Robin x finney lovers friends...

By finney273

11.9K 105 67

Robin and finney start to get to know each other More But they start to gain feelings for each other and this... More

1987 🌙<3
read this<3 not a chapter  1978🌙
First day of school<3🌙 1978 🌙
at school<3🌙
Hello guys:)🌙
Look at this 🤎
Guys i am so sorry but also GOOD NEW
A party 🌙
Saturday the day to go to Robin house
He looks nice 🌙
Hey guys if you guys can look at this :)🌙
Heyyy what do you guys think? 🌙
You guys are getting a chapter today 🍂
Hey guys 💤
2 months later Time passes 
Read this really quick 
Look please
Can you guys please look at this it's really important

at school🌙thanking about the boy<3🪐

719 6 0
By finney273

AN/ Moons 🌚🌙🪐🌘🌒🌓🌖🌗🌛🌝🌑🌜💫🪐_____________________________________
finney pov.} It's the next day, Finney and Gwen are walking to school.
"I wonder if there's gonna be another fight! That guy with the long hair was so cool!" Gwen rambles, on and on. Finney just listens, thinking about that boy again.
They part ways and Finney walks to his locker, putting his shit away. "Hey Finney!" someone says from behind him. Finney turns around, being greeted by Bruce. "Oh, hey Bruce." Finney greets, shutting his locker. "You good? Like, you know where everything is now? You don't need me to be your escort right?" Bruce says, laughing towards the end.
Finney just smiles and shakes his head, "Yeah i'm good, i'll see you around though." Finney says. "Oh ok! That's Gre-" Bruce starts to say, before getting interrupted. "Bruce! I've been waiting for you dipshit." Says a boy, walking up to Bruce and Finney. Finney notices how the boy grabs Bruce's wrist.
The boy has dirty blonde hair, it was curly and long. The boy also has very blue eyes, they were pretty. Finney also noticed how fit and intimidating the boy was.
"Oh! Finney this is Vance! My uh, um, bestfriend.." Bruce says, with an unconfident voice towards the end. "Oh hi.." Finney says, waving at the boy slightly. Vance just gives him a nod of confirmation, before tugging on Bruce's wrist again. "Gotta go! Bye Finney!" Bruce says, as he allows himself to be dragged down the hallway.
Finney just lets out a sigh, before heading to biology.
Once class is over, he walks to the bathroom to do his business. He hears the door open and he looks over. Three boys walk in snickering like they had just caused some trouble. One of them caught Finney staring at them, "What you looking at Fag?" The boy asks. "Nothing sorry." Finney says, looking back towards the wall. The boys just stand by the entrance of the bathroom, talking about drama. Finney dries his hands, and goes to head out of the bathroom. As he passes them, one of the boys sticks his foot out, tripping Finney. Finney groans as he lands on his chin, busting it open. The boys just snicker, and walk out of the bathroom.
"Fuck.." Finney says to himself. He brings his hand to cup his chin, and goes to clean himself up by the sink. Once he finishes, the blood has stopped, so Finney just leaves it alone, and heads to his next class.
As he walks out tho, he didn't happen to notice the boy with the bandana leaning against the wall outside of the bathroom. He had heard everything.
As Finney and Gwen walk out of school, Gwen tells him about her day, and how she had made a few new friends. "Oh! Which reminds me, One of them invited me over to stay the night. Tell grandma for me ok?" Gwen tells Finney. "Oh ok. Have fun!" Finney says, waving to Gwen as she walks away.
Finney is kicking a rock down the sidewalk as he walks home, when he hears footsteps running up behind him. He turns around, and is quick to move out of the way, before someone is tackled right next to him.
"Get the fuck off me Vance!" The boy under him shouts, pushing Vance off of him. "I fucking hate you sometimes." Vance says, laughing slightly, before helping the boy up. Finneys eyes widen, it's THE boy. Vance just then notices Finney beside them, and laughs awkwardly. "Sorry Finney, This dipshit tried to take my walkman." Vance says, pointing to the boy next to him. Finney and the boy make eye contact. "Yeah sorry about that, didn't mean to cause any trouble. I'm Robin by the way, Robin Arellano." The boy, Robin, says, smiling at Finney. Finney feels his face heat up, his smile is pretty. "Uh- I'm Finney, Finney Blake." Finney says, offering a small smile back.
"Wait, Is Finney like your actual name, or is it a nickname?" Robin asks, with a smirk on his face. Finney can feel his face heat up, "Um, it's my actual name.." Finney says, avoiding eye contact with Robin.
"Ohh, gotcha, Well Finn, me and this dumbass will get out of your way." Robin says, putting his arm around Vances shoulders. "Ok, bye guys.." Finney says, giving them a small nod. Vance just rolls his eyes, walking away. Robin stays behind, "Bye Finn, see ya around." Robin says, winking at Finney, before walking away.
Finney just stands there processing everything. Finneys eyes widen in realization, Robin had called him Finn. Finney sighs before walking, with a small smile on his face. His mind is consumed by thoughts of the boy.
AN/🌙 finney took a shower cut so he was walking here do you see like the yellow with the X he's going there and walking home:) but not in the woods Vance and Robin are going to the woods.🤟🏼🪵🪐

I also borrowed this picture from the Texas chainsaw massacre I just see a really nice and Robin favorite movie🌙 words 848 <3

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