The Red Stone's Gleam (JoJo's...

By Beanyboy2002

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The Stone Mask, a mysterious artefact capable of turning people into Vampires. Brothers Dio and Damian Brando... More

Summary: O/C
Author's Note: Before We Begin...
Chapter 1: 50 Years Later, The Master's Mission
Chapter 2: The Man in the Pillar, Straizo's Ambition
Chapter 3: The Master of Venice
Chapter 4: Training at a New Level
Chapter 5: Two New Allies Arrive
Chapter 6: A Month's Training, Nearly Completed
Chapter 7: Esidisi's Burning Blood!
Chapter 8: Awakening and the Venture to Switzerland
Chapter 9: Catching a Train, the Soldier's Intervention
Chapter 10: Germany's Cyber Soldier and the Wrath of Kars
Chapter 12: The Last, Lonely Bubble
Chapter 13: Picking up the Trail, 100 Vampires!
Chapter 14: Lisa Lisa's Story, the Prelude to Battle
Chapter 15: Battle in the Colosseum
Chapter 16: The Second Battle, Kars' True Nature Revealed
Chapter 17: Blinded by the Light
Chapter 18: The Power of the Ultimate Being
Chapter 19, Epilogue: Joseph's 'Funeral', An Artefact Recovered...
Author's Note: Thank You!

Chapter 11: The Hotel on the Horizon, Caesar's Resolve

160 12 0
By Beanyboy2002

Gyalzen POV

The famous ST Mortiz, a winter sports hub often called Sun Valley. Both relaxed and sophisticated, truly a wealthy resort on holidays. But now wasn't exactly the time for relaxing or taking things easy. I could tell everyone was now on-edge.

My attention shifted to Joseph, teasing a cat with a chunk of salmon. The cat batted at the food however Joseph kept on lifting it, taunting the animal. After watching for a second, I grew annoyed and snatched the fork away, stating "Quit fooling around JoJo!"

Kneeling around, I held the fork out for the cat, saying "Here you go." The cat let out a meow and took the fish before walking away, I smiled a bit before standing back up, to see Joseph pouting in annoyance before sighing. "No, no. That was mean of me. It's just because I'm on edge."

I nodded a bit in understanding, saying "We all are. I understand completely." Joseph explained "It's five days until the ring dissolves. Kars is serious about killing us. I can feel the threats closing in." Again, all I did was nod and agree, saying "I feel it as well. My nerves have been uneasy ever since I woke up after facing Esidisi. The true reality of the situation is beginning to set in."

Our conversation was interrupted when Lisa Lisa called out "JoJo! Gyalzen! What are you both doing?! Come here and look!" I replied "Of course." As Joseph yelled Yes Ma'am! Be right there!" As I approached, Caesar handed me a pair of binoculars. I could see a look in his eye, something was on his mind.

Through the binoculars, I could see a large building, towering over the treeline. Joseph called out "Oi Gyalzen! Let me take a look!" I lowered the binoculars and handed them to him allowing him to get the same view. As he did Lisa Lisa explained.

"That building is the address Esidisi put on the package." Messina suggested "Looks like an old closed down hotel. A perfect hide-out for Kars during the day. The windows are boarded up, no sunlight in there."

Caesar stated "I'm sure Kars hides there during the day. I bet he's waiting for Wammu." I pointed out "Yes, you're right." Lisa Lisa asked "So, what's the plan?" Caesar's expression turned to one of determination as he declared "That's easy! We attack NOW!"

Messina turned to him. "I agree. Kars can't go out during daylight. We have the advantage." I spoke quietly. "If that's what you think is best, then so be it." That just left Joseph, we all turned to look as Lisa Lisa asked his thoughts. 

Joseph however remained silent for a moment, we all watched him before he finally said. "I... I disagree." This made our eyes widen, all four of us were shocked that Joseph, the seemingly more reckless one, would disagree to an all-out assault.

He justified his actions though, saying "I think it's more dangerous with the sun up. Kars has lived for thousands of years like this, he won't have left himself defenceless." Pointing out across the trees to the hotel, he continued. 

"Walking into his lair would be suicidal. I won't go! It'd be like a bug walking into a web!" Caesar wasn't having this though, "Come on. JoJo, this isn't like you. Are you scared?" I pointed out "It's five on one. JoJo, I understand your concerns but a part of me agrees with Caesar here." 

Joseph stood firm, saying "I'll take Sun Tzu's advice here. Only fight when victory is assured. I said I WON'T go!" This only served to anger Caesar further, he grabbed Joseph by his jacket and yelled "Are you chickening out?!"

Joseph retorted "Chickening out?! My head is cool. I'm thinking straight. We have to wait for HIS move." Caesar snapped "You want a sure victory?! As Gyalzen said, Kars is alone, we are FIVE! We have the numbers! We have to strike now, before Wammu arrives!"

Even now, Joseph wasn't backing down, he stated "Caesar, you're going off half-cooked. Keep your head, calm down and think! If we walk in there, he's the one in control!" The argument only escalated from there.

Caesar yelled, ENRAGED! "I'm not half-cooked, I'm gonna end this! I'll end the fight that killed both our grandfathers! I'll destroy Kars!" Joseph only yelled right back at him. "You'll finish it?! What about our dead grandfathers?! Who cares! Don't drag the dead into this, you idiot!" 

This caught Caesar off guard, he stammered "What did you say JoJo?!" Joseph continued "Family you've never met doesn't mean crap! Only a complete moron would die for that!" I tried defusing the situation "Quiet! JoJo, you're making things worse!" Joseph turned to me and snapped "I could care less! Caesar needs to face the truth!" 

Caesar was shaking with rage now, I could tell what Joseph had said got to him. In an instant he yelled "Watch your mouth, JOJO!" His fist flew out in a punch that struck Joseph in the face, he fell to the ground before sitting up, asking "What was that for you-?!"

He got to his feet, "A sucker punch, you." He returned with a punch of his own, now they were back and forth, trading both blows and insults before finally, Lisa Lisa called out "Caesar, JoJo!" She and Messina stepped in, Lisa Lisa held Caesar back, Messina did the same for Joseph. 

Joseph muttered angrily "You bastard-..." He stood up, causing Messina to release his grip, before exclaiming "Have you lost it?! You're acting like a madman!" Caesar shot back, "JoJo! I thought you'd understand inheriting a battle like this. I was wrong!"

He turned away, declaring "I'm going." Lisa Lisa tried warning him "Caesar, JoJo is right, it's too dangerous. We don't know what might be in there." I raised an eyebrow, asking "How?" Lisa Lisa turned to me, explaining "Think, he's just waiting in that building. He knows we are coming, and there's no doubt he's prepared."

At this, I stopped. At first, I was more than willing to follow Caesar. I understood his reasoning, he'd told me the connection the Zeppeli and Joestars held, though I could sense there was something more. However at the same time, I understood what Joseph meant as well. And if Lisa Lisa agreed with him, I would follow.

Caesar stopped, staring silently at the large structure. Lisa Lisa continued "We'll wait for Kars. That's an order Caesar. Protecting the stone is our first objective." Caesar closed his eyes and said in a solemn tone. "Coach, I'm sorry, I can't obey." Giving us a sideways glance, he said.

"You know this is a blood issue. It's a Zeppeli problem. I can't leave it unsettled while I know where Kars is! I can't sit back and wait for him to come!" He was about to leap however I shouted "Caesar!"

His attention turned to me as I stepped forward. "There is no changing your mind is there?" He shook his head, confirming "No chance. Not now." I slowly extended my hand out and said "Then I suppose I can only say I wish you the best."

Caesar looked down at my hand, for a moment his face was blank. However then he closed his eyes before reaching out and taking it into a firm shake. All he said was a calm "Thank you." As soon as he let go of my hand he turned and leapt over the railing into the snow below.

Lisa Lisa instantly turned to Messina and ordered "Follow him and stop him from entering, even if it means by force." I turned and asked "Should I go as well?" Lisa Lisa gave me a look, even colder than her usual as she instructed "No! I cannot afford another wandering off recklessly!"

I was caught off guard by her response but nevertheless, I bowed and said "As you wish Master." I turned to face Caesar as he walked into the trees towards the building. I heard Joseph muttering. "Caesar... Why are you so grim all of a sudden?" 

Lisa Lisa explained "JoJo, you've touched on a piece of his hidden past. You didn't mean it, but your words hit him where he's most sensitive." Hidden past, that would explain things. For now though, all I could do was watch, as the friend I'd made over the last three weeks walked away.

I couldn't shake it, I had a bad feeling as to what was to come...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter. I really hope you enjoyed and as always, thank you for reading.

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