By venpiter

79.5K 3.1K 271

Bin Eunha's life was ruined by a vampire, everything was taken away from her. Her family, her village, hersel... More

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By venpiter

     "On behalf of Park Junhee, Lee Donghun, Kim Sehyoon, Kim Byeongkwan, and Kang Yoochan. We formally invite you, Kim Hongjoong, and your crew mates to our 'Through the Centuries' ball. We hope you are well and decide to join us, as well as others, for such an amazing event. Our messenger is carrying a map for you to follow, use it and it will guide you straight to us. The ball in twelve days from the spring equinox, hope to see you there, our greatest regards, signed Park Junhee." Seonghwa read the letter aloud, giving Hongjoong a look when he spoke about the messenger.
     All the vampires and the human sat around as Seonghwa read the letter, Eunha and the two youngest vampires looked at the others with confusion. "Do you know them?" Eunha asked.
     "We do." Hongjoong spoke, making the three turn to look at him. "Fought together centuries ago, they were great allies once."
     "What's a 'through the centuries' ball?" Wooyoung piped in this time, questioning the hybrid.
     "Every few hundred years, they throw an exclusive celebration and invite all the allies they've gained. There aren't many since the last one, seeing as half turned against them and we had to take care of it." Hongjoong explained to them, the clueless ones taking in the information.
     "So, if you all go, where does that leave me? Here, alone?" The vampires looked at the mortal, who had a slight worry in her tone.
     "No, after what's happened the past few weeks, we aren't leaving you alone again." Seonghwa stood up, stating his words clearly for all of them to hear.
     "But.." Eunha started, mind running with questions and concerns. "they said crewman, and I'm pretty sure it's an only vampire's event."
     "You're one of us, you're part of my crew now, human or not. And don't worry, it may be all vampires but it's not all men. Believe it or not, it will be just as many women there." Hongjoong replied, setting some ease to her mind. "Some have their rough edges, but as long as they know you're one of us, they're going to love you."
     "How are we traveling? I can't exactly keep up with you, and horseback will take more time than we have, Italy is really, really far."
     "One of us can carry you, if need be we can switch around. It shouldn't take us more than two days." Seonghwa suggested, seeing it as the faster option.
     "So, when do we leave?" Jongho asked, after staying quiet the whole conversation.

     "What would I even take with me?" Eunha asked, looking around her room then at the small bag that sat on the bed.
     "Just your beautiful self," The tall vampire said, Eunha turned her gaze to Seonghwa. "and maybe extra cloths."
     "What about food?" Eunha questioned, packing a few outfits for her.
     "Mingi and Yunho are getting a bag of food for you on the way." Seonghwa explained as she slung the bag over her shoulder before she looked at the vampire.
     "If this is a ball, shouldn't I be taking a ball gown?"
     "We're going to be in Italy, I'm sure we can buy you whatever dress you want to wear." Seonghwa was in front of her in seconds, hand pushing her hair out of her face before caressing her cheek.
     Eunha looked up into his eyes, a small smile growing on her face. "Where exactly are we going in Italy?"
     "Probably Rome, they always have it there."
     "I've never been to a large city, I'd never left the village until I was exiled." Eunha's smile dropped, thinking of her family again.
     "Well don't worry, doll. Let us take you to see the world."

     "Ready?" Eunha walks out the front door with Seonghwa by her side, finding the other seven vampires. She nodded at the hybrid, Mingi walked up to her and out a small satchel in her hand.
"What's this?" She examined the satchel before stating up at the vampire.
     "Peppermint, it will help with the motion sickness." Mingi smiled and patted her head.
     Hongjoong approached her and placed his hand on her shoulder, gazing into her eyes. "It's gonna be a long ride, are you sure you're ready for it baby girl?"
     "Hell yeah I'm ready."

     It was indeed a long ride, they were only a few hours into running when Eunha asked them to stop for a while. She chewed on some peppermint and that seemed to ease her stomach before she started to eat some of the things she pulled out of the bag Mingi handed her.
     They were somewhere in the middle of a forest in China, next to a beautiful, rushing waterfall. "Are we going to stop for me to sleep?"
     "That will throw us off track, just deal with it." San replied, throwing pebbles into the river that flowed beside of them.
     "I can't exactly stay awake for two days straight." Eunha replied, bitterly.
     "We will find somewhere for you to sleep for a few hours, after the moon hits the top of the sky, then we will leave when the sun rises." Hongjoong explained the plan, giving a hard look towards San, who had his back to him.
     Eunha finished her snack and handed the bag back to Mingi who secured it around his shoulder. Eunha walked over to the river and got on her knees, cupping the stream water in her hands and taking a few drinks before washing her face.
     "Wooyoung we don't have time-" A loud splash in front of her made Eunha jump and fall back on her bum, water covering her entire front.
     Hongjoong cut himself off with a sigh, watching the vampire swim to the top and pop his head out of the water, a giant grin on his face.
     "Come on! The waters fine!" Wooyoung let out a loud laugh, swimming backwards in circles.
     Yunho and Mingi pulled off their tops and jumped in after him, making Eunha erupt into pits of laughter. Hongjoong and Seonghwa stood by one of the trees, shaking their heads at the silly behavior unfolding in front of them.
     Yeosang gave Jongho a look, who returned that same look with a smile before they jumped into the water as well. San stood in the same spot, watching all of them with a smirk.
     "Join us, Eunha!" Mingi yelled from the water, then getting splashed by Yunho.
     "You just want me to take my clothes off!" Eunha yelled back, laughing. "I'm good, I'll stay here where it's dry."
     Wooyoung let out a loud whine at her response, pouting at her. "Come on! Don't be a party pooper like the grandpa's over there!"
     Eunha shook her head, laughing too hard to give him a response. Her laugh turned to a squeal when she was lifted off the ground, looking to see San had picked her up. "You don't have a choice, darling."
     San was no longer holding her, but her body was flying towards the water. She hit the surface with a loud splash, immediately engulfed in the cool water. Eunha submerged with a loud gasp for air, throwing her hair back and out of her face, spinning around until she saw the culprit still standing on the bank.
     "I'm going to fucking kill you, San!"

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