
By SweetSpicyMochi1013

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The meaning of Serendipity is "the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Part 1
Chapter 6 - Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Part 1
Chapter 8 - Part 2
Chapter 9 - Part 1
Chapter 9 - Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Part 1
Chapter 12 - Part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Part 1
Chapter 17 - Part 2
Chapter 18 - Part 1
Chapter 18 - Part 2
Chapter 19 - Part 1
Chapter 19 - Part 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Part 1
Chapter 21 - Part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 13

5 1 0
By SweetSpicyMochi1013

My eyes pop open as the first rays of light brighten our hotel room. I feel Jimin's hot body wrapped around mine from the back, his hand cupping my br*ast, fingers twitching every so often across my n*pple. Maybe that's what woke me up...

I snuggle back into him, closing my eyes. Only to have them pop open again when I hear the timid knock at our door. Sitting up suddenly, my head whips in that direction, listening for it again to make sure my mind isn't playing tricks on me. When it happens a third time, I flip the covers back and scoot out of bed quickly.

"Nae?" Jimin's sleepy voice murmurs from behind me. "What's wrong?"

As I stand up, I grab a pair of shorts and a tank, throwing them on hastily. When I don't answer, he sits up, running his hand through his hair then down his face, one eye squinting at me.

"What's going on?" he asks again, this time his voice stronger and less sleepy.

"I think Ha-eun is at the door." As I say that, the knock happens again. "What if something's wrong...?"

He throws the covers back as well, pulling on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt as I move toward the door. Looking back, I see he's right behind me and I move to throw the locks. He puts his hand over mine, and a finger over his lips to keep me quiet. Looking through the peep hole, I see his shoulders relax as he unlocks the door and pulls it open to reveal Ha-eun and JiYeong standing there in matching pajamas.

Looking over at me, I know I must have a perplexed look on my face. He shrugs apologetically, saying only, "You can never be too careful..." That's when his actions make sense. I nod and turn back to my brother and sister-in-law.

"Come in, please," I gesture for them to enter, walking in front of them to the chairs near the windows. I hear the door being closed and the locks set again as I go to sit down, rubbing my hands over my cool flesh as goosebumps rise from the cold air.

Ha-eun and JiYeong sit down across from me, still not having said anything, but I see they're holding hands. "Is everything okay? Is it HaeYun or Joo-won? Where are the girls?"

Jimin walks over and hands me a sweatshirt. I lift it to my nose, inhaling his scent. I see the lust flare in his eyes before he masks it. As I stand up to put it on, he grabs a blanket from the end of the bed then sits down first, pulling me onto his lap and resting the blanket over my bare legs. His arms snake around my waist beneath the blanket, one hand sliding up under the sweatshirt and tank to touch my bare skin. I smile at him, then turn to my family sitting across from us. Looking from one to the other, I feel a bit of alarm rise. I see sadness on Ha-eun's face and worry on JiYeong's. Leaning forward a bit, I ask again.

"What's wrong?"

My brother takes a deep breath before looking over at Ha-eun. I see him squeeze her hand, then he looks back at me.

"We need to find a clinic that will take walk-ins to have an exam completed right away..." he whispers into the silent room.

"Ha-eun?" I ask, my heart skipping a beat at his grim tone. She looks up at me, tears filling her eyes.

"I told him last night after he told me what happened with Soo-ah... I didn't have a choice because I started cramping," she says in a tiny voice, her eyes dropping to their clasped hands.

"Oh, Ha-eun," I say, my voice cracking as my own tears well up. JiYeong looks down at his wife, his heart in his eyes.

"We don't think she miscarried, but we want to make way or another..." his eyes move to mine, the sheen in them telling me everything I need to know, pleading with me to help the love of his life and his baby.

I look at Jimin, whose eyes are also wet. He raises his gaze to mine, nodding. I get up so he can retrieve his phone from the desk. Snuggling back in the warm chair under the blanket, I watch as the call he makes connects. As he explains in quick phrases, he starts pacing slowly at the end of the bed, listening to what the other person says, nodding every so often. Hanging up, he turns to us.

"It'll take about thirty minutes for Mother to get here. She knows where to go. She said to be ready when she arrives out front."

I nod, knowing she would know what to do. I look at JiYeong and Ha-eun. "What about the girls? I don't know if it would be a good idea to bring them with..."

"Mother is watching them, and checking on HaeYun and Joo-won, too," my brother says.

"Okay, that's good, that's really good," I say as I get up again and get them moving to the door. "Now, go get dressed. Meet us back here in twenty minutes." As Jimin opens the door, Ha-eun turns around and throws her arms around my neck, hugging me tight.

"Thank you, Nae, thank you..." she whispers in my ear before letting go and follows JiYeong into the hall. I just stand there watching as Jimin closes the door.

Once I hear the lock click again, he comes to envelop me in his strong arms. I don't realize I have tears flowing down my cheeks until he leans back and wipes them away with his thumbs. "Don't cry my beautiful love...we're doing what we can."

I look up into his own watery eyes. "I don't know what our family will do if they lose the baby, Jiminie...I just don't know..."

"Let's keep hope in our hearts until we know for sure one way or another, Nae. Let's not put the negative out there when it may not be warranted. Okay?"

I nod, then stand on my tiptoes, brushing my mouth against his. He leans his forehead against mine and I close my eyes briefly, feeling his steadfast love in the motion. He straightens back up, wiping his own eyes with his hand.

"We need to get dressed. Knowing Mother, she'll be early."

"Alright," I say as I move to my suitcases. I start pulling things from them while Jimin pulls clothes from drawers. Once we're both dressed in comfortable jeans and t-shirts, I walk into the bathroom to run a brush through my hair, swiftly working on a new braid. When I'm about halfway done, Jimin walks in, and I scoot over so he can run water in the sink to wet his hair down. Once the hair tie is on, I brush my teeth and leave the bathroom for him to finish.

At exactly the twenty-minute mark, I hear the knock on the door again. This time I check through the peep hole the best I can and see my brother's eyes looking back at me. Opening the door, I let them in.

"Jimin, they're here, love," I call through the bathroom door. He opens it right away, moving into the room to grab his wallet, phone, a hat, mask, and sunglasses. Slipping his shoes on, he waits quietly next to the door as I grab my purse, hat and mask, and the sweatshirt. Slipping shoes on, I walk out the door, followed by my family. In the elevator, Jimin puts his hat, sunglasses, and mask on, and I slip the sweatshirt on that Jimin had handed me earlier, then my hat and mask.

When we reach the lobby, we hear the notification from Jimin's phone. Looking at it then showing it to me, he just says, "Told you..."

We follow him quickly out and into the cool sunny early morning, and right into the back of his parent's waiting SUV. I'm somewhat surprised to see Hyun-soo driving with Mi-Jeong in the passenger seat. Jimin and I sit in the far back, allowing my brother and sister-in-law to sit in the middle row, where access is easier. No words are spoken as Hyun-soo drives to the clinic. Pulling up to the front door, we all get out and follow Mi-Jeong through the doors while Hyun-soo goes to park. Striding up to the front desk, Mi-Jeong tells the person the details. The eyes of the man flick to the rest of us, sympathy on his face. I shake my head a little when his gaze lands on me, and he quickly looks back at his computer screen. Handing the appropriate forms over to Ha-eun and JiYeong, they fill them out and hand them back. He directs us to the waiting room and thankfully it's empty at this hour. Hyun-soo walks in, coming over to sit next to us.

Within moments, a nurse comes out from behind a door, calling Ha-eun's name. She slowly gets up, looking at JiYeong, who also stands. He follows her to the nurse, then all three disappear beyond.

We all stay quiet as we wait for what seems like hours. I look at my phone for the hundredth time, seeing it's only been about forty-five minutes when the door opens again, and my family walks out as if on autopilot.

I leap to my feet, hurrying over to them. They stop in front of me, their faces blank.

"Well, what did the exam find?" I demand as Jimin comes up behind me, his parents behind him, all of us waiting to hear the results.

A huge smile spreads across Ha-eun's face, tears streaking down her face as she hands over a little black and white photo.

When I drop my eyes to it, I'm staring down at two little blobs floating in the center...Jimin looks over my shoulder at the picture, and I hear Mi-Jeong gasp.

"Is this...?" I ask, my eyes rising to their faces. Ha-eun is nodding her head vigorously, as JiYeong steps forward and lifts me up into his arms, swinging me around, his own tears flowing unashamedly down his face.

"Twins! Again!" I hear him say in my ear, a little bit of hysterical laughter tinging his voice. "But we were told they're healthy, and so is Ha-eun. The doctor is fairly positive there should be no complications this time," he says as he sets me down. Jimin steps forward to shake his hand in congratulations, but JiYeong just pulls him into a bear hug as well. Mi-Jeong has Ha-eun in her arms, Hyun-soo next to her, as they talk about the photo and the results. We turn when we hear the front doors open again and a couple come in, the woman heavily pregnant.

"Come on, let's head back to the hotel. You can tell us everything on the way," I say, gesturing for everyone to follow me.

Once we're back on the road, we start peppering them with so many questions, which they try to answer patiently. I can't stop the smile that's pinned to my face the whole way back, my hand in Jimin's.

Hyun-soo pulls into the garage and we ride up to my family's floor, heading to their room. As we enter, we hear the twins' excited voices yelling for their parents. My mother stands up from one of the chairs, waiting for word. JiYeong walks straight to her, gathering her in his arms and whispering in her ear. She pulls back, disbelief on her face briefly before a huge smile spreads. She walks over to Ha-eun and gathers her into a hug.

"What's going on?" I hear HaeYun's groggy voice coming from the doorway between the rooms. We all turn toward him, and I see the confusion on his face as he looks at all of us crammed into our brother's room. "Did I miss something?"

He rubs the bridge of his nose, wincing when he bumps his black eye.

"Appa?" I hear the plaintive cry of Joo-won coming from the room behind him. He turns quickly, disappearing back into his own room. I follow, seeing him cradling his son in his arms, dropping kisses on his head while Joo-won sniffles and rubs his wet face before sticking his thumb back in his mouth. "Where's eomma?"

"Shhh, my son, eomma had to leave...but appa is here. And uncle JiJi and auntie Ha-eunnie, and grandma and grandpa, and auntie NaeNae and uncle Jiminie...they're all here too."

"Unco Jimnie? Auntie NaeNae?" Joo-won says in a little voice. "Unco Kookie? Where unco Kookie?"

I chuckle as I climb onto the other side of the bed, Jimin sitting next to me. "Joo-wonie, uncle Jungkook is in his room, still sleeping. But you'll see him later," I say, stroking the silky hair out of his face. "We're all here, and it's a happy day. Do you want to know a little secret?" I lean closer and whisper in his ear.

He hiccups as he looks up at me, nodding his little head. I point over to JiYeong and Ha-eun, and he looks in their direction. "Uncle JiJi and Auntie Ha-eunnie are going to be giving you a few more cousins...maybe you'll have a couple boys to play with!"

He sits up, looking skeptically over at Ha-eun, before getting up and jumping off the end of the bed, only to march over to her to look around her. "Where? I don't see boys by Auntie Ha-eunnie!" He grabs Ha-eun's hands, opening them to see if that's where she's hiding them. "Where boys??"

I laugh at that, then look over at HaeYun. His mouth is hanging open at my words, going back and forth between me, JiYeong, and Ha-eun.

"Did I just hear you say babies?" he croaks out. "As in, plural?"

Ha-eun just nods her head, a happy smile on her face as JiYeong walks over to hand the ultrasound picture to HaeYun. He stares at it, his mouth still hanging open, then tears fill his eyes before tracking down his cheeks. I put my hand on his arm, worried we just made things worse, when he suddenly gets up and pulls JiYeong into a tight hug.

"Congratulations, Ji-hyung!" Letting go, he goes to Ha-eun, lifting her up and swinging her around.

"Appa!" Joo-won scolds. "Be nice to auntie Ha-eunnie! She bring me boys to play with!!"

We all burst out laughing when he says that, to his confusion, before he starts laughing too with the happy abandonment that only a young child can have.


An hour later, we're all gathered in the large conference room again having breakfast. It feels like a festive sour looking Soo-ah to darken our mood, the news of two new babies on the way, and our upcoming ceremony this afternoon. Slowly the other members join us, along with JiHyun, Mr. Lee and Bang PD-nim. Joo-won is still trying to figure out where his auntie Ha-eunnie is hiding boys for him. The twins keep telling him that they are in their eomma's tummy, baking until they get really big, then they'll come out and play in a while.

At one point during breakfast, I watch as Jimin pulls Mr. Lee over to the side away from everyone. I have a feeling I know what he's telling him. When he gives Jimin, then me, a look of frowning disapproval before leaving with a shake of his head, I'm sure of what it was about. Jimin walks back over to me and sits down. I look at him, an eyebrow raised. He just nods my way. My only response is to mouth the word 'okay' then send him a finger heart.

When we finish eating, Jimin is presented with a wooden goose as is tradition, bowing twice to accept it, then presenting it to my mother as a symbol of harmony and the promise of a life of love and care of me. A half hour later Ha-eun, my mother, Mi-Jeong, the twins and I head back to my mother's room to start the process of getting our hair ready, leaving all the men to do whatever they need to do. I take a quick shower first, scrubbing my body and hair thoroughly, putting on a white satin string thong with sheer white stockings and a long fluffy robe, my hair wrapped in a towel. Leaving the bathroom, I see Ha-eun has already started on Mi-Jeong's hair, an updo that is quite flattering to her already beautiful face. Once she finishes, Ha-eun comes over to sit next to me while I comb out my long hair. After a short break, she gets back up to do our mother's hairdo, working with the shorter strands, giving them a full wave that frames her face perfectly.

After our mother, Ha-eun takes another longer break, putting her feet up on the third chair while Mi-Jeong and our mother talk about babies, keeping the twins entertained before it's their turn.

"I forgot how I used to get tired so easy when I was pregnant with the girls..." Ha-eun says to me, leaning her head back and letting out a deep sigh. I turn my head to her, assessing how tired she looks with her puffy eyes.

"Are you going to be alright, Ha-eun?" I ask, worry in my voice. "I don't want you to overdo things and wear yourself out."

She looks over at me, a smile on her face. "I'll be fine, NaeYeong. I didn't sleep well last night, and it's just catching up a little. And I think I'm a little puffy." She pulls a face, then puffs out her cheeks. I can't help but laugh with her. "I'm good. Just need to put my feet up a little bit. Maybe close my eyes for a quick nap."

She settles her head back again, closing her eyes, and within minutes she's snoring softly next to me. I turn my head to look over at my mother and Mi-Jeong playing with the twins, pretending to put makeup on them with the little brushes. I get up and walk over to the bed, sitting down next to them, watching. Mi-Jeong looks up at me, smiling as she puts "shadow" on HaYoon's eyelids.

"There!" she exclaims, blowing on HaYoon's face. "NaeYeong, are you next for your makeup appointment?" She giggles at me as HaYoon smiles up into my face.

"Look at my pretty makeup, Auntie NaeNae!" HaYoon sings at me. "Grandma MiMi did it!!"

My eyes move to Mi-Jeong's face. "Grandma MiMi?" I ask as I see the blush wash across her face.

"Yes." Setting down the brushes on the towel across her lap, she looks over at my mother then at me. "I hope you don't mind. I know she's not technically my granddaughter, but we weren't sure what the children should call me, and it just slipped out..."

I smile, grabbing her hands in mine. "I love it, and it suits you. I can't wait until Jimin and I have a little one who will call you Grandma MiMi too..." I blush as soon as the words leave my lips.

"Will that be soon, do you think?" she coyly asks, winking in my direction, and I feel my face getting even hotter. I look everywhere around the room but at her, fanning myself with my hand.

"Did someone turn the heat on in here? I thought it was the middle of autumn, not summer!"

My mother and Mi-Jeong both burst out laughing, loud enough to wake Ha-eun from her nap. She looks over at us, her brows raised. "What's so funny?"

The look on her face is enough to make us laugh even harder, and I see her grin sheepishly.

"Who's turn is it for hair?" she calls out, and SeoYeon raises her hand and hops off the bed as Ha-eun puts her feet down on the floor, HaYoon following her sister and sitting in the chair I vacated.

"SeoYeon, why don't you sit on the floor in front of eomma? That way she doesn't have to stand for a while," I suggest, and I see Ha-eun turn a grateful smile my way. I watch as SeoYeon plops down right away, sitting patiently while waiting for Ha-eun to start brushing her hair. As I do, a wistful look crosses my face as I imagine how it would be to have a daughter of my own someday.

"It will happen, NaeYeong," Mi-Jeong says quietly, reaching out to touch my hand. "You'll be an eomma too, and I'll be Grandma MiMi..." I look at her bright smile, my own tilting the corners of my mouth up in response.

"I know it will. We talked about wanting children briefly, but we just haven't really talked about having children and what it will entail or when or..." My eyes drop to my lap where my hands are plucking at the robe across my legs.

"What do you want, NaeYeong? Do you want children?" Mi-Jeong gently inquires. I nod my head in response to her question, a lump growing in my throat making it difficult to answer. "Then what are you worried about, because I can tell there's something bothering you."

I raise my eyes to hers, a little sheen to them. Dashing at them with my hand as one tear escapes, I vocalize my thoughts.

"I want children very much, but I'm scared." I whisper softly. My gaze turns to Ha-eun, watching her as she braids her daughter's hair into two, then wrapping them around the top of her head, creating a small-braided crown. "We came really close to losing all three of them with the complications that happened, and then with these new babies...I still worry it could happen again. What if something like that would happen to our baby?" I settle my gaze back on my soon-to-be mother-in-law. "It would break me. And everything is still so new...I'm starting a new job in a couple of weeks, moving half-way around the world, basically starting a new life. And I know he still needs to fulfill his mandatory military service. What if I'm pregnant when he goes in? He won't be there for the birth. He'll miss out on the earliest part of his child's life, seeing them grow! And I don't know if I could do it on my own..."

She covers my hand with hers again. "You need to talk about this with him. Jimin has wanted children for a very long time...he gravitates toward them because he's still a little boy at heart." We both smile at that knowing the truth in her words. "But these are worries that have plagued him as well, but he won't say it very loudly for fear of it coming true. When you talk about it, or when it happens, you need to keep this in mind...Hyun-soo and I will be there as soon as we can if you need us, okay? If he's unable to be there at any time and you need help, or to have someone around, I'm just a phone call away, okay?"

I nod my head at her words, my gaze settling back on Ha-eun and the twins. A smile lifts the corners of my mouth up when I see the love they share, and the excitement on the girls' faces as they talk animatedly about the babies growing in their eomma's tummy, rubbing and patting it gently with their small hands before they switch spots so Ha-eun can do the same hairdo on HaYoon.

"Now, are you ready for your makeup?" I hear her say again. My head turns to see her smiling wide, brush at the ready, and my eyes widen with mock surprise. "You didn't think you were going to get away with not having this done, did you?"

"Well, actually..." I hedge, drawing the last syllable out.

"No." My mother shakes her head. "You are doing this."

She winks at Mi-Jeong, then turns her gaze back to me. "You're very beautiful naturally, NaeYeong, and I know you normally don't like to wear makeup, but this is a special occasion. Let Mi-Jeong do this for you. Use every weapon in your arsenal to make it so Jimin can't take his eyes, or his hands, off you for one second..."

"Mother!" I exclaim, my face heating up again. I've never heard her talk like this before, and it's shaking me to the core.

"What!?! I want to be a grandma again!" she says, her smile so big that I can hardly see her eyes. My mouth drops open.

"Did you forget you're already going to be a grandma again??" I hiss while gesturing toward Ha-eun, who has paused in the middle of braiding to look over at us, eyebrows raised in question.

"I most certainly did not forget, NaeYeong! I'm just waiting to be a grandma for the first time to your little ones!" she loudly whispers back, laughter in her voice.

"Fine!" I throw my hands up in defeat. "Do what you will!"

By now everyone is laughing, including me, as Mi-Jeong gets to work applying makeup. They don't allow me see the final results yet, and it has me a bit concerned. Before I can complain about it too much, it's my turn for hair. I sit patiently while Ha-eun runs the brush and comb through my long tresses, sectioning parts to work with, braiding and twisting, curling and spraying, interweaving little white baby's breath flowers and crystals into it. Even though she has to take a few breaks to put her feet up, she finally finishes, and I hear my mothers and the twins oohing and aahing behind me before I turn around.

Then it's time. Both mothers help me into my dress as Ha-eun gets the twins into theirs before putting her own on. I slide on the three-inch heels, then stand still while the little crystal encrusted hairpiece gets placed on my head, the attached, layered veil hanging down my back. They move me over to the borrowed full-length mirror set up in the corner, pulling the sheet from it. My breath catches in my throat seeing my reflection. I feel like a fairy-tale princess who just stepped out of the story. My hair has a braided crown on top of my head, with a curled tail hanging down my back from it, and curled wisps framing my face. The makeup looks so natural, except for the dark eyeliner that highlights my eyes, making them pop, the pale pink glossy lipstick shimmering in the fading afternoon light.

My dress has a sweetheart neckline, the plunging neck in a narrow V toward my belly button, highlighting the cleavage from my full br*asts being supported gently by the built in lightly padded cups. The full ball-gown skirt flares out from my narrow waist, the same lace from the long sheer sleeves covering the bodice down onto the skirt, tying the top and bottom together. Turning around, I see the semi-cathedral train trailing behind me, the same lace walking down the back of it. Buttons march up my back in a straight line along my spine, the sheer back highlighting the tattoo to perfection. I feel beautiful, and moisture starts to prick my eyes.

"No, no, crying allowed!" I hear my mother exclaim as she hands me a few tissues to dab lightly at my eyes with, one held to her own face.

Turning to face the women in my life, I'm so happy, and it shows on my face. The same happiness is reflected on theirs. Both of my mothers are holding out a small box to me, and I look at both of them before asking, "What's this?"

My mother only says, "Open them."

Picking the box up from her hand, I open it to show a pair of teardrop diamond earrings twinkling in the light. Picking one up at a time, I hook them in my ears as she says, "These earrings have been passed from mother to daughter on their wedding day for the past five generations as a promise of prosperity and love in the marriage. When your daughter gets married, you will gift them to her."

I turn back to her, pulling her into a gentle hug, careful not to smudge anything. "Thank you, Mother, for everything. I love you."

"I love you, too, my little spirit."

I turn back to Mi-Jeong, picking up the box from her hand and opening it. Nestled on the bed of velvet, I see a necklace, the single teardrop diamond hanging from a white silver chain. I lift it up with trembling fingers, my breath catching in my throat as the light refracts from its facets. "This is beautiful, Mother!"

"Hyun-soo and I wanted you to have another piece to go with the earrings. My family didn't have the same tradition as your mother's to hand down a piece of jewelry to a daughter to bless the union, and without a daughter of our blood to start this tradition with, we hope you will accept this as a new tradition for our family for generations to come." I move to her, giving her a hug as well. Stepping back, I say, "I would be honored, Mother. Will you help me put it on?"

She nods her head as her eyes start to water, a trembling smile on her lips. She steps forward to take the necklace, and while my mother holds the veil out of the way, Mi-Jeong settles the necklace in place.

"I think we're ready," Mi-Jeong declares as she steps back and I turn to face the mirror, seeing how the two pieces of jewelry complete the look.

Within minutes, there's a knock on the door. She goes to answer, and I hear Hyun-soo in the hallway. Ha-eun ushers the twins out, followed by my mother, then I go, followed by Mi-Jeong, who helps straighten out my train. I step into the hallway, my hands clasped together in front of me, eyes on the floor. When I look up, I see my brothers, father, Hyun-soo, and JiHyun standing there in a semi-circle, an empty space between our fathers. Then Jimin steps from behind his father, filling that space, his hands clasped in front of his body. I see his breath catch as he sees me in the dress for the first time. His gaze slowly peruses my body from head to foot and back up again, a wide smile gracing his gorgeous face.

My own gaze wanders over his, noting how he looks stunning in the fitted black dress pants, black shirt and skinny tie, and black dress shoes. The black suit jacket has a row of buttons on each side, with the only pop of color being the little boutonniere of white baby's breath and a single white rose attached to the lapel of it. His longer hair is brushed up and out of his face with slicked back sides.

He steps toward me as I do the same, meeting in the middle of the hall. He gently grasps my hands in his, leaning his forehead against mine, both of our eyes closing as we breathe each other's air into our lungs.

Leaning back, he looks down at me, our eyes locking. "Are you ready for this?" he asks in a shaky voice.

"I've never been more ready for anything in my life," I respond, my lips curling up in a smile, his own doing the same.

"I love you more than anything, Nae," he whispers.

"I love you more than you will ever know, Jiminie," I whisper back.

"Okay, okay, you two, it's time to go," we hear his father say with a chuckle. "Let's do this!"

We follow everyone to the elevator to ride down to the garage, where Ha-eun and Mi-Jeong help to hold the train of my dress off the ground as we walk to his parent's waiting SUV. We have to take extra time trying to rearrange the various layers of the full skirt around once I get in the back seat, which ends up taking up the whole area and spilling over Jimin's lap. We all laugh seeing the look on his face. Once situated, his parents climb in and we head over to the venue, which is only a mile away.

I can't stop smiling, staring at him as he threads his fingers through mine, settling our clasped hands on his lap under the layers of tulle and lace. He leans over to whisper in my ear.

"You are so f*cking gorgeous, my love...but I can't wait to get you out of that dress tonight..." My breath hitches in my throat as he places my hand on his hard er*ction, settling his own over mine. My mouth curls into a sexy grin as I rub him through his pants, mouthing the words "I'm ready" and squeezing lightly before flipping my hand back over to thread my fingers through his again.

As we get close to the venue, we see several people milling around outside the entrance with cameras. I turn my head toward Jimin with a worried look on my face, seeing the frown crease his forehead a mere second before it smooths out again. My expression turns to confusion when we continue driving past the building, going all the way down the long block only to turn at the next corner, then turn again. Almost immediately we pull up to a private, unmarked underground garage with a manned security booth. Pulling through, we drive back to a private entrance to the building, and I breathe an audible sigh of relief.

When we stop, I turn around to find the rest of our group pulling in behind us. Looking at the door, I see the other six members lined up on each side, with Mr. Lee and Bang PD-nim waiting. Off to the side are a few photographers waiting for us to step out. Jimin and his father get out the opposite side from everyone, and I watch as Jimin pauses there for a few moments while his father helps Mi-Jeong from the front. Then he comes around the vehicle to my side. Opening the door, he gives me his hand to hold on to as I slowly step onto the silver carpet rolled out under my feet. Mi-Jeong helps with my train, straightening it so that it lays perfectly behind me.

Jimin and I walk forward together, my hand held in the crook of his arm, his other hand settled over it as the photographers snap pictures. Mi-Jeong and Hyun-soo follow behind at a distance while a valet parks their car. Then my mother and father are the next to get out and follow us up to the entrance. When we get close to them, the members all bow toward us, smiles on their faces, looking handsome in their suits. Bang PD-nim steps forward, giving us both a hug in turn, then Mr. Lee bows to us. We walk into the venue and I am stunned by how beautiful everything is!

Bouquets of white roses with white baby's breath adorn each table on both sides of the runway. Ha-eun ushers me to a different room as soon as she gets in, where I wait, receiving all our guests. Soon, it's time for the ceremony and Ha-eun hands me a small bouquet of the same flowers, hugging me before leaving me with my mother.

When I hear the music cue softly, we walk back to the entrance of the ceremony room where Jimin and his mother are waiting. Looking inside, I see all of our guests seated, waiting for us. My mother joins Mi-Jeong and together they walk down the runway, each holding a tapered candle in their hands; a red one in my mother's, and a blue one in Mi-Jeong's. Once they get to the end, they light the candles at the same time with one flame, then use them together to light the one in front of the Master of Ceremonies, then they go sit. Jimin then walks down the runway, turning to wait for me, a huge smile on his face. My father steps up next to me, placing a gentle kiss to my temple before settling my hand on his arm as he escorts me down the runway, giving it to Jimin to hold. Turning to each other, we listen as the Master of Ceremonies officiates the ceremony, exchanging our vows and simple rings, the ceremony short and complete. We turn to our guests and bow deeply.

Stepping off the stage, we move to our table, and food is served. During this time, the six members each stand to give a short speech, then together they sing to us, surprising us with a rendition of Serendipity. I lean my head against Jimin's as I hear him sing softly to me along with them, his fingers rubbing circles on the inside of my wrist.

When we finish with the traditional dishes of noodles, yaksik, kalbi jim and dok, we walk around the room together, going table by table, expressing our gratitude that everyone was able to be with us today. Once we've made it around the room, Jimin's parents get up and walk over to a low table decorated with the special food of the Paebaek Ceremony, taking their seats next to it.

Once that final ceremony is complete, Jimin picks me up and carries me out of the venue to his waiting car with everyone following as far as the entrance. He sets me gently in the front seat and helps to tuck all of the dress in around me. Retrieving his keys from the valet standing by, he quicky moves to the driver's side, sliding in and starting the engine. Leaning over, he captures my lips with his, kissing me deeply, his tongue dueling with mine. Pulling back, he has a sexy grin on his face.

"I love you, my wife," he whispers in a husky voice, eyes glittering in the light of the garage.

"I love you, my husband," I reply, my breath hitching on the word as I feel tingles slide down my spine in excited anticipation.

Squeezing my hand quickly before placing it on his thigh, he puts the vehicle in gear and drives out, following the road away from the lights of the city. I find the darkness comforting as we drive north along the coast for a while, my hand running up and down his strong, muscular thigh. Finally he pulls in at a little beach cabin and parks. I hear the sound of waves breaking against the sandy shore below when I step out of the vehicle with Jimin's help. I gather the train of my dress and walk with him to the door, where he uses a code to open it. I yelp in surprise when he picks me up suddenly, giggling as he steps over the threshold with me in his arms. He kicks the door shut behind him, the electronic lock engaging on its own, the moon shining the only light in through the windows. He carries me down a short hallway and into a large bedroom where dim lamps are flickering around the room. There's a four-poster bed centered in it, white rose petals scattered around the dark comforter and wooden floor.

He sets me softly on my feet, turning me to face him, cupping my cheeks with his hands as he gently teases my lips with his. My hands move up to hold his wrists, then slide to his chest, capturing the buttons on his jacket to undo it. He takes a small step into me, dropping his arms as he shrugs out of it, the material sliding down his arms. He grabs hold of it, tossing it onto the chair by the door as I work on loosening his tie, which lands on top of the jacket. I unbutton the top several buttons of his shirt, running my hands down his chest, the soft material sliding under my fingertips as I bite my bottom lip when they reach his waist and stop at the cold leather of his belt.

Stepping close, he tips my head down gently, his hands carefully pulling the head piece and veil from my hair, gathering the extra material and tossing it on his jacket as well. My fingers graze the bare skin showing between the open edges of his shirt and I lick my lips wanting to taste his flesh as I did the previous night at the dojang. He presses a kiss to my forehead, then takes a step back, a wicked grin on his face. He takes a finger and lightly traces it from the top of my sleeve, sliding it along the edge of the lace, down to the top of my br*ast and into the narrow vee of the plunging neckline.

"You are so sexy in that dress, but I need you out of it soon, so I can see all of you..." he rasps as he puts his hands in the pockets of his pants, adjusting himself slightly. I watch as he walks slowly around me, stopping right behind me. He steps close, his hands settling on my shoulders, then sliding to the top satin covered button of the dress, caressing my skin as he carefully undoes each one, placing a soft kiss along my spine each time.

It seems like it takes such a long time for the buttons to be opened, each touch of his lips down my spine heightening my senses ten-fold. Once the final button opens, he glides his fingers up my back to slide under the edges of the sleeves, pushing them down my arms so the bodice pools around my waist, baring my br*asts. He steps close, the cool material of his shirt grazing my heated skin, his lips touching my shoulder as his arms slide around my ribcage, his hands cupping my full br*asts. My head falls back to lay on his shoulder as he continues to knead with his hands, his lips, tongue and teeth grazing my collarbone and neck. I reach back, slipping my hands into the pockets of his pants, feeling his throbbing c*ck twitch beneath my fingertips as I tease the length of him.

When his mouth reaches my ear, he growls as I settle my hands around him, and he nips my earlobe with his teeth as I groan with pleasure when he pinches both hard n*pples simultaneously, rolling them between his thumb and fingers until they peak, the nerves zinging straight to my s*x. He slides his fingertips down my abdomen, groaning in frustration when the material of my dress becomes a barrier to him at my waist. Groaning in frustration a second time, he moves his hands back around and down to my wrists, gently pulling my hands from his pockets, causing me to whimper into the room.

Then I feel his hands at the waist of the dress in back, fumbling a little with the few hidden buttons and hooks he missed originally, the growl of frustration getting a little louder the longer it takes. Looking at him over my shoulder, I smirk as I help, deftly undoing them, my dress sliding down my hips to reveal a satin garter belt around my waist, partially covering my thong and holding my stockings up. He crouches as he slowly pushes the dress further down my legs, holding it down as I carefully step out of it and to the side. Standing up, he picks up my dress to lay it carefully over the chair with his jacket and my veil.

Turning around, he stops short when he sees me standing there in nothing but the white garter belt, satin thong, sheer white thigh high stockings and white three-inch satin stilettos, the soft flickering light from the electric lanterns bouncing off the diamonds hanging from my ears and around my neck. The dark tail of hair lays over one shoulder, the ends curling around a n*pple, tickling it with each breath I take.

He doesn't move, his breathing ragged in the quiet night. My gaze is focused on his eyes as they roam over my undulating body as I take the few, slow steps to him. When I'm close, I see his eyes focus on my mouth and a smile curves my lips before I press them to his own, already plump from kissing my body. My fingers find the rest of the buttons of his shirt, freeing them one by one, pulling it out of the waist of his pants until it's hanging open, revealing his chest and abdomen. I place my hands on the buckle of his belt, pulling away from his mouth to watch his face as I slowly unbuckle it, then open the button of his pants, grazing the tip of his er*ction with my knuckles as I do. He sucks a breath in quickly, biting his bottom lip as my fingernails gently scrape across the sensitive flesh there.

Splaying my hands on his abdomen, I slide my palms up his body, brushing over his hard n*pples to his shoulders, pushing the material of his shirt off his shoulders as he helps to undo the cuffs so it can fall to the floor, revealing his bare torso to my hungry sight. I bend over, gripping his hips with my hands, blowing lightly across him before running the tip of my tongue around his belly button, then licking straight up his body to his chest, biting across his flesh to a n*pple where I use my tongue and teeth on it.

His hands slide up my sides, cupping my br*asts again, playing with my n*pples as I suck on his, leaving little love bites across his chest as I do. Standing up, I take a step back from him so he drops his hands from my body. I reach out to touch one of the love bite marks I left on his body, a satisfied smile at being able to do that. I watch him watch me as I walk around him, my hand caressing across his shoulder, following me as I step behind him, trailing my fingers down his spine until I cup his fine *ss with both hands, kneading the material clad muscles there. I step into him, my br*asts and hard n*pples pressed into his back, my lips touching his shoulder in featherlight kisses as I slide my hands around his hips, then up to his pecs, scraping my nails lightly over his n*pples before sliding my hands down his abdomen. Reaching for his zipper, I stop, my nails running up and down the length of his er*ction with his pants between him and I. I stand up on my tip toes, breathing in his ear.

"Can you help me with your zipper, my love?"

His hands cover my mine, guiding the zipper down slowly until it can't go any further, pulling them apart so his er*ction can spring free of its restraint.

"Mmm, you went commando?" I ask breathlessly, my mouth salivating. "You should have told me... But then again, maybe it was best that you didn't because that's all I would have been thinking about during the ceremony..."

I see his sexy smirk as he turns his head slightly to look at me before he guides one of my hands to wrap around his girth, keeping his hand over mine to show the correct pressure as he starts sliding my hand up and down the hard throbbing length. Then he guides my other hand down to cup his b*lls, kneading with gentle pressure as he throws his head back in pleasure. I drag in my own ragged breath as my s*x clenches, a rush of heat and moisture dampening my panties at the feel of his hands on mine while I do this. It feels so sexy and sinful at the same time.

Soon, his c*ck starts to twitch and pulse harder, and he stops my hand from moving with pressure from his as he drops his head, taking deep, gulping breaths of air, my body feeling the muscles in his back and *ss flexing as he tries to get his body under control. In a strangled voice, he says, "Not. Yet."

I feel the pressure of his hand lighten up, and I slowly let go of him. I feel his body move as he uses a foot to push off each shoe, kicking them away. I push his pants down over his hips, down over his thighs to his calves, helping as he steps out of each leg, pulling off his black socks in the process. I hold the pants and his shirt up so he can grab them to toss to the chair on top of my dress, the black a stark contrast against the white. I run my hands up his legs, my lips and tongue tracing the muscles as I go, until I reach his luscious *ss, where I sink my teeth into him, caressing with my hands as I lick and kiss each spot to take the sting away. I've been wanting to do that for a while, marking him but not daring...

Finally, I continue up his back, placing a final kiss on one of the moon tattoos between his shoulder blades before taking a step back and dropping my hands. He turns around slowly, looking to see what I'm doing. As he does, I drop my hands to the strings at each hip, slowly pulling, watching the lust darken his eyes as they come undone. I leisurely peel the material from my body revealing the glistening treasure beneath, before dropping it to the floor at my side. I stand before him now, clad only in the garter that's holding the stockings up and my heels. I turn to walk to the bed, looking over my shoulder as I climb up on the bed on my hands and knees, my *ss in his direction, my wet p*ssy shining in the flickering light. I look over my shoulder at him, seeing he's still rooted to the place I left him, and I crook my finger, beckoning him to come to me. I see him move slowly, his c*ck twitching furiously as he walks to me. Still watching him over my shoulder, I slide my hand down my body, and I see him stop to fist himself when he sees my fingers slide over my cl*t and into my slick opening.

In a low voice I capture his attention when I whisper to him four little words:

"Take what is yours..."

He doesn't need any more encouragement. He grabs a pillow from the bed and throws it on the floor, kneeling behind me. With his free hand, he pulls my slick fingers from my body and sucks them into his mouth, his tongue rolling around them, tasting me and growling.

"Mine..." is all he says. Using his hand again, he positions my fingers so that I'm spreading those lips for him, and he swipes his tongue from my cl*t up and across my weeping entrance. Using his thumb, he rubs my cl*t as he teases me with his tongue, licking then jabbing deep inside me, sucking hard when I scream as the unexpected org*sm rips through my body.

I start trembling as the adrenaline courses through my body, and my arm gives out so I'm now positioned with my head resting on the soft comforter beneath me and my *ss in the air. I feel one final swipe of his tongue before he starts kissing my *ss, biting it as I did with his. Still holding my p*ssy open with the fingers of one hand, I use my other shaky hand to grab his, the one that's still rubbing my cl*t, guiding his fingers into me to slide in and out, still needing to feel him deep as my inner walls continue spasming from the org*sm he gave me with his mouth. I let out a muffled moan into the bed as I feel another mini one take over my body.

Before I realize what's happening, he removes his fingers, standing up and positioning the head of his c*ck at my wet entrance, pushing in slowly through my clenching channel, rubbing across the on-fire nerve endings there, causing another hard org*sm to hit.

"JIMINNNN!" I scream as he seats himself deeply, his throbbing and twitching c*ck rubbing my g-spot, making me scream again in pleasure. Then he's swiftly stroking in and out, pounding into me as the org*sms roll over me one after another. Suddenly, he stiffens as he leans over me, his hands gripping the bedding by each of my shoulders, his forehead pressed to me as his body releases deep inside.

As we both catch our breath, I feel him motion for me to move forward on the bed slowly and as I do he joins me there, still seated deep, wrapping his body around mine as we snuggle on our sides on the bed, facing the foot of it.

He pulls me tighter to his body, breathing in my ear as he whispers with a smile, "That's the second time I got you to scream my name, love..."

I smile and chuckle at that. "Yes. Yes, it is. I hope to repeat that several more times, my husband..." I feel his c*ck twitch slightly in response when I call him that, my smile widening as I look back at him. He leans up on his elbow, resting his head on his open palm as he looks down at me, the silver of the ring resting on his finger shining in the dim light.

I move, rolling onto my back to look up at him, my hand resting on my chest. He looks down, a smile spreading across his face as he strokes my hand, running his fingers over my own matching ring.

"My wife..." he says, wonder in his voice.

"It almost feels like a dream, doesn't it?" I ask, my own finger rubbing over his. His gaze finds mine. "But it's real, right...?"

"Yes, it's real, Nae...and if it isn't, I want to stay in this dream forever." He leans forward to press his lips to mine, slowly making love to my mouth with his, until his body is ready to take over. 

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