The Summer is ours// JJ Mayba...

By fantasybubbles03

22.8K 407 1.1K

// this story will not follow the original plot of outer banks, simply the characters and the setting. Been t... More

1. Meet the Pogues
2. Truth or dare?
3: I hate you JJ Maybank, I hate you
4: You're not going to jump right?
5: Friends?
6: Um JJ? your hand is on my ass
8: How...How'd you do that?
9: What the fuck?!
10: That's my fucking sister man
11: Will you be my girlfriend?
12: What is she doing here?
13: how could you...
14: I love you
15: Maybe you are the whore everyone thinks you are
16: I just wanted it all to stop
17: Amber Alert
18: Jo you gotta jump
19: Operation Liberation
20: The summer is ours

7: Road trip

1.1K 23 90
By fantasybubbles03

AN// hey guys sorry for the slow updates, uni is a bore ahaha I also got promoted at work so i've been mad busy, still trying to get these out asap for you guys though. enjoy :)

Jo's POV:

"Morningggggggg" Pope sang as he came into my room

"ughhh" I groaned pulling the covers up over my head

"come on Jo, we aren't doing this again" he said opening the curtains and sitting down next to me "Your brother asked me to wake you up, plus I need to ask you something"

"and this couldn't have waited until i had at least brushed my hair?" I said now sitting up and squinting at the sun streaming through the window

"it could, but i'm nosey" he laughed

"ok and what is this ever so important question?" i laughed lifting a glass of water from my bedside table

"is there something going on between you and JJ?" he asked causing me to choke on my water

"i'm sorry what?"

"you heard me?"

"me and JJ? seriously?"

"Jo, i'm acing chemistry ok? i know it when i see it"

"Pope you've actually lost it. No there is nothing happening between me and JJ" I said shuddering "sure we have become friendlier but that doesn't mean anything is going on" I laughed

"ok, deny it all you want but i know what i saw" he said getting up off my bed

"I'm not denying anything"

"and that right denial" he laughed leaving my room

"close the door" i yelled after him

"nope" he called back causing me to groan and roll out of bed. I got up and walked into the kitchen. John B, JJ, Kie, Pope and Sarah were all sitting on the porch

"what are we running a hotel now?" I laughed lifting the orange juice out of the fridge and walking out to join them

"ah well look who finally rose from the dead" John B laughed from beside me

"i wish I was dead" I muttered "Pope opened my curtains"

"Damn, you're looking for instant death" Kie laughed

"so any spectacular plans for today?" i asked

"I gotta work" Kie said

"me too" said Pope

"me three" my brother replied

"ok, Sarah?" I asked looking at her

"sorry, dad and I are going somewhere, but we'll be home later tonight"

"great so i'm home alone all day" I said sloughing back

"oh yea forgot I didn't exist" JJ mumbled mostly to himself but we all heard it

"ok then JJ, what are you doing all day today" I asked

"mostly just deliveries for the club but you are more than welcome to join if you want company" he shrugged

"sure why not, beats sitting alone waiting for y'all to get back" i replied causing everyone to look up at me. "What?"

"its just you...and JJ and-" John B tried to say but Pope cut him off

"nothing Jo, absolutely nothing is wrong with that" he said smiling at me then turned to John B and whispered "shhh man, you gotta let the love fester" 

"Pope fuck off" i said rolling my eyes at him "JJ when do you need to leave?"

"set off in about 30 minutes"

"ok i'll go get ready" I smiled back getting up and going to my room



"are you sleeping with my sister?" John B asked very abruptly from beside me

"what? why would you ask that?"

"because last month you were ready to kill each other and now you're going on road trips together?"

"And that means i'm fucking her?"

"ew lets not use words like fucking, thats" Pope spoke up

"no JB i'm not sleeping with her. Just got to know her at work and she's not all bad, thats all"

"well is there anything going on?" Kie asked

"oh my god, what is with the fucking interrogation. Am I not allowed to be nice? Do you want me to go back to insulting her twenty four fucking seven"

"JJ no one is saying that, no need to be so defensive" Sarah said

"Jeez man chill out" Pope said at the same time

"Defensive means you're hiding something" John B said quietly but loud enough for me to hear him, but for now I chose to ignore it. I don't have time to start an argument

"yea whatever man, i'm gonna go see if Jo is nearly ready"

"bro she left like 2 minutes ago" Kie laughed

"yea well- then i'll wait inside" I said turning around and walking into the little kitchen area

"God dramatic much" I heard Sarah say from outside

Why did I get so defensive? Good question. Probably because i don't know the answer to that question myself. Sure we had that little flirty moment last night but that was all it was...right? I mean, we were both drunk and shit. And sure I like her and everything but not like that....right? Wanting to kiss someone doesn't mean you like them like that...I think. No JJ what are you thinking, this is your best friends sister. You're not allowed to like her, that has to be written in a bro code rule book somewhere. Whatever, it's not like she feels the same way, she was drunk....thats all it was.


"Huh? What?" i said looking around confused before i spotted Jo standing ready

"Dude are you deaf or something. Lets go" she said.

Damn it she looked good. How long had I been lost in thought? She came out with her hair curled, subtle makeup on, cropped top and shorts. JJ STOP THINKING LIKE THIS.

"oh um yea...sure lets go" I smiled at her "JB?"

"yea?" he called back

"I'm borrowing the twinkie" i said lifting the keys

"like hell you are" he yelled back 

"go go go" I said to Jo running out the door

"JJ, stop. Get back here" John B yelled after us

"Sorry man can't hear you" I said jumping in the drivers seat. Right as Jo jumped in I locked the doors

"JJ not funny man, I need it for work" He said trying to open the door as i sped off causing Jo and I to burst into a fit of laughter

"Later loser" she yelled out the window as we drove off "so where are we off to then"

"ok well, first gotta head to the club to pick up some stuff then over to Haywards to grab more things and deliver them. Pretty much just up and down the island, furthest we are going is Elizabeth city which is only like an hour or so away"

"road trippppppp, can we stop and get snacks?" 

"you really need snacks?" i asked looking over at her

"of course i need snacks" she said looking up at me with the goofiest grin

"ok we can grab some stuff from work before we leave, ok?"

"ok" she smiled sitting back very content.


Jo's POV:

We had been on the road now for about three hours now doing different deliveries and i had started to get bored.

"Eye spy with my little eye-"

"what are you doing" he asked glancing over at me

"i'm boredddddd"

"you sound like a toddler"

"can we please do something, its like another 20 minutes till we get there"

"fine, but not eye spy" 

"well what else is there"

"could play truth or dare or something like that"

"we don't exactly have the space to do any dares"

"ok how about just truth then"

"sure" I smiled now trying to come up with a question "ok ummmm, who was your first girlfriend?" i asked

"never had one" he shrugged in reply

"what? You told me you'd slept with like 40 people"

"yea so?"

"and you never thought to ask someone out?"

"i thought about it, just never did"

"so what you just one and done them?"

"you're telling me you were dating everyone you have slept with?"

"ummm...well no but-"

"exactly. Ok my turn. What's your favourite movie? oh wait no i have a better one-"

"nope, first question asked is what I answer"


"nope. Favourite movie.....mmmm. Oh Mamma Mia"

"Mamma Mia.....really?"

"you're the one that kept going on about Aquamarine, you have no right to judge"

"ok a. Aquamarine is an amazing movie and b. Mamma Mia sucks"

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK" i said gasping

"No i will not"

"have you even watched it?"

"no and I don't plan on watching it"

"ok well now i gotta make you watch it"

"yea good luck with that"

"oh believe me I will succeed. Ok i'm gonna ask you the same question you asked me a few weeks back"

"nuh uh, you said no repeat questions"

"does it count as a repeat question if it was a month and a half ago"

"yes, yes it does"

"right fine ummmmm, if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?"



"yea down in Mexico"

"why Yucatán?"

"i dunno, probably on the run from the cops or some bullshit like that. Great surf, great weather, cheap food. It sounds great...well not the being on the run part but ya know what i mean"

"yea sure" I laughed

"ok my turn and now i can ask my better question"


"how many people have you slept with?"

"no, you literally just argued no repeat questions"

"yea but i never got an answer"

"yea but i asked you that"

"yea but- I don't know what else i can argue. Come on just answer it. No judgement here"

"can i pass?"

"if you're uncomfortable thats fine-"

"no i'm not uncomfortable its just something i've never told anyone"

"its not exactly casual conversation" he laughed

"ok um...its one" I said quietly


"no one, ok JJ, no one" i said just wanting the questions to be over with

"yea ok" he laughed "if you didn't want to tell me you could have just said that" he said as i kept quiet looking down at my hands "oh shit you're serious?" he asked glancing over at me "no one, like zero as in... you're still a virgin?"

"is there something wrong with that?" I snapped

"no, nothing wrong with it, its just....everyone on the island knows you're kind of a ummmm-"

"a whore" I asked looking round at him

"no i wasn't going to say that"

"you were thinking it"

"no i wasn't, i was going to say a player thats all"

"thats just a nicer name for a whore"

"Yea but you can't be a whore if you're a virgin. So why does everyone think that?"

"Cause of Megan and Caitlin"

"your friends from school?"

"not exactly friends" i shrugged "basically i kissed Megans boyfriend cause she had upset me by throwing a party and not inviting me, which i know was a dickhead move but anyway. She found out and got mad and then started a rumour that i had slept with him and soon enough that rumour spread like wildfire and now we are here"

"ok but how did it go from you sleeping with one person to you sleeping with like half of the island?"

"just how rumours spread i guess" 

"those bitches. Why did you never say anything? Cause you know John B and I could have busted in there and been like-"

"thats exactly why i didn't say" I said cutting him off "people like that are only happy when they are dragging people down, so it was easier to just let them do what they want. And you can't tell John B, he will just go all protective and be annoying. Its just easier to live the lie"

"yea but Jo-"

"its fine JJ, i'm used to it. Oh look we are here" I said starting to unbuckle my seat belt 

"Jo-" I didn't wanna listen to what he had to say so i just jumped out of the van and slammed the door

"i'm going for a walk"

"i'm only gonna be like 5 minutes-"

"then i'll be back in five minutes" I said already walking away

Well he now knows my biggest secret. How is it i can always tell him so much, it just feels safe. I don't know why, its not as if he has been trust worthy with my secrets in the past but he is just so easy to talk to. I walked over to the railings across the road from where the van was parked and overlooked the sea. Dragging my fingers through my hair i finally let myself breathe out a sigh of relief. Maybe i should start trusting him more....i mean i like him. Wait what? No Jo, I can't afford to think like this. You heard him, he has slept with like 40 girls and never dated anyone. He isn't the dating type, not that John B would ever allow it anyway.

"Jo come on" JJ yelled at me from across the road

"yea just a second" i called back looking back out at the water again, it really was beautiful here. I heard his footsteps walking closer and felt him standing next to me. He didn't say anything just sat and looked out with me for a bit.

"Imagine this place at sunset" i said breaking the silence

"yea i bet. No good surf though" he laughed 

"true, should we head back?"

"yea that was the last delivery" he smiled at me "also Jo?"


"thank you"

"for what?"

"trusting me" he said walking back towards the van. Can this man read my thoughts?


The first forty minutes of the drive back was pretty uneventful, i did however manage to make JJ play eye spy with me....he sucked at it

"can i plug in my phone?"


"cause your music sucks" I groaned at him

"hey, i'll have you know Alt-J is one of my favourite bands"

"yea whatever" I said unplugging his phone and plugging mine in. I hit shuffle and of course 'love story' by Taylor Swift came on

"oh and you're saying my music sucks"

"you ever insult my wife like that again and i'll kill you" I said turning the volume up as high as it would go

"We were both young when I first saw you, I close my eyes and the flashback starts. I'm standing there. On a balcony in summer air" I sang

"Jo seriously this is-"

"See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns. See you make your way through the crowd, And say "Hello". Little did I know" I sang louder

"do you ever shut up"

"That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles. And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet". And I was crying on the staircase, Begging you, "Please don't go" And I said" 



"Its a love story" he sang joining in

"BABY JUST SAY YES. I knew you knew the words" i said looking at him

"how could i not, its Taylor swift. I swear she is the only artist you know" he laughed. And that was it, the whole way back to the OBX we sang at the top of our lungs.


"well you two are in a good mood" John B said as we both walked in laughing

"um yea it was a good day, JJ sang Taylor Swift"

"No I didn't....maybe a little. But just the hits"

"nope you even knew Teardrops on my guitar" I laughed

"ok but that song is amazing"

"this is too weird" John B said "you two getting along like this"

"why are you trying to ruin it" i said back

"how am i trying to ruin it" 

"cause you're just weird and annoying"

"ok well, I was just here to make sure neither of you died in your way back. I'm spending the night at Sarah's so are you cool here on your own?"

"Should I really be staying home alone when CPS are still after us?"

"Jo they haven't been here in weeks, you'll be fine" 

"yea but....maybe i could come to Sarah's with you"

"Jo, you'll survive. You're not coming to crash at Sarah's"

"but she is my friend too"

"yea but its a date night kinda thing, her family are away so it's just gonna be us two"

"whatever, you are so good at fucking up my good day"

"God stop being so dramatic"

"No John B, when you come back tomorrow and i'm not here cause some CPS worker has snatched me i hope you'll be real fucking happy with your alone time with Sarah" I said storming towards my room "thanks JJ for a nice day, sorry my dumb ass of a brother had to fuck it up as always" I yelled right before i slammed my door

"You know what Jo, I hope they do grab you, cause then i don't have to put up with anymore of your bullshit" John B snapped back. I heard him say something to JJ before slamming the door on his way out

"well that was awkward, Jo can i come in?" JJ asked from outside my door

"is he gone?"

"did you not hear the door nearly fly off its fucking hinges, yes he is gone" he replied and i opened the door

"he only cares about fucking his stupid girlfriend that he can't see that maybe i don't wanna stay home alone" i said still annoyed

"look, how about, you pack a bag and come spend the night at mine?"


"well i would offer to stay over here but i gotta sort some shit out at home before i can go to work tomorrow. So you can stay at mine, i'll make up the couch for you"

"JJ thank you but um....what about...your uh"

"my dad?"


"he's been away for weeks, don't know when he is coming back"

"then why have you been staying here?" i laughed

"free food" he shrugged "so you want to, or do you want to just stay here?"

"no i'll uh- come over, thank you JJ"

"Yay, slumber party" he said drumming his hands on his legs before standing up and correcting his hat "its getting dark out so you gotta pack up quick cause your brother took the twinkie and i don't have my bike"

"yea thats fine I already have a bag packed" I said pulling it out from under my bed

"why do you.....what?"

"well what if i need to make a great escape" i laughed

"you're insane, come on lets go"


It was only a short walk to where JJ lived, his house was a little more beat up than mine and John B's but that's to be expected when no one lives in it half the time.

"Mi Cassa es su cassa, welcome to my humble abode" he said opening the door

"i've known you for as long as i remember and i've never been to your house"

"yea well, not much to it. My room is just down that way, sofa, kitchen, bathroom....thats about it"

"well a roof is a roof when you live in the cut" i said setting my bag down

"so um, you wanna do anything or do you just want me to set up the bed?"

"we could rent a movie and get drunk?"

"now that sounds like my kind of plan. Ok, so you run up the road and rent a movie cause i ain't got any streaming bullshit and i'll just do the shit i needed to do"

"yea sounds good" i said


thirty minutes later and i was back. I bought a couple of snacks and of course i rented out Mamma Mia....told you I would make him watch it. By the time i got back JJ had set up the sofa into a little bed and was outside fixing something on his bike

"i'm back" i called out

"ah good, i was just finishing up anyway. What movie did ya get"

"Mamma Mia" I smiled

"Jo no, i told you i wasn't gonna watch it"

"pleaseeeeeee, if you don't like it after thirty minutes we can watch something else you have"


"please" I said now sticking out my bottom lip and giving him puppy dog eyes

"are you having a stroke...what are you doing with your face"

"JJ please"

"fine, thirty minutes thats all you get, tv is in my room"

"yay" i said bouncing up and down and racing into the house "i bought snacks" I called out as i disappeared into his room. I jumped onto his bed crawling under the sheets and switched on the tv

"well you get comfy fast" he laughed walking into the room lifting the dvd from beside me and putting in the disk

"you're going to love this i swear" i said patting the space beside me

"oh well thank you for allowing me to lay in my own bed" he said sarcastically laying down next to me and getting under the covers as well

"shhhh its starting" 

"why is she in a boat?"

"oh my god JJ just watch it"

"she is already singing"

"well duh its a musical"

"i hate this"

"its been ten seconds"


"Honey honey, how he thrills me, uh huh, honey honey" I sang like an idiot while JJ just watched and laughed "honey honey, nearly kills me, uh huh, honey honey"


The next thing i new the two of us were drunk out of our minds and dancing around JJ's room singing together

"you are the dancing queen" he sang at me while i fake bowed while mouthing fake thank yous at an imaginary crowd "young and sweet, only seventeen" he continued


I don't know when we fell asleep. It was still dark outside. Here I was laying with my head in the crook of JJ's neck, his arm round my shoulder, mine slouched across his stomach, legs tangled together. His soft snores let me know that he was still asleep, I didn't want to wake him by trying to move so i just slowly let myself drift back to sleep but it wasn't long until we were both jolted awake by the sound of a door slamming loudly

"what the fuck was that?" JJ asked rubbing his eyes awake. Following his question was the sound of glass breaking

"JJ?" I said now terrified out of my mind. It sounded like someone was breaking in

"shh, i'll go check you stay here"

"JJ is that you?" i heard a voice call out

"shit" he muttered pulling his hair out of his face and looking at me "don't make a noise ok?" he said

"why JJ, who is that?" i asked. He paused for a second before answering me

"my dad"

(3588 words)

AN// Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, whats gonna happen next? I tried to make this chapter a long one to apologise for the wait but omg guys we are up to 160 reads! thank you guys so much. I know some people have come from my tiktoks so thank you for that. Hope you guys enjoy and as always. See y'all in the next chapter :)

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