Neteyam x Ao'nung: in the cov...

By sun_teeth

653 37 9

*ALL ART IS DONE BY ME UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE* *I have to change the cover photo cuz I don't have my art... More

2- One on One Lesson
3- Conflict in the water
4- I fucked up
5- Dont do that again
6 - Progress
7 - Desperate
8- after party
9- Tolerance
10- Control
11- A Realization
12- Conflicting feelings

1- A books cover

132 4 1
By sun_teeth

A/N: Got bored of reading fanfics abt them so I'm writing one. Cuz if school I have a bad habit of not finishing stories but I'll try my best! Thanks for showing interest in my story lol.

Aonungs POV:

" You see that bro?" One of the friends sitting with me questioned.

"See wha-" I cut myself off as my eyes land on the crowd forming by the waterfront. There's a commotion at the dock and I can see large winged creatures even from the distance. I've never seen them before, they could be a threat.

"Let's check it out." A different friend echoed my thoughts. We all stood up, first walking then jogging towards the scene. As we reach the croud it splits, making a path for me, but my friends struggle to follow me in as our people quickly flud the path once again. That's when I see them, Na'vi from the looks of it, but they're... Different. Their skin is blue rather than teal and is slightly darker than ours. There are six of them and they all have... piercing, yellow eyes.

As I reach the front of the crowd I find myself entrapped by their unusual features, skinny tails, lean thin bodies, and most of all those eyes. One of them, a boy my age, has the most capturing eyes of them all, there's barely any green in his irises, similar to what appears to be his mother's eyes, but his are brighter, but they reflect the same emotion as his mother's. Suddenly the biggest of them began to speak, something about dealing refuge.
I don't trust them, clearly neither do the other clan people, but I want to observe the boys eyes just a little longer, before we send them back home.
I avert my gaze as I realize that he's caught me staring and is staring back. He signals a greeting, caution in his eyes, and I don't return the motion. He looks offended, but not upset.
My friends and I begin to circle them, particularly the smaller boy beside him, and the previous tired caution in their eyes is replaced with reserved fury as we smack at their pathetic tails. Their bodies are impractical, especially the older boys. The bigger boy at least has the correct number of fingers... It seems that some of the family is deformed in that way, with too many fingers and hair on their brow. But this boy seems unaffected by these deformaties, he's tall, not as tall as me but still tall, and skinny. He isn't as skinny as his brother but his waist is nearly as thin, I could probably fit his entire waist within my hands. As we step back from the indigo Na'vi, Tsireya emerges from the water. Roxto, my best bro, mutters some comment about their tails that I don't quite catch, but I do hear Tsireya smack him and tell him to stop.

"Hey." The smaller blue boy smiles at her, and she giggles in response. I'm gonna smack the shit out of him.
My father and cheif, Tonowari, sweeps in on his skimwing, flying over the dock and all of the people on it, his pose close in toe. He comes out from the water before speaking to them briefly, my mother quickly following suit.

"I see you Ronal, Tsahik of the Metkayina." The mother and father, I think, greet my mother after greeting and speaking with my father.

"Why do you come to us, Jake Sully." My father asks. Such a terrible name.

They speak for a while longer.

"They have Demon blood!" I catch the end of my mother's statement. The younger brother yanks his hand out of her grasp. What does she mean, demon blood?
"Look! Look!" Jake Sully calls for attention, raising one hand while holding the youngest forest persons hand with the other. "Look I was born of the sky people and now I am Na'vi. All right? You can adapt. We will adapt. Okay?"

"My husband was Toruk Makto. He lead the clans to victory against the sky people." The mother speaks, head high, and the father winces and shields his face in response.

"This you call victory?" My mother speaks.
The woman argued with my mother for a while. So the man, Jake Sully, Toruk Makto even,is also a sky person? I'm not entirely sure how that works, but I don't like it, I don't like change in my clan. But at least he's a respectable war leader, hopefully I can just ignore him-

" My son, Ao'nung, our daughter, Tsireya, will show your children what to do." my father continued on.

"Father why do i-" he cuts me off.

"It is decided."


I glance at him but he doesn't seem to care; I shouldn't fuss, it wouldn't change much.

"Come, I will show you our village." Tsireya says all to pleasantly to the outsiders.

Time skip to their first lesson

"Come on Ao'nung! It's not like we can just ignore them, father will skin us if we do." Tsireya whines.

"But they're freaks, Tsireya." I protest.

"And you're an asshole Ao'nung. Who knows, maybe they could teach you something. Maybe, just maybe, we could all be friends." She isn't giving up.

"But-" I begin to whine but she smacks me and grabs my hand, pulling me towards their pod. This is gonna suck.

"Let's go for a swim!" Tsireya calls enthusiatically to the Sullys. I also learned their names. Jake is the father, weird ass name, Neytiri the mother, Kiri is the older girl, Tuk the young one, and the boys are Lo'ak and Neteyam. I don't like Lo'ak, he keeps looking at Tsireya. I don't really like Neteyam either, whenever I see him I get... Angry, but not my usual angry. He's fucking weird.

"Yay!" Tuk yelled, running towards my sister, Kiri chasing after her.

We all Dove into the water, some with MUCH better form than others, and Tsireya and I started to swim away. As expected, their skinny tails and arms were pathetic in the water, and they fell behind quickly.

"Are you alright?" Tsireya asks as she breaks the water's surface.

"You're too fast, wait for us!" Tuk whines.

"Just breath. Breathe." I hear Tsireya respond from above the water and I emerge from the water.

"You are not good divers. Maybe good at swinging through trees, but-" Tsireya wipes the smirk off my face by smacking me and I give a surprised glare in return.

"We don't speak this... finger talk, guys, we don't know what you're saying." Neteyam followed.

"I will teach you." She responds. I continue grinning at the piss poor swimmers.

"Where's Kiri?" Roxto asks.

"Kiri?" Tuk responds.

"Who?" I ask. Which one is that again...

"Kiri. Where is Kiri?" Roxto continues. Kiri must be the older sister.

"Did you see her?" Tsireya asks to no one in particular.

After a short while we were on land again, as per Tsireyas orders, to practice breathing.

She places her hand on Lo'aks chest and stomach and I can't help but stare, he won't stop looking at her all flustered like- he needs to get away from my sister.

"Hey, what's she teaching him?" I hear Neteyam from beside me, placing his slender hand on my shoulder. His posture was open and relaxed, and his brow wasn't knit like mine, I suppose he didn't care that his brother was openly flirting with my sister in front of me.
"Ask your sister. That freak already has some weird fascination with the water, she could teach you better than me." I respond. For a moment he looked angry and a little sad, but then he returned,
"She's always been more connected with Eywa than us. It's amazing, really, I think she could teach you a lot about calming down and smelling the roses. No offense, of course."
I squinted at him but before I could retort he spoke again,
"She's too good though, it all comes naturally to her so she's a terrible teacher. Come on, teach me."

"If you insist, Forest boy." I smirk at him. These people really need help with everything, huh.
I place my left hand on his chest, and my right on his stomach.
"Breathe normally." I intruct and he does. "See, you're breathing here," I pat his chest, "but you need to be breathing here." I pat his stomach. His core is unexpectedly toned, causing me to glance down, and his ribs aren't flared like ours so his lung capacity is probably a lot less. I raise my eyes back up to meet his gaze and he's staring right at me.
"Don't be embarrassed, baby tail." I respond, noticing the light blush on his cheeks and tail. "Come on, breathe through your mouth and into your abdomen." He nods in return, looking up at me through his brow. I close my eyes and focus on his torso and the way it moves. This time he breathes into his stomach, but his breath is shallow and his heart has sped up.
"Sxawng, slow down your heart rate, you'd drown in two seconds like that."
"I'm trying." He grits through his teeth.
"Try harder." I say, opening my eyes. He tries again to no avail. "Here," I take my hands off of his skin and move so that I'm say beside him. His golden eyes follow me for the hole movement, he's got a staring problem, but I suppose I do to. "Close your eyes." I urge. He doesn't really need to but I need to focus.
"Now breathe in through your mouth." He begins to inhale but he's too slouched to get a deep breathe. I place my hand on his lower back and he flinches away into a better posture, but doesn't respond otherwise. I feel a smirk creeping into my face. He's very squirmish.
"Hold it." I instruct once his abdomen has clearly risen. "Now slowly, release the air. Through your mouth." I close my eyes, focusing on the sound of his breathing. "Repeat that a few times."
He does.
I scoot myself behind him, eyes still closed, so that I can place my hand on his stomach again. He jumps at my touch.
"Relax." I respond before he can speak. "In your next exhale extend it as long as you can, and then don't breathe in for as long as possible." He did as told, but was only able to hold his breath for maybe two minutes.
"Better." I open my eyes. I look at his hair, neetly braided, and want to touch it.
"Who does your hair?" I ask, and he turns around to face me, but his face is too close so I shove him back a little.
"Hey!" He complains.
"Big deal." I shrug, "so who does your hair?" I grab a strand towards his face and twist it in my hand, "your hair is more coarse than ours, but much smoother." I begin to look at the braid closely, admiring the wooden beads decorating it.
"My mother does my hair." I look back up to his face, he seems to be focused on my hair now. I catch myself staring at his eyes, but am able to look away before he notices. In looking away I glanced at Tsireya. Her hands were now off of Lo'ak, good, but she had her head turned towards me and had a shit eating grin plactered on her face, her chin tucked in and her eyes glancing up at me. She gave me a little brow wiggle and Lo'ak just looked disgusted.

"Go to Hell." I spoke, throwing sand at them and laughing a little. That was a bit embarrassing. I stand up and swipe the sand off of my hind before walking away.

"Hey wait!" I hear Tsireya yell.
"I want to keep learning." I heard Neteyam mutter, causing me to turn around and walk back to him, leaning down to his ear with a smirk.
"I'll meet you outside of your post tonight. I'll give you a much more useful lesson. Don't tell anyone though. Your siblings aren't ready." I stood up fully again and he smiled back at me before I left.

He's gonna regret agreeing to this. I wonder what I'll be able to get away with.

A/N: 2043 words! Inl. This note tho. Hope you guys enjoy! I wonder what Aonung has in store for Neteyam? Also, sorry abt getting some of their canon interactions wrong, or at least I think I did, I'm not very good at this😭

Love y'all! Comment any recs or mistakes you notice plez. Byeeee

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