Morphling | Sky of Eraklyon |...

By MayLarie10

65.5K 1.1K 81

~Book Dedication~ You may not think you're pretty or the best looking but there's always someone that admires... More

~Ep. 1~
~Ep. 2~
~Ep. 3~
~Ep. 4~
~Ep. 5~
~Ep. 6~
~S2. Ep. 1~
~Ep. 2~
~Ep. 3~
~Ep. 5~
~Ep. 6~
~Ep. 7~

~Ep. 4~

2.9K 64 0
By MayLarie10

Beatrix has been missing for three days now. Since the banquet. Rosalind said she was on some kind of errand for her to the capital or something. Stella has been on edge, I knew they had a slight friendship so I felt for her. She was also going through a really tough time right now. Over the last few days, Rosalind has been training Bloom and me together, trying to get us to link or something. We've also turned to learn about Blood Witches in our classes now. Just so we were prepared.

"They are all staring," Bloom sighed.

"Yeah, well the Dragon Flame is a legend," Aisha added. "So it's gonna take them a bit to cool down."

"It'll be alright your just their superhero, again," I laughed. She hit her shoulder with mine.

"Don't get too cocky, They are all looking at you too. Miss Morphling. That sounds dope," Bloom laughed as she put her spoon back into her container.

"What is that? 8? Waves?" Aisha asked. It was written in Bloom's notebook.

"BW, blood witches," Bloom smiled. Aisha nodded.

"I wouldn't have gotten that either apparently," I said looking at the book once more.

"I can't believe you didn't do the reading," Bloom smirked at her. Aisha was very by the book. Always ready for school. Well usually.

"I've been swimming a lot this week and I thought I could wing it," She sighed. I pulled my notebook out for her to use instead.

"My handwriting isn't that bad," Bloom furrowed her eyes at her own paper. I pushed my notebook towards Aisha. She mouthed a 'thank you'.

"Blood witches can all blood, muscles, and bones." Bloom shut her book and remembered. Aisha's phone went off and Bloom snatched it.

"I'll be quick," Aisha begged.

"No," I smiled.

"We have this running joke about a hawk," Aisha smiled at us. She and Grey were so cute, but she needed to pass this.

"You told us it's cute, what's not cute is you not doing well on this quiz," Bloom added. I tapped my notebook. Aisha groaned but got back to work.

"The last time the Dragon Flame was used was during the dominion wars so it's been dormant for thousands of years," Bloom added as we packed up our stuff up.

"So hereditary?" Aisha asked.

"Rosalind thinks it surfaces in time of great conflict," Bloom added as she slung her bag over her shoulder.

"That's not ominous at all," Aisha muttered.

"She's pretty shady—"

"She's still shady," I nodded. It was true, but we did have to work with her for now.

"We just need help fighting the blood witches and that's what she's doing?" Bloom added. There was a presence in my mind. I could usually place who it was. Rosalind. Of course. I looked around.

"What? What is it?" Aisha asked as I turned.

"I need to get to the specialist training ground Rosalind is calling. I'm like a fucking telephone," I shook my head.

When I walked down the gravel path I saw the Specialists all lined up. Fairies were launching the discs as they moved through the air. The Speclisasts were attempting to shoot them down. Most did. Long-range shots.

"Ah yes! Adelaide! Finally," Rosalind seemed pleased that I was here. I saw other mind fairies sitting on a bench.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Mind fairies are one of the only things that can protect the specialists from blood witch attacks," Rosalind added putting her hand on Musa's shoulder. "So I want you to guard Rivens mind, while I simulate an attack," She instructed. I stepped closer to her.

"My mind magic hasn't been that good lately," I explained as I looked down the long line of specialists.

"Don't be humble," She glared at me. I shook my head. I wasn't. My mind magic hasn't been on par like it usually was. Something was happening when I slept. Like something else was trying to get out.

"Protect him, Adelaide," Rosalind added. I watched Riven grimace, but I quickly latched onto his mind pushing her out. I could feel her trying to attack me. Attack him. Riven shot and hit one of the discs. He smiled at me as I returned one."Good. How many do you think you could protect?"

"Like two or three, I guess?" I estimated. I wasn't too confident in myself.

"Try five," Rosalind smiled as her eyes went white.

"There are other mind fairies," Silva advised.

"But none like her, now go, Adelaide," She turned towards the specialists. I couldn't do that. Sky started grimacing.

"No," I focused on him, Riven, Dane, and two others.

"You're faltering Adelaide," Rosalind sang from beside me. I took a deep breath as my head began to ache. The pain slowly intensified.

"No," I grimaced. "I'm not." Dane grimaced but then went back to normal. The specialist easily hit their targets.

"She's in pain," Musa added.

"Add another in," Rosalind said moving down the line one more. I could feel the pressure in my head building and building as I tried to protect everyone.

"Ah," I winced. Sky turned to look at me, but I refocused.

"You're slipping Adelaide," Rosalind added.

"Shut up," I hissed clenching my hands as I held my ground. She kept pushing into their heads one at a time trying to hurt them. I was finally tired of holding on, so instead I jumped into Rosalind's mind. Somehow I was able to follow the small mental traces her magic left within them and attack the source. Rosalind grimaced and held her head for a moment. I glared at her. This was too much.

"Good Adelaide," Rosalind relaxed. "We'll have to train you more. You need to be able to protect a whole squad so we don't waste more mind fairies." Rosalind explained. I took a deep breath wobbling a bit.

"Go find Bloom you both have the training to do," Rosalind concluded. Sky stared at me, as I tried to control my magic. I wanted to protect people and Rosalind was one of the only people pushing me till I hurt. Bloom wasn't at any of her normal places. She sent me a quiet text saying she was heading back to the suite. No training. I got back everyone was getting ready.

"Um, what's happening?" I asked looking around at the others.

"Oh, word is that Rosalind is out, so we decided that we are going to go hit up some pubs in town," Terra added as she walked out of the bathroom. "Do these go well?" I nodded. They were small stud earrings. My phone buzzed.

'I want to see you.' Sky texted.

"What's happening?" Bloom followed in behind me.

"We are all going into town," Aisha appeared with a glass in her hand. Drinking already.

"Aren't you aware that there are blood witches out there?" Bloom laughed.

"Yes, but we have the Dragon Flame and the Morphling," Flora smiled. She too had a glass of an amber liquid.

"You lost, go get ready," Musa winked at me.

"Stella, care to add to the chorus?" Bloom asked. Stella looked over her shoulder.

"As if I would give the others satisfaction of seeing a princess in a stingy pub," Stella smiled. She can't leave the school grounds. She kept repeating that over and over in her head like she wanted to tell us, but wouldn't. "Have fun." I looked at Bloom.

"We can put homework off," I told her as I grabbed her hand.

"We all could use a break alright, so let's go," Aisha grabbed my hand and dragged both of us to the room. I put on my jeans and a black tank top. Similar to Musa, but still cuter, and less athletic.

When we arrived in town we went to one of the pubs on the main square. There weren't a lot of people in there since it was still day, but a good few.

"Did anyone text the boys?" Aisha asked. I snickered as I held the door open for her. "What?"

"The boys?" I asked. She was so into Grey. Finally, though she gets tunnel vision a lot and I'm glad she's finally found, someone.

"Dane, Riven, Sky, and Grey." She shrugged. "A few others."

"Ooooo," Flora wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh stop that," Terra laughed as she guided us towards the bartop. Bloom had her phone in her hands. Sebastian's name is on the screen. Apparently, the two were texting. Not romantically. Well, at least I hope not.

Sky walked through the doors and my hands shot up. I don't know why he makes me feel so giddy but it feels like I haven't seen him in forever. I felt like a toddler right now and I haven't even started drinking yet. He laughed as he slid his arms around my waist.

"You two are disgusting," Riven cringed as he stood beside us. I looked at him.

"You know during training I could accidentally slip up and make sure that Rosalind gets to mind fuck you," I threatened. Riv paused and then bowed to me.

"Apologize, my fair lady, continue to snog your boyfriend," He walked towards Flora. She gave him a very personal hug. Musa watched the two. I got a rush of slight jealousy. She's been split from Sam for a few since he left the school. Musa and Riven have always kind of had this tension.

"He's such a tool," Sky smiled. I nodded and quickly kissed him.

"Come on, I need a drink," I interlaced our fingers and dragged him to the bar.

"Hey," Aisha smiled. Grey was already at her side. I got Sky and me the same drink as theirs. Aisha had wanted to use her magic to make the shots fall into the beer. "Ready?" She asked. We all looked at the glasses. "One, two, three." She knocked the glasses in and then we all raised to chug out drinks. Aisha looked at me.

"Oh come on," She mumbled trying to keep the beer in her mouth. I shrugged.

"Sorry," I winked at her. I was slowly drinking the beer. I watched as Sebastian walked through the door with his bag over his shoulder.

"I'll be right back," I told Sky as I touched his arm. He nodded as he set down the empty glass. Bloom met him as well.

"What's up?" Bloom asked.

"I did some research on who could be a blood witch and my best guess would be a caterer," Sebastian added giving us a lot of files.

"Food people?" I questioned seeing the thick folders.

"The best way to get in unnoticed, yeah?" Sebastian sighed. He pulled out the giant stack of rubberbanded files.

"You aren't going to tell Silva, right?" Bloom asked. Sebastian tapped the wood bar top. S.V. This was his place. Go figure.

"Your secret is safe with me young ones," He smiled. I patted his back.

"You really are the best Sebastian," He chuckled at my comment. Sebastian was Iffy, but he's done a lot to help us and Silva.

"Really trying," He smiled.

"I'll get right on this," Bloom patted the manilla folder.

"Now?" He asked glancing around the pub.

"Yeah," She nodded.

"You're with your friends at a pub, have some fun, I don't condone underage drinking but have some fun please," He begged. I laughed as he put his hands together and prayed.

"Come on Bloom it'll be okay. We can split the study time later." I advised and a smile broke out on her face. "Put their drinks on my tap," Sebastian said to the bartender. "Have fun you too!" And just like that, he left. Bloom just sighed.

"Come on, we came here to have fun," I pulled her off the stool. She ventured over to Musa and Dane. Starting a conversation with them. I looked around but noticed that Sky wasn't in there anymore. He was around though, I could feel him. I walked outside seeing that he was on the phone with someone. As he paced back and forth. Silva.

"A Silva-style lecture or a Rosalind-style torture," Sky scoffed. I sat down on the bench beside him. "I'll be back at a reasonable hour." He hung up. I reached my hand out toward him and he sighed as he sat down. Interlacing our fingers. I love it when he did that.

"Wanna talk?" I asked.

"It's just, I was finally starting to feel like my own person, but now he's back," He sighed. I smiled at him.

"He may just be trying to look out for you," I reasoned. I wanted him to be happy. This was our time away from school. From our problems.

"By scaring Andreas away. Since the banquet, he's barely said two words to me and I just thought I was starting to get him." Sky complained.

"Andreas' mood, I doubt has anything to do with you though, Sky. I mean have you seen the way Rosalind treats people, he's probably upset with her right now, and since he can't do anything to her. He lets it out on you. He just needs some time, I think," I didn't always mean to try and make people seem like they were good. I just didn't know how else to comfort people.

"Come on," He stood up.

"Yes," I squealed as we walked back inside. The music was loud and the lights were obnoxious, but we went toward our friends and started dancing around. The others were definitely feeling it. Bloom pulled out her phone and started taking pictures and videos of us. "Oh god," I hid my face in Sky's chest.

"What?" He laughed.

"I hate picutres," I groaned. Sky turned me away from Bloom as we continued to dance. He made me feel normal. Is that weird? I felt like a normal teenage girl right now. Not a firy or a Moprhling. Nothing. He was my boyfriend. We were in a pub with our friends having fun.

"Adelaide!" Bloom yelled. I pulled Sky closer to me as he chuckled. "Adelaide!" She sounded serious now.

"What is it?" I asked slowly peering around Sky.

"Come with me, please," She offered her hand. The other fairies were behind her having similar expressions. My phone buzzed again. I thought it was just Bloom sending pictures to the group chat. I pulled it up seeing Stella freaking out. Beatrix was taken.

"Oh shit. I'll be back," I told Sky. We walked to the bathroom and Bloom called Stella. Bloom was anxious, annoyingly so. She had to have known something.

"I think it's an old church right outside down," Stella spoke. She was panicked as well.

"I know where that is, I used to go there to get away, there were always beer bottles," Terra added.

"Most of the specialists are drunk, but I could go grab Sky and Riv—" Musa tried to reason.

"No! No one is grabbing anyone or going anywhere," Bloom said. She looked at me anxiously. I knew it was a trap, but the others were worried.

"It's a trap," I sighed.

"You don't know that," Stella said through the phone.

"Stella you are not thinking clearly, no one has seen Beatrix for days and suddenly Rosalind leaves, and now you're getting a text asking for help, how does that make sense?" Bloom laughed dryly. She kept chewing at her nails and lip.

"Does look a bit suspicious," Flora admitted. Bloom threw her hand out at Flora as she nodded.

"I don't care what it looks like, we have to do something," Stella argued. Bloom chewed the side of her thumb as she looked at me. Where the hell was Aisha when we needed some extra input?

"We will tell Rosalind," Bloom paced. "I know for a fact that she is at the capital because she is handling this."

"And how do you know that Bloom?" Stella asked. She was angry. I stared between the phone and Bloom.

"Rosalind told me that Beatrix was kidnapped," Bloom had her eyes squeezed tightly.



"What?" We all unanimously said something.

"She told me not to tell anyone! She didn't want to cause panic. But we are all a little drunk so let just, let's get back to the suite and figure it out there," Bloom threw her arms out. She had her eyes wide as she defended herself. I understood why she didn't say anything, but now we were in an almost impossible situation. I sighed seeing her stressed. "I'm sorry." Stella hung up the phone.

"We need to go now," Terra moved out of the bathroom. The specialists weren't in there anymore. We moved outside seeing them gathering gear. Well, only Riven and Sky.

"I thought you were crazy when you said to bring our gear," Riven laughed as he pulled out his duffel bag. Stella called them.

"Well better to be safe than sorry," Sky smirked. He too had a bag. Always come prepared.

"Wait, what are you guys doing?" Bloom asked. She was staring at their bags.

"We are going after Beatrix," Sky explained.

"Wait what?!" She looked around. "You can't."

"We've been training for this," I assured her. She shook her head.

"Wait so we are going?" Terra asked. This was confusing.

"No," Bloom shook her head. "It is too dangerous for anyone to be going near that place right now."

"Bloom, let me do this. My magic is useful for once," Musa gave her a small smile. I nodded along.

"We got this," I assured Bloom. She wasn't having that though.

"Sky, talk her out of this. If they get Adelaide it's game over. Rosalind said so herself," Bloom added. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"They won't get me," I assured her.

"I can just go," Musa intervened. Musa was strong, but I was stronger and I was not risking anything happening to Sky or Riven.

"I love you Musa, but I'm guarding Sky's mind," I explained. She nodded.

"Understandable, but I'm coming for backup, yeah?" Musa nodded.

"We got this, bring everyone back to school and tell Silva what's going on," I told Bloom. She just shook her head.

"This is so stupid," She hissed.

"Aisha?" I muttered as I looked around. I stepped away from the group looking down the street.

"Has anyone seen, Aisha?" Bloom asked frantically.

"Shit," Terra pulled out her phone and started calling her. No answer.

"She's with Grey," Riven said. "I just don't know where?"  My heart started racing.

"Adelaide, can you like sense her, maybe?" Flora asked me. I took a deep breath before closing my eyes. It took me a few moments but I couldn't completely feel her. She wasn't too far.

"Do you have her?" Terra asked me. I grimaced a little. Something was wrong but it wasn't Aisha.

"She is with Grey still, they are alone," I winced and opened my eyes. Sky's hand was resting on my waist as he came back out after they had changed. Riven too.

"We have to go," Musa hurried. Sky, Riven, Musa, and I got into Sky's jeep and we drove off.

This was something out of my nightmares. The building was old, and crumbling, with vines growing all over the outside. Through the windows. Indeed there were broken bottles.

"Wow, this is so nice, five stars," I joked as we got out. Each of us softly closed the doors.

"I would like to break into a playground for once, something nice," Musa complained.

"Playground would be less creepy," Sky explained. Riven grabbed Musa's arm.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked her quietly. Sky had his bow and arrow out already. He was ready for anything. He gave me a small smile. He knew he couldn't stop me. I would always have his back.

"Mhm, and I have to back up Adelaide anyways," She smiled at me. "You are precious."

"I got your back," I  nodded. Riven walked in first, then Musa.

"You go first," Sky whispered. I squeezed his arm lightly.

"I got you, okay?" I added. He smiled. We entered the creepy church and didn't see much. Darkness and a staircase.

"She's upstairs," Musa added.

"She's alive," I muttered. We rushed up the stairs. There was someone else here, but I couldn't figure out what or who.

"Good, let's get her and go," Riven sighed as he went to pick her up. I started moving towards the other room.

"Adelaide?" Sky walked closer to me.

"How did she text Stella if she's unconscious?" Musa asked. The shrill screeches from the scrappers echoed. Sky grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the room with him.

"Scrappers," Riven called.

"Here we go," Sky breathed. "Adelaide get back." I shook my head.

"Something is wrong," I walked towards the doorway and saw Andreas appear with a bow and arrow. I ducked and watched the arrow hit their bows.

"Andreas, what the fuck?" Sky muttered. I stood up and looked into his eyes. Red. Blood red.

"Ah," I grimaced putting my palm to the side of my head. "It's not Andreas! A blood witch has him." My head was screaming. Whoever this was they had powerful mind magic. Or blood magic technically.

"Run," Riven explained. Andreas swung for me, but I ducked and ran past him. Musa is following me. We got downstairs and I saw a scrapper hit the ground. They were everywhere now. We were so screwed.

"Musa!" I yelled shoving her into another room as one latched onto my leg. I remember what Aisha said to not use your magic, but it was taking it anyway. Something inside me still burned though. It was familiar, so I had trust in it.

"Shit," I breathed as I tapped into my magic watching a purple mist wrap around my body burning the scrapper unit lit was a pile of goo like the one in the east wing. I looked at the smoke as it swirled around my hands. What was this?

"Adelaide!" Musa yelped. One was on her arm too. I reached for her, the purple shooting from my arm and encasing her skin. It too fell into a small pile. I saw a room behind us, so I shoved her in and slammed the door shut. We both sat there as the scrappers beat against the door.

"Your eyes," I muttered pointing at her flashing purple.

"No, Adelaide, your eyes," She pointed at me.

"Shit, shit," I quickly conjured my other magic. I was fine, but my air and water magic was a little weak. I don't know what this new magic was though. Musa grimaced as she stared at her bleeding arm. She pulled out her phone and called Terra.

"We found Beatrix, but you were right it's a trap," Musa breathed.

"What? Are you hurt?" Terra asked.

"Each of us only got bit for a second, but something is wrong with our magic," I grimaced looking at my bleeding thigh.

"Your magic is going to falter. But it will be temporary, scrappers need to fully drain you of your power." Flora informed us. Well, that's good to know.

"Then I'm back to normal?" Musa asked. I gave her an odd look. She had mixed feelings about what she had just said.

"How do you know that?" Terra argued with her cousin.

"I've been studying them," Flora informed.

"How about Sky and Riven," Terra asked.

"They're upstairs fighting Andreas, but a blood witch has him," I grimaced. I could feel them upstairs.

"What did you feel?" Bloom asked.

"Years and years of anger," Musa informed. I took a moment to calm myself before trying to fight the battle in Andreas's mind once more. I could hear Musa in front of me. She was groaning. Fear and pain were all I could sense from her.

"Musa, I have to get up there," I told her.

"You can't," She hissed. I could feel the blood witch. My teeth clenched as I used my magic to force him out. Him? I traced the mental magic back to the source. Flashes filled my mind. Aster Dell. Andreas? Silva? Finally Sebastian. It was Sebastian. I yelped feeling an intense pain fill my head. Something warm dripped from my nose and ears.

"Ada?" Musa muttered. I wiped my nose, my hands coming away bloody. What the fuck? I saw that Musa was opening the door.

"Musa! Don't!" She threw the door open and stepped out. It was like she was offering herself up. I tried to grab her but stumbled my knees hitting the rough ground. The scrappers all almost attacked her, but I threw my hand up. The scrappers flew away from her. It wasn't enough though. "Musa."

"I'm your distraction go," She nodded her head towards the door. I pushed myself up from my knees and stumbled out of the room. The scrappers launched themselves at her latching on and she let them. It was too late for me to help her because I too was getting attacked. God damn it, Musa! A jolt went through my body as the surge escaped. Like in the woods last year. My wings appeared. I was losing my strength fast. So was Musa. Her body crumbled to the ground.

"Come on," I begged as I attempted to drag her with me. I could hear more scrappers coming.

"Adelaide!" Riven said.

"Grab her," I told him as we both stumbled back. We both walked out. My hand pressed to my side. A scrapper had bit me deep. Not deep enough to worry, but it was definitely a bleed.

"Adelaide!" Riven yelled as he waved for me to get back to the vehicles.

"Where's Sky!?" I asked looking around frantically.

"He's with Siva, come on," Dane explained from one of the other transport vehicles. I went to move forward, but my legs gave out. Something in my head grew fuzzy.

"No," I muttered and pressed my forehead to the grass. What is it? Not now. Adelaide. Adelaide. No. Get out.

"Delly! Come one," I looked up tears brimming my eyes. Get out of my head. Grief washed over my body and I looked back toward the building. Sky was still in there. "Adelaide-!" I took a step. My surroundings changed. The purple smoke rolled to the ground. There were people around me. Maps on the walls. Everything.

"Adelaide," Sebastian voice. I slowly turned towards him. He was standing at the top of the stairs. A smirk on his face. "What a surprise! I didn't think you'd actually be able to track me that well." Everyone around started muttering. 

A few words I could hear. Fairy. Morphling. Polymorph. So they knew who I was. I wasn't afraid. I didn't want to be. They couldn't do anything to me. They had a table near the side full of weapons. Well maybe, they could do something.

"I've been wanting to speak with you," Sebastian slowly walked down the stairs. His veins suddenly glowed blue. The light looked like electricity inside his veins. He. He was the one stealing a fairy's magic.

"I can kill you all," I threatened him as my hand left my bleeding side.

"You aren't a killer, Adelaide," Sebastian held his hand at his sides. His veins are still blue. At least he was scared too.

"You have no idea what I am," I hissed.

"And neither do you," Sebastian smiled. He slowly stepped closer and closer to me. When I felt he was too close, I took a small step back. I wasn't stupid enough to get stabbed. "You won't kill me or any of us. Cause I know more about you than Rosalind will ever find out. I know about your past." He tilted his head. My face fell. "I knew that would intrigue you."

"You are a fucking prick," I poked his chest grimacing slightly.

"You are lucky I didn't try and kill your boyfriend tonight, I spared him for you," Sebastian sighed. His veins quieted down.

"Spared him?"I muttered. "Andreas?"

"Dead," He smiled. My hand shot forward, but Sebastian caught it. Electricity consuming my palm. He wouldn't hear me scream not in front of these people. My hand burned, the skin red, and bleeding now. Not too bad, because the lighting slightly cauterized the wound. "I need you, Adelaide. We need you to help us right the wrong." Sebastian let go of my hand as I cradled it to my chest.

"You're lucky I'm not at full strength right now or I would tear this building down with everyone in it," I threatened him. The tears spilt from my eyes whether I wanted them to or not.

"That would make you the murderer not us, we've done nothing wrong, but try to get our loved ones back" Sebastian swept his arms around the room. These were the people from Aster Dell. The blood Witch descendants. "To show our goodwill, we will let you leave her in one piece." There were objections from the people around him.

"She will tell them," A man hissed.

"No, she won't. If we got to the great Andreas, we could get to his son. That is her weakness," Sebastian smiled as he looked around the room. I clenched my jaw, my blood was searing my veins as it flowed through my body.

"Don't touch Sky, if you do anything to him I don't care who you are, what you have to bargain with, or what you want to achieve. I will kill you and everyone that follows you," I glared at the others around him. My wings appeared. Most of the time I didn't mean to, they just kind of showed up.

"Be careful, how do you know we don't already have him under our control," One of the men smirked. His eyes glowed red. No. No. I can't lose him.

"Choose what you do from here on out wisely Adelaide, I like you both together, so let's keep it that way," Sebastian smiled. I opened my mouth but closed it once again. Worry controlling my actions. "You have my number. I'll see you soon." I didn't know how to get back, but I just wanted to be away from all of them. Someone touched one of the knives on the table and that was all I needed. I stepped back and suddenly saw the stone of the courtyard.

The sobs took over as I slowly fell to my knees once again. images went through my brain. A yellow portal, black figure. Fire. A giant spiral home. Neverending darkness. Black fog takes over the land. A giant lightning strike on Aseter Dell. Screaming. There was so much Screaming. I saw myself. I was crying calmly staring out at something. Then I appeared from purple smoke. In a town. I didn't recognize the town. I was young. Maybe about twelve. I didn't remember this though.

"Adelaide!" Distance yelling. It was like I was miles away from here. From my body. What was happening to me? Scrapers jumped at me and I threw my body back. "Adelaide, relax, relax." Someone touched my hand and I yanked it back grimacing. Suddenly Bloom and Aisha came into focus.

"Rosalind!" Bloom yelled over her shoulder.

"Are you alright? What happened? Where have you been?" Aisha asked.

"Delly," Riven ran over suddenly. Where did they keep coming from?

"Do you have your magic?" Rosalind asked as she not so nicely shoved Bloom and Aisha back.

"Where's Sky?" I looked at Riven. He gave me a grim look. "Riven? Where is he? Is he okay?" I asked quietly.

"Sky is fine," Rosalind answered for him. "Unharmed. Completely. Do you have your magic?" She gripped my chin turning it towards her harshly.

"Take it easy she's wounded," Riven snapped.

"I don't give a flying fuck, she shouldn't have gone," She glared at me. "Do you have your magic?" I nodded.

"Yes," I whispered, "But there's something wrong with it." I clutched my hand to my chest.

"What do you mean?" Rosalind hissed as she yanked me to my feet.

"Is Musa okay?" I asked Riven. He nodded.

"She's getting looked at in the infirmary," Bloom explained.

"How did you get here Adelaide? Where did you go?" Rosalind harassed me. I was sick of it. I just wanted a moment to process what the fuck had just happened.

"Go get Sky," Aisha told Riven. He took off running down the halls.

"Adelaide! Look at me, you have to pull yourself together," I glared at her.

"Get off me," I yanked her hand off my shirt. I stepped towards her but saw the purple smoke once more. I was in another fucking corner. Well, this was embarrassing.

"What the fuck," Rosalind muttered.

"Now do you understand!" I threw my hand in the air. "I don't know what's happening to my magic." I walked over to her. She stepped in front of Bloom and Aisha. Like she was protecting them.

"Oh what now!" I ran my good hand through my hair. It was ratted.

"Ada, calm down," Bloom advised.

"No, she wants to talk now! Let's fucking talk," I laughed as I swept my hands across the room. "After we were attacked at the church. I teleported to their hideout. Somehow I was able to track his mental link and go there without realizing what I was doing."

"You were there with them?" Aisha asked. I nodded and laughed again. I sounded insane, but I was too tired and hurt to care.

"You can teleport?" Bloom smiled a bit. I grimaced as I clutched my hand.

"We will talk tomorrow, you need to get looked at," Rosalind dropped her arm. "No need to lose your temper, I was just making sure we weren't doomed. That was idiotic of you to go after him in the first place. You do understand he could have trapped you?" I shook my head.

"That's the funny party, Sebastian didn't seem bothered that I was able to find him easily, his men sure did. They were ready to kill me," I pressed my good hand to my side.

"Addi!" Sky yelled as he ran around the corner. Silva and Riven are behind him.

"Where were you?" Silva asked. Sky wrapped me up in his arms. I relaxed a bit. He was okay, I could feel it was him. His mind was protected. I can protect him. Something was off though. He was guilty and grieving.

"She was with the Blood Witches," Rosalind crossed her arms.

"And they let you go?" Riven muttered. I nodded.

"I teleported out of there, but he said it was a sign of his goodwill. He wants me on his side about this," I sighed. Sky kept his arms wrapped tightly around me allowing me to lean back into him. I was thankful for that because I felt like I could pass out at any moment.

"Wait, you can teleport?" Silva closed his eyes for a moment as he stood there confused.

"It's this new magic," I opened the palm of my hand exposing the purple mist. It moved in my hand by itself like it was its own organism. It was alive and I was just the one controlling it. In a way that was true, but it still scared me.

"Don't over-exert yourself, we will need to train you with this new ability," Rosalind explained. As she slowly circled me like I was some kind of prey. It was pissing me off. I've already been cornered too many times tonight.

"I can use it against the scrappers, it was the only one that would work," Sky tightened his grip on my hand making me look at him. He kissed my forehead softly. "Are you okay?" I muttered. "Where's Andreas? Did Beatrix make it back, is she awake?" Sebastian said he was dead, maybe he was lying. He would do that to play with my mind.

"We'll let these two talk," Silva motioned for Bloom, Aisha, and Riven to leave. Rosalind walked off without another word. No. No. I failed.

"I'm just gonna," Riven stepped forward suddenly giving me a quick hug. I smirked and patted his head.

"Riven," Silva snapped and the specialist scurried away. Now it was just Sky and me left in the courtyard.

"What happened?" I barely was able to whisper it. The pain that I could see in Sky's features was enough to let me know. Someone died. And I doubted he cared that much about Beatrix.

"Silva had to bring his body back," Sky looked over my shoulder. I quickly hugged him. I tried not to get blood all over him, but a hug was all I could give for now. "I didn't know what to do, he was going to kill Silva."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I tried to break the connection and I thought I had, oh god Sky, I'm so sorry," Sky wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"No, you saved my life Addi, you saved my life. You gave Andreas enough time to tell me," His voice broke. "Do what I have to." I couldn't say anything more. It was my fault. I didn't stop him sooner. I didn't fully save Andreas and now Sky lost a dad. He had to kill his biological father, who he just realized was alive only a few months ago. I didn't save him.

Sky allowed me to go to his room. I showered and changed into some of his clothes as we held one another. I can't imagine having to kill someone you care for. Your father even. Sky's breathing eventually evened out and I heard Riven snoring on the other side of the room. I didn't sleep. Couldn't. Every time I started to drift off my mind was flooded with those images again. I don't know where they came from or what they mean, but they were haunting me now.

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