Dark side.

By Rafecameronlover3

82.5K 1.3K 338

Olivia Thornton. Is Topper's older sister but to Topper she's just annoying and to Olivia, Topper is merrily... More

Characters .
Another missed
Birthday boy
Accept it
Onto you
Home turf
Hurricane Agatha 
Flash backs
Movie night
"That's illegal"
Jealousy games
I did it for you
Change in attitude
The Cameron's
Family trip.
I kill for what's mine. You should too.
Need vs Want
"Atta Boy"
Silent treatment.
Look after you.
Confess your sins.
Game v player
Business as usual.
Hidden Insecurity


1.9K 33 12
By Rafecameronlover3

Rafe Cameron's POV

As soon as I pulled out of her I felt less then whole. I'd wanted to have her for a long time and Im so fucking glad I did. That's before I saw what was on my dick. Her Virgin blood. I could've gotten hard again just looking at it. Knowing I was the first to have her made my heart skip but then I remembered she didn't tell me she was a virgin and that pissed me off more then the pleasure I got from seeing her Virgin blood on my dick.
"You could've told me you were a fucking Virgin?" I couldn't believe that she didn't stop me or at least tell me? Surely it would've hurt?
But to be honest it was my fault not hers, I should've asked? I just didn't think she was.

She was so confident the first time. To confident for it to be her actual 'first' time so I just assumed she wasn't a virgin.
"Asshole!" She slammed the door with such strength it made the car wobble slightly.
Fuck- I leaned back closing my eyes in defeat.
Your first time is meant to be with someone you love, it's meant to be sweet, gentle and romantic.

Not me hate fucking her in the back of my car. "Shit" I huffed slightly as I tried to regain my thoughts.
I was mad because that's what she should've had, mad because she needed that. Everyone does. Sweet and soft.
My jaw clenched as I thought about how I just fucked her, Jesus- it felt so fucking good and I honestly don't regret it. I'd do it again.
But I did feel a pinch of guilt, she deserved a nice first time and I fucked it.

A part of me liked that I was her first. The only person to taste her. Feel her. But that was selfish and I was trying so desperately to be better. I sit up more looking at my lap and that's when something catches my eye.
A ring- it must've fallen off when I was fucking her, I recognised it.
How did I not fucking see this before?
A purity ring. My father gave Sarah a similar one.

Being all 'Christian' and that shit.
I needed to talk to her. Make sure she doesn't blab about what happened or what she saw.
But to also apologise. Father says that makes you a better person. He said he'll forgive me if I try change. He doesn't know I still run a fighting ring or betting scene but he doesn't need to know that.
He thought I was some druggy who just liked being high. So it was easy to pretend to change when I didn't have to at all.

I hadn't gotten high in over a year.
But when I fucked up I blamed it on that. It was an easy way out and they brought into it.

Olivia's POV

"I'm home" I call out as I slam the door shut. My mind was racing. I couldn't calm my thoughts. I was so angry.
"Where have you been?" Topper crossed his arms almost like he was my parent and I'd ran off and not came home.
I was an adult. I could do what I please without his approval.
"I'm going to the ice rink" that's all I could get out before walking up the stairs to change.

Ice skating was the only place where I thought of nothing but the ice under my feet and how I moved across it.
I hadn't been in a few months. I quit skating. I quit the lessons, the competitions and clubs. But I knew someone- a friend. He lets me in for free for an hour or two here and there.
We don't exactly talk much but we have an understanding.

He was my skate partner for a few years, I tried to do solo skating as well as partner skating. More range, more skill. More chances to win and get somewhere.
But it didn't work out like that. I put on my usual clothes that I skate in.
I just needed to get out of here for a little while longer. So I did.

Rafe Cameron's POV

I knock on the door hoping Olivia would answer but it was Topper instead.
"Hey-" he was slightly surprised that I'd come round. I hadn't texted or called. He wasn't exactly expecting me.
"You alright? This a bad time?" I asked casually before stepping inside the house as he stepped aside letting me in.
"No- well I'm heading out in 15" he shrugged before grabbing a jumper that was led on the side and putting it on.

"Where's that sister of yours? Thought she'd be down here putting a tracker on your phone" I chuckled as I tried to cover up the real reason I asked where she was.
"No- she's at the ice rink on the other side of town" he laughed at my comment before gesturing to the door.
"Oh- alright I'll see you later" I nodded slightly leaving fairly quickly as he followed and got in his car as I got in mine.

Olivia's PoV

As soon as I got in I saw Elijah. My ex skating partner. The only person who had a bit of understanding about me and my life. Not much but more then most.
"Hey-" I dropped my bag as he came up to me with a slight smile.
"You alright?" He noticed my agitated body language and I shrug, dismissing him.
"Just tired" I sit down putting on my skates as he watched.

"You've got the place for an hour and a half" he told me as I watched him walk towards the skating cafe that was joined onto the rink.
He turned on some music and I take a deep breath as I step onto the ice.

I started off slow, just doing little tricks along the ice.
After a while I got bored and I wanted to see if I could still do my Axel jump.
Like expected I fell flat on my ass, I huff slightly getting up and trying it again.
Over and over.

After at least 5 tries I finally stuck it and I couldn't help but laugh a little.
Still got it.
"You look good" that's when I notice Elijah was on the ice with me.
"You ever miss it?" He asked as he started to skate in circles around the rink.
"All the time" I bite my tongue trying to remind myself that quitting skating was necessary.

"To be honest I miss you doing it too" he chuckled as he came to a stop in front of me.
I shook my head not believing him one bit.
"You were my best partner. I've got Kelly now and I swear- one of these days she's gunna seriously injure me" he stood there with his hands on his hips looking at me as he spoke.

"Wanna try our old routine?" I could see what he was doing. He was trying to get me to come back and replace Kelly. Surprisingly this wasn't the first time he'd tried.
"Ok" I nod a little before biting the inside of my cheek.
"It starts off with a solo skate though so just wait there" I told him as a new song started to play. He nodded agreeing with me as he went to the side of the rink to watch me.

Rafe Cameron's POV

I walk in slowly, the whole place was kinda dark and dim lit probably because it wasn't open to the public.
That didn't stop Olivia getting on the ice though, I start to walk to the side watching as she danced along the ice so effortlessly.
I'd only seen Olivia skate a few times and that was when she was like 10 or 11.

Some soft sounding song placed in the background as she starts to build up more speed. I was mesmerised by how she moved, how she manipulated her movements to do what she could do was more then talent.
I watched as she did a spin, holding her leg low and then forcing it into the hair.

She looked like a ballerina. She stopped spinning and that's when I see some guy get on the ice with her.
Almost on cue-

I couldn't help the tint of jealousy that ran through my veins as I watched them dance.
So close- so intimate and intense.
It was me who was that close to her only a few hours ago-
She was smiling as he got closer to her as the music was just about to drop, they started skating faster almost preparing for something.

It looked almost impossible. He looked fairly pleased with himself as he put her down and threw her back up, letting her stand on his knees as they went around the ice.

Before turning her as they hugged each other and the music died off, as they sunk to the floor, both of there hands on each others face.
It was just an ending pose- that's what I kept telling myself.
"See I bet that felt good?" My jaw clenched as her partner spoke with confidence.
"I know you want me back but I-" I heard her say and my anger boiled over.

"Iiv" I shout slightly making sure she heard me. She looked almost scared that I found her here.
"I'm sorry- Elijah I'll be a minute ok" she smiled tapping his shoulder as she skated towards me.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Her face was almost sour as she spoke.
"I came here to apologise- but seems like you were pretty busy" I suck on my teeth humourlessly.

She scoffed in disbelief "your jealous" she raised her eyebrow as she spoke.
"I had you first so why would I be jealous?" I leaned forward whispering to her a little making sure I was eyes level.
Her face dropped a little "leave me alone. That shouldn't of happened last night. It won't happen again. So just forget about it" it was my turn for my face to drop slightly.

"Wait- look. I want you to know that I don't care- didn't care about you being a Virgin" I grabbed a hold of her arm as she tried to step on the ice again.
"It doesn't matter. It doesn't mean anything" she shrugged causally and my jaw clenched.
"Really?" I scoffed a little. Look I knew I wasn't the only one who felt something a little more then just lust last night. I wasn't saying I loved her but we were at least friends?

At this point we had to be. Surely? We weren't just people who merrily tolerated each other any more. We never were not since that night when she was 17.
She knew that and so did I. But we tried anyway. She annoys me, she's stuck up, to proud and to be honest patronizing at times.
I didn't like her one bit but for some fucked up reason I've always wanted to have her.
Maybe because I knew I never would?

But now I did I didn't want to share her. I didn't want her to walk around in those dresses, laughing and giggling with the waiters at the country club. I didn't want her with anyone but me. Even if it was just sex.
Or just arguing at this point as long as she wasn't with anyone it was fine.
"It does fucking matter" I told her, not letting her question what happened last night.
"How'd you even find me? Fucking stalker" she whips round as she pushed me slightly, my grip on her arm not loosening.

As we faced each other off.
"I asked Topper where you were" her jaw clenched as I spoke "what the hell did you tell him?" Her voice was filled with anger and fear.
"Don't worry sweetheart- he doesn't know that I was between your legs last night" I spoke a little louder as I notice Elijah skating towards us.

"You ok liv?" He asked as he got off the ice, Olivia visibly tensed as she nodded her head.
"I'm fine. Just give me a few more minutes" she ripped her arm out of my grip before sitting down and taking her skates off.
I glared up at Elijah but he didn't acknowledge me one bit.
"You sure?" He asked again, making me roll my eyes in annoyance "fuck off will you?" I squinted a little as he finally looked at me and not her.

"Rafe! Do you really have to do this? Right now?" Liv grabbed my arm pulling me away from Elijah and out of the skating rink.
She was walking faster then me, practically jumping down the steps as we got into the car park.
"Well that was fun" I sarcastically laughed and she turned round pushing me so hard my back hit her car. Making me smile a little more seeing how annoyed she was.

"You are such a fucking waste of space" she spat out venomously.
"I came to apologise" I shrugged causally and she laughed, a real raw laugh.
"Really? Because all you've done is embarrass me in front of my-" before she could finish I cut in, not liking where this was going "your boy toy? Oh I'm sorry. Did he think you were still a Virgin?" I faked a 'oh no' expression as she finally snapped.

Slapping me across the face "you fucker! I swear- I'm going to tell everyone about your little illegal activities and I'll make sure to go to daddy dearest first" her face was almost red with frustration.
"If you do that I'll tell everyone about how your not so 'pure' anymore. Starting off with your brother" I challenged proudly as we stood there in the parking lot.

"What do you want? Why are you really here? Is it to torture me? Please- I can't- no I won't tolerate it" her bag fell off her shoulder as she spoke, the bag hitting the fall with a thud.
"I came here to say that I was sorry for what I said and that the reason I said those things was because that's not how our first time was meant to go- your first time" I correct myself but she picked up on it straight away.

"Your so delusional- 'our?' Have you been planning this?" She scoffed in disbelief and I shook my head "your first times meant to be romantic and with someone you love- that's why I said those things. If I planned it I wouldn't have to stand here apologising would I?" I raised my brows in question.
"Why would you care what my first time is like? You got what you wanted and your still here wasting my time with your territorial behaviour" she squinted as her arms crossed over her chest.

"I care. Wether you believe me or not , I care about you and you know I do. Why else would I fucking do everything you say? Why else would I set fire to some guys shop because they touched you? I thought you were smart" I didn't care if she didn't believe me. I didn't care if she didn't feel the same way.
It didn't mean anything to me.

Because it didn't matter what came out her mouth next, it wouldn't change the way I would do anything to protect her.
I always have. I never hated her. She knew that. I just played her games. She disliked me, made comments, tried to get topper to hate me so I did the same. Sure I dislike her but I never hated her.
So I did what I wanted when it came to her, if she was mean I'd be 10 times meaner
Make comments about her, argue with her , be cold with her.

But she knows deep down that I don't hate her.
"Wait- that was you? I fucking knew it! Asshole" she pushed my shoulder with her hand as she took a deep breath.
"So what are you saying Rafe? You care about me as more then a friend?" She couldn't seem to wrap her head around it.
"I just care about you. I wouldn't let anything happen to you. You fucking know that, that's why you followed me even when I told you it wasn't safe" I tilted my head as I watched her expression change.

Olivia's POV

Sure me and Rafe had always had some sort of 'banter' that was always more mean then other people's who were simply joking.
But I knew Rafe wouldn't hurt me or let some guy hurt me. Hell I knew that if a girl even tried to slap me he'd push her so hard she'd fall on her ass. But that's how it was.

He looked out for Topper. Topper loves me so Rafe looks outs for me because of topper.
For Topper.
That's how I always saw it.
"I don't know what you want from me? We slept together? Big deal. Who cares why are you fucking bullshitting me right now with this whole soppy 'I care' shit" I shook my head feeling slightly uncomfortable, this was new territory for me when It came to Rafe.

I usually felt annoyed or angry at Rafe's presence never uncomfortable.
"I want you to know that even though you think I'm a waste of space, low life who is a bad influence on your brother that I always have your back as well as his. That's why I'm here apologising- you didn't deserve what I said to you" I was almost overwhelmed by what he was saying.

"I don't understand?" What did he want from me? If he wanted to apologise what the hell was that behaviour about back there with Elijah?
"We're friends. Friends care about each other" he leaned closer and I froze slightly.
"I don't care about you Rafe" I harshly spat out and he laughed a little.

"You don't think I notice your little lies? Huh?" I didn't know what the hell he was talking about.
"You've lied to my father multiple times. You didn't have to but you did. You let me stay over without question. Does that sound like someone who doesn't care?" He smirked and I shook my head in disbelief.

His dad use to come round a lot, knocking on my door constantly when Rafe was still using drugs.
Asking where he was- I always said I didn't know but he was upstairs living with us.
I knew Ward was hard on Rafe and Sarah when it came to image. Wheezie would soon get the same treatment.
Jace had already had it and escaped it.

Rafe needed rehab and support not shouting or disappointment. So I let him stay with me.
Topper wouldn't bother me as much and Rafe was safe and sober. Win win. Plus I could keep an eye on what topper was doing when he was with Rafe. I wanted to make sure he wasn't doing drugs too.

"I did that for Topper" I told him as he tuts and I roll my eyes.
"Tut tut- lying might work on my father but not me. You care about me. So why don't we stop this whole game of hating each other it's boring" he looked down at me and I start to feel slightly smaller then I usually would.

"I didn't know we were pretending? I don't like you Rafe. I put up with you to keep Topper happy" it came off harsher then I intended but it was true. We weren't friends.
"Alright- keep pretending but you'll see just how much you care about me" his finger ran down my jaw line making me scowl and step back.
"Just leave me alone. I accept your shitty apology now you can go" I shrug slightly as I push past him getting in my car.

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