Return (GirlxGirl)

By SkylarJapera

753K 16.7K 2K

Only weeks after the big battle against Sue and the human hunters Violet and Chloe never expected for Chloe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 30

17.2K 394 33
By SkylarJapera

Chapter 30

“Get away from me!” Olivia pushes David away from her. She tries her best to cover up her naked body. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

David looks astonished. He grabs Olivia shoulders and pulls her against him. He leans in to kiss her again only to be push back and punch in the face. He wipes the blood from his lip and then stares up at the dirty blonde to see her eyes glowing and her nostrils flaring. “I said stay back!” the blonde wolf screams again.

David takes a few steps back and then there is completely silence.

“I don’t understand.” David looks down sadly. “We supposed to be together.”

Olivia bawls up her fist trying to fight the emotions towards her new found mate. “I love Catherine David.”

“But you suppose to love me!” David shouts with anger. He then takes a few breaths and apologizes, “I’m sorry but this is not how it supposed to go.”

“You’re right David.” Olivia sneers. “I suppose to be with Catherine right now. Not here with you.”

“That’s not true and you know it.”

Olivia runs her hands through her hair and then quickly covers herself again when she sees David eyes averts down her body. “Throw me your jacket.” She screams.

David unzips his jacket and then throws it towards her. Olivia quickly picks it up and puts it on silently thanking God that’s its longer enough to cover her private parts.

David begins to pace and then he admits, “Fine, I will be honest. When I first came here to get you I didn’t know what to expect. I wasn’t happy about this either Olivia! I was force also, but don’t you see it was fate the entire time. I argue with my pack leader for hours saying I didn’t want to marry someone I didn’t love.” David steps closer to Olivia and whispers rubbing her cheek softly. “But I love you and I thank him for sending me to you.”

Olivia rolls her eyes, “David I don’t care. Chloe is going to break whatever this is and you will feel the same before you came here.”

“If you do that your family will die.”


“Our pack will go to war and your pack is out numbered giving my pack the full advantage. This is the treaty Olivia. If we don’t get married Olivia then there will be blood and it will not look good for your side.”

Olivia gulps. Thoughts were running everywhere in her brain. Her family was in danger. Why no one contacted her. David grabs Olivia waist trying his best to comfort his fiancé.

“Get your fucking hands off my girlfriend.”

Olivia jumps back when she hears that familiar voice fueled with anger.

Catherine stands there with wild bed hair and her night gown that stop at her thighs. Her fist was bawl up and her eyes were blazing with rage. Olivia then sees Chloe and Violet stepping up behind Catherine. They eyes were also glowing. Something was wrong.

Olivia steps forwards grateful to see her friends and the love of her life but David grabs her hips and pulls her back. Catherine growls and threatens again, “I said get your fucking hands off my girlfriend!”

“She is mine!”

Catherine can’t help but laugh at this. Her fangs pop out and she hisses, “What in your right mind think Olivia is yours.”

David smirks, “She must haven’t told you.”

Catherine grin disappears quickly when she see the smug expression on David annoying face. “Tell me what.” she sneers.

Olivia glares at David and before she could stop him he blurts while putting his hand on Olivia waist. “We’ve mated.”

Catherine eyes begin to intensify as she hears this news. “You what!” She prays she heard wrong.

“You didn’t hear me Catherine.” David grins. “We’ve mated and were going back up north tomorrow morning and there we will get married.”

Catherine looks deeply into Olivia eyes waiting for her to push David away and come to her side and say that this is a lie, that all of this is some stupid joke, that she loved her and there was no way in hell some stupid wolf from north was about to take her away but Olivia didn’t; she stood there and then Catherine knew that everything was about to change. This was the end. There was no more Olivia and Catherine. She had no one.

David pulls Olivia hips back into him. “Don’t forget about what I said about your family and your pack.”

Olivia looks down. She couldn’t look into Catherine eyes. She had to save her family. David pulls Olivia hands and then says, “Lets go. We have a journey ahead of us. You can then meet my mother and grandmother. They will love you.”

Violet and Chloe looks at each other not believing this was really happening. Chloe blinks rapidly thinking this is some funny dream that she can wake up to and laugh at during breakfast with her friends but no this was seriously happening. Olivia was walking away from her family. Chloe looks at Violet to see the alpha trying to control her anger. She knew Violet was stubborn and wouldn’t express her feelings.

Catherine bites her lip and then hisses her anger was taking over. “So this is it!” she screams. “No words. You’re just going to leave.”

Olivia looks up with tears in her eyes. “It’s my duty.”

Catherine laughs in disbelieve. She waves her hands tears streaming down her face. “Fine Olivia. Leave but I swear don’t come back. You have lost me the same way I have lost you. I guess our love wasn’t as strong as I thought.” She laughs again wiping her tears. “My mother was right all along. She’s only going to leave you Catherine once she mates. This isn’t real love.” Catherine copies her mother voice. She shakes her head run her hands through her hair not daring to cry. “Bye.” With that she runs off back to the mansion.

Violet steps forward and Chloe stays closely behind her. “I’m not your mother. I’m your best friend so I can’t tell you what you should do and what your duty is all I can do is give you my opinion and what you’re doing is a mistake.”

“This is my family Violet. If I don’t do this they will die.”

Chloe bites her lip and then whispers, “You should sleep on this…”

“We don’t have time.” David pipes in making Violet growl. “Were on the verge of war.”

Olivia looks at David and then nods her head in defeat. “He is right.”

Violet and Chloe shakes their head in disappointment. “Call me when you are there.”

“Tell Catherine I love her.”

Chloe nods her head but Violet turns around and begins to walk away while saying, “You tell her yourself.”

Olivia stands there and watches her friends walk away until she can no longer see them. When they are gone David turns into a wolf and Olivia now knows that it is time to leave.


“Violet!” Chloe walks in her wife office to see the alpha sitting there signing documents and trying to get in contact with Olivia father. The witch leans on the wall and whispers, “Come to bed.”

“I can’t!” Violet admits. “I can’t sleep. This is wrong.”

Chloe walks up to Violet and whispers, “I know but you will be able to think better if you are in bed resting.”

Violet looks up at Chloe to see her wife chewing on her lip. “Please.” Chloe whispers. “I will be able to sleep better.”

Violet stands and follows her wife to the bedroom.

Violet stops by Olivia and Catherine room peeking in to see half of everything gone. After Violet and Chloe return to the mansion they saw Catherine packing to leave. Violet had tried everything for Catherine to stay but the red head vampire would only refuse and push Violet away. Chloe finally pulled Violet back when she notices they were on the verge of fighting. They both were hurting so Chloe told Violet to let Catherine go home to cool off. Everything was falling apart.

Chloe helps Violet shred her clothes and pulls her body close to her when they finally settle in bed.

The next morning Violet awakens early to hunt leaving Chloe alone in their bed. Once Chloe was awake she went downstairs to see her older sister. She smiles and hugs her sister tightly asking, “When did you two get back?”

“This morning.” Cassandra smiles. She and Jessica went on a small trip to the beach to get away before Jessica start back working at the school.

Chloe sat down and asks, “Where is Jessica.”

“Upstairs taking a shower.” Cassandra grins. “We got distracted.”

Chloe smirks and then asks, “So how was the trip.”

“It was fun. The best trip I ever been on.” Cassandra answers. “We went surfing and rock climbing.”

“That’s sounds good.” Chloe smiles.

Cassandra looks around and then glances at the clock noticing it is passed seven. Everyone should be up by now. “Where is everyone?” Cassandra questions.

“Violet went hunting.” Chloe begins to chew on her lip.

“What has happen?” Cassandra asks.

Chloe sighs and then she answers, “Some wolf from the north came down here to marry Olivia. Fearing her family will die Olivia went with him back up north and Catherine left last night returning home.”

“Are you serious?” Cassandra asks.


“That sucks.” Cassandra comments.

“I know. We tried to change her mind but she said it was her duty and that she had to go back to her pack and father.”

Cassandra runs her hand through her hair and then asks, “How is Violet taking it.”

“Hard.” Chloe replies. “Both of her best friends are gone.”

“That’s weird.” Cassandra says. “I mean. I would think her father would just call her back and not have somebody to come bring her back.”

“That’s what I said.” Chloe replies. “It just doesn’t make any sense. Violet and I are looking into it and I think Violet has three of the pack members following behind David and Olivia.”

“That’s good.”


“Well don’t you have school?” Cassandra asks.

“Violet and I are not going today.” Chloe smiles. “I should go see is she back.”

“Okay little sister call me if you need anything.”


Kimberly was getting ready for school when she heard a knock on her door. “Come in.” she shouts and then grabs her notebook throwing it in her bag. She was late.

“Hello Kimberly.”

Kimberly turns around when she hears that familiar voice. “Cassandra.” she smiles dropping everything in her hands to run towards the older witch. “When did you get back?”

“This morning.” Cassandra smiles.

Kimberly was about to ask a question until she notice she was running late. She runs back towards her things and says, “I wish we could talk but I will be late for school and I already have one tardy and I can’t have another one.”

Cassandra laughs at Kimberly. She was such a geek. “I will take you to school Kimberly.”

“Well let’s go.” Kimberly rushes out the door. “I don’t want to be late.”

Cassandra laughs but follows quickly behind the human. They get into Cassandra new blue Camaro and heads towards the high school.

“So how’s school been?”

“Good.” Kimberly answers. “Nothing different.” Kimberly didn’t want Cassandra knowing about Riley just yet because if Cassandra begins to ask questions she wouldn’t know how to answer them. She still had a lot to figure out when it came to Riley.

They talk about other things until they pull up at the school. Cassandra wipes something off of Kimberly lip and says, “Toothpaste.”

Kimberly blushes and then bites her lip looking into Cassandra eyes. She couldn’t help it. The witch was still attractive. She glances out the window quickly and then says, “Thank-you Cassandra. I should go.”

“Have fun in school.” Cassandra smirks.

Kimberly rolls her eyes slamming the door and dashing into school so she wouldn’t be late. At her locker Kimberly was surprise to see Riley leaning on it. The midnight hair beauty had on some tight black skinny jeans. Kimberly bites her lip as her eyes stop at Riley breast since her V-neck t-shirt made them pop out even more. She shakes her head then says while blushing, “Good morning Riley.”

Riley rolls her eyes and then says rudely, “I had our partners changed. All you have to do is sign these papers saying you agree.”

“How?” Kimberly frowns. She liked Riley as a partner. She honestly didn’t want anyone else.

“The teacher told me if I could find someone who is willing to change then I could. All I have to do is get you to agree also.”

“And who you got to change.”

“Does it matter?” Riley snaps.

“Yes.” Kimberly challenges stepping up to Riley.

Riley rolls her eyes and then answers, “Piper and Stacy.”

“Their best friends why would they want to change.” Kimberly asks. She then furrows her eyebrows when she sees the smirk form on Riley lips. “You had sex with them.”

“Yeah I bang the both of them at the same time.” Riley snaps. She hated when people questioned her but for some reason she always answered Kimberly stupid questions. “Now sign the fucking paper and stop asking so many damn questions.”

“No.” Kimberly folds her arms over her chest with stubbornness making Riley groan.

“Kimberly sign the paper dammit.” Riley snaps slamming her hand into the locker.

Before Kimberly could answer she heard a familiar voice behind her. “Is everything okay Kimberly?”

Kimberly turns around to see Cassandra standing there. “Yes, why are you here.”

“You left your jacket in my car.” Cassandra answers swinging the jacket over Kimberly shoulders. She smirks when she sees Kimberly blushing and Riley stands off to the side fuming.

Who the hell is this lady? Riley thinks. She hated how this random person came over here and interrupted her and Kimberly conversation. Then stand there and eye fucks Kimberly in her face.

“Hey.” Riley snaps making Cassandra arch her eyebrow at her. “We got to go to class.” Riley grabs Kimberly hand which makes the young human shiver. Riley hands were so soft and their hands fit perfectly together.

Cassandra cocks her head to the side in confusion and then grabs Kimberly by the waist making the strawberry blonde turn towards her. This move pisses Riley off and it takes all her will power not to punch this ass-hole in the face.

“You okay.” Cassandra asks looking into Kimberly eyes.

Kimberly smiles up at her. “Yes Cassandra.”  The witch didn’t like this girl. She especially didn’t like how this girl was looking at her right now. If looks could kill. She would be burning into ashes at this very second. “Bye Cassandra. Thanks for the jacket.”

“Okay.” Cassandra smiles. “Have fun sweetie.”

Riley bawls her fist up at the pet name and at the way Kimberly entire neck and face turn red. She rolls her eyes and then blurts, “Were going to be late princess lets go.”

Cassandra once again cocks her head to the side. Who was this girl and when the hell she had the right to call Kimberly princess?

Kimberly blushes darker. She didn’t know what was going on but it was making her nervous. She quickly turns around and grabs Riley hand walking away down the hall.

Once Riley knew this Cassandra girl has left she asks Kimberly while walking the strawberry blonde to her classroom. “Who was that?”


“Yeah I know her name.” Riley replies. “I mean. Who is she?” Riley runs her hands through her hair. “Like to you.”

They finally get to Kimberly class. She looks up at Riley and cocks her head to the side. She smiles noticing their hand was still connected. “That was my ex-girlfriend Riley.”

Riley mouth drops and before she could even react. Kimberly was walking into her class with all eyes on her. Everybody must have seen their fingers connected. Kimberly groans as she sits in her sit. This wasn’t good.

Riley walks to her class not believing what just came out of Kimberly mouth. Ex-girlfriend. This could not be true. Kimberly was a lesbian. No that’s impossible she dated dofus with the fragile nose. Riley once again runs her hand through her hair. Why she cared so much if Kimberly was a lesbian or not. She knew Kimberly was beautiful but who didn’t know that. The problem was Kimberly wasn’t just a girl who Riley could easily bang. No she was more classy and smart and so out of Riley league. Riley sits in her sit ignoring the teacher about being late. She was still shock about Kimberly. Maybe she is lying. Riley shakes her head. No, she doesn’t lie. I’m going to ask her about this during lunch.

Kimberly groans as she watches the clock tick by. She was ready to get out of class because everyone was still staring at her. She could tell someone wanted to ask her about her and Riley but she was grateful that no one asked yet. However, she could feel the question coming. She didn’t understand why she was so nervous. She and Riley weren’t even friends they were just chemistry partners. Kimberly bites her lip she knew that wasn’t all she and Riley was. However, it was complicated. Riley was complicated. They had a weird relationship. They argue all the time, they always hollered at each other and most of the time their conversation would end with Riley punching or banging on something. That was them.

Kimberly continues to watch the clock as thoughts rapidly change in her mind.

“So you’re with that slut Riley?”

Kimberly looks up to the see the head cheerleader and her group staring daggers at her. She frowns at the word slut. Riley wasn’t a slut she was just…Different. Okay maybe she was a bit of a player but she wasn’t a slut.

“I beg your pardon.” Kimberly cocks her head to the side.

“You heard me.” The cheerleader screams getting everyone attention. The teacher was out in the hall so Kimberly had no way out of this situation.

“I did hear you.” Kimberly replies. “I’m just wondering did I hear you correctly.”

“Well you did.” The cheerleader answers. “You should know Riley is off limits.”

Kimberly laughs. It was funny. “Who says? You?” She laughs again. Who did this girl think she was?

The cheerleader frowns and then leans in closely. “This is your warning bitch.” Kimberly eyebrows furrows in anger. She did not just call me a bitch.

“Stay the fuck away from Riley or I will beat your ass.”

With that the teacher walks back in and the cheerleader’s returns to their sit. Kimberly rolls her eyes. She wasn’t afraid of anything. Once the bell ring Kimberly continues to her next class and once again she gets the eye from everyone in the room.

“Hey you.”

Kimberly groans. What now.

“I heard you were with Riley.”

Kimberly looks up it was one of the volleyball girls. She rolls her eyes and waits for the girl to continue. “Well back off. Riley and I are together.”

Again Kimberly laughs. Riley was an ass-hole for putting these lies in these girls head. Kimberly generally felt sorry for them. At least some of them.

“We’re not together.” Kimberly speaks. “She is my chemistry partner. That’s all.”

“Whatever.” The volleyball player says. “Just back off.”

Finally the bell rings and it was time for Kimberly to go to her locker. She then sees Calvin leaning on it in deep thought. She was in for a load of questions.

“Didn’t I tell you to stay away from Riley?” Calvin hisses.

Kimberly opens her locker and changes her book. She then replies, “She is my chemistry partner.”

“Well chemistry partners don’t make out in the hallway.”

“What!” Kimberly shouts. “I did no such thing.”

“Well that’s what’s going around Kimberly.” Calvin says.

Kimberly rolls her eyes and replies, “Well I haven’t kiss Riley. Were just…” She shuts her locker. “Complicated.”

With that Kimberly walks away and heads to her next class. What was the big deal? She was holding Riley hand and now everyone in the school thinks she and Riley are having sex in the girl’s locker room. Ugh rumors! Kimberly thinks.

Once Kimberly sits down once again another girl comes towards her and says, “When the hell you became one of the dragons.”

“What?” Kimberly asks confused.

“Dragons.” The girl answers. “It means one of Riley pets.”

“What!” Kimberly says again. She did not believe what she was hearing.

The girl smiles and then says, “Look I’m not about to threaten you like all these other naïve girls at this school. I slept with Riley. However...” The girl put her finger up when Kimberly arches her left eyebrow. “I wasn’t stupid. She was just a good fuck. Actually she is awesome at what she does. But I knew I wasn’t the only one. So that’s when I became one of the dragons.”

“What does that mean?” Kimberly was now very interested in this conversation.

The girl laughs and Kimberly notice her pretty straight white teeth and chop brunette hair. She was really pretty. “You really haven’t slept with Riley?”

Kimberly shakes her head no.

The girl laughs again and sits next to her. “Well Riley has the dragon earring and the dragon tattoo on her back. She has a thing for dragons. So after you sleep with Riley you are officially one of her dragons.”

“That’s so weird.” Kimberly says. “Who would want to be that?”

The brunette shrugs her shoulders. “Some would die to get in bed with Riley. Like I said, all of us are not stupid we just want a taste of Riley. However, there are some who don’t want to be a dragon but want to be Riley only dragon. Make her theirs but I think it’s impossible. I mean she’s a player.”

Kimberly nods her head. This was a fact. Riley was a big player. Who would want to sacrifice their feelings to be with Riley? She was sexy, nice, sweet when she wanted to be, could make you laugh, and was drop dead gorgeous but was it really worth a heartbreak?

“Are you still with me?”

“Yes.” Kimberly shakes her thoughts away. “I’m sorry.” She blushes. “I’m Kimberly.”

“I’ve heard.”

Kimberly giggles.

“I’m Michelle.”

“Nice to meet you Michelle.” Kimberly grins. “Thanks for feeling me in and not threaten to chop my head off.”

“Someone said that!” Michelle asks surprise.

“These girls are a little crazy.”

“A little.” Michelle asks shaking her head. “They are fucking psycho.”

Kimberly laughs and then again she says, “Well thank-you again.”

“You’re welcome.”


During lunch Kimberly stands in line and waits for her food. She was now use to the looks. She honestly didn’t care. It was stupid and unnecessary and as long as these so-called dragons didn’t hit her then everything will be fine. Speaking of dragons Kimberly didn’t know Riley had a tattoo. This was something she really wanted to see.

“Hey Princess.” Kimberly hears in her ear.

Kimberly turns around frowning up at Riley. The midnight hair dragon lover looks confused. She knew this look. It meant that something has pissed Kimberly off. “We need to talk.” The strawberry blonde says. Riley groans and then begins to chew on her lip ring. She haven’t punch Calvin in the face. Speaking of she haven’t punch anyone because her thoughts were too wrapped up in Kimberly being a lesbian. Riley frowns also. “We do need to talk.”

Kimberly cocks her head to the side. She also knew this look. The look that meant business that Riley had a problem with something. Kimberly thinks back trying to figure out what she did wrong today to receive this look from Riley. She shrugs her shoulder and says, “Fine whatever let me get my plate.”

Riley looks at the line in front of Kimberly and order, “Go sit over there.”

Kimberly crosses her arms over her chest. She hated being order around. Riley groans, “Could you please go sit over there so we can talk.”

“But I’m hungry.” Kimberly pouts. Her full pink lips push out and Riley sucks in a breath. She has just witnessed the most adorable thing ever. All she wanted to do right now was to suck on the strawberry blonde bottom lip and tease Kimberly with her tongue. Out your league Riley. The dragon lover thinks. Riley clears her throat and then takes a strand of hair behind her ear. Revealing her favorite earring. “I will get you your plate.”

Kimberly cocks her head to the side in confusion but doesn’t question further. She goes and sits down at the table Riley asked her to sit at.

Riley watches Kimberly walk away. The strawberry blonde was wearing a stripe sundress and some sandals but even though the dress was innocent it was also very revealing. Riley runs her hands through her hair and then skips the line getting Kimberly her plate. She didn’t want her to wait. She did say she was hungry. Riley didn’t need no more pouting. She don’t think she could control herself a second time.

“Hey!” Someone says. “You’re skipping.”

Riley turns around and steps in this boy face. “Say that again.”

“Nothing.” The boy waves his hands in surrender.

“That’s what I thought.” Riley smirks and then grabs a strawberry shake and heads to the table in the corner.

“Here you go.” Riley places Kimberly food down.

Kimberly cocks her head to the side and asks, “How did you get it so fast.”

“I skipped duh.”

“That’s not nice.” Kimberly says grabbing fries while throwing them in her mouth.

“Says the girl whose stuffing her face.” Riley leans back and smirks.

Kimberly blushes and then clears her throat.

“Have you been getting looks today also?” Kimberly asks.

“No!” Riley answers. “Unless you mean lusting looks.” Riley crosses her arms over her chest. Making Kimberly eyes glance down at her chest. Riley smirks, “I get that all the same.” She is so attracted to me.

Kimberly stares down at her fries while she blushes. Darn she caught me!

“Why didn’t you tell me you were gay?”

This gets Kimberly attention. “You never asked…”

“…You just assumed.” Riley finishes for Kimberly. “You could have told me princess. So the girl from this morning was your ex?”

Kimberly nods her head.

“She was pretty.”

“Yeah she is very beautiful.” Kimberly smiles images of Cassandra popping in her head.

Riley frowns and then blurts, “I don’t like her!”

“What! why?” Kimberly was completely confused.

“She’s rude and did you see the way she was looking at me.” Riley explains. “Asking you were you okay like I was about to attack.”

“Well you did just bang the locker and we also were hollering at each other.”

“And!” Riley shouts getting attention. Kimberly just continues to eat her fries. She was use to Riley getting upset. It was actually really cute. Cute? Oh no. NO Kimberly. She’s a player.  “It was our business.”

“Cassandra is very over-protective.” Kimberly replies. “She means no harm Riley. She is really a nice, sweet, beautiful, open-minded, smart-“

“I fucking get it!” Riley was highly pissed now. She was irritated actually.

Kimberly arches her eyebrow and cocks her head to the side. Is she jealous? Riley was slowly turning red. Her fist was bawl and she was chewing on her lip rapidly. No that’s impossible.

“So tell me about these dragons?” Kimberly asks.

Riley laughs and Kimberly smiles. She loved when Riley laugh it was a beautiful noise she didn’t have the pleasure to hear often.

“To my defense I didn’t make that up.” Riley explains. “But for some reason if you have slept with me you become a dragon.”

“Well some of the girls think I’m a dragon and I don’t want to be a freaking dragon.”

Riley frowns, “You wouldn’t want to sleep with me.”


Riley bites her lip. Was she really being insecure right now? She has never been rejected before.

“I wouldn’t want to just sleep with anyone Riley.” Kimberly continues. “It would have to mean something.”

Riley nods her head understanding. Kimberly was different. There is silence until Kimberly asks, “I heard you got the name from the dragon on your back.”

Riley smirks, “You want to see.”

Kimberly blushes. The only way to see Riley tattoo is to lift her shirt and Kimberly doesn’t think she could handle all the skin. “No.”

Riley smirks, “Whatever. It’s pretty badass.”

Kimberly laughs and they both continue to eat and never once notice all the shocking eyes on them. Some was surprise no girl was sitting on Riley lap, Some was surprise Kimberly and Riley wasn’t somewhere making out, Some was pissed that Kimberly was sitting with Riley, but others was shock to see a smile and hear laughing from the famous Riley.

Once lunch is over Riley takes Kimberly tray which once again surprise everyone. Riley frowns. She couldn’t be nice. “Thank-You.” Kimberly whispers. “I should get to class.”

“Yeah.” Riley answers. “See you in chemistry.”


When Kimberly walk into class everything instantly becomes silent and everyone begins to whisper. Kimberly sits in her sit and waits for Calvin to walk in. Once Calvin walk in Kimberly frowns because she notice that her best friend was ignoring her.

“What’s your problem?” Kimberly whispers trying to get Calvin attention.

Calvin turns in his sit and whispers back. “Riley is only playing you.”


Calvin groans he knew Kimberly was smarter than this. “Taking your tray, sitting with you at lunch, getting your lunch.”

“She’s being nice.” Kimberly replies. “Plus we needed to talk about things.”

“She is only being nice to you because she wants to get in your pants.” Calvin says. “Don’t be so stupid.”

“Don’t judge so quickly Calvin.” Kimberly hisses. She was turning red from anger. “She is not trying to sleep with me. If so she would have done it already.”

“Whatever.” Calvin says. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” With that Calvin turns towards the teacher ignoring Kimberly for the rest of the class. Kimberly frowns; did she and Calvin just have their first argument. Over Riley.

Once the bell ring Calvin and Kimberly go their separate ways. Kimberly walks in chemistry and is surprise to see that Riley is on time. Before Kimberly sits down her teacher Mr. Toller says, “Good job Kimberly.”

“On what.” Kimberly was confused.

“Riley.” Mr. Toller answers. “This is the first time Riley has been on time for class.”

Kimberly smiles and walks to her seat. “Not late to slam your book on the table.”

“Wanted to change things up.” Riley smirks. “Maybe tomorrow. It’s funny seeing you jumping.”

Kimberly rolls her eyes and then sits in her stool letting her thoughts get to her.

“What’s wrong?” Riley asks with worry.

“Nothing.” Kimberly smiles.

Riley knows that Kimberly is lying but she doesn’t push it. Whoever made Kimberly sad better hide because when she finds out she will be breaking some bones.

During class Kimberly begins to feel better and she and Riley start mixing chemicals working on their project.

Kimberly jumps up when water spills all over Riley shirt. Riley stands and Kimberly begins to apologize and then she instantly blushes when she sees Riley black lace bra through the shirt. Riley looks down following Kimberly eyes she then smirks, “I should go get another shirt.”

“Yes.” Kimberly whispers. “I mean yes you really should.” Kimberly glances around to see everyone eyes on Riley chest. She stands in front of Riley and frowns. “Yes quickly. Jesus! Could you all stop freaking staring?”

Riley eyes pop out. Is she jealous? Kimberly was turning red and was shouting at the class. She was protecting her figure. No this is impossible.

“Go change Riley.”

Riley was about to move but Kimberly steps in front of her and demands grabbing her hand, “Stay behind me.”

“Yes ma’am.” Riley salutes.

Kimberly smiles rolling her eyes. Once they walk out the classroom everyone pulls their phones out texting rumors about Kimberly and Riley.

Riley gets a spare t-shirt out her locker and they head to the bathroom. On their way Kimberly asks, “Why do you have a spare t-shirt in your locker?”

“Sometimes I have to change when I beat someone up.” Riley replies. “Blood can get everywhere.”

Kimberly bites her lip in thought. Once they in the bathroom Riley instantly pulls her wet t-shirt over her head revealing her tone abdomen. Kimberly sucks in a breath and stares at Riley body. Her black lace bra was showing too much cleavage for Kimberly liking. She could feel herself getting hot.

Riley smirks and turns around and then that’s when Kimberly sees Riley huge dragon tattoo on her back. “I guess you get to see it princess.” Riley says. She then turns her head when she doesn’t get an answer. Again she doesn’t know why she gets insecure. She was about to ask Kimberly did she like it until she felt cold fingers tracing the tattoo. “It’s beautiful.” She hears to close to her hear. Riley shivers at Kimberly light touch. The strawberry blonde did not know what she was doing to her.

Riley feels Kimberly grabbing her hip pulling her closer. “It’s different.” She hears. “But I like it.”

Get yourself together. Riley turns around and gulps when she notices how close she is to Kimberly. She glances down at the human lips and begins to chew on hers.

“Riley?” Kimberly whispers. This couldn’t be happening.

Riley bawls her fist up and takes a step back. She grabs her shirt off the sink and pulls it on. She then smiles at Kimberly, “I’m glad you like princess.”

Kimberly blushes, “Would you stop calling me that?”

Riley walks out the bathroom. “No.”


Olivia sits at the table with David and his two little brothers. They were now eating and they were almost out of Divide. Only a few more miles. They could have been left if David didn’t have to stop and pick up his two annoying little brothers.

“So has anything changed?” Olivia asks. She needed to know more about her hometown. What has changed? Who is in charged? When they get married what will happen.

“Nothing much.” David shrugs his shoulders. “Mostly the battle was over territory. Your father was being greedy.”

Olivia rolls her eyes even though she wanted to snap at David for that insulting comment. She couldn’t because it was true. Her father was an arrogant, selfish, greedy bastard. David stands and then pecks Olivia on the lips only to be pushed on the other side of the room.

“Don’t you ever do that again!”

David stands and blurts, “You need to get use to it Olivia!”

“I don’t need to get use to shit.”

“We’re getting married and then were going to have to have children and having children means…”

Olivia stands, “Don’t you dare fucking say it.” Just the thought of it made Olivia shiver in disgust. She heads up stairs for a shower where she sits on the floor and cry. She missed Catherine and she wished she could go back.

“I miss you Catherine.” Olivia whispers before she goes to sleep.

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