he says to me.

"I can be a sweet girl during two days Carlos, you know me," I say to him.

"Yeah I know but when it comes to him, doubt settles in," he says to me.

"I know, my attitude with him is not the one you want but this human annoys me from the moment I set my eyes on him," I confess.

"You love Lando and I'm more than happy with this, but I don't get it why you hate my teammate so much, he is a good guy, he is like Lando so what's wrong with him and not with Lando ?" he asks me.

"Can we stop to talk about him please, you want me to be a sweet girl with him this week-end but if we start to talk about him I can't promise I will be kind this two days," I say to him trying to be calm despite my firm tone.

"Ok but you're not going to avoid the subject forever hermana," he says.

"I know but this week-end is not the moment, you need to focus on your qualification and on your race tomorrow," I tell him.

"I hope to get on one of the podium steps tomorrow, I want to make you proud of me," he admits.

"I'm proud of you no matter what your score Carlos, never doubt it." I reply.

"I just need to make you proud because I know mum and dad didn't spend much time with you to take care of me and my childhood passion, this is my way of apologizing for putting you through this," he told me, and saying that I didn't think the same thing would be lying to him, I was the youngest of the family, Carlos and my two sisters being all older than me but that doesn't mean we're not very close; the difference in the relationship that Carlos has with our two sisters and mine is that he's not as protective of her as he is of me.

"I already say you I never feel this Carlos, you need to pass at someting else, you can't continue to think that you owe me something. I'm fine, I promise you," I say to him, lying a little bit with the part I say I never feel to be forgotten by my own parents, not wanting him to feel any more guilty.

"I know but I always the feeling you think the opposite hermana," he tells, he knows me perfectly and this is not a help in this kind of situation.

"Carlos," I start but he stops me.

"I'm serious Carla, I know you and I know you're good to hide your feelings and emotions. You grew up in your corner because I took all the attention from mom and dad, you became the woman you are because of you and only you, I know you put other people's desires and feelings ahead of your own because I unwittingly forced you to do so from a young age and I couldn't stop resenting myself for it," he said letting a tear roll down his cheek as I quickly brushed it away with my hand.

"Cut the crap Carlos, you've been an exemplary brother to me, sure mom and dad were more busy with you than me but we're lucky to have two wonderful older sisters who knew how to take care of me when they had the time," I tell him, trying my best to keep Carlos from blaming himself for what may have happened during our childhood, even if his words were only synonymous with the truth.

"I'm sorry," he says to me, his eyes filled with guilt.

"That's the past, I'm fine and happy, if I have the chance to choose a family I will choose ours, I love you more than anything, you give me happiness Carlos, so you need to forgive yourself," I whisper to him, caressing his cheeks.

"I don't know if one day I will succeed," he tells me sincerely.

"You will, I know you can do that, I believe in you Carlos and don't forget you're a Sainz," I say to him and I hear him laugh at my final words.

"Yes I am, and proud to be !" He says with his beautiful smile, pulling me towards him, holding me in his arms as if his life depended on it.

"Hey everything is right ?" asks the Monegasque a few meters away from us.

"Yeah I think," answers my brother with a smile for his good friend, and we separate from each other, leaving me to face the driver proudly wearing the number 16.

"The little Sainz is here this week-end !" Exclaims Charles with a smile on his lips, a sarcatic one like always but I assure my brother that I will be a great sister during this two days so the best way to do that is to avoid this little dickhead who is sexy as hell every time he wears his jumpsuit around his waist, his top molding every muscle in his chest, shoulders, back and arms, which is more than disturbing.

"I will go take a little walk in the paddock," I say, avoiding the words of Charles.

"We both know that you looking me up and down little Sainz, and you loves the view" he whispers to me when I pass at his side to go away of him and the possible crisis of nerves that I could bring down on him.

"And we both know you loved the view one week ago when I was almost naked in your bed Leclerc," I reply to him in a dry tone, a smirk appearing on his lips.

"Stop to whispering like I'm not here guys, that's mean," says my brother in my back, and I know he had a little smile on his lips, appreciate the fact that his teammate and me don't try to slit each other's throats.

"I'll be back just before you jump into your car, Carlos," I say to him and then I can't take my eyes off Charles. "I'll see if I can't taste a second Leclerc in the meantime," I whisper to him, a mischievous smile on my lips, happy to see him filled with anger; if only he knew how much I want to avoid him and his family, and that if I still haven't come back to this Grand Prix since our torrid night it's just to avoid meeting one of their eyes he would react completely differently, but that wouldn't give me satisfaction.

"Don't touch at one of my brothers little Sainz, I said to you you're mine," he whispers teeth clenched.

"You're nobody for me Leclerc, you can tell me whatever you want I don't give a fuck," I say to him with a fake confidence in me, but he can't see it; and I take advantage of the moment to left this room where the tension was too hight for me.

Hope you like this new chapter<3

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