The Boogie Woman (COD MW2 Dar...

By lovergirl9023

4.1K 97 58

After breaking up with her abusive boyfriend, a woman in Australia joins the army and becomes a corporal in t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 4

321 7 4
By lovergirl9023

The next day you and 2 other personnel were patrolling the outta areas of the base. You got word that some outsiders tend to sneak around and spy on the base so now you are on patrol and are on the look for suspected stalkers.

The wind blew on the grass and leaves around you as you walk over them. Moving slowly so that your movements will fall on deaf ears. Your uniform helped camouflage you into the environment and made it hard to see you. You were all spread out, hunting for outsiders like lions hunting down prey.

You were told that the outsiders were usually civilians who wanted to check in on why you were in their country. On rare occasions, Cartels would often sneak around for a chance to snatch weapons or something useful.

Then suddenly, you spotted something in the grass. You kneel so that whatever it was won't see you. You slowly crawl towards the object and as you got closer you noticed that the object was a person. He was in black tactical gear and he was a Latino. You noticed that he wasn't alone, there were 2 other blokes with him, all in tactical gear. You knew they weren't civilians and they were too tactical to be cartels.

With the help of your camouflaged uniform, you managed to sneak up behind the intruders. You slowly stood up and quietly moved in closer to them. You noticed that they were whispering to each other in Spanish and one of them had binoculars and was watching the base.

"Whatcha doing there" you spoke out. The three soldiers immediately turn to look at you in shock that they've been found. "Uh, ¿Buenos días, colega...?" A soldier spoke out, he had that busted guilt tone in his voice."get up! All of you!" You Yelled."just what are you all doing here in the first place!?" The three men quickly stood up and had their hands in the air. You had them all at gunpoint.

"Commander Jones, this is Corporal (L/N), I've found trespassers!" You spoke on your radio."Corporal (L/N) bring our little visitors in for questioning" your Commander spoke."they could be working for Hassan or they could be cartel spies" "Roger that" you said."Come with me! You're all in for some questions" you lead your prisoners into the base and the interrogation room.

The 3 captive men were sat down on seats by a table with you watching over them with your gun out to keep them from trying anything funny." you boys are in a whole heap of trouble" you stated. And just as you said that a commanding officer, Lieutenant Danwood enters the room and sits down in front of your prisoners.

"Good afternoon gentlemen," Danwood's said."as you may know, you are being interrogated because you were caught spying on us by Corporal (L/N) here" Your lieutenant glances at you for a moment before continuing with the interrogation."okay here's the first question. Tell me your names"

One by one they said their names "Uh...Diego Acosadios, Hugo Naranja and Bruno Enigmato" Danwoods seem to be satisfied with the answer he got."okay next question, why were you spying on us in the first place?"

They all glanced at each other but didn't say anything. "Answer me damn! Why were you spying on us?!" Danwood's raised his voice a bit, making the three men just a bit. "Uh, we were given orders by our colonel to uhhhhh... To uh..." Hugo started stuttering. "To. WHAT...?!" Danwood's was now getting very serious.

"To uh-" Hugo continued to stutter until he was cut off by Bruno. "Our Colonel was curious about why you guys were here in Mexico so he sent us out to spy on you to see what you guys were up to, I swear that's all our intentions are!!" Danwood's raised an eyebrow.

"And who exactly is this colonel of yours?" He asked. "C-Colonel Alejandro Vargas of Los Vaqueros" Hugo stutters out, feeling ashamed that he ratted out his Colonel."Mexican Special Forces aye" Danwood's muttered."this is interesting. Okay now for the real question, is this Los Vaqueros collaborated with Hassan?"

"N-no" Hugo replies"We're hunting him as well as you guys" Danwood nods his head in interest." so, you're telling me, instead of hunting down Hassan, you guys are spying on us, correct?" The three men nod their heads in guilt.

"Okay, that will conclude the interrogation," Danwoods said while standing up." you three may leave this base, and tell your colonel to stop sending his men to spy on us" The three men then got up. You escorted them to the front gate of the base and allowed them to leave. You give them a salute as they hurried away.

"Great job out there Corporal" Sergeant Williams appears and gives you a pat on the back. "Thanks, sir," you said." Let's just hope that's the last of them" Williams nods and leaves you to it. You turn away and head towards the training grounds.

Earlier today you were informed that Hassan was located in a safe house somewhere not too far away. The weird thing that happened today before the incident with the three men is that Elija had suddenly vanished. No one knew where he went or has anyone had seen him. You also remembered that Turner wanted to speak with you behind the training grounds in the afternoon.

Your thoughts were interrupted by an explosion to your side and then everything went black.

To be continued

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