~MI AMOR~ heartbreak high

By v4lent1na_777

10.8K 188 53

"if you want to fuck me, just say so." More


map bitch

2.9K 48 3
By v4lent1na_777


"well i feel like i should stay home instead of going to school."

Third Person

beatriz slept, ignoring her alarm like always. her alarm got so loud and annoying to the point that her mum had to barge into her room and wake her up herself.

"mija! get up bed!" her mum shouted pulling off the blanket from beatriz's body, revealing her tank top and shorts she always wears to bed.

"mamá, just a few more minutes." whined beatriz who was rolling in her bed.

"no minutes! get your ass out of bed!" beatriz's mother exclaimed putting her hands on her hips.

beatriz sighed and rolled out of bed then looked at herself in the mirror before getting up to change. her mum left her in the room without shutting the door.

"gee thanks." mumbled beatriz shuttung her door. she put on the first outfit she found in her wardrobe (outfit at the top 🔝)

after 30 minutes her mum entered her room again to shout at her some more. "what are you still doing here? you have school!"

"well, i feel like i should stay at home instead of going school." shrugged beatriz praying that she won't get a slap from her mum.

"i did not migrate to this country just for you not to go to school. now if you don't exist this room by the time i count to three you'll be in el cielo with abuelo." her mum explained before counting to three.

"okok, i am going mamá." beatriz groaned. whilst walking out of her room to the dinning room.

"wait, bea. what is this you are wearing?" her mum asked staring at her daughters choice of clothes.

"mamá it's clothes." beatriz stated looking around.

"you look like a chola, go put a jumper over it." her mum commanded.

beatriz started grumbling and got her jumper then left the room to the dinning room. as she sat down on a chair she went on her phone instead of eating the toast and butter her mum made for her.

"why aren't you eating the food i made you?" her mum asked looking at beatriz. "i'm lactose intolerant mamá, i cant have butter." beatriz laughed a little that her mum forgot.

her mum has been a bit off ever since her dad left for jail. her dad was in some type of gang or some shit and he got caught doing some illegal stuff and got sent to jail for a few years.

what's ironic is that bea's mum is like that opposite of all of that, she's super religous and has is friends with one of those church aunties who judge her for having bea at 15.

luckily for beatriz she actually made friends at church, well only one who was anthony. those two were such a chaotic duo. they would always cause trouble so they're mums would have to watch over them.

"beatriz, go to school please." her mum told her daughter, before placing the twins in their high chair. "ok, adiós mamá, diego and mariana." she quickly said before grabbing her skateboard and skating to school.

once she got to school she walked near, dusty spider and ant. "woah, bee you look like a total slut now." spider breathed looking at bee's outfit which showed her curves and made her double d's obvious.

"fuck off spider." she said flipping him off before walking to the other side of him.

"you've grown like a foot over the summer!" ant exclaimed looking at her as if she looked different.

"yeah, im basically the same height as dusty." she grinned at the boy who muttered "you wish."

the four continued to talk until amerie and her friends walked over then dusty asked amerie about her summer.

"wow, it's just been a few minutes at school and you are already chatting up a girl." bee laughed looking at the clueless boy.

"i was being nice by asking her how her summer was." he said defensively.

"then you guys will be doing." spider gestured having sex with his fingers, bee nodding along with what spider did.

"you sly dog dusty. tell us how it is after." anthony joked nudging dustys arm.

"oi! there's a fully-gacked sex map in the old stairwell." one ginger girl shouted which made everyone run to that stair well.


beatriz searched for her name on the map to see the stuff she's done. "holy shit." beatriz breathed looking at the map wondering who put that there.

"dude you fucked ant?" dusty whispered to bee.

"yeah like ages ago." bee nonchalantly said, still looking at the map and see what other people have done.

"wow, ant your into dudes now?" spider asked anthony.

"bro, darren isn't a dude." bee interrupted looking at spider.

"thank you beatriz. i really appreciate that you respect what i prefer to be called unlike some people." darren clearly spat at spider.

"no problem, and don't mind spider being a dick he normally acts that way." bee said loudly just to piss off spider.

"bitch." spider said to beatriz.

"pussy." beatriz answered still smiling.

"at least i can get some." spider shrugged at bee.

"check again." beatriz replied making spider look at her name on the map, which made his jaw drop at her body count.

the entire school had an assembly about the map.

"it's mostly kids from out year level so it must be someone that we know." quinni explained.

"or it could be some middle age stranger who stalks the sex lives of teenagers. we'll never know." shrugged beatriz, from behind, who walked off to sit next to ant.

"it's probably spider or one of those idiots. most of it's bullshit anyway." darren rolled his eyes before sitting down.

"was greta bullshit?" missy asked sasha knowing that sasha cheated on her.

suddenly, harper walked in with a totally new look. her hair was shaved off, her aesthetic was different. everyone's eyes were on her. "holy shit is that harps?" missy asked look at harper.

"oh my God her hair." sasha gaped at the sight of harper.

"pack it up eleven." scoffed bee looking at harpers new hair style.

"harper! harper!" amerie stood up walking towards harper.

"sit down amerie!" the principal, woodsy shouted making amerie to sit right down.

"i am a woke woman." woodsy said starting her speech. "i enjoy sex as much as the next person. but reputation is everything and this map has jeopardised your reputations and the reputation of our school. and on the first day back. we are currently in the process of contacting all parents of everyone on this map and have strongly suggested that there are to be no more parties, shindigs or gathos."

"sounds like she needs a good fucking." beatriz rolled her eyes, crossing her legs as spider nodded his head in agreement.

"hey! hey! unsupervised parties equals alcohol and alcohol equals to poor choices. the risk taking behaviours outlined on this map are unacceptable. hartley high prides itself on being a safe environment." woodsy carried on.

darren laughed loudly before she continued. "but clearly this is a wake up call that we are not doing enough. oh, and we will find out who did this. get to class. go, go, go, go, go." woodsy shouts at everyone.

beatriz went off with missy to comfort her about sasha cheating on her. "sasha is a bitch anyways." beatriz shrugged whilst skying missy's drink.

"don't say that." missy defended sasha, collecting her bottle from bea.

"dude, she cheated on you." beatriz stopped walking and looked at missy as if she's gone mad.

the two was walking near pass the basketball court to be interrupted by harper and amerie fighting.

"holy shit!" exclaimed missy, watching the two girls.

harper head butted amerie to the ground and walked away. quinni walked over to amerie who was lying on the floor. amerie sneezed blood all over quinnis face making missy and beatriz look away in disgust.

"what did amerie even do to make harper so mad." missy asked darren who was picking quinni up.

"she made the map." they answered whilst wiping the blood off quinnis face.

"that bitch was the reason why sasha and i broke up." missy said angrily. beatriz gave darren some hand sanitizer to wipe their hands and walked away with missy.

"let's go before you knock out amerie too." beatriz said pulling the girls arm away from the incident. before they could enter there next class the loud speaker turned on and woodsy started speaking.

"can the following students please go to classroom 5D, amerie wadia, harper mclean, sasha so, missy becket..." woodsy started.

"haha, you are so fucked." beatriz laughed at missy who looked confused as hell.

"beatriz diaz, dustin ried, spencer white, anthony vaughan..." woodsy continued making beatriz's laughing face drop.

"sucks to suck." shrugged missy as the two walked over to classroom 5D.

THATS IT YOU GUYSS!!! sorry if i spelled some names wrong and sorry for not using aussie slang. i live in england so it's harder ygm. im probably gonna use more english slang then. 1505 WORDS!- val

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