Taken and Teased

By VTBonds

1.5K 38 3

Finally taken from the depths of hell, all I want is freedom. Instead, fate demands I accept a new master. A... More

Chapter 1 - Veena
Chapter 2 - Fek
Chapter 3 - Veena
Chapter 4 - Fek
Chapter 5 - Veena
Chapter 6 - Fek
Chapter 7 - Veena
Chapter 9 - Veena
Chapter 10 - Fek

Chapter 8 - Fek

89 2 0
By VTBonds

I slam the door despite telling myself to behave. Veena teeters on the edge of the bed, the bottom half of her gown soaked with the most glorious smelling lubricant.

Her body begs for me to claim her again, but we don't have the time. I drop the bundle of clothing on the bed and spread them out, taking a quick inventory.

"Are those for me?" She asks without reaching for them.

"Yes. Probably not what you're used to, but they're clean and sturdy."

"They're beautiful."

I look down at the black shirt and pants, wondering just how deprived she's been for the past two years if these simple clothes draw such strong emotions from her.

She stands as though to pick up the shirt, but I wrap my arms around her shoulders and murmur in her ear.

"Let me clean and dress you."

"I... why?"

"Because I want to."

She studies my face for a moment before testing our bond with a gentle caress. Her confusion remains, but she agrees with a nod.

My mouth continues speaking, needing her to understand what drives me. Needing her to know that I'm more than just instinct and brute strength.

"Because I need to see with my eyes that I haven't hurt you. I need to touch you and confirm you're alive and real."

Wonder sparkles in her violet eyes as she nods her head again. I slip my fingers into her gown and pull apart the fasteners before pushing the fabric off her shoulders. She stands in all her naked glory, a fresh trickle of slick running down her legs as my purr drops so low her core clenches hard enough to make her wince.

I reach behind her and grab the water bottle from the tray, cracking it open and placing it in her hand before snatching up the packet of wipes. When she tips the rim of plastic to her lips and begins drinking, I drop to my knees and rip open the packet of wipes.

She squeaks and almost chokes when I touch the first wet cloth to her ankle. I guide her legs further apart and clean the inside of her thighs, gritting my teeth so hard my jaw aches. Her folds tempt me, but I keep my desire locked tightly away, checking her for any signs of injury instead of ravaging her. Besides being swollen and red, her flesh looks perfectly delectable. I stop my tongue mere inches away, groaning and teasing her clit with the wipe before I can stop myself.

I kiss the top of her mound and force myself away, picking up the little scrap of fabric meant to cover her pussy. Unable to help myself, I lift my shirt and rub the panties along my abdominals, infusing my scent into the material.

Her pupils dilate and lips part, a small, sharp inhale of breath broadcasting her surprise. I kneel at her feet and place her hand on my shoulder before lifting her ankle and guiding her leg into the correct hole. She uses my shoulder for balance as I repeat the motion with her other foot and skim the material up her thighs.

Despite wanting to snarl and rip the offending barrier off of her, I fit them over her amazing curves, checking the entire circumference of the waistband before turning and snatching up the pants.

I can't help it. I lift my shirt and smear every inch of her trousers over my chest and abs, not stopping until there's no doubt every fiber holds my pheromones.

Still, she looks at me with surprise but does nothing to stop me as I dress her in clothes permeating my scent. I slide them up her legs, nipping her inner thigh with my teeth, rewarding myself for being so well behaved. The material fits loosely around her thighs and waist but hugs her hips in a way that accentuates her luscious curves. I cinch the built-in belt to the middle setting, wondering how someone so trim accepted my entire cock, knots and all.

Whipping around before I ruin our chance at leaving the room decently dressed, I grab the contraption meant to go under her shirt and toss it to the floor. The shirt disappears under mine as I soak it with my scent, giving it an extra pass since it'll be nearest her face. I want her to scent me with every breath, no matter what happens.

She gathers her hair after I lower the fabric over her head, then lifts her arms and aids me in dressing her.

A small smile tilts her lips, but she hides it behind the collar as she nuzzles the inside of the neckline.

I swallow and hold my hands in fists by my sides, second guessing my decision to deny her the bra. Even though the thick fabric of her shirt hangs loose around her frame, her erect nipples make a faint and yet all too enticing outline.

She drops the collar into place and slices my soul to pieces with her earnest expression.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"It's like a shield. Protection. I love it."

"You love wearing my scent?"

"Yes, very much so."

My purr charges the air around us, but I ease the sound to a soft rumble when her pupils grow and her cheeks pinken.

I turn away before I get lost in her perfection, urging her to sit on the bed and lift her left foot. She sits, sniffing her collar every now and then as I put plain white socks and shoes on her.

When I stand and grab the bottom hem of my ripped shirt, she darts to her feet and wraps both of her hands around my left wrist.

"Let me. Please."

I nod, unable to deny her what she wants, especially when she begs so beautifully. She tugs me to the bed and uses gentle touches to guide me into sitting on the edge.

My tongue sneaks out, tracing my upper lip and imagining it as her soft flesh as she lifts my replacement shirt off the bed.

I sit as still as stone and watch in rapture as she rubs her face on the soft material, her eyes trained on mine. Almost in slow motion, she tucks my shirt under her collar and feeds it into her own. My heart pounds against my sternum as she reaches up under the bottom hem of her shirt and cups her breast, my trapped shirt pillowing out around her fingers.

She soaks my new garment in her pheromones, her sensuality both erotic and elegant. My purr deepens, quickening her breaths as she caresses her nipples with my shirt trapped under her hands. When she pulls my replacement shirt out and settles it over my head, I lean forward and flick my tongue over her parted lips, enjoying the way she inhales in surprise.

My hands wrap around her hips without my permission.



Her breathy response makes my hard cock kick within my soaked pants.

She leans sideways and retrieves my clean trousers, keeping eye contact with me the entire time she marks them. I dig my fingers into the curve of her ass, sweating with the effort of not rutting her on the floor. She kneads and grinds my trousers on her stomach and breasts, letting her own shirt hang loose around her body, hiding her ministrations from me.

A warning sneaks into my purr. I want to see.

Her hands lower. The sound of her belt popping free and zipper sliding down digs my fingertips into her flesh so hard she'll no doubt have bruises. The thought tempers my need, but the moment I loosen my fingers, she moans.

I fill my fist with the hem of her shirt and yank it up to reveal her hand sunk deep into her pants and my trousers mashed between her legs.

My moan cascades to her chest, ending in beautiful music as our sounds of pleasure create a charged harmony within our bond.

She pushes her hand deeper into her pants until her wrist disappears behind her zipper. The bouquet of her slick pulls another moan from me, and when she slides her hand free, I fight the need to replace it with my digits.

Anger tinges my vision red as she redresses herself, but she drops to her knees and grabs the laces on my boots. After she fumbles for a moment, she sits back and lifts her face to mine.

I freeze in horror, the tears in her eyes wholly unexpected.

"I haven't laced boots in forever. I can't—"

I wrap my fingers around her nape and settle my palm on the side of her face.

"Hush, my treasure. It's okay. There are zippers on the side."

She releases an unsteady breath and straightens her shoulders, astonishing me with her tenacity as she puts her full focus on taking off my boots. I praise her with my purr and enjoy the care she gives me as she slides my socks off and takes my hands, giving a squeeze and nudge to stand.

She unfastens my pants and pushes both garments down my hips. My cock swings free of its confines as she drops to her knees and sends my trousers to the floor. Heavy and long, my shaft pulses with need as pearly white liquid leaks from the tip.

I grab her wrist before she touches me, knowing exactly where we'll end up should she give my cock any attention.

"No. Dress me."

She nods but licks her lips before reaching onto the bed and grabbing my underwear and rubbing them against her breasts. I nearly come undone when she whimpers, longing filling her expression as a drop slips from my tip and lands on the floor.



She's a dream come true. I want nothing more than to have her mouth on my cock, but Commander Steil scuffs his boot in the hall, reminding me of the world outside of this room.

She doesn't argue, but her unhappiness seeps into our bond. I lift my feet one at a time and shove my aching shaft into the least uncomfortable position within my underwear as she pulls them up my legs. I capture her face between my palms.

"It is not a punishment. We must go."

"I know."

Her whisper tears me to shreds, the resignation unnatural for such a fiery female—years of abuse oppress the stubbornness I sense in her soul.

I smooth my lips across her brow, hating the creases of misery. She sighs and offers me a tiny grin before lowering to her knees and threading my pants onto my lower legs. The bottom hems brush her slick against my ankles, and I drop my head back and curl my hands into fists at my sides, fighting for control.

Gentle touches lure me to sit on the bed, where she rolls socks onto my feet and slides my toes into my right boot. After struggling for a moment, she huffs and turns her focus to my face.

"Your boot is heavy. How do you walk with these things on?"

I notice the awkward way she holds her feet behind her, her ankles straight and toes pointed to the floor, leaving her knees to bear the brunt of her weight.

"I manage. What's wrong with your shoes?"

Her brows scrunch and she follows my gaze.

"Oh, I just... I haven't worn anything except soft slippers for a long time."

She shifts, showing me how the stiff part of the shoes dig into the tendons at the back of her ankles. I bend down to pick her up, but she shakes her head.

"Let me finish putting on your boots."

She ducks and struggles for another moment before my hands join hers. With the added strength, my boot slides into place. I let her align the other under my foot before aiding her in pulling it on. The second she finishes zipping them, I scoop her up and place her in my lap.

"I don't know what waits for us out there, but I do know one thing. You're mine. I'll protect and cherish you with my every breath."

She shivers and reaches up to frame my jaw with her dainty hand.

"Thank you. And yes, I'm yours. No matter what."

Her proclamation gives me the strength to stand and reach for the door.

If only echoes of eerie words would quit encouraging the dread thudding within my ribcage.  

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