Miraculous Turn of Events Re...


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Once upon a time in the city of romance, evil seemed to creep up spreading fear and destruction in search of... More

Chapter One: Lookout, There's a New Girl in Town
Chapter Two: Seriously, All This in the Middle of Break?!
Chapter Three: Who Needs a Costume To Be Heroic?
Chapter Four: Outing Digression and Heroes Meet
Chapter Five: Who are These People?
Chapter Seven: Art or Chaos?
Chapter Eight: Enter Reverser

Chapter Six: Who are These People? - Part 2

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"How is your first day going Professeur Chevalier?" Athalya Simonè asked the recent addition to the staff. She had been in the class next door and decided to greet and check on him on the way to the staffs tearoom. "So far so good, I'd say. It's also a good way for me to check on my godson, speaking of do you take madam Mendeleievs class for anything?" he asked.

"Oh, yes I do see them for English, I see most classes for English," she answered, "I'm assuming your godson is Leon-Cœur Richard," she added. He nodded in response, "That's him," he said. "He seems to be a good kid, he has already become friends with two other kids, and he is exceptional at English. Is he from Britain? I don't mean to pry, but I'm curious," she asked hesitantly.

He smiled at her reassuringly, "It's quite alright, and yes he is. My friend lived there," he said a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I am deeply sorry," she said noticing the look in his eyes, he gave a curt nod and smiled again, "Thank you, but nothing comes from dwelling on the past, all I can do is move forward," he states.

She gives him a small smile and nods, "A wise notion, but properly accepting loss is important too... Ah, I'm sorry we just met so I have no right to say," Athalya says and shakes her head furiously while internally scolding herself for being too familiar. There's just something about his presence that made me feel like we've been friends for the longest time, she thought.

He suddenly placed his hand on hers making her freeze on the spot and a slight blush rise to her cheeks, "Pardon me madam Simonè, but it is quite alright. It is comforting to have someone being friendly and kind on your first day. So I don't mind and I thank you for being informal with me," he said. She shyly nodded, "I-its my pleasure, uhm Professeur Chevalier," she said, and he gave her a closed eye smile as he released her hands. "Please youre welcome to call me Staraí," he said, "Ah, then please call me Athalya. And its a pleasure once more to meet you Staraí," she said and extended her hand.

"The pleasures mine," he said and shook her hand before they continued to the staff's tearoom talking about their interest in history and Athalya attentively listened to his archaeological adventures. "Oh, Athalya, I don't want to be rude, but you're quite young so is this your first job?" he asked, she nodded, "Yes, my friend Caline and I graduated last year. She is older than me tho, so I'm the youngest teacher in the school. Ah, we're here don't be surprised by anything they say about me," she said with a smile before entering.

"Ah welcome Professeur Chevalier, I'm Blaise Non-Raffiné. I do apologise if madam Simonè had troubled you," monsieur Non-Raffiné said as soon as Staraí entered behind Athalya. "Monsieur Non-Raffiné, why do you have to be such a rude, pompous..." Caline started but was cut off by Athalya and Florence covering her mouth with their hands. "Ahem, staff," principal Damocles said gaining everyones attention and preventing the fight.

"Jean-Pierre, Armand come sit join us, we actually wanted to discuss our content-based projects with you both," Florence said to her friends after Staraí's introduction and while he was greeting a few other teachers. "Of course," the two male teachers respond and joined Florence, "Oh sorry, you dont mind right, Violette?" Florence asked madam Mendeleiev. "Not at all, we should be able to cover the plans fairly quickly if they join," she responded.

"You're just happy to have more friends Vi," Caline stated with a smile while Violette tried to hide her flustered face by turning away. "Cal, stop teasing, anyway I'm just glad you all decided to join us," Athalya said placing her hand on Violette's shoulder, and gave Armand and Jean-Piere a bright smile. With their personalities and the care that they had for their students, they were fast friends.

Staraí had finished greeting everyone a short while later and was walking back to Athalya, who was speaking with the other teachers. However, he was intercepted by Blaise, "Professeur Chevalier, would you like to join us?" he asked and gestured to some of the more experienced teachers which had also included madam Mendeleiev. "Maybe another time monsieur," he states with a thin smile before joining Athalya and her friends, much to Blaise's disappointment.

"Staraí," Athalya said in surprise, "Is it so shocking that I'd join you? We were having an enjoyable time on our way here," he replied. "I guess I didn't expect you to turn down monsieur Non-Raffiné," she said honestly, he shook his head, "Guess you still have to get to know me," he stated with a grin and didn't notice the slight blush on her cheeks, she hoped her friends didn't notice either.

"I guess so, oh Staraí these are my friends, Caline Bustier, Florence Gratuite, Violette Dmitri Mendeleiev, Armand D'Argencourt and Jean-Pierre Monlataing," she said and gestured to her friends as she did. "A pleasure to meet you both, and please call me Staraí," he said as he shook their hands, the ladies smiled at him and introduced themselves further by sharing the classes they teach, they were glad that Athalya had told them about his monotonous manner of speech.

The group got to know their new friend and were enjoying their break together, Armand and Jean-Pierre were very happy to have another male friend and invited him out for drinks. "Showing up drunk or hung over is very improper, Jean and I don't drink like that in general," Armand stated with a wave of his hand, "We hardly go out to drink, this is just to celebrate your first day," Jean-Pierre agreed. Caline and Violette were talking with Florence.

Athalya quietly observed them with a small smile, she was happy with this new atmosphere and thought that they have formed a good group of friends. "So, our new history teacher. I'm sure Lya has talked your ear off with history so how about you tell us why you decided to come teach in a high school?" Caline asked. Athalya was about to scold Caline for being rude, but Staraí spoke first, "It was the best way to be more present for my godson, Leon-cœur Richard," he answered her simply.

"Ah I see, Richard is a brilliant learner. I could tell right away, and he has adapted well to our class," Violette states, "Leon is quite knowledgeable for his age, and it sounds like he comes from Britain like you Lya," Caline added. "I wonder tho Staraí, if he is your only reason do you have any interest in teaching?" Florence asked seriously, Staraí was quiet for a moment before meeting their worried glances with a small smile.

"I never thought I would ever get into teaching on any level even as a lecturer like my late friend. I enjoyed my freedom and travelling all over the world to aid in discoveries and research, but after what happened to them and knowing that Leo is alone. I had to step up and it's a sacrifice I have made with no regret or turning back. Also, I think this is going to be fun in its own sense," he explained.

"I'm so sorry, I didnt mean to be insensitive," Florence said softly, "What you are doing is very honourable Staraí," Armand added, and the others agreed. "Thank you and no need to apologise Florence, I'm sure you were just asking out of concern for me and the students you lot clearly love, I understand teaching is a challenge without it," he stated, making them smile and Violette to become flustered.

"Clearly love, w-what are you talking about I'm the mean teacher none of the kids like," Violette replied quickly, Caline laughed while the others shook their heads. "Staraí has only been here for a few hours, and he can already tell Vi," Athalya stated and Caline piped up before Violette could get a word in, "We know you love these kids as much as we do and you being strict with them is for their own good. Also, your class has basically caught on, they know how much you care for them, especially when you tried to protect Max in that akuma attack," she said.

Violette let out a sigh, "But he wouldnt have been in danger if I listened," she said, "Let it go Vi, we all make mistakes, and you were just doing what you thought was best for him at the time. Armand is strict with his students too, the rest of us are too nice to them, it's kind of the reason why Lya has a hard time. Jean, Cal and I don't get as much trouble because we are older," Florence said and placed a hand reassuringly on her shoulder, Violette smiled up at her.

Caline patted Athalyas head, "There, there little one," she said making everyone laugh as Athalya tried to slap her hand away. "Cal, you know that I assumed that Lya was the older one at first right," Florence stated with a laugh making Athalya smirk at Caline who whined at Florence while Jean-Pierre and Armand laughed. Violette laughed at their antics as she stood next to Staraí, "It usually turns out like this, at first I found them acting immature but now..." she started and trailed off as they watched.

She and Caline had become friends as they interacted with each other because of their classes. Although, she was hesitant at first, she was so happy that she decided to accept Caline's invitation. They understood her better than her Math and Science colleagues and were a lot more fun to be around. "You've chosen a good group to spend time with Staraí, and welcome again to our staff," she stated, "We both have chosen well Violette, and thank you again," he replied with a smile as Caline hugged Violette's arm and asked her for backup.

Earlier when the break bell rang, Rairakku and Luka were taking their time to pack up before heading out. They were chatting about their earlier history lesson as Anthony and Martel came to their desk. "I actually learned more in that one History lesson than I have in all these years of schooling," Martel stated in his usual manner, injecting himself into the conversation.

Anthony hit him upside the head, "I apologise for Marlier's rudeness," he stated, "Come on AB, we all are friends now, so it was not rude," Martel said as he rubbed his head. "Its completely alright Tony," Rairakku said, "Thank you for agreeing Rai," Martel said with a grin. "You know for someone with a don't care and flat attitude you sure show a lot of expression with us," Anthony states, "So what?" Martel asks with a huff.

"Uhh, can we go out for break?" Luka asked, "Yeah guys I wanna meet this Marc and also see my Bluebell before our break is over," Rairakku agreed. "Oh right," the boys said together and the group headed out. The two were leading the way and bickering as they went making Rairakku giggle while Luka watched her with a soft gaze and hidden smile.

"So, yeah, as we went over earlier, Im an otaku and the one who got my little bro into manga. SAO will always be my favourite and I'm waiting for the nerd over here to create the full dive nerve gear one day," Martel said to Rairakku while gesturing to Anthony as he walked backward. "I'll be sure to include the component that fries your brain if you die in-game," Anthony stated and turned back to give him a closed eye smile, "Kowai..." Rairakku and Martel said with straight faces together making the group laugh, Luka felt lost but seeing Rairakku's face made him chuckle.

"Marc," Martel warmly called out with a bright smile as he spotted his younger brother, "Nii-san (A/N: Translation Big brother)," Marc responds as Martel puts his arm on Marc's shoulders and ruffles his hair. Marc laughed and Martel grinned at his brother, "Hey Marc!" Anthony says and is about to reach and pat Marcs head, but Martel slaps his hand away.

"What'd I tell ya earlier," he asked flatly, "So mean," Anthony stated with a huff while Marc looked at them with a questioning expression before taking note of the two new faces. He hid is face behind his notebook, Rairakku covered her mouth, "Kawaii," she said, she enjoyed watching the scene play out, but Marc's reaction to Luka and herself made her want to cuddle him for being so cute.

"Ah right, Marc-chan, this is Rairakku Hayashi, and you remember Luka, right?" Martel gestured to his friends as he introduced them to Marc. "Nice to see you again Luka, and a pleasure to meet you Rairakku," he said shyly while gripping the little finger of Martel's free hand. "Totemo kawaii (A/N: Translation, very/ so cute)," Rairakku said absentmindedly while watching the brothers.

Marc blushed and Martel rubbed the back of his head, "Ah right, I'm sorry. Nice to meet you Marc, Martel has told me so much about you," Rairakku said stretching out her hand. He slowly shook her hand as she smiled sweetly at him, "Nice to see you again Marc," Luka said and also shook his hand.

"So, I hear you like anime and manga, and that you write your own stories," Rairakku said to Marc, "They're nothing really, I mean I just sortta let the words flow," he said. She shook her head, "It feels like that, but when you share it with others it becomes something more," she said. "She would know because..." Martel started but she covered his mouth, "Because I write stories too," she quickly finished his sentence.

"And she plans on letting me read it," Luka stated, catching on to her plan, "We are also joining the art club together," he added. "I see..." Marc said as he thought for a moment, "Why is sharing it so important?" he asked and she smiled at him. "Question of mine first who is your favourite mangaka?" she asked, "Yuki Kitsune Yūki," he quickly responded stunning Rairakku.

"Why do you like her the most?" Luka asked, "The way she tells her stories are really good, even if she is not the most famous mangaka. Her playful comments in the author notes or in the manga itself are really funny too," Marc answered without much contemplation. Rairakku tried to hide her blush as Martel nudged her with his shoulder, "I'm sure she will be quite happy to hear something like that," Luka said with a smile.

"Continuing from where Rairakku left off what if she never published or even shared her manga? What if she kept her ideas to herself?" Anthony asked smoothly, giving Rairakku a chance to settle down. "Well, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy her work," Marc answered, Rairakku had managed to calm down and refocus, the thought that she already encountered three fans in a different country was quite a feat to her.

"Exactly, so think of it this way," Rairakku started with a wave of her index finger. "By not sharing your stories, you are taking away someones chance to enjoy a good story. We write even if we only have one fan and, with so many people in the world, we will always have at least one," she ended her explanation with a flourish. Marc considered her words, still feeling unsure and Rairakku had an idea of why.

She gently placed her hand on his shoulder and smiled at him when he looked up at her. "I know that sharing your work for the first time can be nerve-wrecking, but its a great confidence boost and it makes you stronger in the long run. Also, you have your big brother and I to deal with anyone that gives you a hard time ne Eugito?" she asked the older brother who gave a nod.

"Of course Rai," Martel said as he placed his closed fist onto his palm, "Our resident tough guy," Anthony said playfully, his friend pointedly looked at him. "And so, another argument ensues Well, Marc what do you plan on doing?" Luka stated lazily before asking Marc, the two friends paused their fight to listen as well.

"I think Rairakku is right, I guess I will try sharing my writing but just for now maybe I'll just share it with all of you. Starting with you Rairakku-san," he answered shyly as he offered her his notebook, Rairakku smiled brightly as she accepted it. "It's great that you're taking the first step and I'm so happy that I get to read it, I'll be starting now," she encouraged him happily before opening the notebook.

She read a few lines before pausing to looked at Marc, "It's pretty great at first glance, but I wanted to ask about art club. Would you feel better joining now that you know you'll have two friends?" she said before asking, he nodded. "I think I can do it," he answered, and she gave him a hug making him blush, Luka couldn't help but feel slightly jealous.

Another place I have to share her, but I don't mind, he thought with a smile as he watched her continue to dote on Marc while Martel tried to retrieve his brother. Rairakku allowed the rescue mission and focused her attention on the notebook. "Jealous?" Anthony asked as he stood next to Luka, "A little, but I'm happy she has made more friends," he answered honestly, "Good answer," Anthony stated with a nod of approval.

Rairakku soon came clean about being Yuki Kitsune Yūki and Marc became extremely flustered with the revelation, he apologised continuously with Rairakku telling him it was fine each time. He eventually proceeded to ask her his many questions. "I think he's starstruck," Anthony stated with a nod of agreement from Luka, "Aw hes learning so much, my Marc-chan," Martel stated making Anthony and Luka sigh.

A little while later Marc was pried away from Rairakku and back to Martel's side. "Soo, I guess we know your first impression of my little brother and his first impression of you, but for the record... What is your first thought when you saw my little bro?" Martel asked as he ruffled Marc's hair. "Kawaii... Protect at all cost," Rairakku said immediately making Marc blush, "Totemo kawaii... Martel, I am taking your brother," she states.

"Raira, you already have Mari and her friends, why are you trying to kidnap another?" Luka asked with a shake of his head before Martel could begin arguing. "But I want a kawaii otōto (A/N: Translation 'little brother')," she answered, "I'm guessing that means little brother, and so I'm sure Nathaniel will be more than happy to fill that role," Luka stated with an eye roll.

Marc straightened up hearing the name wondering if it's who he thinks it is, "Ah you're right... alright boys we are going to find my kawaii otōto," she states and starts walking in the direction of Marinette's class. "Huh? why all of us?" Martel and Marc asked, "Because we are friends now," she answered simply with a smile, the boys nodded and followed. Anthony laughed at their reaction while Luka just shook his head with a smile.

"Uhm, Yuki-san, who is Nathaniel? Do you know his surname?" Marc asked her shyly to confirm his thoughts, "Oh he's this red-headed artist in my imōto's class. His comics look really good. I dont know his surname tho," she answered nonchalantly with her warm smile. Marc froze, "Y-youre friends with the Nathaniel?" he asked, "Yep, kid practically begged me to join art club do you know him?" she answered with a laugh before asking.

"Not personally, I've seen his work tho. His drawings are amazing, I use them a lot as inspiration for my stories," he states. "That's amazing, you should tell him and maybe you two could work together on a manga. I enjoy your stories and his ideas are great but I'm sure it will be awesome if you work together," she suggests, Marc freezes. "Me work with him? Impossible, I mean I don't want to impose and what if he doesnt like me at all or thinks my work isn't good enough..." he says.

Rairakku interrupts him with a tap to the forehead with her index and middle fingers, causing him to look at her and she fixed him a warm smile. "Relax kiddo, we all tend to overthink and, especially as an artist, it's a great but also slightly hindering trait," she started explaining with small movements of her hand.

"There are times when you gotta push those voices aside and just dive right in, but there are also times where you have to pause and examine if you can improve before progressing. Only you will know truly which it is... We will always have what ifs, but you will never know how it turns out unless you try," she continued as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Now about speaking to Nathaniel tho, you need to make that choice on your own. If you don't feel ready yet it is completely fine, there is no rush so dont force yourself, okay?" she asks, "Hai, I don't think I'm ready just yet but thank you so much Yuki-san," he responds with a smile and she pats his head, "Yoshi, yosh," she said as she did.

"Oh nii-san, we have a new kid in our class. He already has become friends with two of my classmates too even though he seems very reserved," Marc told Martel, "Impressive, but Rairakku did something like that. I mean she only had Luka yesterday from our class, but everyone in her sister's class are her friend too. I know because she and Adrien were the best of buds yesterday," the brother replied.

"It's funny that you got a new classmate the same day that we got a new teacher," Anthony stated with a pensive pose. "Did this kid say anything about the new Professeur?" he asked Marc who shook his head in response. "I see where you're going and its none of our business, let's just carry on with our break, I see Bluebell and her friends," Rairakku stated before running to tackle Marinette.

Rairakku then introduces her friends to Marinette and her friends, "Oh I also came here to look for Nat. Where are you Nathaniel?" she called out for the red head in question. "I'm here Yuki-san," Nathaniel said as he came to her, "Hey Nat would you like to be my kawaii otōto?" she asked with a smile and tilt of her head. "Ehh?!" he exclaimed in confusion, "I just had a break filled with the sweetest brotherly bond and I want one. It will be kinda like how I treat Mari-chan," she explained in a child-like manner.

Nathaniel blushed, he wanted nothing more than to be close to his favourite mangaka, but he felt slightly embarrassed. However, his curiosity and desire to be closer to her overwhelmed the embarrassment, "Uhm sure, I'd like to be your little brother, Rai-oneesan," he said quietly. "Aww Nat-chan," she said and ruffled his hair, the group just watched the scene in complete amusement.

"Is it really that easy to have a sibling bond?" Adrien asked, "No," everyone responded. "Don't worry about them Adrien you can be my little bro too," Rairakku said and hugged him, "Wow really... thanks Rai-san," he said. She pulled back, "Uh uh, it's Rai-oneesan now," she grinned. "Uhhh is she broken?" Anthony asked and got a hit on the head from Luka, "Innocent question mahn," he whined as he rubbed his head. "I don't really care," Luka said cooly, Martel shook his head.

"Aren't you supposed to be her big brother," he said to Anthony, "Yeah... I did not expect two little brothers in like five min tho," he replied. "She must have some special power or something," Alya added, "You may be on to something there," Luka said. "It's just how she is guys, I'm just glad that it's like this now," Marinette said with a bright smile.

The bell rang signalling the end of break, "Is it really time for classes?" Rairakku whined, "Yes now lets go before you make us late," Luka stated hooking her arm in his. "I don't make us late," she protested, Anthony came and linked his arm on her other side, "I have observed differently," he stated. "Ahhh at least let me say bye!" she shouted as they began dragging her to class, "Eugito save me!" she called out to Martel who was saying goodbye to Marc and the others.

He let out a sigh and stopped the two to let her say her goodbyes, but when she stalled, he picked her up and left with the others while she shouted at him to put her down. Marc, Marinette and her friends watched the scene and shook their heads.

"She seemed so wise and responsible," "And so cool," "But today she seemed..." each of the friends remarked and were interrupted by Rairakku running back with a notebook in hand. "Marc-chan, I came to return this, lend it to me again soon please! Gotta go now before they catch me and carry me to class... Bye!" she said loudly and out of breath as she handed him the notebook before running back. "Crazy and Childish," they said together with a sweat drop.

"Hey Marc, aren't you going to head to class?" Marinette asked, "Oh, we all take our time to go to class since the teacher is usually late. We actually are finishing an hour earlier today," he answered. "Ah perfect coincidence! Our class has a spare hour, so some of us are heading over to the art room. You should come check it out!" she said excitedly.

He hesitantly replied, "Sure... Why not? I am planning on joining the art club with Yuki-san and Luka," to which Marinette happily nodded before peaking at his book. "What ya have there? Onee-chan seemed to really like it," she asked, "You think Yuki-san really did?" he asked all starry-eyed. Marinette giggled at his reaction, he must really admire her onee-chan.

"She must have read the whole thing or at least half for her to return it so quickly. It's usually something she does when she wants there to be more content for her to read and given how little time, she had with it. She most definitely enjoyed the read," Marinette explained making Marc smile brightly. "Thank you, Marinette, I'll see you later then, in the Art Room," Marc said as he gave everyone a quick goodbye before heading to class.

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