Adopted by 5sos

By 5sosjuice_2007

5.2K 37 3

-we will make this place your home, pinky promise- Luke tells me, showing his pinky. I continue starring at t... More

Music room
for you
for the weekend
First night
panic attack.
a nice day
Last chance (TW: suicide)
first night at home
that weirdo, again.
Birthday party
happy birthday!
new me
happy freaking birthday!!!
happy birthday
making memories.


81 0 0
By 5sosjuice_2007

When they are back from the grocery store i hear that we are eating pizza for dinner, Michael is gonna order pizza later. Thats nice,-here- Ashton says, giving me my favorite Ramen.
Buldak Ramen, cheese flavour..
I look at him.
-Angel said that its your favorite go to snack- he says, I smile and nod.
-dipshit- he says, I chuckle a little.
-would you like me to boil water for you?- he asks, I nod.
He leaves to go to the kitchen probably.
My favorite ramen (: it's been a while since i had this.
I go to the kitchen too, i sit at the dining table. Ashton slowley takes the package to not startle me.
I smile at him, i starre out of the window.
The doorbell rings.
-I got it- I hear Luke say.
I can smell the Ramen already,-are you kidding me?!- I hear Luke shout, I turn around.
Michael rushes over to him.
-what's going on?- I say.
-probably nothing to worry about- i hear ashton say, I nod.
I trust him.
I turn back to the table, after a few minutes Ashton comes to me with my Ramen bowl and a fork.
-be careful it's still hot okey?- he tells me, I nod.
-Ruby it's for you!- I hear Luke shout,
I turn around again.

Are you kidding my ass?

-hey- Rose says.
-kick her out or something!- I shout.
-don't say that Ruby- Ashton says.
-why?! I litarrly told Luke not even 30 minutes ago that i never wanna see her face again!- I shout.
-stop shouting Ruby- Calum says.
-NO!- I shout louder.
-jeez Ruby calm down- rose says.
-you don't tell me what to do!- I shout at her.
-i just wanna talk to see how you're doing that's all- she says.
-MAYBE YOU SHOULD'VE DONE THAT WHEN MOM AND DAD DIED- I say, i get up from my chair.
I grab my bowl and book from the table, my voice was cracking while i said this.
-Ruby wait!- I hear rose shout.
-fuck off!-
Wow, I have never really cursed like this before.
I walk up the staircase, I go to my room.

I slowley eat my ramen after it cooled down a bit, I starre at the table.
I start to cry.
I sit in my 'flying chair' after I put the empty bowl on the table.
I hear knocking on my roomdoor.
-go away- I say while crying my eyes out.
-it's me, Ash- he says.
I shrug and decide to not respond.
I hear the door open and close,
he quickly walks over to me.
He sits on the table in front of me.
He takes my hand, i hum.
-we really didn't like the tone you were having to us- he says.
I nod and sigh.
-we know that your emotions were high at that point though- he says, I shrug.
He suddenly grabs my arms.
-what are you doing?- I ask, he's checking for something.
-I'm just making sure that you haven't done any selfharm- he says, oh yeah.
I nod, he let's my arms go.
-I don't want you to apologize but we are still gonna have to punish you, because of your behavior just now okay?- he says, I nod.
-no food?- I ask, the orphanage did it this way.
-what? No ofcourse not. Uhhh, let's say. No Playstation, no ipad and no books for two weeks- he says.
-what???- I say.
-sorry, but we can't be too soft to you. You have to learn darling- he says.
But books help me with stress and tics and many other things.
He starts taking my books away, I look down.
-well this is the last time ill say what I got on my chest then- I say.
-this doesn't mean that you can't say anything, Ruby- Ashton says.
-I told you guys a hundred times that I don't want her to be here but you guys just let her stay here on purpose- I say.
-It's not on purpose- he says.
-it feels like it- I whisper.
-go downstairs Ruby ill be there soon too- he says.
I go downstairs to the livingroom then, I sit on the couch, this is gonna be fun.

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