A Walking Nightmare

By hey_franklin

7.4K 265 995

some people are the definition of a walking nightmare and Beyoncé and Onika learns the hard way More

heart of the matter
a brand new day
new friends
what's hidden in the dark
over a coffee & cakes
stranger in mascow
porte rouge
welcome to the abyss : pt 1
welcome to the abyss : pt 2
beyoncé vs the world
all shall be revealed
you & i : i'd rather die without you and i (pt1)
you & i : i'd rather die without you and i (pt2)
set fire to the rain
where do we go from here?
there was a girl named onika (pt1)
there was a girl named onika (pt2)
who he belongs to

in the shadows

406 22 50
By hey_franklin

A/N: thanks everyone who are supporting this story. Means a lot. I will put all the complete chapters out while I work on completing the rest😊


The sun shined brightly from the horizon, casting a glow against buildings, passing through smallest vulnerable spaces leaving shadows in its wake. Reaching the hidden mansion housing three family members. One in particular sleeping soundly sprawled on their back until the rude sun flashed against their face. Beyoncé groans as the sun mocked her while she tried to sleep, turning her face away from the glaring sun but unfortunately being a light sleeper, once awake, she can't sleep anymore.

Her light honey eyes flashed open and mugging no one in particular. She reaches over only to be met with empty space, she was alone in bed and really she should have anticipated that, her wife was an early riser. Deciding to get up, she laid there for a moment just to give her mind time to process before she starts the day.


Beyoncé finally appeared all dressed and ready for her meetings ahead. She had a few clients she needed to see to sort out miscellaneous things before the big work started. Her heels click clack against the tiles flooring. She quickly found her small family in the kitchen. Her wife clad in her home robe by the stove and her baby boy absentmindedly playing bubbling in his high chair. Blowing raspberry as a way to sooth his splitting gums.

Beyoncé moved toward the baby in the high chair placing a kiss against his head of curls before moving to his mother and placing a gentle kiss against her cheek.

"Morning beautiful"

Onika humes happily borrowing herself into Beyoncé's arms. They stood there holding onto each other, rocking gently on the spot before pulling away

"Sit..." Onika moves a plate full of goodies on the table and Beyoncé's stomach growls in anticipation.

Without a word, she sat down and began grumbling down the eggs, bacon, sausages and brioche rolls.

"Giselle be for real" Onika gives her a look making Beyoncé slow down and swallow her mouthful

"Babe I'm running late as it already is"

"And I'm trying not to have to give my wife CPR for choking, slow down"

"I got some CPR for you" she joked as Malik suddenly lets out a gleeful shriek making his parents look at him.

"That's my boy" Beyoncé egged on proudly and Onika shook her head

Beyoncé finally finished up her breakfast, taking her plate to the sink, rise it up before shoving it into the dishwasher. She washed her hands then moved toward Malik who was bubbling to himself, finding interest in his chubby fingers and bents to his eye sight, the boy looking at her in wonder

"Hey buddy, look after your momma for me, okay bud" Beyoncé spoke ruffling his hair as he squeals happily, Beyoncé smiles standing up straight she found Onika admiringly staring at her and she threw a wink at Onika yelling 'I love you' as she headed toward the garage.

'Incoming call from the baddest bitch'

Alexa announced making Onika chuckle in amusement before asking Alexa to pick up

"Hi Lo"

'I didn't even call you, I called my nephew'

"Mmcht, then let me hang up so you can call him on his nonexistent phone that he don't got"

"Not too much on my Godson bitch"

"Lauren, language!" Onika chastened chancing a look toward the unbothered toddler in his own world.

"Sorry!" She calls loudly making the boy jump before going back to doing his own thing

"Anyways how quick can you get ready?"


"Does it matter?"


"Okay jeez, I want to go shopping, let's go see that new boutique that opened, Axpaz?"


"Girl I don't know what it's called, that's why I need us to go"

"I would but—"

"Bitch you're still on maternity leave so enjoy it while you can, once you go back to being Dr Consultant Onika, I won't see you again"

Onika rolls her eyes good naturally, trust Lauren to be so dramatic

"Okay fine, give me two hours or something"

"Bitch 2 hours!?!"

"I have a baby hoe, get off my back"

"Mhm, blame my nephew, sure. Whatever, see you soon"

"Bye Lauren"

Once the call dropped Onika shook her head facing Malik

"Your TT is crazy"

Malik's response was a simple toothless smile, saliva dripping down his bibs and all.


"What was the hype about?" Lauren rolled her eyes as she and Onika barely stepped out of the door of the new boutique

"Everything looks so knock-off as if it was made at the back of some bungalow in China" she adds to Onika's terror as she was saying this loudly


"What? It's the truth" she kissed her teeth finally stepping out the store with Onika behind her as she pushed Malik in his stroller.

"I can't believe you just said that"

Lauren reaches into the stroller and picks Malik out from it and into her arms, the toddler immediately cuddled up to her

"Aww, Nika take a picture" she pouts as Malik mindlessly sucked on his pacifier ignoring the flash from his mother's phone.

"There, where to next?"

"Food, that shop made me so depressed, I need good soul food to heal me"

Onika rolls her eyes chuckling at the dramatic of her friend. The two began walking to find a good food court, Lauren carrying Isaiah in her arms while Onika pushed the empty stroller. The two adults occupied themselves in small talk as they walk.

As they manoeuvre through the thankfully not packed mall, a body suddenly collided hard against Onika's shoulder.


They simply said lowly and by the time Onika turned to answer back, all she saw was the back of a long grey trench coat, black combat clad boots, a few dark strands sticking out from the black hat. Hands shoved inside the pockets of their trench coat.

"The fuck is that bitch's issues" Lauren mutters pulling Onika's focus away from the person to her

"Lo..." Onika sighs shaking her head, Lauren will be the reason Malik's first word will be something along those lines.

"Sorry nephew" she cradle the boy close to her, kissing his head full of hair.


"Nika that's amazing!" Lauren screams gaining the attentions of the people sitting near by as they looked toward them giving them an annoyed look.

"What? Mind yours" she mugged with an eye roll before focusing back to her friend.

After finally deciding on what to eat, Lauren wanted a burger but Onika was trying to follow through her postpartum regime, after walking around they had found the perfect place that satisfied them both, and as they finally sat down, Onika had told Lauren about her promotion.

Lauren was like a sister to Onika. They have known each other since they were little, whereas Onika's mother wasn't the greatest, Lauren's mother welcomed the girl with open arms as a second daughter. They practically lived under the same roof, on the days where Onika's mother made one of her many disappearing acts, Onika would stay with Lauren's family until she showed up again. Nobody knew just how awful Onika's home life was thanks to Lauren's mom. She clothed and fed her, but despite all that, the love of a mother which Onika had craved was not able to be replace but she was very thankful to Lauren and her momma.

"That's my sister, the director of the biggest hospital in the city" Lauren hypes, standing up clapping loudly, everyone around them looking toward them while Nicki tried to get the woman to stop.

"Lo, stop it. Oh my god" she couldn't help but laugh at the other woman's antics. She knew how happy and proud Lauren would be once she told her and Onika was not disappointed by her reaction. Lauren has always been her biggest cheerleader, in close competition with Beyoncé. Both made a point of jokily fighting for who's the biggest Onika cheerleader.

"Momma would have been so proud of you, you know that right?" She says, a gentle but sad smile plastered against her lips.

Onika sighs at the thought of the woman that raised her. Two years ago she was strike by a drunk driver on the freeway and the bastard lived while they lost the most amazing person in their lives.

"I know" she gave Lauren a smile and the two sisters comforted each other by giving each other a squeeze of an reassurance.

Not far from where the two sat deep in their conversation, the same trenched coat figure sat two tables from them with their back turned but ears tuned into the conversation.

"Everything is in order once I get back from my maternity leave, now it's just a matter of finding a sitter for Isaiah" Onika spoke once Lauren had sat and calmed down.

"Why do you need a sitter, I can watch my nephew"

"I know you would Lo but you also have your own business and marriage to look after, I can't keep you like that and besides, with Bey extending Porte Rouge, her schedule will become so hectic. You might as well move in with us if you want to look after Isaiah"

"Okay fine, but you know I'm always here if you need me"

"I know, thank you"

The two continued on with their day, going in and out any store their spirit felt desired, so lost in their conversation, they fail to notice the same grey trench coat that seemed to be within their vanity. They stayed at the mall until the sun was almost about to set then called it a day.

"Call me when you get home otherwise Beyoncé will kill me if y'all didn't get in safe"

Lauren instructs as Onika strapped Malik onto his car seat. The baby was knocked out.

"Bye bye my baby" Lauren leans down and presses a kiss against the sleeping baby's cheek making him screw up his face in annoyance.

"Not my nephew with the attitude, definitely Nika's son" she chuckles loudly closing the car door

"Mmcht" huffs Onika as Lauren doubles into fit of giggles

"Bitch bye"

"Drive safe!" Lauren calls as Onika's car zoomed off and she got into her own car.

Both failed to see the grey Benz that instantly followed after Onika's black Range.


* still here?

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