My favourite teacher ...|

By asherahwrites

71K 2.3K 277

"so you are saying that I am your favourite teacher?" "jimin what are you doing" "We are not that close mis... More

Excuse me sweeties
New book


2.3K 86 10
By asherahwrites

It's been two days since jimin started living here and well everything is so awkward. Whenever you and Jackson are talking , from nowhere jimin or cat jump in your conversation. Jimin is giving you so much hard time. Whatever you do he always try to correct you.

"Y/n stop playing with ketchup bottle."

"Y/n do your homework."

"Tomorrow is test go and study instead of watching t.v."

This is too bad...

"Y/n stop it now"

"Will you stop please ? Why are you nagging me all the time? You are my teacher at school not here. " You yelled at him making everyone stop whatever they were doing.

Jackson who was eating. Suga who was well don't know what he was doing with that doll.

Jimin instantly stared at you with stern eyes making you regret on your words but you already jumped in arena to fight with lion and now you can't backout.

"Don't you dare using that tone with me. I will take anything but not the disrespect" he said in deep voice.

"And you can't invade in my life like that." You cried and ran back to your room.

Suga looked towards your room and then turned his eyes towards jimin. Ofcourse he know what you two feel about each other but still denying it by shouting on each other.

Jackson stood up from his place and walked towards your room but Suga noticed , he bring out that doll which he was playing with and bite on his leg.

Jackson screamed.

"Stay away from my sister you dickhead." Suga whispered to himself and smirked hiding doll inside his jacket and move towards your room.

Yesterday he met this old lady who took around 1 million won to make Voodoo doll for him.


"So whom you want to get rid off." Old lady asked.

"Jackson Wang. I want to give him slow death. "

"Uhh huhh you are evil my boy . I love that . Here take this doll and attach that poor boy's hair inside it. " Old lady told him.

Yoongi smirked and took the doll from her hand. He payed her and came back home.

Flashback ends

Putting lollypop inside his mouth , he looked back at Jackson and smirked in victory.

He knocked on your door , without waiting he opened it and entered inside.

He saw you rolled up on your bed in blanket like bread roll and sobbing. He sat on the bed beside your head and patted for few times.

"Hey common don't cry." He said while removing the blanket from your head.

You looked up at his face and started crying again.

"Why you have to bring him here? He is so bad and rude always shouting on me." You cried putting your head on his lap making him disgust because of your nose dripping and saliva is coming out of your mouth.

He still patted your head with that annoyed face.

"I m sorry on behalf of him. Let me initiate the conversation between you two and you two solve your disputes with each other ok."

"No" he sighed.

It took him 2 hours to convince you to talk to his friend. When you agreed he ran to his friend and talked to him. Jimin also agreed to talk to you and came in your room.

Now he is sitting on chair looking at your messy hairs and tears strained cheeks. You are definitely embarrassed, continuously cursing your brother in your head for sending him too early without listening to her. Whereas jimin was controlling his laughter.

"Why are you smiling now." You said being irritated.

He just smiled.

"I am sorry ok. I won't order you or something. Don't cry now. I have to live here for 6 months and we can't fight all the time. So let's just being friends." He said with a warm smile and bring his hand towards you.

"Okk" you said and shook his hand which was so warm and soft.

"You know your Pinky is small" you laughed over his smol little finger.

He was offended.

"Yahhh shut up. god didn't give length to my finger but definitely added some extra length somewhere else." He said and looked down towards his crotch.

The fuck ....

"You little bitch . Stop saying pervert stuff to my sister" cat suddenly broke the door and started catching jimin but younger one just ran to save his life.

You were sitting on bed thinking about what your teacher or crush said.
To be continued...

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