Danganronpa: Slaughtered Noti...

By wonderhoyman

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16 students are trapped inside a school surrounded by a barrier and are forced to kill each other with sick m... More

Prologue: The Noctis Fades Away
1: Familiarities of a Beginning (Deadly Life)
2: A Machine of Freedom or Perishment
2: A Machine of Freedom or Perishment (Deadly Life)
3: Last Bow's Requiem
3: Last Bow's Requiem (Deadly Life)
4: Discord Over the Dead
4: Discord Over the Dead (Deadly Life)
5: Malignant Masquerade
5: Malignant Masquerade (Deadly Life)
6: Whispers of Veiled Allegiance
6: Whispers of Veiled Allegiance (Deadly Life)

1: Familiarities of a Beginning

77 1 2
By wonderhoyman

The same cheery tune from last night played throughout the school.

"Good morning, students! It is 8 A.M., so get up right now! Let us start a new day filled with that overwhelming despair! Or maybe you woke up with hope? That doesn't matter. Get to the dining hall now." Monokuma announced on the monitor in Shuttle's room.

"Augh..." He groaned. Before he could even sit up, someone was banging on his door. "Yeah, I'm coming." Shuttle got up and opened the door to see Cele.

"Hello. If that's fine, I wanted to make up for Elio's terrible behavior from yesterday by hanging out with you for today." Cele offered with a smile.

"Sure, besides some of my relatives, I barely know anyone here. It'd be nice to get to know you more." Shuttle chuckled.

"Very well. Shall we get going then?" Cele asked.

"Of course! Besides, I don't think that robot bear has any more patience."

"Hey! I have a name, and it's Monokuma! You should get to the dining hall now, or I'll punish you two!" He yelled as he suddenly appeared.

"Aaaaahh!" Cele shrieked. "H-How long have you been there?!"

"Just now. You should still go, by the way. You heard what I will do to you if you don't!"

"All right, we're going!" Shuttle grabbed Cele's wrist as he ran to the dining hall, bursting through the door.

"Erm, what the hell was that for?" Elio looked from a mug full of water.

"They were just escaping death caused by me. No need to worry!" Monokuma beamed as Shuttle stepped back from him. "What? I just wanted to gather you all here to announce your first motive."

"For what?" Ali asked.

"For killing, of course. What else did you expect?"

"You're still on the killing thing? But— But why?!" Meri worriedly yelled.

"What do you expect from me? I'm a killin' machine ready for slaughter!" Monokuma cackled. "Anyway, your motive is called the Hungry Culprit. You just get to kill as many people as you want to. That... That's pretty much it. Not to forget, I get to help you orchestrate your murder."

"Really? I expected something like a time limit." Gehenna said.

"Good idea! Thank you, Gehenna! You also get a time limit. Tomorrow, if murder doesn't happen by midnight, everyone here dies to a million identical clones of me." Monokuma held his head high.

"Aw, seriously? You had to butt that in, Gehenna?" Renory grumbled and sighed, his head on the table. "Now someone has to die, or we all will." Ron, in the seat beside Renory's, concerningly turned to him as Renory lifted his head and chuckled. "Thanks."

"Sorry..." Gehenna hung her head.

"Well, what should we do now? We're doomed if no one dies by tomorrow." Eliyen asked as Monokuma disappeared without a sound. She turned to Cairo, who was frantically writing, "I don't know."

"We wait. There isn't a way to ensure that Monokuma is serious about that." Ali said.

"That's too boring. How about I do the job, and we don't have to wait? Who wants to die?" Jodie sinisterly asked as she raised a spiked bat from behind.

"Ooh, me! I do!" Elio jumped from his seat, almost like he was a different person.

Cele firmly grabbed his wrist, forcing him back down into his chair. "No!"

"Jodie, you're pretty boorish for a bright-looking individual like you," Ali observed.

"Shut up." She vexedly aimed her bat at Ali. "You don't know why. So get your nose out of my business and into your own."

"Jodie, please stop before you cause too much trouble," Neru called out. She turned to Neru before sighing and lowering her bat. "Thank you."

"About waiting," Bob started, "wouldn't that just get us killed? I can see Monokuma being a liar, but I think it's true."

"He's got a poooooint." Elio slumped in his chair. "I mean, Monokuma's so eager for us to kill someone to the point he's threatening us to do that by saying he'll send in a ton of clones of him."

"Regardless if I die, I don't want anyone to die..." Meri whined. "Dead bodies scare the shit out of me."

Everyone finished eating and went their separate ways. There's some free time left for today... Shuttle thought.

And with that, Free Time started.

Maybe I should find Cele? She did offer some time together to make up for Elio the other day. He stayed in place for a few minutes before abruptly getting up and going outside to find Cele. As he passed by a classroom in the school, he heard voices. Sentences that seemed too dubious.

"The final day, okay?" Someone whispered.

"Why not now?" Another one asked.

"I... Don't have my sewing kit on me. I think I lost it in my dorm or somewhere around the school. Maybe I'll be able to find it by that day."

"... Understandable."

Shuttle reached to creak open the door and see who they were, but the door made a screeching noise that turned the people's attention there. He sprinted away before they could see him. As he ran, he bumped into someone at insane speeds.

"Ack–" They exclaimed, falling to the ground.

Shuttle skidded across the floor to turn back and help that person up. "Sorry! I–" He looked at them only to realize it was Cele. "Oh god, I'm so sorry, Cele! I didn't mean to ram into you–"

"You're good." She smiled in return, helping herself up from the floor. "What were you running from, anyway?"

"Just some weird conversation somewhere..." Shuttle said. "It seemed secretive, and I tried to see who was there. The door kinda creaked, though, so my cover was busted."

"I see." Cele chuckled. "You wanna go see who was in there?"

"No, it's fine." He assured. "Besides, I think it's about time you did your favor."

"Ah, yes, I suppose I haven't yet, have I?"

They spent a bit of time together. I think Cele and I got a bit closer today, Shuttle thought.

"Say, I recall you have a few relatives here. Gehenna told me."

"She– She did? I never even told her..."

"Gehenna said she just figured since you met with Ron that once. And also maybe because you share last names with a few people."

"Ah, no wonder..." Shuttle nervously chuckled.

"Yep. I, too, have a relative. Her name is Sage, and she's my older sister, but unfortunately, she isn't here. At the same time, it's a good thing because she wouldn't have to avoid death even more here."

"Really? What's she like?"

"She's much more quiet than I. She is pretty intelligent, and I think she's the favorite. From the last time I heard from her, she'll begin studying to become a doctor one day."

"I see..."

A silence fell between the two. They basked in the stillness for a while before Cele got up.

"You know, you're very nice. We've barely met, and I can already see how kind you are. See you soon?" Cele asked.

"Sure, see you." Shuttle got up as well and left. He lay on his bed, head empty, as the buzz from the ceiling light reverberated through his room. I think there's still some time left for today...

And with that, Free Time started. Again.

Shuttle left his room, running into Eliyen on the way out of the dormitory. "Ah, sorry. Cairo's gone somewhere, and I was just looking for him. I could use someone else to help. You busy as well or not?" Eliyen asked.


"Good, because I'm starting to get bored."

Eliyen and Shuttle talked for a bit while searching for Cairo. I think we got closer today...

Eliyen sighed disappointedly. "I guess he's just doin' his own thing right now. Can't be bothered to try retrieving him."

"True, just let him do his thing." Shuttle shrugged as he looked to the sky. "I think it's best to look for him later or let him go out alone."

"Yeah, that's probably a better choice. Got anything to talk about?"

"Nah, not really. You?"

"Ugggghhhhh, I seriously wish we could just leave this place. I have a whole house of plants to care for right nooowww."

"I know, right? I have nothing I was forced to leave behind before we got here, but I really just want to go home."

"Dude. You're lucky for that. You have no absolute motive to get outta this horrific place." Eliyen sighed. "I miss my plants. I miss going home from my part-time job at an elementary school's greenhouse to take care of my personal plants. I should have brought my small harp-like instrument with me... I don't even remember what those are called."

"You used to work at a school?"

"As the botanist in their greenhouse and garden. It was next to the playground. I'd always be there for all the grades, even if I already nourished the plants. Seeing those children cheer at the sight of all the plants was nice."

"Now that's just kinda sweet." Shuttle chuckled.

"Shut the fuck up." Eliyen scoffed as she walked away. As soon as she walked into the dormitory, a tune flooded the school campus, and Shuttle looked at the nearest monitor.

"Hello, students! It is 10 P.M, which is nighttime! Go to sleep now, or you're dying to my little nubs. Unless you're someone plotting to kill someone else, that's fine. I can scan your brain and tell what you're doing from afar!" Monokuma paused with a neutral expression. "Hmm, how boring. No one's planning to— Oh, my despair! Someone is!" Monokuma shook a green, transparent bottle and cheered. "They're even thinking of using the culprit motive! I must assist them this instant!" The monitor shut off.

Someone... Is planning to kill...? Shuttle fearfully thought. Somebody behind him put their hand on his shoulder, scaring the shit out of him before he turned around.

"You okay?" Cele worriedly asked. "Is it because of Monokuma's recent announcement?"

"Maybe a little bit..." He sighed as Cele tried comforting him with a smile.

"Well, with that, I can be sure it isn't either of us. I doubt we'll be victims, too, so don't sweat it. We'll be fine." She assured.

Shuttle turned to Cele and smiled back. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. Now go get some sleep, it's past nighttime, and I'm sure Monokuma's gonna kill us."

"Alright. See you tomorrow."

"See you!"

And there Shuttle was, flat on his bed, thinking about several things simultaneously. His mind swirled and ached from doing so; trying to stop would make it worse. So he closed his eyes, forcing himself to fall asleep.


"Greetings! I see you're probably unfazed by the sudden news. Well, how about this? The soon-to-be culprit has negotiated with me to make them self count as a regular student finding the body. And I have merrily accepted this! They took advantage of the Hungry Culprit motive... Upupupu! How despairful! How about that for something shocking?! Huh? Huh?"


Bright red was all he could see. It was splattered in vague ways, and something from afar hung. Dyed in vivid red, he walked to it curiously over glass, spikes, and bullets. As he continued his path, the area began to swirl a sickening wine color. It hurt, but it was mesmerizing, so he kept going. Eventually, he came to the thing. It was blurred and gradually unblurred as he reached for it—a noose.

A bell-like instrument played.

"Good morning, students. Today is another bright day for killing! How about you do it today? This afternoon? Tonight? Whatever, just live your life until someone is pronounced dead! You have today to kill someone." Monokuma announced before the monitor in Shuttle's room shut off. He got up, head still nagging, and left his room to the bright sun.

As Shuttle headed to the dining hall for breakfast, he ran into Bob.

"Ah, sorry. I'll be on my way," Bob chuckled.

"It's fine." Shuttle stood in place. "Wait, Bob."


"I think I remember hearing you somewhere around yesterday. You got anything to do with that?"

"I don't remember going outside and talking with someone, so probably not." Bob sighed. "I think you're being a bit too cautious because of the time limit. I promise you'll be fine." He walked into a separate room and disappeared. That his room or something...?

"I guess he's right..." Shuttle left and ate in the dining hall before going to his room. As he lay in bed, he realized some time was still left. He knew precisely who to look for at that time: Ron and Bob.

Before he knew it, he was already looking for the two everywhere possible on campus. It took quite a bit, but he finally found them. At the large greenhouse was where Shuttle found Ron and Bob.

"Hey, Ron. Hi Bob." He shouted, making the two jump a little bit. Ron quickly calmed down as Bob gave Ron a pat on his back.

"Ah—!" Ron exclaimed. "Where did you come from?!" Shuttle chuckled nervously.

"From my room?..." Shuttle chuckled a bit more. "You wanna hang out while we still have some free time on our hands?" He asked. Ron, still processing the situation, nodded.

They spent some of their free time listening to Ron ramble on about the plants in the greenhouse. He really knew a lot about almost all the plants.

"This kind of flower fascinates me the most... it's the Lycoris Radiata. In the language of flowers, it means something about death, last goodbyes, and sad memories. Pretty cool, right?" Ron asked. Bob looked at Ron concerningly before blinking and shrugging.

"Sure, I guess."

"And you're confident that you're fine?"

"Duh. Of course, I am. What, I can't be into meanings?"

The three chatted a bit more before they parted ways. After a few hours, a bell-like chime echoed throughout the school.

"Greetings, students! It is 10 P.M., which is nighttime! Please head to your rooms. You better kill within two hours, or everyone is dying!" Monokuma announced before the monitor in Shuttle's room turned off. Shuttle fidgeted with a loose screw on his coffee table in his room. There's still some time left... I think.

And with that, free time started.

He left his room, heading to the school, when suddenly, Cairo ran through the doors directly in Shuttle's direction. He skidded across the dirt, stopping in front of Shuttle. He was panting from how fast he ran and started frantically waving his arms at the school.

"Huh?" Shuttle exclaimed. Cairo silently groaned as he grabbed his notebook and frantically wrote something.

"Just follow me it's an emergency," Cairo wrote as he ran back to the school with Shuttle behind him. Cairo abruptly stopped at a corner to a hallway and fearfully pointed past it, his arm trembling with fear. He looked back at Shuttle with a petrified expression. Shuttle hesitantly looked at where Cairo was pointing and was struck with fear.

Past the corner, Bob was on the floor, dead.

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