Little's Academy

By LavenderFuzz

77.8K 1.2K 209

Alexander is classified as an age regressor and so he has to attend the Little's Academy where he is paired w... More

Cold arms and warm welcomes
Silence of the fearful
Giggles and tears
Frills and funny faces
Words of Honey
Cries to another
Bitter beginnings
Uh ohs.
Who says?
A/N -not an update (explanation)

Conflicting feelings

5.2K 102 7
By LavenderFuzz

Alex woke up in his own bed, confused.
He checked his phone and became even more confused. There on his lock screen was two texts.
"You'll probably see this in the morning but you fell asleep in my dorm and so I brought you back to yours. I wanted to let you know that you can come to me anytime you need support or maybe even a friend, I don't mind caring for you"
And then
"I hope you sleep well, goodnight Alex"
What was weird was that both of the texts were from Lucas.
When did he give him his number?
He looked at his phone and read the time. He had an hour to get ready and go to class- if he was even going to do that today. He felt like ditching. If he missed too many classes, he would probably be labeled as "troubled" and have an extra caregiver assigned to him.
If he just ran away from the school, the government would be on him quick. The government was a pain in the ass for runaway regressors. They made it nearly impossibly to run away from a caregiver situation under the reasoning of "protecting" and making sure the littles "had someone to care for them". What a shitty government they had. They didn't care if the regressors were being forced to do something against their will or if they were being abused. No one batted an eye when a rich person suddenly "saved" another little. Alex had heard horror stories before, littles being kidnapped off the streets and being forced to be used as some personal baby for some rich person- or worse- being used in a different way.
Regressors were all treated as literal babies by society, no matter the age range or frequency of regression. Littles were seen as "incapable" of holding any rigorous job- or even a full time job at that.
With that, regressors were practically forced to find a caregiver to support them. Most littles were stuck being babies 24/7. Rich people who were caregivers had the opportunity and privilege of hand picking their littles. Those littles were typically doomed to becoming whiny poopy babies, unable to make even the simplest decision for themselves. 
There just had to be some way to get out of this.
Maybe if he-
knock knock
Well. How convenient.
He sighed, getting up and going to the door.
Maybe Lucas had-
No. Of course this wasn't Lucas. Lucas was probably at that front desk doing job things.
He opened the door, bracing himself for a harsh talking to from his caregiver.
There stood his caregiver in all his towering glory.
He was suddenly engulfed in a tight hug.
He whined, pushing the man away. He just woke up, and now he had to deal with this again.
"How are you? Why weren't you at school Tuesday? Were you sick? Did i get you sick?"
"I'm fine- yeah i was sick." Alex lied, returning inside his dorm and sighing as he was followed around the small room.
"How did the test go? I hope you're not upset that I called for a fill-in, I just didn't want you to have to go alone-" The caregiver said, continuing his ramble. Alex gathered his clothes and made his way to the bathroom.
"It went fine, I'm fine." He went with, closing the door to the bathroom and promptly sitting on the floor.
About twenty minutes later (ten of which were spent sitting on the floor), Alex returned from the bathroom to find Samuel standing by the door.
"Hm? Oh, Alex! Let's get going, yeah? I don't want you missing Advisory again." Samuel said, motioning the boy toward the door.
Alex sighed, hesitantly walking towards the door and into the hallway.
"Okay well we find out your age range today, remember? That'll be later today. After classes, I told Nathan and Jackie that we would all go to the store together to get age range items." Samuel said calmly, not noticing the mortified look on Alex's face.
"Are we gonna walk?" Alex asked, he really hoped they weren't. He didn't want anyone to see them walking to the school or dorms holding regression items.
"Nope, we're taking Nathan's car." Samuel said, ruffling the boy's hair.
The only thing Alex liked about Samuel was the predictability that came with knowing him. He also didn't mind the head pats and hair ruffles. They made him feel warm.
Classes went by quickly, Alex dreading the moment where he would receive that email.
He even semi complied during nap time, granted he just lay there staring at the floor, but what the caregivers didn't know wouldn't hurt them, right?
He had refused to eat lunch, only drinking a juice box that had been given to him. He hated the disappointed look his caregiver had given him when it happened.
Eventually, the last class of the day arrived and Alex felt like he was going to throw up.
"Sammy-" He began, quickly covering his mouth. He was feeling both nauseous and light headed, which was not a good combination.
"Yeah? What's up?" The caregiver asked, eyes widening immediately as he looked over to the little.
"Alright, up we go." He sighed, picking up the boy and taking him to the bathroom without saying a word to the teacher.
Alex clung onto his caregiver's shirt, trying his absolute best to keep any mess inside of him.
He was set down in the bathroom, in front a toilet. Unfortunately, he had not been set down quickly enough.
He threw up a bit on Samuel before he managed to turn and empty what little was in his stomach, into the toilet.
Samuel buffered for a moment before falling back into his routine of taking care of the boy.
It took a while, but eventually Alex was sat on the floor, face red and tear stained.
One look at his caregiver's now ruined outfit and he was in tears again.
"Hey, it's alright. How're you feeling?" Samuel asked, standing up and helping Alex up as well.
Alex paused for a bit, seemingly trying to hold back tears.
"I'm sorry!" He cried, wiping his face with a sleeve.
"Its okay, buddy. Everything's okay. Why don't we go back to the dorms and get you changed?" The caregiver tried, attempting to shift focus onto the little.
They made it back to the dorms, Alex shying away when they walked by Lucas.
Alex didn't happen to realize that when Samuel said "dorm", he meant the caregiver's dorm.
When arriving, Samuel tried to be as quick as possible.
The trip to the dorm was as quick as it could be, considering they still had class, and results, to get back to.
When they made their way back to class, Samuel now in different clothes, Alex was in his arms, doing his best to hide.
They entered class, Samuel making his way to the teacher and opening his mouth to speak, being quickly getting cut off.
"You're fine, Mr Thomas. Littles have accidents all the time. Take your seat, some people have already opened their results" She said, not looking away from her computer.
Alex shoved his face into the caregiver, not appreciating the assumption that he had an accident.
Samuel sat down quickly, shushing the boy and opening his laptop.
After a few minutes, the results were on the screen in front of him. 

(A/N: woop woop extremely late and short chapter, im so much farther ahead in my brain, but writing it down is difficult. Do the things and press the buttons if you enjoyed and leave feedback if you didn't. Have a nice dayyyy <3)

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