Psychic adventure

By sleeplesstories

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HARD DRAFT. IDK WHAT AM I WRITING. Join Nova on her journey of just surviving in this world as a new telepath... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 5

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By sleeplesstories

15 minutes later since I started learning how to meditate, I had finished a short 10 minutes meditation and was currently grinning in excitement at Adam who had a helpless smile. "So, I get to learn now, right?" I asked, unable to hide the excitement in my voice.

Adam chuckled and nodded. "I didn't think you would be able to sit for 10 minutes on your first try," he grumbled softly before looking at me. "My teaching methods are slightly different than most people since I will be projecting the knowledge into your mind, the rest will be for you to understand and feel it out," he explained.

I nodded in understanding before reaching out and touching my forehead. "Close your eyes and relax, allow the information to enter your mind and understand from them, don't force anything or resist anything," he said calmly before I followed his instructions.

Suddenly, I felt that my mind became very full and cluttered all of the sudden. I calmed my mind and imagined I was just watching a show which helped a lot as I watched and felt how basic empathy, mind reading and telepathic communication work.

I opened my eyes and blinked several times after I finished absorbing the information. "Looks like I need to practice to get mental strength strong enough to do telepathic communication," I mumbled softly in resolution.

"Well, that's enough for today," Adam said which broke my train of thought and made me look over. "Remember the rules and your promise."

I smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Trainer Adam," I said before getting up and leaving the room. I ordered some dinner and ate it before sitting on the bed crossed-legged with my eyes closed.

I wanted to see what is my limit and understand it before I do anything dangerous without my knowledge. I was back behind my new mental walls, I imagined there are windows again and slowly opened them.

This time, I didn't bother controlling the flow of information and emotions towards me. I merely stood there and took it face first, it was a bit disorienting since the emotions are messing with my own emotions and I'm not someone that liked that feeling.

After a while, I decided to end it since I was getting exhausted from all the foreign emotions messing with mine. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I took a warm shower before heading straight to bed.

The next morning, I was heading towards the weapon training room since I have that in the morning. I walked into the training room and scanned the room before my eyes landed on Jake talking to Adam and 2 other people.

I was slightly stunned but made my way over to them, I noticed that the rest of the people was looking at them with excitement, anxiety, curiosity or more. "Good morning, Nova," Jake said which made me look over to see the group that he was talking to looking at me. "Come on to the sparing ring, the faster we get this over with the better."

I merely nodded along while the group with him continued to look at me with curiosity as I quickly followed Jake to the racks. "Um, what weapon do I use?" I asked quietly as he picked up a polearm.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Use your best weapon," he said with a hint of exasperation in his voice.

I nodded before looking between the duel daggers and the sword, as much as I would like to use a sword against a polearm, I decided to use duel daggers and take this sparing match as training. I walked towards the sparing platform and I could see Jake staring at my daggers.

He looked at me. "Are you ready?" he asked, subtitling asking if that is my weapon of choice.

I smiled and nodded as I prepared myself to spar. "Yes, I'm ready," I said as Jake ready his polearm.

Adam took a step forwards. "On the count of 3, you will start the spar," he looked between me and Jake. "1, 2, 3."

I lunged forward at the count of 3 with daggers flashing in the air. Jake immediately parried my attack with his polearm, using the weapon's length to keep a distance.

Narrowing my eyes, I ducked under his weapons to avoid them and tried to slash his legs. He reacted fast and jumped back before swinging his polearm in a wide arc, trying to hit me.

I grinned at the familiar weapon style that I had fought against far too many times, I darted just barely out of range of the polearm before going back in for another slice. We continued this dance for a while before a thought passed my mind and purposely clashed with Jake's weapon and locked it.

"Question, are we supposed to defeat each other? The spars that I normally have are duration spars," I asked quietly while panting since I assumed the group of people just now are his friends.

Duration spars are similar to typical spars but it is much more relaxed as the goal is merely last for a certain amount of time instead of defeating the other opponent. Mine normally last for an hour and there is also someone who will keep track of the time, so the fact that I didn't know who was keeping track of the time made me question it.

Jake's eyes widen while he panted. "I surrender," he said loudly before I unlocked our weapon. "Just so you know, most spars within the faction are defeating each other unless they are told," Jake explained while panting.

I nodded in understanding before walking over to the weapon rack to put away the weapon. "Nova, can I spar with you?" a male asked. "Or do you want to rest first?"

I turned around to see a tall, muscular and toned guy with an athletic build, short, dark red hair that is neatly styled and piercing green eyes stepping forward. His face is well-defined with a strong jawline, high cheekbones, a straight nose and a clean-shaven face.

I shook my head and smiled in anticipation since the previous sparing match was not that satisfying. "Let's spar, let me change my weapon first?" I asked.

The guy nodded before we walked over to the racks as Jake got off the platform. "Are daggers not your main weapon?" he asked quietly.

I looked at it as I put it back on the rack. "Kind of? I like the feeling of duel daggers more for duration sparing so I could focus on my prediction and reaction speed, swords are more suitable in a lot of situations that required me to finish quickly," I explained as I grabbed a sword.

The guy also grabbed a sword. "So just now you were having a duration spar with Jake? No wonder he surrendered," he said while chuckling as he walked towards the sparing platform.

I tilted my head in confusion. "What do you mean by that?" I asked but I received no reply so I just shrugged it off and didn't bother to ask again.

I stood across from the guy and studied him for a second and knew immediately there is no chance am I winning against him. After years of sparing against my brothers, I knew that I still need to give it my all unless I want to be pummeled.

Adam took a step forwards again. "On the count of 3, you will start the spar," he looked between me and the guy and we both ready our swords. "1, 2, 3."

I lunged forward at him and swung at him with my sword, hoping to catch him off guard with my speed. He easily blocked the blow and countered with a swift strike, which Nova barely managed to dodge.

I narrowed my eyes at him and started darting left and right around him, but he was always one step ahead. He suddenly increased the intensity of his attacks, forcing Nova to focus on defending herself.

I smiled as adrenaline pumped through my blood while I took a step back, creating some distance between the both of us. I began to move in a circular motion, using my sword to deflect his attacks and tire him out.

I was impressed that he was managing to keep up with my movement around him, I could also see that he was beginning to feel the strain of the fight. I picked a moment before swinging my sword at him with all my might, he clearly predicted it and blocked my strike before disarming me.

I stumbled backwards while the clattering of the sword rang out in echoes while we stood there and catch our breaths. "That was impressive, Nova, not many people can force me to fight like that," the guy said with a grin.

I panted with my hands on my hip. "That was fun, I would like to spar like that again sometime," I said with a tired smile.

"Take a break first, Nova, do you want to have another sparing match with me after your rest?" a female asked.

I looked over to see a woman with a lean and toned physique, striking silver hair that is tied back in a tight bun and piercing green eyes looking at me.

I thought for a second before nodding. "Sure but I don't expect me to spar at my best," I said as I walked over to them. Jake held out a water bottle at me while Adam held a water bottle at the guy.

I thanked Jake before taking a gulp of water and looked around to see everyone staring at me with wide eyes. I immediately looked away from the crowd since I was getting uncomfortable with the stares.

I suddenly remembered something before looking up at the guy and the woman. "I forgot to ask, what are your names?" I asked.

The guy and woman glanced at each other before looking at me. "The guy is Owen and the woman is Racheal," Adam said quickly with a smirk.

I glanced at Adam with a raised eyebrow but didn't think much of it before looking back at them. "Nice to meet you, sorry I didn't ask for your names sooner, I kinda forgot," I said sheepishly.

They both chuckled. "It's fine, are you ready for another spar?" Racheal asked and I nodded and put down my bottle. "Let's have a duration spar, I will be using daggers."

I nodded in understanding. "How long?" I asked since I didn't know how duration spars work in the faction at all.

"How long can you go for?" she asked.

I pursed my lips as I thought about it. "30 minutes?" I asked unsurely since I did use up a lot of my energy to spar with Owen.

Racheal nodded before walking over to the weapon rack, I thought about the weapon I'm gonna pick before settling on the polearm. I walked up to the rack and grabbed the polearm before twirling it around to get used to the weight.

"How many weapons can you use?!" Jake exclaimed.

I turned around to see his eyes widen in shock with his mouth gap open, I scanned through the racks of weapons. "Most of them? I haven't touched most of them in years though, I only really trained with the sword, daggers and polearm,"

Racheal smirked. "And you are using me to train your polearm skills?" she asked as I nodded with a smile while she shook her head and we walked up to the sparing platform.

Adam took a step forwards again. "Same thing," he looked between me and Racheal and we both ready our weapons. "1, 2, 3."

I didn't lunge at her immediately as we circled each other, waiting for the other to strike. Guessing that Racheal will not make a move, I lunged forward and swung my polearm at her.

Racheal dodged to the side while deflecting my blow with her daggers. We continued to dance around the platform for a while with Racheal continuously attacking me at any unguarded openings.

I was having a field day just defending and swinging the polearm or occasionally thrusting and stabbing at her. I frowned hard while panting as I couldn't figure out a way to pass her defence before the timer rang.

Using the polearm as support, I closed my eyes and immediately started analysing what I could have done to land a hit on her while I catch my breath. I was almost breathing normally before opening my eyes with several ideas for landing a hit at her.

I looked around to see them talking to each other by the door, I walked over and put away the polearm before making my way back over to them. "Nova grabbed your water and come over," Racheal called out.

I nodded tiredly as I reached my water, twisting the cap open and taking several gulps of water while making my way to them. They all looked at me which made me tense as it felt like I was about to be scolded for something.

"Do you know why we are here in the first place, Nova?" Adam asked with a small smile.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Because you can?" I asked back, completely clueless and not interested in the least.

Racheal raised an eyebrow. "Are you not in the least curious about why we are here or what rank are we?" she asked with slight suspicion.

I shook my head. "Not really, you guys will tell me if is important unless you guys or the faction is that heartless," I said before shrugging. "Even then, If you guys don't tell me the important stuff until it is too late, the most I will hold is a bit of dissatisfaction before needing to deal with it anyway."

I crossed my arms. "Knowing too much is a blessing and a curse, same with knowing too little so I really don't care," I explained as they stared at me.

"What if you know a personal secret for a person in high society?" Jake asked curiously.

"If that person doesn't come and mess with me, I would keep it or forget about it. If that person does and won't listen to warnings then it's own downfall that I would gladly watch," I said with a smile.

Owen chuckled. "You are a really interesting person, you don't really care about anything but once you poke the nest, all hell is loose," he said with a smile.

I shrugged. "I guess but what is there to care about? All of us are the same being and if one is disobedient, punishment is needed for them to remember just like how a child will know the rights from the wrongs," I said casually.

"Why do I suddenly feel like you are the oldest person among us now," Racheal commented while Adam nodded in agreement.

I smiled helplessly. "Once you deal with or listen to enough things that are completely unreasonable from all angles, you naturally stop questioning a lot of things as that will save both time and brain cells," I said I remember the countless hours of my brothers ranting about the weirdest and most unreasonable thing.

"We are going off-topic," Adam said before looking at me. "Owen and Racheal are here to see whether you are qualified to move to the Agent training and are listening to Jake's ridiculous reports about your physical training."

I looked at them with wide eyes while tilting my head slightly. "Huh?Ridiculous report? Which one is considered ridiculous?"

"Did you really think that what you did yesterday was normal?" Jake asked in disbelief as I nodded in reply. "None of what you did yesterday was normal, if anything, it would be considered above average or far above average."

I blinked in realization. "Oh, I didn't know the difference between males and females is that different," I said quietly in embarrassment.

"Why were you following the male standards?" Jake asked in confusion.

I smile sheepishly. "Because I'm lazy and not interested in these physical activities, I didn't bother to research anything and just followed my brothers' standard while lowering slightly because of the 6 years age difference."

They were silent for a while. "The weapon combat?" Adam asked dazed.

"My parents sighed up both my brothers and myself when we were young, we kept training over the years since that is the only time we get to be together since all of us are busy with life," I explained as Owen started to laugh.

Racheal blinked several times. "If you are not interested in physical activities, what are you interested in?" she asked with a hint of disbelief.

"I like coding more than physical activities, actually, I just like anything that I can do in my own comfort zone."

"How would you rate yourself in terms of your skills?"

"Um, I don't know? I'm definitely not the best since I can't specialise in anything since learning the details is boring to me and I can never stay awake enough to learn it."

"So besides coding programs, have you learned to hack or manage a database?"

I nodded. "Yep, I have for both though I only know how to do it, ask me for an explanation, I will likely be spending most of the time online searching for their meanings," I explained.

Racheal nodded. "Go back to your room, you don't have to come for either the weapon or physical training until further notice," she said with a smile.

I looked at her with wide eyes before glancing at Jake who had no reaction before looking back, "Um, Thank you, Recheal, I hope I see you all around," I said before leaving the weapon training room.

I started walking before I got impatient and ran back to my room, I quickly took a shower and changed into something more comfortable before collapsing on the bed. It was late in the afternoon when I woke up, I ordered food delivery again and ate it before meditating and practising my telepathy.

I chuckled slightly as I could hear bad rumours about me while I practice my ability. I listened for a while before blocking them off and continuing to practice. My watch vibrated which made me open my eyes and looked at the message, it was from Echo asking what I'm going to do with the rumours.

I smiled and texted back saying don't worry since I personally do not care about it at all, I looked at the time before getting up and walking over to the suitcase. I opened it and pull out a laptop and one of the hard disks before walking over to the bed.

Setting the laptop down on the bed as I sat on the floor, crossed-legged, plugging the hard disk into the laptop. I opened up a folder and smirked as I checked it before I started searching for more stuff online while keeping tabs on posts and articles related to me.

I spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing in my room by watching videos and reading books before getting some dinner and sleep.

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