The Snake king's niece

Por WavernSistersforever

5.5K 90 213

Duhvassa is a beautiful female anacondrai who lost her mother but found out that she has an existing uncle Py... Más

😔Prologue 😔
🌇chapter 1 new place 🌃
🌇chapter 2 going to town🌇
😊chapter 3 Ninja came 2 visit ☺️
📱Chapter 4 Unexpected phone call📱
💜☺️Chapter 5 1st contact with Uncle Pythor ☺️🖤
💚chapter 6 Acidicus encounter💚
♥️chapter 7 Fangtom encounter♥️
🖤 Chapter 8 Skalidor encounter 🖤
💙Chapter 9 Skales encounter 💙
chapter 11 🖤 Mourning in his arms
Chapter 12 travel to Ouroboros
Chapter 13 settling in
CHAPTER 14 Surprise party (Duhvassa meets Shelly)
💜chapter 15 getting to know my lil cousins 💕
💕Chapter 16: Shopping with Auntie💕
💜Chapter 17 Uncle n, niece time.💜
chapter 18 moving to Ouroboros
chapter 19 - new home
Chapter 20 - Family pool party

💜chapter 10 uncle's surprise visit💜

256 2 7
Por WavernSistersforever

Saturday morning come up. Luckily a part of my week off.
I got in the good mood to make some Beignets. With CCR playing, I rolled the daylights out of that, cut it into a bunch of squares, then fry them, got the puffy squares out to put on the baking sheet to be drizzled with honey and powdered sugar sprinkled on top of them.

I couldn't help myself but smell the aroma of those Beignets, which takes me back to the New Orleans when mama used to make them during Saturdays mornings and every year on my birthday when I wake up as she brings them to me. Boy that was good times but time goes on although she's gone to heaven. I nabbed and took one bite out of one Beignet. It tasted so good just like the way mama makes them.
As I was enjoying the Beignet and sipping cafe au lait. A doorbell ring interrupted, I wiped my face with a napkin, took off my apron, turned off the music the music and head to the front door to see who's there.
I peaked at the at the peephole and saw a familiar fuchsia eye appears at the peephole, an overwhelming emotion came at me that felt emotionally happy.

I took a deep breath then composed myself and unlocked my door.
When I opened the door and out of my surprise, it's my uncle Pythor, a gentle purple giant standing there with holding a bouquet of purple flowers in his hands smiling at me with a tear in his eye. "Hello sweetheart!" Said Pythor.

I couldn't hold back tears and threw my arms around him in a hug as tears streaming down my cheeks when I melted into his hood.

Uncle wrapped his arms and his long tail around me hugging me back tearing up as I am.
He rocked me side to side and given a kiss on my forehead.
"It's good to finally get to see you uncle Pythor!" I said during our embrace. "It's a wonderful pleasure to finally see you my beautiful niece!" Said Uncle Pythor.
We've let go of our embrace. Uncle gently stroke my cheek and I nuzzle his hand knowingly I felt that is the fatherly love connection I've been looking for so long. But I knew this is what my mom wanted for me. "Well well, you look just like your mother my dear Duhvassa, but you have a little bit of white on your face sweetie." Said uncle Pythor as he uses his thumb to clean off the powder sugar on my face. I told him, "Oh that's powdered sugar from the Beignet I was eating!" "Oh that explains it, the ninja did bragged to me about those southern French donuts you've served them when they 1st visited you." Said uncle Pythor.

I told him that I made a fresh batch of Beignets. Then offered him some and a cup of cafe au lait coffee. "Of course Duhvassa, I would like to have some coffee and Beignets, may I come in?" Said uncle Pythor. "You may come on in , feel free to take a seat and I'll be right there with our refreshments uncle Pythor." I answered.
He nodded as he comes in and shuts the door while I went into the kitchen.
I walked in the kitchen, got out 2 plates and an another coffee cup. I place 3 Beignets on both plates, filled up the one black cup and refilled mine with sugar, warmed up milk, and freshly brewed french roast coffee. Mixed up both cups then sat them and the plates on one round large tray. I grabbed the tray and went to the living room.
Uncle Pythor saw me when I arrived in the living room then move his long tail out of the way so I don't trip over it and helped me set the tray down on the coffee table by gently grabbed the coffee cups of cafe au lait to avoid spills. I thanked him afterwards.
I finally sat down and uncle Pythor moved from the recliner to the couch to sit right next to me. "So those are the New Orleans style Beignets looks like, a couple of sweet puffy squares!" Said uncle Pythor as he takes a Beignet. "Yes they are uncle Pythor, I made those just the way my mama did when she makes them when she was alive!" I said to him.
Uncle Pythor nodded at me. He helped himself to take a good bite of the one he had in his hand, chewed and swallowed it, froze for a minute. Then he said, "Mmm Mmm tasted so good and savory, just like the way the ninja told me when they first tried them Duhvassa. I'm really impressed!" "Thank you, I'm happy you liked them very much uncle Pythor!" I said as I took a sip of my coffee.
As I put down my cup, all the sudden into a hug and coil his tail around me in a loving way and kisses me on my left cheek. "I couldn't help myself but to admire your rare beauty and your sweetest lil temperament that's sweet as your Beignets!" Said uncle Pythor as he gives me an another kiss on my forehead.
He asked me if I wanted to sit on his lap. I said "sure!" I slowly got up to sat on his lap and let him hold me in his arms chose to his chest. But it made me sense that he's makes me feel safe with a connected bond strong as my mom's.
We had our first cuddle session as our uncle and niece bond is formed that is strong as a father and daughter bond. All the sudden we heard sounds such as cawing, scratching, peaking, hissing, and meowing coming from my bedroom door. "What on earth is that Duhvassa?" Asked uncle Pythor. "It must be my cat and Bakugan wanting out, would you like to see them uncle Pythor?" I said. "Of course sweetie I would like to see them!" Said uncle Pythor. I got off his lap and went to My bedroom, opened the door, grabbed all 4 Bakugan and Panthro took off towards the living room.
Uncle Pythor was finishing off his cup of coffee and Beignets. I arrived and sat back down next my uncle with my Bakugan in my arms. Kane jumped off of my lap and hopped onto his lap. Uncle happens to take notice of my Lil red hydranoid on his lap then pets him and rubs his tiny belly. Kane's all 5 heads licks Pythor's hand. Uncle Pythor couldn't help but giggle at Kane's cuteness and saw phoenix, Jafar, and Hurrem on my lap. "So those are your other 3 Bakugan, right?" He asks. I nodded and introduced other 3 Bakugan to him.
Hurrem crawled up on his lap next to Kane to check him out. Uncle Pythor inclined his head to get a better look at Hurrem. "Hello There Hurrem! Are you checking me out in my lap sweet girl?" Saids Pythor as he let her sniff on his hand. He also lets Phoenix and Jafar check him out. I got out their little pillow they like to lounge on and put on the coffee table.
Hurrem, Kane and Phoenix jumped onto the coffee table then breadloaf on their pillow. Uncle Pythor and I noticed Jafar was having trouble trying to join the other 3. I gently picked him up and put him on the pillow. Jafar on there then coiled and chilled.

Panthro came up on the couch and jumped on my lap then started making biscuits on me. "Woah! This must be your cat Panthro the black Maine coon?" Ask uncle Pythor as he gives Panthro head scratches. I nodded and answered, "Yes he is uncle Pythor, he big black kitty baby!"
Uncle Pythor smiled and lets Panthro come on his lap and pets him. "Goodness gracious, I say that you have a one beautiful fluffy panther for such a gentle beast Duhvassa!" Exclaimed uncle Pythor. I thanked him for the compliment as he gently gets Panthro off of his lap and placed him on the floor. He got up, stretches out and turns to me to asks me if I knew where's my bathroom is. I got up, went to show him where's is at. Uncle nodded and slither straight to my bathroom and shuts the door.

I picked up both cups and plates, then went to the kitchen to wash up the dishes. I got finished and put up the dishes away. Uncle Pythor came out of the bathroom and went looking for me. "Duhvassa! Where are you?" Said uncle Pythor. "I'm over here uncle Pythor, you need anything?" I said as I dried off my hands. "No I don't need anything sweetie, but I was wondering if I can ask you a question if you're interested?" Said uncle Pythor. I nodded and said, "Of course uncle Pythor, what do you want to ask me about?" He cleared his throat and asks me, "How would you like it if I can take you out for lunch as uncle and niece?" I smiled and happily answered, "Yes I would love to have lunch with you uncle!"
I went to My bedroom to get ready. I got on my black T-shirt, pants, and steel toe boots. Then pulled on my brand new constellation cloak along with a cross necklace and class ring. I grabbed my purse and came out of my room.

I walked up to my uncle Pythor. "I'm ready uncle Pythor! So how do I look?" I said. He smiled and tells me, "You look so beautiful Duhvassa!" He slithers up and hugs me then kisses my cheek.
Uncle Pythor pulls away and held both of my hands. "So you're ready to go?"he asked. "Ready as you are you uncle Pythor!" I answered. Uncle Pythor opened the front door for me.
We both head out. I locked my door then we went to the parking lot and saw his rattler car parked next to my truck. Uncle Pythor and I looked at each other. "So which vehicle are we taking uncle Pythor?" I asked. He looked at his rattler car then looks at my truck.
"I drove my rattler car up here. So why don't we take your nice black truck Duhvassa!" Suggested uncle Pythor.

"I was thinking of the same thing, although it's a low profile vehicle with adjustable front 2 seats. I told him, then I offered him if he wanted to drive my truck. He turns to me and answered, "Of course Duhvassa, why say so!" Said uncle Pythor. I hand him my keys, we hopped in my truck, I turned on my music and we head out.

On the road, San Quentin came on and boy we couldn't help ourselves but sing along until we arrived at the nice restaurant. We came in and sat down at a table for 2. As we waited to be served. Uncle Pythor gently grabbed both my hands and stroked them. "You're feeling okay Duhvassa? You seem awful quiet." Asked Uncle Pythor. "I'm doing alright uncle Pythor, thanks for asking!" I replied. Uncle Pythor smiled and stroked my and stroked my cheek with his thumb.
"No problem sweet snake, I just wanted to make sure you're alright. By the way I'm curious about the origin of your name Duhvassa, it sounds like an unusual serpentine name darling." Said uncle Pythor. I explained to him that my name Duhvassa is a Gaelic name meaning "Dark Beauty" and an another meaning "lady of the dark waters". "Interesting, no wonder it suits you, besides you have the beauty of your mother, but inherited those sea green emerald eyes from her and your grandfather Arcturus except you have a very special heart marking that stands out your rare beauty!" Said uncle Pythor. I turned my head to give him a good view of my heart marking then ask him, "You mean this marking?" "Yes! Your sweetheart marking that you showed me on our video chat. Goodness gracious it's adorable!" Said uncle Pythor.
Our waiter came to take our order for drinks. Uncle Pythor and I ordered our favorite cokes, when we got our drinks and looked in the menus to decide on what we wanted. I decided on trying some Pesto spaghetti with shrimp and asparagus then uncle Pythor found what he wanted. The waiter came back to take our orders. We ask him what we wanted then happily wrote it down and tells us that our will be ready in a bit.
While we waited for our lunch to be here. I started to get a little bit bored. I dug out a compact sized sequence out of my purse then the table.

I ask uncle Pythor if he wants to play a game with me while we wait. Uncle Pythor smiled and said, "Of course sweet snake, it's a good idea to have something to do to pass the time until our lunch gets here Duhvassa!" He shuffled the cards then we played sequence and talked until the waiter arrived with our lunch.
We ate good. Uncle Pythor paid for our meal and left the waiter a good tip then we head out afterwards. Then we drove back to to my apartment.
Uncle Pythor and I arrived at my apartment. He parked my truck next to his rattler car and we we hopped out. I hand him back his cellphone and rattler car keys out of my purse. Then uncle Pythor pulls me into a hug and kisses me on my left cheek where my marking is located. "Thank you for taking me out for lunch uncle Pythor! I appreciate it so much!" I told him. "You're more than welcome my precious niece. I've enjoyed coming here to spend this glorious day getting to hold you for the first time in my life Duhvassa!" Said uncle Pythor as he's still holding me and not wanting to let go.

I looked up at my uncle/father figure and ask him, "Uncle Pythor, are you feeling alright?" Uncle Pythor looks down at me with a smile. "I'm fine sweet snake, I was caught up in a moment of embracing you and having an urge to scoop you up and take you to home in Ouroboros, but unfortunately I couldn't do that to you Duhvassa." Uncle Pythor replied as he pressed his forehead against mine.
I told him that he'll be able to take me home to Ouroboros as soon as I find a place that is close to him, aunt y/n, and cousin Freyja and Aurora. Uncle Pythor asked about what place I'm looking for. I explained to him about it in full detail. Uncle Pythor smiled and nodded as he understands my motive and assured me that he and aunt y/n will look into it. Because he has a lot of connections out where he's at.
Uncle Pythor and I checked the time on our phones then we both knew it's getting dark.
Uncle Pythor gives me a one last hug then tells me to be safe and he loves me. We said our goodbyes and departed to our homes.

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