His Doctor // HYUNLIX

By YourLilPuppers

189K 7.7K 5K


Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 23
Day 24
Day 25 + 26
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29
Day 29
Day 30
Day 31
Day 31 (ChanIn)
Day 31 (MinSung)
Day 32
Day 33
Day 34
Day 34
Day 34
Day 35
Day 36
Day 37
Day 48
Day 49
Day 49
Day 50
Day 51+ 52

Day 31 (ChangMin)

3.8K 145 71
By YourLilPuppers

Changbin pulled Seungmin into another room and pressed his back against the wall, holding him firmly there. His eyes looked at him carefully, a sense of gentleness in his pupils. The younger glowered back in hatred.

"I want to go home." He demanded, trying to push Changbin back a bit. "You are crazy."

The older's grip tightened slightly, yet he still didn't say anything. His bit his cheek, trying to prevent from saying anything wrongly.

"You are a psychopath. Felix was right, you are really insane."

"Stop talking." He growled out, his grip getting stronger. Seungmin hissed out in pain, pushing Changbin back as much as he could.

"No. I have a right. Just like I have the right to leave right now-"

"At this moment, you have no rights." Changbin said, still holding in the flaming anger he wanted to let go of desperately.

"The hell with that." Seungmin kicked Changbin in the leg and shoved him back with all his strength. He fiddled with the handle of the door but it was locked.

A huge slam caused Seungmin to scream. His body whopped around to see that Changbin punched the wall in anger, gripping his head in frustration. "FOR FUCKS SAKE JUST LET ME TALK!!!"

"..." Seungmin stared at the hole in the wall before remembering the first day he worked with him, "That's how your room got so damaged..."

"Don't change this fucking topic. I have been holding my tounge for three fucking days now because I didn't want to hurt you or anyone else. Can't you see that I care for you?! You didn't hear them. I did. They wanted to fire you. They were going to release me." He cried with tears in his eyes, his hands clutching his shirt. "I'm not better, Seungmin. I'm worse. Being with you has made me so intoxicated by you, I can't ever get you out of my mind. It pisses me off. Then, your scared of me."

Seungmin stared at him, biting his lip and holding back a tear as he kicked the wall again.

"Fuck." He sobbed, denting the wall again out of pure irritation. "You don't know how much I care for you. That day, in my room, I was so happy. I thought finally someone loved me enough to stay."


"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE INTRUPT ME!!!" He screamed, holding his hand up to Seungmin who looked down as he continued, "I know your probably thinking I'm lying. That I'm just gaslighting you into staying. You're too stubborn to fucking stay anyways. But I love you Seungmin." He turned to face the doctor with tears in his eyes, "I want to get better. But being stuck in that fucking room is horrible. They give us shit food and don't let us out ever. How can I stay calm?"

The doctor stepped forward and his medical intuition took over, "Changbin Hyung, you're hyperventilating..." He whispered quietly, his eyes fixated on the man who clenched his fits so tightly, his nails almost drew blood. "Breathe. You need to breathe."

In frustration, Changbin shot a anger glare at Seungmin and faced him, his fists tightening more, his chest heaving up and down, "Y-You don't un-understand."

"Changbin-ah." He started, when Changbin's breath quickened. "Hyung. Please, just breathe with me." He told him gently, stepping up to him and grabbed his arm.

The older quickly pulled the doctor close into a tight hug as he cried into his shoulder, "I-I don't wa-want to scare you... W-why can't you j-just love me..?" He sniffled out in a mix of pants, his hyperventilating turning into a panic attack in mere seconds.

"Changbin Hyungie. Breathe with me, okay?" He said hastily, pulling away from the hug and grabbing his hands, squeezing them tenderly. The older shook his head.

"O-once I'm b-bet-better, you'll lea-leave me..."

Seungmin looked down at the ground, resting his head against Changbin's shoulder. "If you let me go home today, I'll come back tomorrow morning. I won't say a thing."

The older shook his head in a mix of pained sobs, "N-no... I can't let you go...."

In a sigh, the taller looked into his eyes with hesitance. The older pushed him away and hit the wall again. His leg banged against the material with his leg that smashed against it continuously. He grunted in pain each time, but he didn't stop. His hands were bruised and damaged, blood dripping down his knuckles and the wall. Seungmin watched in horror, his own eyes tearing up as the building wall slowly became rubble.

In a second of realization, the brunette snatched both of Changbin's hands, trying to stop him from hurting himself as he has tears falling down his own face. The older hadn't noticed his tears and instead pushed his away again and slamming his hand back into the ruined material. Again, the other grabbed his hands, but this time they made eye contact.

The shorter paused his rash movements and calmed himself instantly and and placed both of his bloodied hands on the sides of the doctor's face, "Did I hurt you? No... this wasn't meant to happen... I'm sorry. I'm just bad for you. Just go to your family. I hate this. Go. Go far away from me... I'm dangerous-"

Seungmin slapped Changbin square across the face, his eyes burning in anger. He grabbed him by the hair and pulled him close. His lips pressed to Changbin's, tears still streaming down hin face as the older processed what happened.

Once they pulled away, Seungmin slapped him again. "Don't you ever fucking hurt yourself like this again."

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