Morphling | Sky of Eraklyon |...

By MayLarie10

65.5K 1.1K 81

~Book Dedication~ You may not think you're pretty or the best looking but there's always someone that admires... More

~Ep. 1~
~Ep. 2~
~Ep. 4~
~Ep. 5~
~Ep. 6~
~S2. Ep. 1~
~Ep. 2~
~Ep. 3~
~Ep. 4~
~Ep. 5~
~Ep. 6~
~Ep. 7~

~Ep. 3~

4.5K 112 2
By MayLarie10

In class, we were supposed to be focusing and honing our abilities. Bloom had to light a small fire. Aisha had to make a bubble. Beatrix was an electricity ball. I made a mini tornado in my hand. Aisha continued to struggle. I think it was from the fact that Bloom wasn't listening to her. She told me yesterday what Stella did. She taught Bloom to use negative emotions to control her magic. They weren't always that reliable though. She wanted her to use positive.

Aisha seemed like the type of girl to always give advice. She always seemed to want to give her opinion, in a good way. I loved Aisha. She was always right. A straight arrow, you could say. She was an upstanding student, girl, and friend. I knew it did bug her to think that Stella was able to help her and not her. So I think the magic may be a little wanky from that, but who knows.

Lunch is going to always be my favorite time of day. Well, my favorite and least favorite. I sat down across from Bloom.

"Hey," She smiled.

"Hi," I shoved an orange slice in my mouth.

"When did it become hot to be a nerd?" Terra asked as she sat down. Musa took off her headphones looking confused.

"What?" I laughed a little. where the hell did that come from?

"Why is it suddenly so cool to be into history and books and stuff?" Terra sighed as she picked at her plate.

"Okay, Terra a little more context love?" Musa asked.

"You don't see me sharing an apple with someone," She shook her head. Musa's eyes lit up.

"I'll be back," She stood up and walked off. Uh, what the hell?

"No, it's alright. I understand why," She frowned and looked at her food.

"Terra," I smiled and took her hand. "Is this about a certain redhead with two boys?" I asked her. Beatrix, Dane, and Riven were a throuple situation type deal.

"I'm not cool. I don't drink or smoke or, do any of that stuff." She muttered as she squeezed my hand.

"Terra, you are a catch," Bloom smiled.

"Anyone would be lucky to have you, you shouldn't need to change for anyone. If they can't see how amazing you are then they aren't for you, love," I gave her a quick side hug before I stood up.

"Wait where are you going?" She asked looking alarmed.

"I need to go study," I sighed. "Unfortunately."

I had my earbuds in while I was studying so I didn't realize Aisha and Bloom had come in until they hit me with a pillow.

"Ow," I laughed.

"We are talking about my vision last night," Bloom added. Oh yes, the vision that I missed. Apparently, Bloom's eyes went white and she had a vision of a woman. A fairy that left her in the first world.

"Oh yeah, so like was she, old old, or like Dowling old? She may be dead by now if she was pretty old," I offered. Bloom sighed as she leaned back in the seat. "Sorry, that didn't seem helpful."

"Can someone help me!" Terra yelled. I shot up thinking that she hurt herself, but it was worse. "I can't do a cat eye." She gestured to her raccoon eyes.

"Oh," Aisha muttered as she came out of the room as well.

"I've watched this video like a million times. What does she have that I don't?" Terra looked like she was about to sob. This party tonight was a big deal to her.

"Talent," Bloom muttered.

"Style," Aisha stepped into the bathroom.

"A million followers," I grabbed a cotton cloth and got it wet. Bloom and I started helping her remove some of her makeup. We heard the suite door open.

"Who is that? Stella or Musa? Stella or Musa?" Terra asked nervously. She was sacred of Stella or she just didn't want to be made fun of.

"What is going on in here?" Musa asked as she peaked in.

"Why are none of you getting ready for the party?" Terra announced. She looked at all of us. Her raccoon eyes no more.

"Oh, I've got to study," Aisha spoke.

"I was gonna-" Musa pointed to the room.

"No, no. You all are coming. I need full suite support," Terra complained. Musa stepped in and fixed Terra's liner while the rest of us went to get dressed, per Terra's request. I put on my black jeans, and a short sleeve, short top. I didn't care about my style too much. Guys generally didn't like me. Terra made weed brownies for us. Well, Dane.

"Do you want one?" She asked me. I shook my head.

"Nah, I'll pass, getting high makes me feel too slow or like I'm wasting my time. It's complicated," I shook my head. Terra nodded, but she kept her smile. I could feel the music from the floor. The east wing. Apparently, this was some sort of specialist party. Very important. Bloom and Aisha had each side of my arms. I didn't want to go.

"Come on, let's get you a drink," Bloom smiled.

"Oh yay," I said sarcastically. They each got a cup and Aisha got me one.

"So what's the plan?" Aisha asked.

"I'm gonna go hide by the wall," I rushed off before they could stop me. I saw Sky leaning against the wall his phone out. He's worried about Silva.

"Anything?" I asked. Sky shook his head.

"Not yet, but soon for sure," He nodded slipping the phone into his pocket. It was silent for a moment. "I can't lose him, Addi. He's the only family I have left." I stepped closer to him putting my hand on his cheek so he had to look at me.

"They have the best specialists out looking for it right now, Silva will be okay," I assured him. His eyes looked from my eyes to my lips. I hesitantly dropped my hand and took a sip of my drink. Way to be awkward.

"Thought parties weren't your thing?" He smiled. I laughed a little as I looked back inside.

"Yeah, well it was four against one," I sighed. Sky laughed. "Terra insisted."

"I see, always the majority," He nodded as he stuck his hands in his pockets. I leaned back against the wall and then grimaced. Ow. My back was still very tender. I had forgotten for a while.

"Yeah, how are you doing?" Sky asked. I turned my grimace into a smile.

"I'm fine, just a little bruising," I sighed drinking the rest of my cup. I set the solo cut in the small opening.

"Turn," Sky instructed. I hesitated but turned. I didn't need to be careful around Sky, he was a genuine guy. One of the few. He lifted my shirt showing my lower back. "Jesus." He muttered.

"It looks pretty doesn't it," I explained. "Very colourful." It was green, yellow, black, and purple. I believe.

"You really need to get checked by Harvey, you could have some spinal bruising," Sky explained. I shook my head.

"I'll be okay, just need a few days," I explained. He laughed and rolled his eyes.

"You never need anyone's help," He smiled at me.

"You two!" I saw a hand shoot up in the crowd. Riven appearing. "Come play beery pong!" He grabbed my hand. What. No.

"No," Sky shook his head.

"Sky," I begged as I grabbed his hand.

"Fine, but only for you," He followed after me. Thank god. I couldn't play with Riven alone.

"Bloom and Adelaide vs us," Riven said. The boys are on the opposite side of the table.

"You boys are screwed," I teased. Riven took a drag of his cigarette.

"I wouldn't be so cocky," Sky smiled as he tossed the ball to me. I tossed it, making it in.

"Lucky," Riven muttered as he took a drink. We went around. Us making it, them drinking, them making a cup us drinking.

"Heat one of the cups up," I whispered to Bloom as I tossed the ball in. Sky sighed and picked it up.

"This is hot?" He stared at us. Riven just laughed as he looked at his friend.

"Drink up," I laughed. He chugged the beer grimacing at its temperature. Sky took a shot and made it into the centre cup.

"Your turn," He smirked. I chugged the beer. We were almost done. Down to the last three. Aisha appeared behind us.

"Oo, when they shoot make sure to bounce it out," Bloom muttered to her. Aisha smiled and nodded. Yes. Riven threw the ball. It landed in the cup, but suddenly all the cups tipped over throwing beer all over Riven. I was too buzzed to stop myself from laughing at his reaction. Karma.

"What the fuck?" He threw his arms out.

"I'm sorry. Really. I'll go get some paper towels," She ran off. Bloom and I were too busy laughing.

"Well that was interesting, " I smiled. Sky was standing next to me now as we picked up the turned-over cups.

"Yeah, you are such a cheater," He teased leaning into me.

"No, I don't have fire," I wiggled my fingers at him.

"Sure," He shook his head at me.

"This one is a lot more fun than Stella," Riven said coming to my other side. Right now I didn't care what he thought. I was having fun.

"Thank you," I bowed my head.

"Although she reminds me a lot of Ricki," Riven smirked. I saw Sky's smile fall.

"Riven don't," Sky warned him.

"What?" I asked looking between the two.

"You don't know who Ricki is?" He asked laughing at me. I glanced at Sky confused. Sky looked like he was about to strangle him. "Well you see last year Ricki was Stella's best mate. Until she started getting a little too friendly with Sky—"

"Riven, you know I would never—" Sky was interrupted.

"Of course not," Riven patted his chest. "But that didn't stop Stella. She got so Jealous she blinded her. Blinded her best mate," Riven explained. I stared at the two of them. Those are some major possessive issues.

"Wow," I muttered. I didn't really know how to react to that information.

"Addi," Sky touched my hand. I spun around feeling anger from someone. Bloom. Bloom.

"What is it?" Riven touched my back. I hissed and leaned away from him. "Sorry, shit, sorry." Sky had yanked Riven's hand away from me.

"Her back is hurt," Sky snapped. I scanned the crowd for the person. There were too many. "Addi, what is it?" Sky asked softly. Bloom.

"I gotta go," I muttered. I gave him one more look before shoving through the crowd. Luckily no one hit my back.

Where was she? I walked onto the grass realizing that she was in the building. With Dowling. She was either asking, confronting, or in trouble. I continued down the hill coming to the stone circle. Bloom's rage was following me though.

"Bloom," I muttered as I saw her fire before she reached me. "You better chill out!" I yelled as she charged for the stone table.

"What are you doing down here?" She asked her fire still burning in her palms. I shrugged.

"Not the party type remember," I smiled. "What's up?"

"The lady I saw in my vision. Her name was Rosalind Hail. She's dead." Bloom hissed. The torches around us lit up. "The only lead to who I really am is dead."

"I know how you feel," I stepped forward.

"Do you?!" Bloom yelled at me. She was angry. She wasn't mad at me, just in general. I just gave her a soft smile.

"I do," She cut me off again.

"Funny, you didn't grow up not knowing who you were?! You lived here not in the first world!" She stomped towards me fire in her hands.

"Bloom," I sighed as I reached for her hands.

"What are you doing?" She asked yanking her hands away from me. Fear was apparent on her face. "Are you trying to burn yourself?" She asked. I smiled a bit and raised my hand. A fire ignited in my hand.

"Trust me, I know how you feel," I told her.

"Wait, what? What kind of fairies are in your family," Bloom asked. Her mood was calming down. I shrugged as my hands slid into my back pockets.

"I don't know," I muttered.

"Your family never told you," She asked. I shook my head.

"I don't know who my family is, never have and never will. At least I don't think. I'm a mystery," I explained.

"Shit, Ada, I'm so sorry," Bloom stepped forward gripping my arm. I smiled at her.

"You are fine Bloom, I just want you to know that I am always here if you want to yell, talk, or throw fire at me," We both laughed at the last one.

"Addi?" Sky asked appearing from behind one of the stones.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. He was in his gear. "They didn't find it?" I asked and Sky nodded. His eyes were watering slightly. His words echoed in my head. I can't lose him. Before I could stop myself I had my arms wrapped around him. His head resting in the crook of my neck. Sky wrapped his arms tightly around me, he was careful not to hurt my back though. Considerate of him.

"It's here," Bloom said.

"Bloom, how do you know that?" I asked her. I focused and indeed there was one around.

"I can hear them," She muttered.

"That's creepy," I muttered.

"Let's text the others" She pulled out her phone as we left the barrier. Sky drew his sword. I could hear it in the woods around us. We all slowly looked around. I could hear the growling from behind us. Time felt like it stopped.

I turned to shove the other two to the sides as it pinned me to the ground. My back hit the uneven ground which made me cry out in pain. It tried to swipe at my head but I dodged it. I forced my hands up throwing it off me. Sky tried to stab it, but his sword was hit out of his hands and he was thrown to the side.

"Close your eyes!" Stella yelled. I rolled onto my chest covering my eyes. After the flash was over I saw roots holding it down.

"Bloom," Aisha muttered. The burned one lit on fire, and Aisha hosed it down. Then I saw a sword pierce through its chest. Sky slid around and knelt by my side.

"It's not-" Musa spoke but I already yanked my hand forward ripping a hole through the burned one's chest as the sword rested in my palm.

"Now it's dead," Dowling spoke. I didn't turn around. My back ached too badly. I could barely move.

"Oh shit," I wheezed. It hurt to breathe now.

"Everyone back to the school," Dowling argued.

"Addi?" Sky muttered as he tilted my head up. I nodded.

"Sorry, just gonna need a second to catch my breath," I said in pain. Sky offered me his hands and slowly helped me up. We all walked back to the school quietly and in shame. The fairies sat on the stairs as Dowling approached. Sky had gone to see if Silva was alright.

"I am disappointed in all of you. Do you understand how reckless your actions were tonight? You all could have been killed?" She glared at all of us. "I will decide your punishments in the morning." She walked off.

"Do you think she means like detention or expulsion?" Aisha asked. Detention. Definitely. She loves us too much.

"From the hint of pride, I would say detention," Musa smiled. We all got up as Sky walked into the courtyard.

"Addi?" Sky asked, but Stella stood there. I gave him a small smile before going up the stairs. We can talk another day. When we all got into the suite. I could feel something was wrong. Musa was in the shower, so I walked into her room.

"Terra?" I knocked lightly.

"Yeah?" She sat up wiping her eyes. I could see a video on her phone playing.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. She turned it off quickly.

"Yeah, I was just watching some sad dog videos," She sniffled and pulled a fake smile onto her face.

"I'm here for you okay, you can talk to me if something is bothering you or making you upset?" I offered. She nodded.

"Yeah, I know, thank you," She smiled and wiped her face again.

"Okay, good night Terra, you look drop-dead gorgeous tonight," I complimented as I shut her door. Bloom and Aisha were both sitting on their phones in our room.

"Look at this, god they are horrible," Bloom scoffed as she pulled up Beatrix's Instagram. It was a video of Dane and Riven. They were making fun of Terra. That's why she was fucking crying. Assholes.


If this or the future ones suck or don't make sense I apologize. I've given up on editing again. They are all pre-written and edited, but I don't feel like going through another time.

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