The Case of Raimon Mystery In...

By AnjiruSpirit

387 14 8

This story is inspired by Scooby Doo and the Mystery Incorporated. Raimon Mystery Inc. is a group of detectiv... More

Chapter 1: Raimon Mystery Inc. Is No More?!
Chapter 2: After Four Years With A New Member
Chapter 4: The Storyteller's Warning
Chapter 5: The Fallen Wings
Chapter 6: A 'Golden' Success
Chapter 7: The Swamp Alien (Part 1: Alien In The City?!)
Chapter 8: The Swamp Alien (Part 2: A Heartfelt Reunion)
Chapter 9: The Swamp Alien (Part 3: A Student's Revenge)

Chapter 3: A Disadvantage For Raimon Inc.

39 4 0
By AnjiruSpirit

Third POV:

(Flashback continues)

Raimon Mystery Inc. and Mari entered Wakura Mansion.

The mayor introduced his family to them. "This my wife, Moroha. And these are my children: Kiriha, Kotori, and Kurumi."

Kurumi, the youngest child and a daughter runs excitingly toward the team. "OMG! It's Raimon Mystery Inc. I can't believe it! And Shindou is still here too!", she said excitingly with a blush.

"We apologize for my sister's behavior. She's actually a biggest fan of yours, especially for Shindou.", Kotori, the second child and another daughter said.

"Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you, guys.", Kiriha, the oldest child and only son said as he gave a handshake.

"Same.", Tsurugi said as he handshakes.

"So, you're Miss Otonashi's one of the most skilled apprentice.", Moroha said to Mari.

"Yes, she is.", Akihiro said to his wife. Then, he continues, "She and Raimon Mystery Inc. are work together as of today."

"I see.", Moroha said. "But, will they stop that giant bird?", she also asked.

"I'm sure they will, no matter what happens.", Akihiro believed in them.

At the balcony, the team and Mari enjoyed the view.

"Wait, I'm almost forgot.", Tenma said. "Let us introduce ourselves, except Shinsuke for introduced to you earlier."

The team (except Shinsuke) introduced themselves one by one.

"I'm Matsukaze Tenma."
"I'm Shindou Takuto."
"Tsurugi Kyousuke."
"Nishiki Ryouma, here."
"I'm Kirino Ranmaru, by the way."
"Kariya Masaki, at your service."

"It's nice to meet you.", Mari greeted. Then, she stared at Shindou, "So, you're Shindou. You guess, the fans' favorite member. And handsome."

Shindou and Mari chuckles.

"You know what. Otonashi-sensei told me about you several times. And I always watch the news about ya. Earlier, when you guys showed up, I'm surprised when I saw you.", Mari said.

"So, you're the one of our biggest fan, aren't you?", Kirino asked.

"Probably not.", Mari answered. "But, Otonashi-sensei invited me to help you, guys."

Later, At 8:30 P.M., The trio are in the living room. Shinsuke and Kariya are in the garden. Kirino is at the balcony, so he can see the giant bird. Nishiki is in the bedroom, where they sleep at. And Mari is taking a bath in the bathroom.

The trio watched the video gathered by Mari in a flash drive, which is inserted on Shindou's laptop. They saw a giant bird lurking around the village. It shouted loudly several times, then it grabbed the townspeople by using his claws. The trio also shocked as the giant bird flew swiftly.

"I think you're right, Tenma. We're at disadvantage because of that giant bird's speed.", Shindou said.

"But Kudou-san and Wakura-san believed in us." Tenma said.

"Right. But it is difficult to stop him. Even Shinsuke jump as high as he can, it won't work.", Tsurugi has a point.

Shindou scratched his head to think. "Wait. I got an idea." He stands up to get something at Raimon Machine. Later, he came back with a bag.

Tenma pointed his finger at the bag Shindou held, "What's that?"

"Guess what.", Shindou said with a smirk. He put a bag on the table. He grabbed something inside the bag. It was Hamano's drone.

"Hamano-senpai's drone.", Tsurugi said as he and Tenma shocked in surprised. "Why is it in here? He quit, right?", He also asked in surprised.

"Yes, he quited.", Shindou answered. Then he explained, "But, actually, he left his drone to us."

(Two months ago, When Shindou and Kirino were about to sit in front, Kirino saw a bag. When they're inside Raimon Machine with Shindou driving, Kirino opened the bag and he shocked. "Shindou!", he said. Then, he grabbed Hamano's drone out of the bag with a note on it.)

"And he left us a note." Shindou showed a note to Tenma and Tsurugi.

'Use my drone in case for the future mysteries. It is useful.'


"Soudesuka. (I see.)", Tenma said.

"Arigato, Hamano.", Shindou said in his mind.

Mari's POV:

After I took a bath and came out from the bathroom, I went to our bedroom. Once I entered, my face turns entirely red. Then...

"Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!", I screamed with a blush.

The team heard my scream as Kirino, Kariya, and Shinsuke went inside the mansion. I came out from the bedroom and went downstairs hastily as I cried out. Tenma and Tsurugi ran into me.

"Mari, what's wrong?", Tenma asked out of worry.

"Daijoubu ka? (Are you alright?)", Tsurugi asked.

"Hey! Why are you screaming at, Missy?", someone said.

Someone came out from the bedroom, it was Nishiki. When Tenma and Tsurugi turned around, their face went awkward as they stared at Nishiki. Nishiki is shirtless with his abs.

I smacked the two with my fists on their heads. "Why are you two looking at?! Just get him dress already! That was my weakness!", I said angrily.

Tenma and Tsurugi said in unison hysterically and panicked, "Hai!" The two rushed to Nishiki. While Shindou, Kirino, Kariya, and Shinsuke's faces went also awkward.

Tenma and Tsurugi dragged Nishiki into the bedroom.

"Hey! What are you guys doing?!", Nishiki asked.

"You made Mari blushed, Nishiki-senpai!", Tenma said.

"Just put your shirt on!", Tsurugi said angrily.

Meanwhile, my face kept blushing. Kariya went to me as he wanted to say something.

He whispering in my ear. "Mari, I have to say something. You know what. My friend, Kurumada-senpai also has abs."

My face blushed even more. Kariya showed his mischievous grin. At the same time, Kirino heard it. He got angry at Kariya for what he say to me. Kirino clenched his fist hardly and his face shadow covered his eyes.

"Kariya...", Kirino said slowly and his eyes glows red as he stared at Kariya.

Kariya turned around. "Hey... Kirino-senpai.", he said awkwardly.

"Don't ever...", Kirino said angrily as he walked forward slowly to Kariya.

Kariya got scared...

"...say about those abs nonsense to her!!!", Kirino shouted angrily as he doing uppercut Kariya's stomach, which he sent him flying to the balcony.

Kirino calmed himself down and said, "Are you alright, Mari?"

Shinsuke keep staring at us, while Shindou keep watching the footage that I gathered.

Third POV:

At 9 P.M., they are gathered in a living room with Nishiki wear his shirt, Kariya put the ice bag on his head after he got knocked by Kirino, and Mari's face stopped blushing.

"That giant bird is too fast and too tough to capture him. So, I have plan.", Shindou said.

At the same time, the lights turned off and the mansion went blackout.

"What's going on?!", Tenma asked.

When Tsurugi turned the switch, the lights didn't turn on. "It's blackout!", he said.

Since Shinsuke is small, he can't see the surroundings until he bumped into the sliding door. When he stands up, he saw something.

"Ahhhhh!!!", Shinsuke screamed

The team and Mari heard.

"What's wrong, Shinsuke?", Kariya said as he run into Shinsuke.

Shinsuke stares at something with his eyes widened as he is outside. "I think I see something", he said cowardly.

Kariya shocked cowardly as his eyes widened.

There's a black bird in front of them. It has a large black wings and wear a bird-like helmet with a mechanical beak. It has a giant mechanical claws. His wings are flapping in front of Shinsuke and Kariya.

Both of them shouted, "It's a giant bird!!!"

The team shocked.

The giant bird charged at Shinsuke and Kariya. But, the two closed the sliding door as fast as they can. The bird can't enter.

"Quick! Get our equipments!", Tenma said.

He and Tsurugi are going to Raimon Machine to get their equipments. Shindou was about to activate Hamano's drone by using the remote control. Kirino, Shinsuke, and Nishiki are about to distracting the giant bird. Mari and Kariya are going to close the windows and doors. The Wakura Family awake.

"What's happening?", Akihiro wondered.

"The giant bird is here!", Mari said. "Stay inside your room and close the door and windows."

The Wakura Family followed what Mari said.

"Kariya, leave that door open. I'm controlling the drone.", Shindou said as he pointed at the garden door.

*music starts*
*Bad Habit by NCS*

Shindou flew Hamano's drone, while Kariya was standing by at the garden door. When the drone flew out, Kariya shut and locked the door.

At Raimon Machine, Tenma and Tsurugi grabbed two grappling guns, one net gun, and two mysterious staff device. Then, they run to the garden to give the guns to Kirino, Nishiki, and Shinsuke.

"Shinsuke!", Tenma shouted as he threw a grappling gun to Shinsuke.

Shinsuke caught it.

Tsurugi also shouted, "Kirino-senpai!", he threw a net gun to Kirino. "Nishiki-senpai!", he also threw a grappling gun to Nishiki.

Both Nishiki and Kirino caught the guns.

Tenma and Tsurugi activate the device. Turns out, it was a mechanical glider. The two flew up to keep the giant bird busy, while Shindou focused the bird through the camera. Kirino, Nishiki, and Shinsuke keep aiming at the bird.

Tenma charged at the bird, but the bird was about to get Tenma. But, Tenma rotates himself as he dodges with a glider. Tenma flew up, but the bird trying to get him. Kirino fires with a net gun, but the bird flew faster as dodged. The bird keep chasing Tenma. But, Tsurugi flew the same as the bird's speed. He bumped the bird sideways with a glider. But the bird got Tsurugi's foot with its claw. Shinsuke jumped higher and fires a grappling gun at the same time on the bird's other claw to save Tsurugi. When Shinsuke climbed up to the claw, he use the stingy device on the claw to get Tsurugi out. Tsurugi got out from the claw. But, the bird's wings flapped higher to sent Tsurugi and Shinsuke back away. But, Tsurugi hold Shinsuke while he is in a glider. Shindou use the drone to fire the electric projectile at the bird, the bird dodges.

"Shinsuke, Now!", Tsurugi said.

Shinsuke fires with a grappling gun at the bird's claw. While Tsurugi held him tightly and flew backwards with a glider. Nishiki also fires with a grappling gun at the other claw and pulled the bird with his might. The bird tried to fly higher, but Tenma was right behind him. He used his feet to push the bird down. When Kirino was about to fire with a net gun, the bird was about making a loud noise at the same time.

*music stops*

Shindou warns, "Look out!" He activated the drone barrier, so that the drone cannot destroy because of loud sound waves.

The giant bird made a loud noise. Everyone covered their ears. Kirino can't shoot with a net gun. Nishiki dropped a grappling gun. Tenma, Tsurugi, and Shinsuke sent back away due to the sound wave. Shindou also covered his ears when his eyes closed. Kariya also covered his ears as well. Mari and The Wakura Family covered their ears in the bedroom.

The giant bird was finally break the grappling rope and fly away retreated.

Shindou's POV:

I turned off the drone barrier and landed the drone on the ground. Kariya opened the door. We went out to check the others.

"Are you guys alright?", I asked.

Kariya help Kirino to stand. While Kirino and Nishiki clenched their heads because of the loud noise.

"That bird was too strong!", Kirino got irritated.

I looked for Tenma. But, he's fine as I saw him in relief. However, I saw a piece of paper beside Tenma. I picked the paper and Tenma up. When we came back to the garden. There's something's missing.

"Have you seen Tsurugi and Shinsuke?", I asked again.

"There they are.", someone said. It was Mari, who came out from the bedroom with The Wakura Family.

We went to somewhere. It was Raimon Machine. And Tsurugi and Shinsuke was inside.

"Kuso! (Damn it!)", Tsurugi said angrily.

(Earlier, when the bird made a loud noise. The two sent back away. Raimon Machine back door opened. That's where they shoot inside and the glider turned off at the same time.)

I clenched my fist and said in my mind, "As I expected, it is a disadvantages for us."

Then, I read a letter. It says...

Get out or I will get you all. You will regret it.

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