Not His Enya (Geniuses and Ge...

By xxJulyLoveAllen

181K 10.1K 2.7K

After the death of her boyfriend, Enya Mostafa has been trying to get back to normal. Working along side with... More

Bonus chapter-Takeo's Truth


2.4K 136 23
By xxJulyLoveAllen


"You want me to start a new book? We're about to land" Ezio looked down at me.

I was laying in his lap watching him read to me, he had spent the better part of our travels reading to me while Brandi and Ryu were fucking in the bedroom, they had been quiet for a while so I figured they were sleeping.

"What's that saying? 'Happy wife happy life'?"

"I don't recall that saying"

"Really?" I sat up looking at him, he looked up in thought before nodding his head. I chuckled before getting up and sitting on his lap, I ran my hands through his hair looking at him. I always felt eye contact was uncomfortable and unnecessary but looking into Eziō's eyes sent a tingle down my spine that I didn't know was possible. I was becoming addicted to him, his touch, his voice, his smile, everything about him. It scared me how much I wanted him.

I was becoming utterly possessive over him so very quickly. It scared me how much I wanted to invade and consume every part of him.

I wanted to read with him until we both fell asleep, I wanted to sit and pick each other's brains on books we read together, I wanted him to read me like a book like he always did, I wanted him to call me out like no one else did but him. I wanted us to have our own little world together. 

"I love your eyes," he said kissing my lips gently "They're always so honest compared to your lying mouth," he said teasing me and making me smile. He ran his thumb over my bottom lip and I sucked his thump and twirled my tongue around it before sucking it again making him moan.

"What does it matter if you know the truth then?"

"Because I want to hear it, sometimes I want you to lie to me"

I shook my head "I would never, I care about you too much to lie to you" He started rubbing circles on my hips and I hugged him "This is perfect. Just like this. I-I want to stay like this." I forced myself to say.

"I want more. I'm greedy, you know I am. I want every part of you, even the parts you don't want to give me"

I took a deep breath and then laid my head on his shoulder "You make my horrible and possessive feelings seem normal Eziō. I wish you would-"

"Stop making things more complicated than they need to be, you're terrible at that. I already know what you want, why not just give in to it?" I shook my head looking away from him and he made me look back at him "You have this misconception of normal that makes you control your every move, but what is normal? And why the hell do you want to be normal? You're extraordinary Enya"

"I-I don't know, I just know how I feel"

"Do you feel good when you think you're being normal?" He kissed my neck then the valley of my breast "Or does it feel like a mask, something you want to take off but you're scared of everyone's stupid fucking opinions" he kept kissing and sucking on every exposed part of my body "I want to mark you, anyway I can"

I held him closer to me feeling the same way "I hate that you understand me"

"Years of watching you" He looked at me "Wanting you"

Eziō was so shamelessly open about his feelings for me while I was very composed about mine. I don't know how long it would take me to act like he did.

"My feelings for you scare me, despite how much I've come to accept them. This is scary for me Eziō"

"Then stop being scared and just focus on how you feel with me, right now" I nodded my head and he held my face while he kissed me, I took his advice just feeling everything in the moment and it felt so good. He pulled away looking at my lips and then my eyes "I lo-"

"Whew!" I looked up seeing Brandi coming out of the bedroom with Ryu "It's almost time to land" She bounced over to the seat next to us and Eziō glared at her, she just waved and blew him a kiss. "Was I interrupting?"

"No," We said at the same time.

Eziō looked at me and I moved off his lap without looking at him. He looked at me again before chuckling and walking to the back. I wanted to go after him but I knew if I did it would be an argument, I wasn't ready to give him everything he wanted despite me knowing I did. It fucking scared me.

"I'll go check on him" Ryu got up following Eziō to the back.

I looked at Brandi and she leaned over hugging me "Was it easy for you? With Ryu?"

She shook her head "No, partly because I saw how messed up you were after Gabriel. I know in our lifestyle people are bound to get hurt or die, I didn't want to go through that. I'm already missing a few fucking pieces, I don't know what I would do if something happened to Ryu. See you go through what you did," She shook her head "I told him I loved him enough to let him go."

"That obviously didn't work" I chuckled

She laughed nodding her head "Yeah, he pretty much ignored me after I told him that, acted like it never came out of my mouth, except for the I love you part." She looked at me "Take it from your crazy little sister, it'll come. It may not be when he wants it to but it will"

"And what if he doesn't want to wait? What if he leaves? I feel like that would be worst than him dying."

"Then well kidnap him" She tapped her head "Duh," she said and I started laughing

"Wow," Brandi said looking around "This shit is gorgeous"

"You two are on the other side of the house after the shit I heard on that plane," Eziō said and I laughed

Brandi shrugged and Ryu picked up her bags "I'll show you where everything is" he said to her and nodded his head for her to follow him.

Brandi looked back at me then looked at Ezio "Jealously isn't a good look on you Eziō" She laughed before going on with Ryu

"I'm going to go get the boys," Eziō said and walked passed me without a second thought.

I turned around looking at him "Are you fucking serious?"

He turned around looking at me "I'm not arguing with you Enya, your room is up the stairs-"

"My room?" I looked at him like he was crazy "You know what? Fuck you Eziō" I grabbed my suitcases and walked past him but he grabbed my arm.

"Where the fuck are you going?"

"To my room, in a got damn hotel. Move" I pushed passed him and walked to the car, the driver was about to unload the boys but stopped once he saw me "Take me to a hotel, leave my boys alone, they're coming with me"

"Enya if you leave-"

"What?" I turned around yelling at him "What the hell are you going to do Eziō?" I let go of my suitcases and went over pushing him "We're fucking married and you decide to put me in my own fucking room like a child because you're pissed because I won't lie to you!"

He grabbed my hands and looked at the driver completely disregarding me and everything I just said "Take the boys out-"

"Do not fucking touch my babies if you want to stay alive you dumb fuck" Right when I said that Khan growled making the driver take a step back.


"Let me go," I said taking a deep breath and calming down.

"Lie to me? Just to humor me?" He begged me and leaned down a bit making me look at him, he was giving me puppy dog eyes and I rolled my own eyes.

"Why can't you just wait a little longer?"

"'A little longer'?" He smiled "That means I'm close?" He said excitedly "I'll take that"

I bit my lip trying to hide my smile "You're annoying" I tried pushing him away but he just pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry" he kissed the top of my head and I wrapped my arms around him, I looked up at him and he gently kissed my lips "I didn't mean to take it out on you, I was just angry. I'd rather you tell me the truth no matter how good the lie sounds, the only people who tell me the truth are you and Ryu" He chuckled

"I care about you, so much Eziō it scares me" I put my head against his chest hugging him tighter "Don't let me be stubborn and runaway, promise me?"

"I promise" he held my face up and gave me another kiss "It'll be trouble if you ever try to leave me" He made me look up at him "I'm serious Enya"

"Whatever," I smiled up at him "Pussy"

Another black car was pulling up, I pulled away looking at the car and Eziō just wrapped his arm around me "It's my uncle, no one else knows I live here" I looked at the driver and he smiled "I'm going to kill him after" he said lowly in my ear then kissed my neck.

Kanji stepped out of the car and looked at the two of us, he smiled and then looked around "Where is Ryu?"

"With Brandi," Eziō said

"I see you two have gotten quite fond of each other, I thought Matteo was joking with me when he said that."

I reached into my pocket feeling the ring that my dad had given me before I left, and laid my head on Eziō's shoulder "He's alright, you could've done a bit better"

Kenji started laughing and nodded his head "You're right about that. Nice to see my two sons happy" Kenji said proudly, I felt Eziō's hand tighten around my waist and smiled up at him "Come, let's go in"

We were headed towards the house and another car came driving up the road, I looked at Eziō who also looked confused. Eziō pulled his gun out shooting at the tire and then the front window but the glass was bulletproof. The car stopped and the door opened, Kenji turned around also pulling his gun out.

I watched Marco get out of the car looking frustrated "This is a fucking rental" He kicked the car and then looked at the three of us "What the hell?"

Eziō threw his head back laughing and Kenji cracked a smile "I'll get the boys" I stood up on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss.

"I'll help-"

"It's fine, go on" I walked over grabbing the cage that the driver had been struggling to pull out of the car for the past 10 minutes. I looked at it seeing it was stuck and just opened the cage door.

Khan jumped out attacking the driver making me take a step back, Shiro just hopped out and started looking around while Khan was killing the poor man.

Eziō started laughing and clapping his hands "That's my boy!" He pointed at Khan and Shiro just walked past him huffing.

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