The Forgotten Hope Mikaelson

By Elvisfan_18

8K 151 11

What if Hope Mikaelson was forgotten by her family? What if Hope had a twin sister who was the golden child... More

Hope Mikealson
Dean Summers
Jillian Mikealson
Marlon Presley
Journey Lehnsherr-Xavier
Maxwell Lehnsherr-Xavier
Ryan McCoy
Gabrielle Howlett
Owen Shaw
Act 1
Chapter One: The Birth Of The Twins
Chapter Three: Why Is It Always Her?
Chapter Four: Meeting Of the Minds
Chapter Five: The Escape
Chapter Six: The Letters
Act 2: The New Family
Chapter Seven: Meeting the Lehnsherr-Xavier
Chapter Eight: See You Again (Not)
Chapter Nine: Brothers
Chapter Ten: Sisters and A.L.I.E.
Chapter Eleven: Gabrielle

Chapter Two: As They Grew

344 5 0
By Elvisfan_18

(Young Hope) ⬆️

(Young Jillian) ⬆️

Ariana Greenblatt will play Young Jillian.

At first, the changes were sligh. You would never really notice if you didn't really play attention.

As the girls grew, you could see who was clearly favored by a majority of their family. Jillian as the firstborn was always praised while Hope was usually left behind.

Her Uncle Elijah and Aunt Davina along with Marcel and Marlon had always been there for the second-born Mikaelson heir. She was a very powerful witch that during times of extreme anger or sadness she could control the weather.

Davina and Elijah trained her and by the age of 7, she was extremely advanced in her magic studies. As much as Hope loved the attention she was receiving from some of her family. There were two people she wanted it from the most. Her mother and father.

Every chance she could, she tried to show them something that she had learned from her Aunt and Uncle they ignored her.

It broke the girl's heart because these are her parents. They were supposed to show her love, and they did show love, but only for Jillian.

Hope was always slightly envious of her sister.
Mainly because she was showered with love from their parents.

When Keelin became a more frequent face at the compound she also took notice of how Klaus, Hayley, Rebekah, Kol, and Freya always paid more attention to the firstborn.

Keelin made sure to spend time with the youngest who always appreciated her company. The ones who watched over Hope noticed how intelligent she was and began to jot down every single thing she did.

They would later come to find out that their Princess was a genius singer.

They all watched as Hope slowly built a wall around herself. She wasn't the bright, bubbly, happy little girl they had grown used to seeing, and it hurt them. A lot.

They were determined to bring their sweet little Princess back. It took them quite a while. But they managed to bring her back. They reassured her that they loved her and that was what mattered, but she still couldn't help but feel upset at the prospect of her other family members loving her.

For Mother's Day, she had decided she would give her mother and aunts something that would make them notice her.

On the morning of Mother's Day, she slipped into Hayley's bedroom and left a beautiful flower crown that she had made herself along with a card.

For her aunts, she made poems about them and painted them a portrait. It took her a month to paint the portraits.

For Davina and Keelin, she was quite nervous that they weren't going to like what she had gotten them.

Even though Keelin wasn't released to her by blood or marriage yet, Hope still saw her as family.

After delivering the gift for her mother and aunts she entered Elijah and Davina's room with almost frightened look on their face.

"Hello, darling." Elijah said to his beloved niece as he climbed on the bed.

"Hi, Uncle Elijah." She said quietly. She scooted closer to Davina who put the small girl on her lap.

"What's the matter, Princess." Davina asked the child.

"Nothing, just nervous." She replied but was still heard.

Elijah and Davina looked at each other confused. Why was she nervous? They were determined to find out.

"What are you nervous about, darling?" Elijah asked. He caught out of the corner of his eye, her hand moving. She was holding something more specifically a card and a small box.

A small knowing smile grew on his face. He remembered that today was Mother's Day.

"Happy Mother's Day, Auntie Davina." She said with a small smile on her face as she handed Davina a box and card.

Davina smiled widely at her niece.

Davina opened the box and gasped at what she saw. It was a necklace. It looked like it had the colors of the butterfly in it.

"Auntie Keelin helped me pick it out. The colors are supposed to be the seven healing chakras." Hope explained.

"It's a beautiful necklace Princess. I'll never take it off." Davina told Hope and Elijah put the necklace around her neck.

"I have a matching one so we'll look the same!" The redhead child said as she showed Davina her matching necklace.

"You look like twins now." Elijah teased his niece lightly as he began to tickle her. While he was distracting Hope, it gave Davina time to read the card she had give her.

"Aunt Davina, Happy Mother's Day! You are the best auntie in the whole world!! You always make me smile and I love you sooooooo much! Love to the moon and back, Your Princess."

Davina teared up. When Elijah and Hope were finished goofing around, she pulled the girl into a hug and kissed all over her face.

"I love you Princess." Davina whispered. "Love you too." Hope whispered back.

Elijah watched with a smile on his face.

Later that day, Hope was sitting with Keelin as she finished up some work. It was about a patient with mental health issues and the youngest Mikaelson heir was intrigued.

Something the ones who looked after Hope noticed quickly was that she loved the human mind and how it worked. Her favorite things to read besides her grimoire were books about psychology.

While her sister would probably never work a day in her life because the Mikaelson's were very rich; Hope was determined to help others. She decided at the very young age to 7, that she would become someone that involved the field of music.

"All done!" Keelin cheered as she finished the last of her work and Hope clapped for her. "Now what did you want to show me?" Keelin asked, all of her attention on the redhead.

Hope because slightly bashful as she handed Keelin a card and a box. "Happy Mother's Day, Auntie Keelin." Hope said to the wolf.

Keelin smiled at the girl and pulled her into hug. "Thank you." Keelin said and opened the box. Her eyes widened when she was the beautiful wolf necklace inside.

"It beautiful Hope. Can you help me put it on?" Keelin asked the girl who nodded and began to try and put the necklace on the werewolf's neck. That gave Keelin time to read the card.

"Auntie Keelin, Happy Mother's Day! I know you aren't technically my aunt but you've done so much for me! You always make me smile and I love you soooooo much! Love you to the moon and back, Your Princess."

The girl cheered as she finally got the clasp closed on the necklace properly.

"What do you want to do now?" Keelin asked the redhead Mikaelson child. She watched her face crinkle in concentration before nodding to herself.

"Can we go to the cemetery?" Hope asked. Keelin was surprised and hearing the little Mikaelson's request Elijah and Davina who were in the next room came in confused.

"Why would you want to go the Hopey." Davina questioned the girl.

"To see Grandma Esther." The child answered simply as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

Elijah visibly tensed. Hope was too smart for her own good and had wormed the truth about her grandmother out of him and how his mother had turned them into vampires.

"Why would you want to see her?" Elijah asked still very tense. His niece, noticing his disposition climbed into his lap and felt his form relax.

"It's Mother's Day. Even though she's done bad things, it doesn't mean she should go unvisited on Mother's Day." Hope explained.

The three adults were in shock.

"When did you get so smart?" Elijah teased the 7-year-old as he tickled her sides lightly. "I don't know. I was just thinking about it and its only fair that one of her grandkids visit her on Mother's Day." She shrugged.

So off they went to the cemetery.

I'm her hand was a small bouquet of wildflowers that she had picked and were now placed in front of the headstone. Elijah, Davina, and Keelin backed away to let have her space but she was still in their sight and for Elijah and Keelin, their hearing range.

"Hi Grandma Esther, I don't know if you know who I am. But my name is Hope Andrea Mikaelson. The daughter of your son Klaus and the werewolf Hayley Marshall now Mikaelson. I wanted to come and visit you today because it's Mother's Day and you deserved to be visited. Even though you made mistakes in the past I understand your need to do what you felt was right. Even if it was wrong for others. My parents won't bring Hope here but I convinced Uncle Elijah and Aunt Davina, along with Keelin to allow me to come and see you. I want you to know that I Love You, Grandma. Even though you may not believe you deserve love after everything you did. Even though you may not believe you deserve love after everything you did. I'm here to tell you that you do. I'll be back to visit more often and I'll visit them on Father's Day too! I wish you were here to help Aunt Davina teach me magic, it would be really special to learn from you. It's starting to get dark outside so I have to go now but I'll see you soon Grandma! I love you to the moon and back!" Hope said to the headstone and walked back towards Elijah, Davina, and Keelin unaware that they had heard her entire one-sided conversation to Esther.

As Elijah scooped up his niece and the four of them walked out of the ceremony, no one could see the spirits of Esther, Mikael, and Ansel looking at the head of redhead hair with smiles on their faces.

Yes, the great and fearsome Mikael was smiling.

Every Mother's Day and Father's Day she would visit every single one of her family members and spend time talking to their graves. The spirit forms watched her grow into the beautiful young lady she had now become.

But they didn't know that those visits would be the last visit they would receive for a while.

(Davina's Necklace)

(Keenlin's Necklace)

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