
由 Galen_Yana

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"I thought you really liked me." She whispered with moist hazel eyes and despair. His heart spasmed at the v... 更多

Chapter 1: Avarice
Chapter 2: Prolusion
Chapter 3: Run-Of-The-Mill
Chapter 4: Enthralled
Chapter 5: Dyed In The Wool
Chapter 6: Intriguing
Chapter 7: Inquisitiveness
Chapter 8: Beguiling
Chapter 9: Unforeseen
Chapter 10: Infatuation
Chapter 11: Admonition
Chapter 12: Tantalize
Chapter 13: A 3 Ring Circus
Chapter 14: Blandish
Chapter 15: Leaving No Stone Unturned
Chapter 16: Being Solicitous
Chapter 17: Fanatical Over Her
Chapter 18: Surfacing Lasciviousness
Chapter 19: Taking A Shine To Him
Chapter 20: Avow
Chapter 21: In Seventh Heaven
Chapter 22: Propinquity
Chapter 23: Set Ablaze
Chapter 24: Concupiscence
Chapter 25: Gave Him The Slip
Chapter 26: Despondency
Chapter 27: Tenebrosity
Chapter 28: Maelstrom
Chapter 29: Frenzied
Chapter 31: Enshrouded
Chapter 32: Hunt Down
Chapter 33: A Pact Was Formed
Chapter 34: Evasive
Chapter 35: Rancour
Chapter 36: Divulging
Chapter 37: A Clean Slate
Chapter 38: Unabashed
Chapter 39: Felicity and Despondency
Chapter 40: Temperateness
Chapter 41: Dangling Fascination
Chapter 42: Winsome Together
Chapter 43: Retroverting Past
Chapter 44: Close-Knit
Chapter 45: Ravishing Night
Chapter 47 Ecstasy
Chapter 48: Elation
Chapter 46: Mint Inclination
Chapter 49: Illusion
Chapter 50: Irate
Chapter 51: Knot
Chapter 52: Unfetter
Chapter 53: Revelation
Chapter 54: Unmoor
Chapter 55: Delineate
Chapter 56: Mellow
Chapter 57: Consternation
Chapter 58: Cessation
Chapter 59: Harmonizing
Chapter 60: Prologue

Chapter 30: To Get His' Mitts On Her

304 11 0
由 Galen_Yana

After Noah had took himself off from her apartment, first and foremost thing that Sophia did was to make her bedroom's door secure by fastening it and clothe herself in her teas and shorts. Subsequently, she was done with that, her legs carried her in double quick time out of the main door the get the drift of how he was able to gain an access.

Getting out, she got under way to prod the lock and after poking for sometimes, she got her self in the setting screen display and found only one retinal scan, that also to be her's. That over and above made her think, how come he pass the door if it's installed with only her scan? Did she put out of her mind to secure it properly and remembers it falsely?

Letting out a loud warm breath and setting everything back,when all of a sudden, her index finger touched a part of screen, causing a finger imprint to be formed on it and "No match found" flashed on screen.

Terror was clearly and slowly snowed under her racing heart and her hazel eyes twitched. With trepidation in her widened eyes, she kept on scrutinizing at what came infront of her. She let go the lock at once and taking few steps back, she stood far-off looking at it as if it to be some kind of ticking bomb.

Sophia turned white as sheet as if have seen some ghost and opening the door, as soon as she set her foot in the apartment, like a mad girl she got down to buisness to fish around to find something to impede from anyone to open the door.

Arranging stools, chairs, small table and various other similar things, she thought of making her way across the night in one way or other.

But she didn't sleep a wink, rather she ensconced herself in a stool present in the kitchen-diner area and kept her gaze fixed at the direction of the door.

She didn't shed a drop of tear, after what have occured today, rather she tried her best to remain vehement and support herself with everything she have in her.

After sometimes, she emerged to make a sense of being sleepy and her lashes initiated to get heavy. Leaning her head in the platform itself, she let sleep take over her alertness and catch some Zs.

When morning crawled up the sky, she woke up by the sound of her buzzing alarm and found herself still leaning to the kitchen-diner platform with drooling saliva, and all cramped up and tensed muscles. Even with all the stress she was going through, indeed had a good sleep because of the wear she went under all day long.

After gaining complete consciousness and coming out of the state of sleepiness she was in, first thing she did was to go like lightening to the main door, to catch a glimpse at the state of it and it was in a perfect condition as she left it last night. She started at it for some times before walking in to her bedroom, making her own little master plan of how to escape and show a clear pair of heels.

After freshening herself up along with having a bath and preparing herself in a fit state for work, she made her way to the gallery for her part-time. When lunch time got there, she gave a call to Lisa.

"Yes sweetie."

Lisa responded with a cheery sweet reply, as soon as she answered the call.

"Lisa can you meet me today at cafè?" Sophia kept her point straight away infront of Lisa.

"Sure. Everything's fine?" Lisa enquired with overwrought in her voice.

"Yes it is, I just want to assemble with you regarding some important issues I have to resolve."

"Okay. I'll be there by six to seven P.M."

After hanging up her call, Sophia for one more time got herself indulged in her work and today an hour before her time to decamp from the gallery, she stood up wrapping up her work and took her leave walking out.

Making her way straight to a hardware store near her gallery, she begin to rummage in there.

Eventually discovering the perfect item she was searching for, she went to the front desk for billing.

"Mmm, I beg your pardon sir. Do you have any mechanic or someone perfect for the job, who can anchor these latches over my door?"

"Yeah we do have."

Replied the man sitting behind the counter.

"Very well, can you send them with me? Actually it's kind of high-priority."

"Sure, but young girl, the boy will charge you for his work plus you will have to recompense for his transportation to your door."

"I am fine with that, not to mention my apartment is just fifteen minutes from here."


The man settled himself in the seat behind the counter stood up from and called for a boy even younger than Sophia.

"Jack you have to accompany her to her apartment and apply these latches where ever she asks for. She will remunerate for your transportation but also tell her about your charge for the work to be done beforehand."

Shopkeeper spoke to the boy as soon as he arrived.

"5 USD."

Whilst before the shopkeeper could complete himself, the little boy replied.

"Fine by me." At an instance, Sophia answered.

In spite of the fact that, the charge was considerably more than Sophia could have imagined, but she agreed without negotiating. She wanted her work to be done, be theat as it may.

They went their way to the bus stop and getting in bus, they transmitted to the stop near her apartment. Getting off, she took the boy to her building and than up to her apartment.

Opening the door by scanning her retina,  she entered in and asked the boy.

"Establish the latches on the inwards side of the door."

The boy looked at the door and then to Sophia and once again to the door. At lenght, he kept on looking at her face thinking her to be foolish. 

In the first place, when she already have an state-of-the-art technique lock, which other apartments of this building don't have, is asking him to attach these outmoded , bygone latches.

Ant in the second place, even if she have in any degree an item of incalculable value at her home, for which she is applying these supplementary locks, why is she demanding it to be done on the other side of the door?

Not withstanding with the fact that for little time, but Sophia wanted to spend her hard-earned money in these diminutive things, as she wanted to protect herself from the old Nick, how so ever feasible.

Since the boy was recieving his money, without any further interrogation or any procrastination, Jack did his work and taking his money he went off.

Delighted with what she had done, Sophia walked out of the apartment, on her way to the cafè, but not before packing her clothes in a trolley bag and bringing it along with her.

Proceeding on her way to the cafè, she made a small discontinuation to the cash machine on her en route and withdrawing all the currency she had saved in her account and stuffing it in her wallet, she went to her way back.

Getting in, she tout de suite got on the work assigned to her and got wallowed in it. Out of instance, the sound of door being shot open with a loud jingle of the bells attached to it hit her ears, catching her attention and found Lisa standing to the fore of her eyes.

They both exchanged a sweet smile before entwining each other around.

Having a short break for herself as there were no customer, Sophia sat with Lisa in chairs, present in the shop.

"So tell me. How are you?"

Lisa's question caught Sophia asleep at the wheel and she wished to lean her head on her shoulder and cry her heart out, mention every other detail to her that have recently occured.

But somehow containing herself and her tears, Sophia let out a smile and spoke "I am fine."

Lisa with a lack of certinity in her mind, nodded her head slowly and spoke "He didn't bothered you afterwards?"


Sophia replied with a pure lie, flight of fancy to Lisa and she did so because she wanted to handle this matter noiselessly, and asking for Lisa's help only when correct time comes.

"You are lying to me."

Lisa caught her just by having a mere look at her already sweating face.

"Why do you think so?"

To reply her this question, Lisa just shrugged her shoulder, not providing her with any reply.

"I am not lying Lisa. Why would I?"

After saying so, tranquility took over with one on euther side. Maintaining hush for some moment, Sophia spoke again.

"Lisa, I need you to lend a helping hand to me with something."

"Just name it." Lisa spoke instantly.

"First of all please arrange someone to clean Maa Paa's mansion." Sophia put her solicitation infront of Lisa.

"Just that?"

"By tomorrow's morning." Sophia added further.

"Ok-kie." Lisa replied swithering.


"Why in so hurry?"

"I want to live in isolation for sometime."

Lisa without giving any rejoinder, kept a fixed gaze over Sophia's face. Without uttering a word.

"In search of peace." Sophia added further observing at not recieving any response.

Lisa let out a long warm deep breath before speaking.

"Fine. You'll have it by tomorrow's morning. What else?"

"I want some money." Sophia replied hesitating.

"How much?"

Sophia remained silent to Lisa's question and Lisa kept on looking at her face, contemplating with a question on her face.

"A little too much."

"How much?"

Lisa repeated her question for the second time.

"Two hundred bucks this month."

"Fine. I can arrange that too." Lisa replied.

"And another month too." Sophia spoke again after a pause. "Same amount."

Lisa looked at Sophiafor some moment and asked chuckling.

"Don't tell me you are resigning."

"I am." Sophia replied with a straight face.

Lisa's eyes widened hearing what Sophia had said right now. Sophia, the girl who never took a day off is planning her retirement for straight two months. And the reason might be Noah.

"Ok Sophia tell me seriously. Is he bothering you."

"No Lizzie, he-"

"Sophia before things get out of control tell me, please darling."

"Lisa, nothing like that is occuring. I just want to heal myself. I don't even know from how long I have been working nonstop, just to reimburse mortgage. I want rest,some serenity, from all the happening that have recently eventuate."

Lisa listened to her silently still not believing her, on tenterhooks.

"Fine. It's no big deal. Take your time."

Sophia nodded her head percieving to finally Lisa and she have come to an agreement.

"But, if any thing Sophia, I am telling you any-thing wrong happens involving him, you are going to mention me immediately, directly."

Lisa again warned Sophia not able to find her inner peace with what Sophia had said.

"I will."

Sophia lied again, again this time to keep Lisa out of all these phenomenons.

"Fine. I'll come to pick you up tomorrow's morning. You will also have luggage with you, you won't be able to go there by public transport. It's quite a great distance from here."

"No." Sophia replied hurridly.


Lisa questioned her back.

"You know what? You are acting suspicious."

"No, I mean you may come, but don't pick me up from here."


"From the gallery. I don't have much of luggage with addition of, I have prepared a bag already, take that with you and bring it with you when you will come to pick me up. I need to resign at the gallery."

"Fine. Where is your bag?"

Getting up, Sophia brought her bag back from staff's room and handed over the trolley to Lisa.

"Okay I'll be off now. Meet you tomorrow. By what time shall I come to your gallery?"

"By one P.M."

"That's your lunch time?"

"Yes. Please Lisa."

Sophia got irritated by now explaining things to Lisa, who was not ready to accept that everything is normal.


Saying so Lisa walked out of the shop to her car. and Sophia let out a long breath of relaxation that finally she was able to convince her.

When finally night arrived and Sophia took her leave, she walked her way down to her building, with her being kept on turning back to look if anyone is following her, but found none.

And how could she? After all Noah had parked his car in parking area of her building, waiting impatiently for her to arrive.

Looking at her petite figure drapped in pistachio green ankel length maxi dress. Dispite the possibility that her figure was not clearly visible in her loose dress with darkness circumambient her, Noah's mind trip down the memory lane to the other day, just by having a mere look of her. His previous experience and encounter with her of being just in towel, came running to his mind and all his blood travelled and concentrated down to his core making it rock hard, ready to have her in every other way possible.

Clutching the steering wheels of the car he was in, turning his knuckles white, he tried his best to have control over his mind and line of thoughts, but was unable to.

Sophia walked in a hurried pace and almost ran up all the stairs to reach her floor and immediately entering her apartment she closed the door behind her with securing both the latches newly installed.

Settling herself in the floor itself, she huffed for the air and finally calming her nerves down she walked in her bedroom and slumped her body in the bed.

She only have to make her was across this night anyhow, and most importantly successfully, after that she will be safe and sound, in one piece, off the beaten track from him and his obsession over her.

To keep herself from harm, she had installed two latches over the door, just for a single night. She was even ready to spend all her saving and fight to the very last, just to stand gaurd on for herself from the devil, satan he is.

Getting up from the bed, she went to the washroom to freshen up, without bothering to prepare dinner, as she didn't wanted to have anything.

After having a long warm bath and letting all her tensed up muscles relax, she came out of the washroom and clothing on her night dress, she got on the bed to have some peaceful sleep.

Laying down, she kept on thinking, making castle over air of what all things she is going to do for these two months of her solitariness. Her lashes started to het heavy.

On the spur of the moment, she heard a loud bang over the door, snatching all the sleep she had hanging over her lashes, causing her to get up and sit on the bed, when she heard another loud bang over the door.

She didn't have to waste time guessing around who it might be. It's not like she was not expecting this or was not have in prospect, she was well aware that if she tried to provoke him by doing any such thing, it will bring out the inner beast he have. But haphazardly she had no other choice, moreover it was just for one night.

Getting off bed, she took small steps and came to the hall area when she heard a series of bangs over her door as if he would break it.

But out of instant, all the banging hushed and only her racing heart could be heard. She took small steady steps towards the door but suddenly cell phone in her hand started to ring and vibrate taking her off gaurded.

Looking at the screen she found it to be from Noah and pursing her lips she rejected the call causing another loud bang over her door.

Again he stared to beat the door like a madman and to her surprise the neighbors she use to think would help her in any situation never came out to stop him.

Once again her phone rang but this time Sophia recieved it.

"Sophia I know you are in. What have you done? Open the door right now."

"I won't."

Giving him the shortest reply he deserved, Sophia hanged up the call when again her phone buzzed which was once again was from Noah.

"Don't you dare to test my patience, open the door or else if I break in this door it won't turn good for you."

"It's already not good for me Noah. You have already turned my life a living hell. You haven't left me with much possible courseof action."

Saying so Sophia hanged up the call and switched it off.

After few minutes again banging could be heard.

sighing, Sophia thought,

'God is cognizant of, how this hours of darkness will be stretched across.'

Hey my lovely readers,

I hope you all to be very fine and healthy.

I hope you like the chapter. if you did, like the chapter, add your reviews and add this book to your reasing list.


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