In-Air Comfort


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When Sam mysteriously disappears one night leaving Dean and his girlfriend stranded without their beloved Bab... Еще

In-Air Comfort
Their Comfort
Future Comfort
Comfort Foods
Post-Hunt Comfort
Late Night Comfort
Patient Comfort
Communicative Comfort
Fleeting Comfort
Fatherly Comfort
Backseat Comfort
No Comfort in Solitude
Disappearing Comfort
Finding Comfort
Brotherly Comfort
Comfort in a Wish
A.P.U Comfort
Comfort in His Arms
Comfort in the Truth
Comfort in Chastity (or not...)
Comfort Breakfast
Comfort in Vegas
Comfort in Room Service
No Comfort in the Chapel
No Comfort in Demonic Possession
Comfort at a Crossroads
No Comfort in a Fruitless Search
Seeking Comfort in Solitude
A Little Comfort From an Angel
Creating Comfort From A Shopping Spree
Seeking Comfort in Persuasion
Comfort in a Wedding
Comfort in a Fancy Restaurant
Comfortable Honeymoon
Comfort at the Beach
Untitled Part 37
Comfort in an Abandoned Theatre
Comforting a Werewolf Pup
Comfort from a Lamb's Heart
Comfort in an Early Morning Shopping Spree
Comfort on the Road
Comfort from a Wolf Pack
Comfort in the Park
Comfort After a Nightmare
Comfort in the Bunker
Comfort in Family
Comfort in Goodbye
Comfort in Girl's Day
Comfort in a Home-Cooked Meal
Comfort in an Escape Plan
Comfort in a House in the Mountains
Comfort in a Quiet Afternoon
Shaken Comfort at a Playground
Finding Comfort in Trust
A Comforting Quiet Day in the Bunker
Comfort in Making a Home
Comfort in a Family Dinner

Solo Roadtrip Comfort

44 1 0

You and Dean stay with Bobby for a few days before Sam catches a new lead. Dean, not wanting you to travel alone again insisted you drive back to the bunker together before he and Sam headed off again. While you didn't really want to return to being alone, you finally agreed the bunker was home and you were safest there. You all knew it wasn't going to be a milk run, but Dean promised to be back in time for your ultrasound appointment. However, nothing had gone to plan since they left. On the third day in pursuit of the high-level demon they'd called Bobby in for assistance. You were spending every waking hour researching and looking for demonic omens. With less than 48 hours to your appointment and no significant progress, you decide to call Dean to encourage him just to come home and regroup.

"Hey, sweetheart, everything okay?"

"Yeah, just miss you."

"I miss you too. I really thought we would've caught the son of a bitch by now."

"I know..."

"24 more hours, okay, sweetheart? I'll come back for the appointment, demon or no demon. I made a promise and I intend to keep it."

"I called up to convince you, but truly, Dean, it's just an ultrasound. I'll get the pictures and there'll be others. We'll probably barely be able to see anything anyway. You should keep on this demon. It could be the key to creating a safer world for our peanut."

"We're chasing our tails, baby. We're no closer to finding it than we were a week ago. I just want to hold you in my arms again."

"I want nothing more than to be in your arms, but..."

"I know. I'll give it 24 more hours. If we catch a lead we'll chase it, otherwise I'm coming home to you. Deal?"

"Deal. I'll let you know if I find anything."

"You better not be overexerting yourself with research. Promise me you've been sleeping and eating and managing your stress."

"I promise. Three full meals a day with snacks and I'm in our cold, lonely bed with a book or a movie by midnight, up every day well after dawn."

"That's my girl. I'll be back to warm up that bed and give you some company soon enough."

"I love you. Get back to work, I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Alright, sweetheart. I'll call you tonight."

You hang up and go to the kitchen to make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before going back to research, but you find the peanut butter jar empty – damn Dean putting empty jars in the cupboard. The thought of your fiance makes you smile for a second. But your craving takes over. You go to your room and change out of Dean's T-shirt into one of your own with ripped jeans and finish your outfit with one of his flannels before slipping on your boots and heading for the garage. You take the keys for the bright red car off the hook and get in, driving to the store. Once you get there you grab a new jar of peanut butter and a range of your other favourite snacks including a fresh apple pie. You take your things to the counter but something feels off.

You feel uncomfortable with how the cashier is looking at you. You could've sworn his eyes were pitch black, but when you walk over with your groceries and get a closer look they're bright blue. You try to push the anxiety down, but you can't ignore your years of hunting experience and the sinking feeling in your stomach. That's when you realise you had left the bunker completely unarmed. So instead you try to be inconspicuous and just pay for your groceries and leave. You keep looking back over your shoulder with each step you take towards your extremely conspicuous car. You quickly get in and lock the doors behind you and zoom off back towards the bunker. Once you're out on the straight road you call Dean, but after two rings you hang up and call Sam instead.

"Hey, Y/N. What's up?"

"You with Dean?"

"I'm at the Library. Dean's off with Bobby chatting to the locals."

"Oh ok. Umm...good."

"What's going on? You know he doesn't like it when you come to me instead of him. Didn't you just almost break up over this a couple of weeks ago?"

"You know what he's like...he stresses so much."

"You know why though."

"I know just...fine! I call him."

Just as you're about to say your goodbyes your phone lights up with an incoming call. "Speak of the devil...he's calling. Thanks, Sam. I'll see you whenever you guys get back. Be safe and good luck!"

You hang up and answer Dean's call.

"Hey, sweetheart, something wrong? Are you okay? The baby?"

"We're both fine. Give me a sec," you put the phone down while you drive into the garage, but stop halfway when something occurs to you, "shit!"

"Y/N? Sweetheart? What's going on?"

You hear Dean's worried calls and pick your phone back up. "Something's not right, Dean."

"With the baby? Are you bleeding? Does it hurt? I know I hate hospitals-"

"I'm fine. The baby's fine. I already told you."

"Then what's not right? What's going on?"

"I gotta get out of here. I think someone's in the bunker."

"Son of a bitch! Dammit! I'll send Sam back on the plane and I'll drive. Dammit! I'll get on a plane..."

You quickly back out of the garage and speed off down the road. You don't know where to go, but you can't risk being caught in the bunker with a demon. You try to take deep breaths to manage your stress, completely zoning out your frantic fiance on the phone. After a few minutes, you spot a clearing in the trees, drive off the road, and park.

"Y/N? Talk to me? Are you there? Are you okay?"

"Dean. I think the demon you're looking for is here in Kansas."

"I'm getting in the car now. I'm gonna pick up Sam and Bobby and we're gonna check it out. I want you to get out of there and drive to Bobby's and lock yourself in the panic room. Don't stop unless you absolutely have to. And call me whenever you do."

"Dean...It's all my fault," you try to take a deep breath but end up crying instead. The stress is too much for you to handle alone, along with your raging hormones. "I went out. I didn't take my gun or my knife. I just wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich but you ate all the peanut butter! I just wanted a sandwich...And I-I forgot to shut the garage door. It's my fault. They found me. The cashier-"

"Hey, hey, hey! Y/N! Sweetheart! Slow down! Take a deep breath with me," Dean takes an exaggerated breath in and out so you can hear him. He does this a few times until he can hear you've settled down a little. "Okay, now start at the beginning. Tell me everything."

You tell him everything that's happened since you last spoke, including your call to Sam and hunch about the cashier.

"Okay, we're gonna stick to the same plan okay? You keep driving to Bobby's, I can stay on the line if you want. If you need to stop to fill up, pee or get snacks you call me, Sam or Bobby – you don't unlock or get out of the car without one of us on the line. As soon as I meet up with them we're all gonna head back. Sam and I will go to Kansas and search the bunker and check the town for demons, Bobby will go home to be with you. We'll go there and pick you up and bring you home as soon as we know it's safe."

"I'm sorry, Dean."

"For what?"

"For scaring you, for screwing up, for not being more careful..."

"Everything's gonna be okay. It's not your fault. Granted it's a little early for baby-brain to be setting in yet, but then again I've never been around many pregnant women, so what would I know?"

"I can't go to Sioux Falls, what about the appointment?"

"You call and reschedule, or I can. It can be a few days late. It's more important you're safe. I just pulled up in front of the library, I'm gonna go get Sam and fill him in, you should start driving. Do you want to stay on the line?"

You take a deep breath. "No, I'm a badass hunter, I can do this!"

"Damn right you are! You got this. By the way, check the glove box."

You do as you're told and find a silver knife and gun. "But how?"

"Before we left Bobby's I put a spare set in there. It's your car whenever you want it, you know that, and I knew I couldn't stop you from leaving the bunker when I'm not there. But what I could do was make sure you never left unarmed."

"I love you, baby."

"Be safe. You got this. And call whenever you stop, we'll be tracking you too."

You hang up and go to close the glove box but something catches your eye: a mix tape. You pull it out, you can't help but smile as you read the writing: A mixtape for the love of my life. You put it in to play and start the car. Classic rock fills the car as you peel off back towards the road.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

A few hours pass before the need to pee is so unbearable you have to stop. You take the next exit and call Sam before pulling up at the Gas-N-Sip. He answers quickly.

"Hey Y/N, you're on speaker with Dean too."

"Hey, sweetheart! First stop? Where are you?"

"I thought you two were tracking me," you say as you get out and fuel up the car.

"We are, but I'm driving."

"Columbus, Nebraska. I'm fuelling up and then I really need to pee. Luckily I already had snacks, although I still want a PB&J!"

"You can make one as soon as you get to Bobby's," Dean says.

"Hey, we know that's not a short drive, especially by yourself. I know you're not supposed to be drinking coffee or energy drinks at the moment, and I know Dean's ready to punch me for even suggesting this, but you might need to consider it. It's not safe to sleep on the side of the road alone, nor can we guarantee any motels."

"Thanks for the advice, Sam, but I'd rather risk it at a motel than risk the baby's health by binging on caffeine."

"Only you know what's best for you-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I know really gotta pee!" You rush to the women's bathroom keeping them on the line but telling them to shut up. You check the stalls finding them all empty before going into the first one and locking it. You listen carefully for anyone else coming and going but it's quiet. So you do your business and get out as quickly as possible. After paying for the fuel you get back in the car and drive off.

"I'm back on the road now. I'll call you next time I stop."

"Be safe!" they both say in unison.

"I love when you talk at the same time. You two be safe too! Oh, and I found the mixtape, love of my life," you say before hanging up.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

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