What did happen to you dad?

By mintyNoelle

4K 49 36

This story is after the final war and shoto and also surprisingly Dabi aka toya wants to know the truth of wh... More

After the war and the first clue
This is a case not just a case but a cold one!!!
The plane landed and the second letter and all mights secret
how did enjis father die and the last letter
They finally met noelle that who knows the entire story
The story of enji todroki
Nathinel son comes in to ruin enji and noelles life again
Enji and toshi get there frindship back and enji is ready to tell the story
The hero commission story

Asking enji questions

291 4 2
By mintyNoelle

Four hours later~

Enji woke up and saw the bright light again he sat up and stretched his arm and he felt a pain in his arm then he remembered he had one arm and he was still in the hospital. He sighed and looked around then the door opened and it was Lyla then Enji remembered he had to answer questions. Lyla smiled and said "good morning enji how did you sleep" Enji replied with "morning I slept great thank you for asking." Lyla responded with "your welcome enji now let's talk about this case ok" enji was surprised because he knew about the case but thought it was done but it actually wasn't. Enji just nodded at Lyla who sat down on the chair next to the hospital bed and then Lyla unzipped her backpack and got out the file of the case and her computer.

Lyla opened her computer and put it on her lap and she then said "enji who killed your father?" Enji replied with "my moms new husband" Lyla was shocked but she kept on a straight face so people wouldn't see how shocked she was. Lyla got up and put her computer on the chair and said "enji did you tell anyone about this" Enji replied with "no I haven't told anyone or I would be burned alive by my mom." Lyla sighed and said "enji your mother is now dead so you can now say your mind now so what did your mother do to you." Enji looked down and said "she burned all of my trophies that were not first and also she would burn me when I wouldn't listen to her or follow her rules or come in 2nd."

Lyla sighed and said "well you can finally be free Enji because she is dead and so is her new husband" enji smiled and said "you are right." Lyla grabbed the file and put it in her backpack and then closed her computer and put that in her backpack then she zipped her backpack up. Lyla then sighed and grabbed her backpack by the handle and then said "enji, toshi wants to talk to you he is coming in two hours just wanted to let you know." Enji was shocked but just nodded and Lyla smiled and said "bye enji" Enji replied with "bye" Lyla left and closed the door behind her. Enji sighed and said "I still have two hours until someone comes so I might as well go back to sleep but I am not that tired" Enji looked around then he saw kuzomochi on the table near him so he picked it up and started eating it.

Two hours later~
Enji just got seen by recovery girl because enji just got up from his coma that he was in now enji was fixing his pillow because it was uncomfortable for him so he moved it to more comfortable place. He laid back on his pillow and sighed then the door opened he looked at the door and it was Toshi Enji remembered he was coming so he wasn't surprised to see him. Toshi walked in and closed the door behind him then he walked over to enji and here was an awkward silence then Toshi sighed and said "can you tell me why you stopped talking to me enji." Enji sighed and nodded and then he said "I stopped talking to you because my mother wanted me to be number one and I just wanted her to say she is proud of me so I started hating you and ignoring you because you we're number one." Toshi sighed and said "I am sorry of what happened to you enji" Enji replied with "it's ok you didn't know but now I am free from my past it is all behind me and I like it that way."

Toshi smiled and said "Enji remember before your father died I said I would hang out with you we still haven't hanged out yet." Enji looked over surprised but then he smiled and said "sure" Toshi replied with "great what do you want to do" Enji responded "I am hungry let's get kuzomochi pls." Toshi sighed and said "you are still the same enji" enji got out of bed and Toshi was worried he was gonna fall over and faint because enji couldn't walk right before. Enji walked towards the bathroom and went inside and Toshi was confused but he didn't say anything or do anything he just stood there. Toshi was wondering what enji was doing probably going to the bathroom because when you stay in the hospital you have to go to the bathroom a lot.

15 minutes later~
Toshi heard a flush than the sink turn on then the water stopped then he heard a hand dryer than the door opened revealing enji who was out of his hospital gown. He was wearing a a black long sleeved shirt with a brown jacket with brown fur on the collar of the jacket then he jeans held by a brown and blackish belt. He wears a silver chain around his neck and a watch which had brown straps and he was wearing his black slip on shoes that covered his whole foot. Toshi noticed he had a prosthetic arm he guessed recovery girl already stopped by and gave him one. Toshi smiled then he realized something so he said "enji are you even allowed to leave the hospital and when i arrived you had no chords in you so are you know allowed to leave."

Enji looked at Toshi and smiled and said "I am allowed to leave only for three to four hours at a time and I can only leave twice a day." Toshi nodded and smiled at enji who just kept on smiling then enji ran to the door and Toshi followed him who was clearly walking to the door. Enji opened the door and ran out and Toshi ran after him screaming because enji needs to slow down because of his injuries he might open the wounds.
To be continued~

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