Akatsuki Boyfriend Scenarios

Od 553Butterfly553

1.5M 30.4K 43.3K

A set of scenarios with Itachi, Kisame, Hidan, Kakuzu, Tobi and Deidara. Some strong language and suggestive... Více

1 When You First Meet
2 When You Meet Again
3 When He Finds Out You Have A Boyfriend
4 When Your Date Goes Wrong
5 When You Find Out They Are Akatsuki Members
6 When You Both Confess
7 Your First Date/First Kiss
8 Your First Fight
9 Making Up
10 Moving Into the Hideout/Meeting Their Friends
12 A Normal Day in the Hideout/A Month Later
13 When They Walk in on You Taking a Shower
14 When You Are Jealous
15 When They Get Drunk
16 When They Are Jealous
17 Second Date/ When Someone Flirts With Them
18 When Their Partner Flirts With You
19 When They Try To Spice Up The Bedroom Activities
20 When Their Partner Embarrasses Them
21 When You Make Them Jealous
22 When Someone Catches You Two Making Out
23 When You Almost Die
24 When They Are Gay for a Day
Author's Note
25 When They Are Sad
26 When They Admit They Want Children
27 When You Walk In on Them Taking a Shower
28 When They Are Being Perverted­
29 When an Akatsuki Member Hurts You
30 When You Get Kidnapped
31 When They Realize You've Been Taken
32 While You Are Captured
33 When You Get Rescued
34 When You Accuse Him of Cheating
35 When You Find Out You're Pregnant
36 When You Talk In Your Sleep
37 When They Talk In Their Sleep
38 When You Introduce Them to Your Family
39 When They Try To Cook
40 When They Are In a Bad Mood
41 When You Get Lost and They Find You
42 When You Are In a Bad Mood
Author's Note
Another Author's Note
Author's Note About Updates
43 When It's Your Birthday
44 When It's Their Birthday
45 When You Wake Up With Them
46 When They Propose
47. When They Call You Fat
48. When You Get Married
49 When You Have a Baby
Final Author's Note
Question From The Author
Madara Uchiha or No?
Madara Uchiha Scenarios
Akatsuki Boyfriend Scenarios - Part 2

11 When They Are Sick

28.3K 704 1.1K
Od 553Butterfly553



Pein was trying hard to hide the coughing and the sneezing. He clearly wasn't hiding it enough since you could tell that he was sick. No matter what you tried to do, he just wouldn't get some rest. He said he needed to do paperwork and needed to be the leader of the Akatsuki and that being sick wasn't an option right now.

You walked into his office that night to see Pein still awake and doing paperwork. When you got closer you could see that he wasn't awake. Pein had passed out sitting up.

"Pein?" You asked as you got closer to your boyfriend. He mumbled but didn't really wake up at all. "Pein, wake up." You reached out and shook him a little.

"Go away. I need to do paperwork." He tried to push your hands away but didn't have the energy.

"Pein, you are sick and tired. Come on you need to go to bed." You began to pull him out of the chair. You dragged him to the room you two share and pushed him onto the bed.

"Paperwork..." Pein mumbled as he drifted off to sleep.

"I should just burn all his paperwork." You grumbled. You got in next to him and clung to him. You wanted to make sure he wouldn't get up the next morning and go back to paperwork.


Zetsu stayed in his garden. He didn't leave it no matter what. You had to drag in dead bodies for him to eat. You could tell that your plant boyfriend was sick. You wanted to help him, so you asked him what you should get for him.

"There is a certain type of plant food that helps kept plants healthy. I need you to go and find that and bring it to me." Zetsu explained. You could tell he was getting weaker and that you needed to hurry. You left and spent less than an hour finding what you needed. You rushed home and ran to Zetsu. He was weaker already so you really needed to hurry. You did what the box told you to do and gave it to your plant boyfriend.

"Here drink this, this should be good and help you." You gave Zetsu the gross formula and saw him get better instantly. He coughed a few times but swallowed it anyway. You could tell by the look on his face that it was horrible tasting. It made you feel a little bad for him but you were happy that he didn't look so sickly anymore.

"Thank you _____." You could tell that both sides of Zetsu were happy to have you there to take care of him now.


"Achoo!" You could hear Sasori sneeze from the kitchen. You also heard what sounded like wood hitting the ground. You left the kitchen to see Sasori in the hallway picking up one of his arms.

"Sasori are you alright?" You questioned, a little worried about your boyfriend.

"I have a cold somehow and it seems like when I sneeze, I lose a limb." Sasori explained, you could tell he was annoyed by it.

"Oh, alright." You turned to enter the kitchen again when you heard Sasori sneeze again. This time when you turned around, an arm and a leg had fallen off. It caused him to fall over. You walked over and helped him back together.

"This is extremely odd."

"I agree." You giggled and went into the kitchen again. You were trying to make some food when you heard a louder sneeze. You went into the lounge where you heard the sneeze, you couldn't help but laugh. Sasori sneeze himself completely apart. Even his core was out of him. You sighed and put him back together. When the core was put back in him, he woke back up.

"That was not a fun experience." He looked a bit shaken up.

"That was awkward for me! I just put you back together!"


"So you have man parts that I had to reattach to you!" You were horribly shaken up, worse than him because of that.

"Oh..." The two of you sat on the floor and stared at each other in awkward silence for a few moments. "Did you find my male part acceptable?"



It seemed like Itachi was the only one in the hideout who hadn't gotten a cold. That was true until he went on a mission with a sick Kisame. It seemed Itachi unfortunately couldn't avoid the sick germs since he was the one who came back with a cold, instead of Kisame.

"You need to lay down Itachi." You tried to tell him after he had a sneezing fit.

"I'm fine, it's just a simple cold." Itachi argued.

"You have a fever."

"You are wrong."

"Your temperature says that you have a fever. So lie down and take the medicine that I'm going to give you." He remained standing and looked at you as if he was daring you to make him. Your eyebrows raised and your hands went to your hips. "Listen here boy, you lay your ass down and take the medicine before I get Kakuzu to tie your ass to the bed."

"Fine." He grumbled as he laid down on the bed you two share. You poured the medicine into a spoon and shoved it in his mouth before he could protest any further. He reluctantly swallowed it, his face momentarily turning green from the horrid taste. You smiled, happy since he finally listened, until you sneezed.


Kisame was able to keep from getting sick. He was able to stay away from whichever member was sick that week. Colds were spreading through the hideout, one member at a time. Unfortunately for Kisame, last week was Itachi's turn to have a cold, and that meant this was Kisame's week for the cold. He went out on a mission with Itachi, not sick, but came home with Itachi not sick, and Kisame finally sick.

"Lay down on the bed and I'll go make you some soup." You suggested to your sick boyfriend.

"I'm –achoo- fine." Kisame tried to argue as he sneezed.

"Kisame, you sneezed during that sentence, you aren't fine."

"Yes I –achoo- am."

"Lay your blue ass down."

"Or else what?" You glared at him and then smirked evilly.

"Or else I'll turn your blue ass into shark fin soup and feed it to the next sick member." You saw his eyes widen a fraction before going normal again.

"You wouldn't do that."

"You sure enough to risk it?"

"No..." He laid down on yours/his bed. You smiled and turned to walk out of the door.

"-achoo-...Dammit..." You sneezed then mumbled painfully.


You thought that Hidan's complaints were bad enough when he wasn't sick. But now that he is sick he is driving you insane.

"I'm fucking cold!" Hidan whined once again. He had a fever and was coughing and sneezing like crazy. You sighed as you laid the blanket back on him. He had kicked it off then complained about the cold five times now.

"Is there anything else you need, dear?" You growled, clearing wanting to just strangle him. You had just come back from the store and were tired of dealing with the man-child.

"I want soup." You were about to say no, but he looked at you with his adorable violet eyes. You sighed and went to go make him his soup. You couldn't say no to those eyes.

"Take your medicine before you eat." You told him when you got back with his soup on a tray in your hands.

"I don't want to take the fucking medicine!" Hidan whined before kicking off his blankets once more. "It's too damn hot for this!" He flailed his legs around trying to get the blanket to untangle from them. Your eye twitched.

"KAKUZU!" You finally screamed. You couldn't take any more of Hidan's constant movement. Hidan stopped moving around and watched as Kakuzu instantly appeared. He entered the room and tied Hidan up with his threads within seconds. As fast as he appeared, he was gone. With Hidan tied up, you smiled peacefully and proceeded to feed him his medicine and his soup. You forced both down his throat so you didn't have to hear his objections.

"Thank you." Hidan whispered as he fell asleep after being fed.

"Wow, he must really be sick to say that." You got up from the bed and suddenly began to sneeze. It caused you to drop the tray and the empty bowl. "-achoo- Son of a –achoo- fucking bitch! –achoo-" You glared at your sleeping boyfriend, angry that he has gotten you sick.


Kakuzu had gone on a mission with Hidan. Hidan just happened to be sick. Who knows how Kakuzu caught his germs, but he did, since both boys came home with colds. Kakuzu being the greedy man he is, refused to let you buy medicine for him, so you bought the medicine when he was sleeping in the middle of the day. When you got home you woke him up.

"Here take this." You opened the bottle you just bought.

"No." He replied half awake.

"If you don't, it'll be wasting money." You could see him wake up the rest of the way at that.

"Very well." You smiled and gave him a spoonful of it. Once he was done taking his medicine you asked if he wanted anything to do in bed. "I want my money." You rolled your eyes and handed him his briefcase of money.

"So you are going to count money all day?" You couldn't help but smile at the sick man. He was going to have a hard time doing that since he just took medicine which has already began making him tired again. Regardless, Kakuzu nodded his head, but moments later, he fell asleep. "He's so handsome when he sleeps." You walked to the door and –achoo-! "Great, now I'm sick." You looked at the sleeping man and narrowed your eyes. "You got me sick..."


When Tobi/Obito got sick, it was like he was in permanent child mode. You weren't sure if he was really this sick, or if he was pretending. Either way, you felt bad for him and did anything to make him feel better, well almost anything.

"Tobi thinks that cupcakes will make him feel better." Tobi told you before you went to the store. You smiled and nodded your head. You didn't come back with cupcakes.

"Tobi close your eye, I have what you need to feel better." Tobi's eye lit up and he closed it. You took off his mask and made him open his mouth. You then shoved a spoonful of medicine into his mouth. His eye shot open and he tried to spit it out, but you forced his mouth closed and glared at him. He knew what you wanted, so he slowly swallowed the disgusting liquid.

"That wasn't a cupcake _____." Tobi informed you as if you didn't already know that.

"Yes Tobi, I know. It was something that actually would make you better. But I will go make cookies now." You got up and left the room just as you began to sneeze and cough. "Never mind..." You turned around and walked back into the room to see Tobi sitting up in bed.

"Time for _____'s medicine." Tobi said with an evil glow to his eye and a scary smile on his face.

"Oh no...-achoo-!"


All weekend Deidara was out on a mission with Tobi. Also all weekend it rained meaning they were walking through the rain soaking wet for two days straight. You already knew he would be sick when he got home and sure enough you were right. Deidara came home sneezing and with a fever.

"Come on Deidara! It's just medicine!" He was refusing to take the medicine you were trying to feed him.

"I don't need to take it, hm. I'm completely fine, hm." He argued as he pushed your hand with the medicine away from him.

"Please take it."

"No, hm."

"Do it Barbie!" You shoved the medicine at him. He tried to move away but you grabbed his ponytail and shoved the spoon in his mouth anyway. "Now swallow it or I will cut all of your hair off." He glared but swallowed it still. "Was that so bad?"

"Yes it was, hm." He grumbled as he crossed his arms.

"Don't be a baby." You then began to sneeze. "Ouch." You looked up at Deidara to see him reaching for the bottle of medicine.

"Now, don't be a baby, hm."

"-achoo-...oh man..." You were about to get a taste of your own medicine, literally.

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