FNAF Mꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅ-Sυׁׅꪀׁׅ&Mᨵׁׅᨵׁׅ...

By TinyTheWeirdoXD

23K 852 142

You are a scuba-diver for the company "Deep Dark Sea". Scientists have recently found activity in the Pacific... More

{1} Assignment Assigned
{2} The Plan
{3} A Small Idea
{4} Muffins And Fish
{5} Captured?
{6} Shells
{7} Saved Or Hostage?
{8} Back home
{9} Reunited
{10} Sleepover Under The Stars
{12} Strange Behaviors
{13} Oh boy
{14} Happy Birthday!
{15} Date-aster
{16} Chillax
{17} Yay; Drama!
{18} Surprise
{19} Well Sh!t
{20} A Familiar Sea
{21} ?¿‽
{22} Captured and Conquered
★Siren Sun&Moon★

{11} Hello.. Boss

792 30 1
By TinyTheWeirdoXD

Continuing From The Last Chapter
A gentle hand shook you awake. You groan and slapped it away.

"5 more minutes Meg... it's Saturday.."

A giggle erupted from your shoulder, "Starbeam; it's way past your time to go home."

Your eyes widened. That's definitely not Megan. You sit up immediately and come face to face with two hot creatures facing you with grins on their faces.

"HOLY SH¡T!" You cry out, standing up rapidly, "HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN ASLEEP?"

Moon and Sun looked at each other then back at you.
"Starfish," Sun purred, "You slept all night."

"You were quite peaceful in your slumper." Moon blushed.

You feel your face go bright pink, "Oh Megan must be frantic! I need to go!"

Sun's rays lowered, "Do you really need to go now?"

You place a hand on his cheek, "I'll be back tonight, okay? I just really need to go."

"Oh okay..." Sun sighed.
"See you later Firefly~!" Moon waved.

You quickly scamper up the small wooden stairs and bolt straight for your car. You take one look last over your shoulder, smile, and hop in the car, driving away towards the sunrise.

You open the large door quietly and glance around the small apartment.

"Meeg?.." You call out.

You step into the apartment and gently shut the door behind you.

Once you turn around, you get slammed by a blurry figure.

"Y/N, where were you?!"

You look up and see Megan, tears pouring down her face.

"I thought you left me again!" She cried, holding on to you like you were going to disappear again.

"Meg I would never leave you! I was at a friend's house!" You lied, wiping a tear from Meg's face.

Your roommate stood up, sniffling. She reached out her hand, which you gladly accepted.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I was.. my.. my phone died." You mumbled, leading you bestie towards the couch.

"It's okay I suppose," Meg sat down, wiping the last of the tears off her face, "At least your back."

You sat next to her, the couch squishing under the pressure of two people.

There was a calming silence between the both of you. You rubbing Megan's back while she was trying to pull herself together.

"I got a call earlier today." Megan spoke.

"From who?" You asked softly.

"What was his name again?... I believe it might've been Mr. Falcon."

Your face draws pale and you quickly turn away before Megan notices. Oh sh¡t. I never talked to him after my disappearance, You swallowed.
"What did he say?" You managed to spit out, turning back towards her.

"Just that he wanted to talk to you as soon as possible," Megan shrugged, standing up and striding to the kitchen, "I suppose you have to go now, since your back."

You nod and stand up as well, "I better get ready then."

Knock knock

"Come in." A raspy voice responded.

"M-Mr. Falcon? S-Sir." You stammered.

"Ah, Y/N. Good to see you not dead." He chuckled, beckoning for you to sit.

You swallow. What did he mean by that?

You reach for a fluffy blue chair but were immediately stopped by Mr. Falcon.

"I'm afraid you can't sit in that one deary," He stated, "That's reserved for an important guest later."

You nod and sit in a small, less fluffy, gray chair. Once you were settled, Mr. Falcon glared at you, which made you start fiddling with your shirt.

"I noticed you came back after your disappearance," He growled, "And you decided not to notify me of this?"

"I'm sorry, sir. I-I was dealing with somethings." You mumbled.

"Like going for a midnight swim?" He smirked, leaning forward, almost reaching your face.

You froze in shock. A single bead of sweat trickled down your forehead.

"Y/N, it seems you forgotten a part of your contract," Mr. Falcon fell back into his chair, " 'If you are to see anything that might include sea life, you are to report to your boss immediately.' "

"But sir, I-I didn't see anything. I j-just go for swims." You stammered.

Mr. Falcon tsked. "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. Your face gives it all away darling." His grin was so evil looking, if he was to be part of a movie, he'd most definitely be the villain.

"Um, I just have one question." You mumbled, trying to steer the conversation away.

"Do I still work here? Umm, like.. am I fired or?" You knit your brows together.

Mr. Falcon sighed. "As much as I would like to get rid of you.."
You swallow nervously.
"You are a valuable worker here. So no, you will not be fired."

You gasp, a little too loud for you and Mr. Falcon's liking.
"OhthankyousomuchMr.Falconsir! Iwontletyoudown!" You rambled, standing up so fast, you almost knocked over the chair.
●Translation: "Oh thank you so much Mr. Falcon sir! I won't let you down!"●

"Yeah yeah," Your boss waved, "Now get outta here. I better see you tomorrow morning SHARP!"

"Yes sir!" You saluted, marching out the door like a soldier.

How the hell were you going to tell your crew tomorrow?
Eh, you'll figure it out.

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