Loving My Brother's Best Frie...

By Romantic_stories123

143K 6.6K 286

When he looked in through the window, he was astounded to see her topless and braless. She was standing with... More

00• Prologue & Aesthetic
01• His Secret Admirer
02• Casanova
03• Kiddo
04• Devil
05• Unrequited Love
06• My Secret Admirer
07• Her Hope won
08• Clumsy Girl
09• Desire to touch his soul
10• Crazy For Him
11• Is she changing him?
12• My Favourite Person
13• The Pain Of Love
14• Guilty
15• His Touch
16• Will she meet him?
17• Unique Meet
18• Sole source of his joy
19• Biggest Shock Of Her Life
21• Finally, they met
22• Comforting Her
23• Showering her with love
24• The First Ride
25• Ice Cream Date
26• My Kiddo
27• My Jealous Man
28• Their First Kiss
29• Trouble
30• I love you
31• My Possessive Man
32• A Morning With My Kiddo
33• My Naughty Kiddo
34• Secret Romance
35• Washroom Romance
36• My Kiddo, My Healer
37• My Mature Kiddo
38• Biker To Ceo
39• Punishing my Kiddo
40• His Kiddish Side
41• My sexy little doll
42• My Selfless Kiddo
43• Hide-and-Seek Romance
44• Secret Meet In the Washroom
45• Outburst
46• Apology
47• True Love
48• Studying with my hottie
49• Her First Orgasm
50• Locked By Love
51• A Precious Gift
52• Her Intense Punishment
53• The Secret Box
54• A Soothing Bath
55• Period Mood swing
56• Pampering her during Periods
57• The Stolen Bracelet
58• Father And Daughter
59• Got Caught
60• I trust them
61• End Of Friendship?
62• Happiest Soul
63• Office Make-Out
64• Ride me now 18+
65• My Little Devil
66• College Make Out
67• The Race Day
68• Punishing Her On Bike
69• A Lie
70• His Possessiveness
71• Under Her Intense Control
72• Cuteness Overloaded
73• His Anger
74• Remorse
75• Coma?
76• Reading Her Diary
77• Her Memories
78• Out Of Coma?
79• Getting My Life Back
80• Anxiety Attack
81• Kiss Me!
82• Happiness
83• I can never ride the bike
84• Marry Me
85• Concealing His Pain
86• I missed you
87• Lying To Her
88• You'll ride again
89• Soothing Him
90• Rough Make Out
91• My Angel
92• My hottie biker is back
93• Our Happiness is Back
94• Mood Swings
95• A Shocking News
96• Symbol Of Our Love
97• I love you, Princess
99• Ethan, I'm pregnant
100• Happily Ever After

98• His New Tattoo

804 36 0
By Romantic_stories123

After a week

(Dear diary, It's been a week since we discovered I'm pregnant. Cole has become extra caring since learning about my pregnancy, and I adore my overprotective biker. He didn't let me do anything for the entire week. It felt like I was in a dream world. The family with my dream man, and I'm getting everything I dreamed about when I first laid my eyes on my hottie biker.)

A solitary tear of joy dropped down her cheek as she wrote in her diary with her free hand placed on her stomach and a beatific smile stained on her face.

(Ethan and Ella are returning from their one-week honeymoon tomorrow, and I'm nervous and scared about how Ethan will react when he gets to know about my pregnancy. I just hope it doesn't jeopardise Cole and Ethan's friendship. I know he's my sweet brother and will only think about my happiness when I tell him how delighted I am, but I'm still afraid to tell him about this news.)

Before keeping the diary and pen on the side table, she looked up and prayed to God to give her the strength to tell her brother about this news.

Cole was sleeping next to her, and she lay down, resting her head on his chest and wrapping his arm around her waist. As he felt her in his arms, a smile touched his lips, and he hugged her tighter while sleeping before kissing her on the head. She beamed and pecked his chest.


Reyna awoke in the morning, and when she didn't find Cole beside her on the bed, her brows furrowed in confusion, and she murmured, "Huh! Where has he gone, leaving me alone in bed?"

She rose from the bed and checked him in the washroom, balcony and outside the room, but he was nowhere.

Then she reached downstairs and asked one of the maids about him. "Have you seen Cole?"

"Mam, I saw sir leaving on his bike a few hours ago." As the Maid told her, she pouted.

"Where did your Daddy go so early in the morning, baby? He didn't even inform us. When he comes back, we won't talk to him. Okay, baby?" She placed her hand on her tummy and talked to her unborn baby.

She returned to her bedroom and called him because she was anxious about where he had gone suddenly in the morning without telling her, and when he didn't answer her calls, she became even more anxious and angry.

After an hour, she was sitting on her bed with a scowl on her face. In her anger, she didn't even have her breakfast. Her rage and frustration were at their peak during the pregnancy, but her hottie biker was taking great care of her.

Cole entered the room, and she stood up and glared at him as she saw him.

"Where were you, Cole?" Do you have any idea how worried I and our baby were about you?" She yelled at him and threw the pillow at him, but he dodged it, making her even angrier. She tossed another pillow at him which hit him.

"Kiddo! Listen to me." He tried to explain to her pregnant girlfriend, but she was not in the mood. When there were no more pillows left on the bed, she picked up a flower vase from the table to throw at him.

"Kiddo, what are you doing? Have you lost it?" He became frightened and yelled, hiding his face with his hands.

When he heard her sobs, he moved his hand away from his face and looked at her with guilt in his eyes.

"It's not fair, Cole, that you left us alone and went on a bike ride." She whined and began crying as she sat on the bed, and he rushed towards her and knelt in front of her.

"Look at me, love." He purred, holding her hands on her lap, and she slowly raised her moist eyes to him.

"I'm sorry, Kiddo. I had no idea that my surprise would make you cry." He gently wiped her tears away with his thumb, and her eyes sparkled and her anger faded as she heard the word "surprise."

"Surprise?" She excitedly arched her brows at him.

"I wanted to surprise you, but you got hurt. I'm so-" Before he could apologise to her again, she placed her finger on his lips, brimming with anticipation.

"Forget everything and tell me what surprise you're talking about, Cole." She asked, her eyes glistening like a child with delight. Nobody could say that she was yelling at him in anger just a few seconds ago.

She was having severe mood swings during her pregnancy, and because Cole had grown accustomed to them within a week, he was not surprised by how quickly her mood changed.

When he lifted his shirt sleeves, she saw his new tattoo on her forearm and her eyes sparkled with delight, and a smile spread across her face.

'Our family is growing by two feet,' with an image of baby feet inked on his forearm. She softly caressed it, beaming.

"Do you like it, Kiddo?" He asked her.

"Like? Cole, I really loved it. It's breathtaking." She smiled in delight, and he smiled as well after seeing his kiddo's smile.

"Our family." As she stroked and whispered the words 'our family,' tears of joy rolled down her cheek, and a beatific smile did not fade from her face.

"Again tears? Kiddo, I didn't do this to make you cry." He gently rubbed off her tears.

"I'm not crying, these are the tears of joy, Cole. I'm so delighted. Our baby is coming." She squealed, hugging him tightly. He smiled, wrapping his arms around her.

"Our baby also loves this tattoo." She told him with glee and giggled as they pulled apart.

"Really? Dadda loves you, my princess." He spoke while staring at her tummy, and then leaned down and kissed it. When he talked to their baby like that, she felt a different kind of happiness.

"I'm so sorry for shouting at you, Cole. You gave me a surprise, and I ignored you and became enraged with you." She suddenly felt guilty for yelling at him.

"Don't feel sorry, love. I can understand." He blinked his eyes at her, softly caressing her cheek.

"You have no idea how empty I felt when I woke up and didn't see you beside me. You already know how much I love waking up in your arms. Couldn't you surprise me in the evening?" She chastised him, becoming furious once more.

"Fuck, her mood swings!" He muttered, irked.

'Cole, this is only the beginning. You'll have to deal with it for nine months, so it'll be better if you get used to it. Now, handle her before she becomes even more enraged. You can do it.' He encouraged himself.

"I promise I'll keep this in my mind next time, Kiddo." He gave her a promise and kissed her knuckles after clasping her hand.

"You're so sweet, Cole." Feeling his lips on her hand, she again became normal, and he sighed with relief.

As her eyes fell on his tattoo, her eyes shimmered with happiness again. "This tattoo has become my favourite." She softly traced her fingers on his new tattoo with a smile on her face.

"I love you, my hottie biker and soon-to-be hottie daddy." She encircled her arms around his neck and whispered against his lips before kissing him chastely. He grabbed her waist and devoured her lips passionately by pulling her closer to him.

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