The mysterious red Nakimé str...

By Mangletube_3

347 2 0

The straw hats had recently added a new member to the crew a red haired woman named Y/N..she wasn't a devil f... More

}Chapter 1{
}Chapter 2{
}Chapter 3{
}Chapter 4{
}Chapter 5{
}Chapter 6{
}Chapter 7{
}Chapter 8{
}Chapter 9{
}Chapter 10{
}Chapter 11{
}Chapter 12{ !some smut!
{Chapter 13} (smut and some 🍋)
}Chapter 14{

}Chapter 15{

13 0 0
By Mangletube_3

3rd POV

As the battle went on law started getting impatient with Luffy "you got the keys yet!?!" "No!" Luffy yelled punching a marine making law run his temples while Y/N stayed quiet.. she gets an idea smirking "Law! Can you cut the beams of this thing down!?" Law thinks before grinning "Y/N you genius!.." Y/N giggles before law unsheathes his blade but a pink haired marine notices "they're cutting her down!" Law quickly slices the railing of the platform before they both crash down with it causing everyone to stop fighting and look over..

"Y/N!?" Luffy starts getting worried before chopper is seen rushing towards the destroyed platform.. but as he gets close they hear a pissed sounding law "Room!" His room forms before they hear him coldly say "shambles!." Smoker flinches quickly looking in his pockets seeing what was once there replaced with a pebble..

"Smoker-r?.." smoker gets wide eyed and yells "quickly aim fire!!" "Eh!?" Marines who had their rifles shoot almost every round to the spot.. as they quiet down and watch they see yellow pupil slitted eyes glowing from with in the smoke cloud.. they hear growling as the boots of a woman's shoes get heavier..

"Run!!" Some marines run as Y/N in her full beast self runs after "shit!" Luffy grins "get em Y/N!" The marines continued fighting the crew and other pirates as Y/N rampages through.. robin though was worried about this.. she wasn't using her blades.. it could lead to her loosing her sanity..

Y/N snarls using her claws as blades against marine blades.. "Y/N-chwans so strong!!~" Sanji gushes after kicking three marines "oh shut it cook!" Zoro growled after slashing a marine "excuse me!? You damn idiot come fight me I had it!" Nami rushes at them bonking them from behind "shut up and focus!!"

Law after slicing up body parts of a marine looks over watching Y/N fighting and he blushes..though his concerns heighten realizing this could lead to her going feral.. "Oi! Someone cover her damn it!" Brook laughs as he fought and Franky shoots at some marines with his gun hand..

Robin though looks over and pales..
Y/N started growling lower and started using her bite a little more than normal.. 


I..I started enjoying the thrill! No wonder dad likes this stuff! Especially uncle Hawkeye! My pupils grew smaller and feral looking as I bit into a marine and shake my head around causing blood to gush out.. I spit the corpse out of my grasp and switch to normal while on my knees..

3rd POV

Luffy grits his teeth before looking over and his eyes widen..

Y/N slowly rises her head as she grew a insane feral smile laughing it caused many to stop and look over.. "eh?..
Y/N?.." laws eyes widen.. "Y/N-ya!?" Y/N slowly gets up and looks over with her feral eyes and blood spotted clothes..

"Y/N-chwan-n?.." Y/N's pupil looks around like she was searching for prey until it stops at Luffy who was the nearest.. "eh?" Nami's eyes widen "Luffy run idiot!!" Luffy smiles holding his arms wide open for Y/N "Y/N I missed you come here!" Zoro grits his teeth "Luffy that's not Y/N right now you damn idiot!!" Despite his crews pleads for him to run he stayed put.. it's what felt like about 5 minutes before Y/N's mouth gapes open growling at Luffy.. "Luffy-ya run!!" Luffy does a closed eyed grin "Luffy-san please for her sake run!!" Brook pleaded after taking down some marines in his corner

Y/N turns running towards him like a rampaging animal tripping and running onto all fours during her run "shit she's lost it!" Zoro cursed "Y/N-ya don't do it!!" Law yells as he ran for her and slicing marines in his way with bepo protecting him.. Y/N leaps at Luffy baring her teeth with veins showing completely on her skin.. "Luffy/luffy-san/Luffy-ya!!!" As she leaped like it was in slow motion a haki filled slash slashes in between them both causing a little ravine..

She growls looking over and to shock everyone Mihawk was there.. his eyes narrow and he could sense her intense haki right now.. robin could see he was upset and pissed but now also worried for Y/N.. based from how he took things right now.. "Hawkeye!!?! Your here to help oh thank roger!!" Zoro though scowls.. if he was then why help Luffy from his face being bitten off..

"You fools have disappointed me!!" He yelled causing everyone besides Y/N to flinch.. "harming not only a person but my niece!?!" Everyone grew pale and wide eyed.. "NIECE!?!" Luffy gets star eyes "wow!! No wonder she's so strong!!" "You sicken me more than you already have You insects!!" The admirals scowl but garp..he was surprised..and thankful he saved Luffy before he could get hurt..

Mihawk starts walking toward Y/N with his yor ready in hand.. Y/N bares her teeth snarling at Mihawk.. jimbe was a little nervous of this.. He now knew mihawk's niece was the new strawhat but also that he's pissed.. and is scared now who her father was..

"Y/N!. You snap out of this right this instant! I'd rather not have to fight this way." Zoro went wide eyed.. "he's..begging?.." "he must truly care for her.." Zoro then remembers what Y/N said to him that one night..

"my mother though..after time passes..she passed away due to an before she died..she had me taken to your rival..Dracula first he didn't like the idea but he knew my fathers begging was more annoying so he took me in and treated me like I was his own"

Zoro's gaze stays on Mihawk after the realization.. "he treated her like his own daughter..of course he's upset.." robin smiles softly to this.. everyone thought the greatest swordsman was only emotionless and careless when really he does care..and only shows it to people who he's cares most for than others..

Mihawk's POV

My eyes narrow onto my niece who was limply leaning downwards before raising her head with a bloodlusting wide grin..

"Y/N don't make me do this." I tried pleading to her in my tone but she wasn't sane right now.. "very well.." I get into my fight stance "if it's a battle you want..them a battle you shall have Y/N!!" Shanks will probably try and kill me for this but it's his fault really for relying too much on his daughter.. and now I have to fight what I view as my own as well..

'Forgive me for what I'm about to cause Y/N..'

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