Zero's dating simulator!! - A...

By 2_tiny-frogs242000

152 12 113

lots of numbers...and endings maybe :P Warning: Schizophrenia More

Zero's dating simulator!!!
The start.
0.1.1 โญ
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10 1 22
By 2_tiny-frogs242000

AAAAA: 0.1.2

BEFORE WE START! The reason this episode took so long is because iwas busy, i wanted to do other things, i had no motivation and i procastinated. (I'll try to post more here lol)

But the episode is very long lol (1200+ WORDS)



(You choose "Draw")

You kinda felt like drawing stuff today... What could you draw now?

You: "I think i want to draw right now...But I'm not sure what i should draw."

Jake: "What if we drew a picture of all of us???"

Jake smiles at you, trying to convince you to draw you and your new friends.

You: "Ok!"

You take out your sketchbook and your pencil then you try to draw Jake first... He has a very dark brown hair with brown eyes. He is, obviously, wearing a school uniform just like yours... Obviously.

Jake looks at your drawing.

Jake: "Hey, that looks very good!"

You smile, you love when people say positive things about your art.

You try to draw yourself... It's been some days since you look at a mirror but you remember how your face looks like.

You try to draw Elliot but you don't really know how they look like...

You look at them, they are drawing on their chair... They have fluffy brown hair with gray eyes. You didn't know their eyes were grey!

Jake: "I'm sure they will like this too!... What do you think about sports?"

You: "Thanks, i think they're cool, but I'm too lazy to play something like that..."

Jake: "Why? Does your leg hurt when you run too much?"

You: "No! I have the strongest leg in town, if i kicked something with force i would instantky break it!" (ZNote: don't forget this)

Jake: "Woah, really? Why is your leg so strong?"

You: "My mom makes me exercise with her somedays... And i get tired of hearing that woman voice telling us what to do, I already told my mom many times sHE ISN'T FAT!"

Jake: "Lol every mom i know thinks they're fat even when they look like a wood plank."

You: "Yeah dude..."

Jake: "Tell me about your father, what does he do?"

You: "He works at an office, like almost every dad, heheh."

Jake: "My father plays football, but i prefer soccer for some reason."


You forgot about the drawing and you looked at Sasha, trying to draw her.

Jake: "What if you draw her holding a flower? I think that would look cute!"

You: "Okay..."

You draw Sasha holding a flower...He was right, it looks kinda cute.

Sasha has a yellow fluffly hair, even fluffier than Elliot! You can't really see her eye color because she's standing in front of you on her chair watching youtube shorts and laughing manically...

Her laugh is creepier than a spider... But Jake and Elliot already got used to it.

You: "Does she always laugh like that?... I didn't know a nice person could laugh like...That."

Jake: "Yeah, but me and Elliot have heard her laugh many times, and now we aren't longer scared of her laugh."

You think it's very funny, but you remember you need her eye color.

You: "What color are her eyes?"

Jake: "Oh, they're brow-"

Wren: "Attention class! Take out your English notebooks, break is over. And if you didn't eat anything it's your fault your watching YouTube shorts all break."

Sasha nervously hides her phone in her backpack.

Wren just explained the work and you wrote everything in your notebook, you just had to answer 5 english questions... That's super easy! What could go wrong?

You answer the 5 questions and give your notebook to your teacher. English is your favorite subject! The questions were super eas-

Wren: "You...You got the easiest question wrong?"

Wren points at question 4, you realized it was actually wrong so you start laughing at your own answer.

You: "Sorry, miss..."

You take your pencil and erase the wrong answer to write the correct one.

The teacher smiles at you.

Wren: "Don't worry, everyone makes little mistakes everyday."

You go back to your seat and continue the drawing. Sasha's eyes were brown...

You finished the drawing but the teacher tells everyone to read their history books.

You open the page the teacher says and start reading.

You haven't even started yet and you're already bored, but you don't have a choice...

After reading the boring stuff you have to answer some dumb boring questions. You don't even care so you answer with the first thing you think of.

(Lol imagine the question was "Who discovered america?" and the answer was "No."-)

You gave the notebook to your teacher and suprisingly you got almost all of them correct... You wonder how you did that.

You can now go back home... You put all your stuff inside your backpack and said goodbye to everyone.

You: "Goodbye everyone!"

Jake: "Goodbye...What was their name again-?"

Elliot: "You. Their name was...You."

Jake: "Oh ok, goodbye Jake!"

Elliot facepalms... You try your best not to laugh.

Elliot: "You- You worked with You and you forgot their name?!"

Jake: "Uhhh the what of the what??"

You: "My name is LITERALLY YOU."

Jake: "...Why did your parents give you a dumb name-?"

You: "Jake was the 335th most popular boys name. In 2021 there were 900 baby boys named Jake. 1 out of every 1,900 baby boys born in 2021 are named Jake."

Jake: "...I-..."

Sasha: "You...How did you know that???"

You: "...I dunno, i was bored and for some reason my brain decided to keep that information."

Sasha: "Well, we should go back home...Bye guys, i hope i can see you tomorrow!"

Elliot: "Bye Sasha! I'll miss youuu guyyysssss"

Wren: "Don't be dramatic, you'll see them tomorrow, it's just some hours!"

You giggle and leave the class with your backpack (obviously bruh who leaves the class without their backpack??... D-definitely not me-)

It was less scarier this time. The sun was shining brightly outside and everything feels very nice. The air is not too hot or too cold, it is all perfect.

But you don't really care about the air, you want to go back home and play with him now! (Him = Schi, that guy from the cardboard box ending lol)

You search for the exit and you see your dad waiting for you, you wave and smile at him.

He hugs you.

Henry (he's ur dad in this "gaem" so if you hate him COPEEE): "Hey! What did you do in school? Did you make new friends?"

You: "I made four new friends today!"

Henry: "Really?? That's a lot!"

You: "I know right?! And the teacher doesn't scream at everyone every five seconds!...I always hated MR. ROBINSON!"

Henry: "Forget about him, mr. 'Ihatemrrobinson'!"

You both laugh about it for a second.

You: "Anyway CAN WE PLEASE GO BACK HOME NOW?" (insert "🥺" emoji face)

Henry: "Of course, of course! Be more patient!"

You and your dad go to your dad's car to go back home. (btw the dad is driving the car OBVIOUSLY lmao)

(Insert LONGAHH CAR RIDE HERE (it aint even that long why am i being so dramatik- (idek)))

You finally go back home and take your stupid backpack with you (srry i ain't in the greatest mood rn) (ok in this instant i think i am :333)

You: "Huff! Finally, home sweet home."

Henry: "Don't be dramatic you idiot, you were there for...Uh- 6 or 7 hours?"

Your dad is just as stupid as you are, you got that from him. (Reggie are you sure you're in a good mood rn?)

You wonder why all of a sudden you're getting these weird thoughts...You decide you shouldn't overthink about this.

You just walk inside your house and throw your backpack against the wall



Your mom didn't like how you treated the stupid backpack with the disrespect it deserved... (Bruh what did the backpack do to you bestie 😭😭)

Wait- Why are you even mad at the backpack again?

You: "...Sorry mom."

You confuse yourself everyday, at this point it's normal. You decide to quickly tell your little friend about your day!

You go to your room in a rush as if there was an animal downstairs (Don't run up or down the stairs like that unless there's actually a bug 👍)

You open the door, enter the room and quickly close it again.


The monster that appears everyday under your bed appears once more.

Schi: "Hey! Where have you been? Did you forget about me??"

You: "No, no! Guess what i did today!?"

Schi: "What did you do? Did you do something cool without me?"

Schi made a little sad face.

You: "No, it wasn't that cool, my mom has been lying to me for all these years... Anyway, I WENT TO SCHOOL AGAIN!!!"

Schi: "AGAIN??? NOOOOO-"

Schi is sad because he's gonna be all alone for a long time again.

You: "Don't worry, it's not like I'll be gone forever, you know!"

Schi: "But I don't like it when you leave me aloneee!"

You: "I won't leave you aloneeee! Play with your other monster friends."

Schi: "My other monster friends? Bruh I'm the only monster under your bed, you think an entire population of multiple monsters would fit into your bed?"


Schi: "I'VE TOUCHED GRASS BEFORE IN MY LIFE...Like 7 months ago...Uhh... Fine, I'll go touch grass again, but if something goes wrong, it'll be your fault!"

Schi leaves the room.

You: "... Well, what now? Do i just keep 'talking to myself secretly'?... Y'know... I feel like i forgot to do something."

a) Remember to do your homework lmao
b) Be stupid

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