Crushing Romance

By CheshireLian1

510 22 10

The untold love story of Sportsmaster and Huntress aka Lawrence Crock and Paula Nyugen. Please leave opinions... More

Meeting the Master
Practice Makes Perfect
Wrong Girl
She's here!
A Special Surprise❤️
Trying to Get Hitched

I Do, Finally

36 3 2
By CheshireLian1

(:Sorry it took me so long, Readers. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope the wait was worth it:)

(The next morning)

"Get dressed." Lawrence tosses some random clothes at Paula.
"Ugh...huh?" Paula sits up in bed.
"I said get dressed. We're goin' for a drive."
"Just listen to me. Be out in ten minutes and get Jade." Lawrence walks out.
"Be out in ten minutes..." Paula mocks.
"I heard that!"
"Oops." Paula giggles before getting out of bed and checking on Jade.
"Well hello little one. How did you sleep? Terrible? Me too. Come now. Daddy wants us to be somewhere. You know him and his wild ideas." Paula picks Jade up as she coos.

(About twenty minutes later, Paula gets Jade buckled up in the truck.)

"Took you long enough." Lawrence glares.
"Why didn't you leave without me?"
"Kinda hard to marry a woman who isn't there."
"What?" Paula looks up.
"Just get in."
"Alright. I'm in."

(About an hour later)

"Where are we?" Paula looks out the window.
"Do you ever just not ask questions?"
"Lawrence, can we pull over? I need to check on Jade."
"She's in the back seat. Just turn around."
"No. Pull over please."
"Ugh...fine." Lawrence stops the truck.
"Thank you." Paula gets out and opens the back seat door.
"Hi baby! How's my wee little girl?!"
"Good grief. Are you finished?" Lawrence looks towards them.
"Oh Lawrence, don't you just love her. She's so precious."
"Paula, all I see is a baby who's gonna grow up and be rebellious. Nothin' great about that."
"I hope you're wrong." Paula replies as she gets back in the car.
"We'll be there in twenty minutes."

(Forty minutes later)

"Mmm...where...what...?" Paula opens her eyes from resting.
"We're here." Lawrence opens his door.
"What exactly is here?
"Grab Jade. We're goin' on a boat ride."
"Why are we at the Gotham boat docks?"
"Just wait and see!" Lawrence blurts.
"Ok! Sorry!"

(After getting loaded onto a boat, Lawrence highjack's it and begins to head east.)

"Can't you get that baby to quiet down?!" Lawrence groans.
"Oh Lawrence, why don't you try holding her instead of complaining."
"Here. Now be care..."
"I know how to hold a baby, Paula! Sheesh!"
"Alright, alright. Sorry." Paula replies, gently cradling Jade into Lawrence' arms as she goos.
"So...what do you think?" Paula smiles.
"What I've always thought about her. She's small. She'll make a great assassin if she can learn to keep her mouth shut."
"Lawrence, she's a baby. You can't except her to be super quiet right now."
"Maybe not. But trust me, she'll learn."
"By you?" Paula smirks.
"Who else. Heaven knows you won't teach her."
"Thanks a lot Lawrence. You're really sweet."
"Hope that's not why you're planning on marrying me."
"Oh believe me. I've had to dig deep to find what I'm marrying you for."
"Probably for my money."
"Honey, no one would marry you for your money. It just wouldn't be worth it."
"Thanks a lot, Paula."
"Of course, sweetie."
"Do Jade and me a favor. Go look for food in the kitchen downstairs."
"So now you two are buddies?"
"Buddies? Ha! Coworkers."
"Seriously Lawrence?" Paula rolls her eyes.

(After a long ride, they finally arrive at another boat dock.)

"Hurrah. Another dock."
"Stop your complaining, Paula. Twenty more minutes and we'll be there."
"Where have I heard that before."
"Get in." Lawrence opens the door to an old jeep.
"Let me guess, another highjack?"
"You know me, baby."

(An hour later)

"Get out. We're here." Lawrence slams the door shut, walking towards a building with blaring lights.
"Last I checked, twenty minutes was not an hour, Lawrence." Paula growls as she unbuckles Jade's car seat.
"I didn't want to listen to your griping."
"That's horrible. Care to tell me where we're at now?"
"I've got an old friend who's gonna marry us."
"This place looks like a casino."
"Keen observation."
"Lawrence, we can't take Jade in there."
"Paula, we're assassins. Don't try that with me. Now come on."

(After getting passed the busy crowds, Lawrence meets up with his friend.)

"How are you, Crusher. Good to see ya." Henry King shakes Lawrence hand.
"Hey Henry. Been awhile."
"Yeah. Something like that. So what do you want? Money?"
"Don't treat me like I'm stupid. I make my own way just like you." Lawrence glares.
"Still the nasty temper that got you kicked of the team, eh? Well, come on. What do you want?"
"A favor. You owe me. Remember?"
"Yeah, yeah. What is it then?"
"Marry us."
"You gotta be joking."
"I'm not. You'll do it and you'll keep your mouth shut about it too."
"Look Larry, normally when two freaks get married, they don't keep it a secret."
"Our kind of work can't afford gossip. Get me?" Lawrence grips Henry's shirt, bringing him closer.
"Don't get dirty with me, Larry. I'm in the same biz you're in. So this is the lovely bride to be, huh? Kinda got ahead of yourself did you Larry?" Henry rubs his chin as he notices Jade.
"Forget that. Just do what you gotta do."
"Lawrence, can we talk?" Paula grabs ahold of Lawrence arm.
"Ugh...alright. But make it fast." Lawrence says as they step aside.
"Are you sure this is even legal? I mean, despite us being assassins, I still want our marriage to be real."
"Don't worry, Paula. If this ain't real, I'll have Henry's hide."
"Does he know that?"
"Believe me, he knows. This wouldn't be the first time."
"Well...ok. I guess if you say it's good then why not."
"Great. Hey Henry! Let's do this!"
"Ok you two lovebirds. Step into my special room." Henry says as he opens his office door.
"Paula, put Jade down." Lawrence growls.
"Alright. There sweetie. Now be a good girl for mommy." Paula lays Jade on her blanket on the floor.
"Come hither assassins. Now hold hands. Look each other in the deep, emotionless eyes and repeat after me." Henry speaks, slightly sarcastically.
"Emotionless?" Paula raises a brow.
"Whatever." Lawrence rolls his eyes.
"Do you, Lawrence Crock take Paula Nguyen to be your faithful friend and wife, to have and to hold, till death do you part?"
"I do."
"And do you, Paula Nguyen take Lawrence Crock to be your faithful friend and husband, to have and to hold, till death do you part?"
"I most certainly do."
"Wonderful. Now, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you freaks husband and wife. You may kiss your bride, Larry."

Instantly Lawrence grips Paula's waist, pulling her against him for a long, intense kiss.

"Won't be long before you have a brother or sister, now will it?" Henry coos at Jade.
"Henry!" Paula blushes.
"Cool it. Just kiddin'. Sign this and you'll be on your merry little way."
"Oh Lawrence, our marriage certificate. Here. You sign first." Paula chimes.
"Sure Paula. There. Now you sign."
"Perfect! Just perfect! Now get out of my casino. Any longer in here and I'll be conned into marrying your daughter for free."
"Oh no. This little girl has a long time before that." Paula replies as she picks Jade up.
"She's gonna be an assassin, Henry. Not some housewife." Lawrence glares on his way out.
"Where have I heard that kind of talk before." Henry laughs as he shuts his office door.
(Knock, knock.)
"What?! What Larry?!" Henry opens the door again.
"I uh...just wanted to say thanks."
"Think nothin' of it. I owed you a favor. That's all."
"See ya out there, Larry."

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