The gods chosen one

By _Simp_3

54.8K 2.8K 302

Cale Henituse turn back in time after 20 years of war. Thanks to an unknown someone he would find out some fa... More



2.3K 120 3
By _Simp_3

A couple of days had passed since Cale came to live with them. It has taken them a few days to make things settled but Cale felt happier here than he had ever been.
The king loved having Cale around and he seemed to have warmed up to the blondie which made Alberu happy.
They had agreed to keep things low key for now and wait for Cale to be eighteen.

Cale and Alberu were both in their room after finishing the assignment their teacher had given them.

"you should tell Ron"

Said the redhead talking about Alberu true The king loved having Cale around and he seemed to have warmed up to the blondie which made Alberu happy.
They had agreed to keep things low key for now and wait for Cale to be eighteen.

Cale and Alberu were both in their room after finishing the assignment their teacher had given them.

"you should tell Ron"

Said the redhead talking about Alberu true identity and race.

"tell Ron? What?"

Asked the fake blonde not remembering the fact they decided to test Ron.

"you should ask him what he thinks of dark elves and if he doesn't hate them you can tell him about yourself"
Replied Cale calmly


said Alberu confused as he was thinking hard about it and how he should break the news to Ron.

"L'ets go then!"

Told Cale after thinking about it.

The blonde followed Cale downstairs and they entered the kitchen.
After hearing the footsteps behind him Ron look back with a smile and asked the blonde what he could help him with.

"What do you think about dark elves?"

asked Cale with a serious tone.

" why is the young master asking me this?"

Asked Ron curious.

"when were reading a book about dark elves and we wanted to know your opinion"

explained the boy patiently.


Stood Ron still trying to think of the perfect words to reply, he didn't notice Cale and Alberu's stare at him with anticipation.

"they're fine"
Finally finished Ron as he finally spoke his honest opinion to the duo.
asked Cale a little shocked at what Ron told him.

"yes, the dark elves are just like other elves but just with dark skin and they can control dead mana. Just because their attribuite is the dark ess that doesn't mean they are evil"

explained Ron calmly.
Hearing that Alberu run into the hallways and into his room.
He couldn't hold it anymore he bursted into a tears.
His chest hurt so much and his body ached. His heart was exploding in his chest by the revelation.

All those nights he spent thinking about everything.
About his past. About his future. About his race. Everything was falling into place for the blonde, everything fit so nicely. All he needed was his father and Cale's approval and he wouldn't be so miserable anymore.
He started crying loudly, he was tired, sad, angry.
He threw himself onto his bed crying and screaming.
His thoughts were racing through his head.
He thought about his mother, his father, his brothers, his life.
Everything was getting back together.
He was so confused.
He was so scared of them once again.
He was sometimes lonely.
He was so confused.
He was so angry with himself because if he could had achive this before why didn't happen before, before... Cale.
He was sad if his father was able to change with Cale and not him? Why Cale? That mean he was never worth changing for?

Why wasn't he enough? He was only good for destroying everything! He was nothing but the prince who ruined everything! But why did he ruin everything? Was it because he was born like this? Was it because he was a dark elf or because he was ? What was his purpose anyway.
Why did he get born like this?

before Alberu's questions could be answered Cale and Ron entered the room noticing him crying they approached his bed where he was lying with his face buried in the pillow.

"leave me alone"

Alberu suddenly growled.
Ron and Cale looked at each other before leaving the room slowly.
Alberu stayed like that until daybreak. He didn't move an inch.
He was still crying.
No one knew what caused him to cry. No one except himself.

Alberu didn't show up for lunch or dinner and Cale, Zed and Ron were getting worried.
Cale, not wanting to disturb Alberu or annoy him more, slept in another room. He thought he was the problem and not wanting to make matters worse he decided to let him settle down, at least for now.
The next day Alberu didn't even show up for breakfast. It was at that moment that Cale decided to take matters into his own hands.

Once everyone was done eating, Cale got dressed and went to the bedroom door with determination. He knocked on the door three times before entering the room quietly.

He found the blonde sleeping curled up under the sheets on top of the mattress.
Alberu had a blanket wrapped tightly around him.
Cale smiled softly.

"It's time to wake up"

he whispered
The blonde didn't respond.
Cale sighed and sat at the edge of the bed and took the covers off of him, letting him lay back down

"hyung , it's time to wake up, please"

said Cale gently.
When Alberu didn't move and continued to snore, Cale shook him by the shoulder and tried calling his name but that was useless too.

"I really don't understand why you're not waking up"

continued Cale annoyed and shook the guy again.

"come on! You need to eat!"

said Cale pulling harder on the blankets and hoping he will snap out of it.

"alberu, please wake up!"

cried Cale shaking him once more, this time with force.
This time the prince started to woke up.
When the fake blonde looked at the redhead, Cale could see Alberu face was very red and he was sweating.

"hot... everything is hot"

He had a fever.

Cale rushed out to call Ron, when the butler arrived he quickly went to the washroom and soaked a towel with cold water and returned to the bed to put it over Alberu's forehead.

Alberu opened his eyes slightly and was surprised to see Cale there.
The anger from the day before had vanished and it was replaced with concern and confusion, he knew Cale was trying to help him.


came Alberu's croaky voice after clearing his throat.

"hey I'm here for you hyung, me and Ron are taking care of you"

Said Cale softly as he rubbed circles into the older boys arm.

"I-i-Im so-orry for yesterday"

Said Alberu trying to sit up but winced when his whole body protested.

"don't worry about that Hyung"

Said Cale smiling at the blond.

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