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By knight_yyy

61.2K 3.5K 345

"๐‘ผ๐’” ๐’‚๐’ˆ๐’‚๐’Š๐’๐’•๐’” ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’˜๐’๐’“๐’๐’…." A tear escaped Jang Hyejin's eyes as she stare at Sang ho, who remai... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
act ii

thirty four

1K 75 17
By knight_yyy

IT WAS THE DAY OF DANG-GU, AND Choyeon's wedding. The streets was filled with flowers, and people that was more than happy to see the youngest daughter of the leader of Jinyowon finally get married.

And Hyejin was more than happy to watch two of her friends get married. She was cheering for the both of them as they say their vows to each other.

Lady Jin, and Lord Park on the other hand, was still on edge with each other after everything that happened in the past few days. But they decided to keep civil with each other for the sake of the newly wed couple.

And right after the wedding ceremony was finished, Hyejin found herself roaming the walls of Songrim in search of Sang Ho. The last time she saw him was at the wedding, and they haven't even got the chance to talk to each other as Lord Park was keen on keeping him by his side.

She turns into a corner and was about to continue when she heard the familiar voice of her brother, her brows raised before turning her head on her left, and that is where she saw Uk, sitting on the chair with Yul across him.

They looked like they were talking about something, she was about to leave when Yul noticed her and called her name. "Hyejin!"

The girl turned her head back to them and her brows raised once she noticed that they were now heading towards her direction, "What?" She asked once they reached her.

"Are you going somewhere?" Yul asked.

"Im looking for Sang Ho." Hyejin told him.

"Sang Ho?" Uk muttered, earning her attention. "I saw him with the leader, they were heading to the center to talk to the guests."

Hyejin grimaced, "He's still with Lord Park?" She groaned, "How long is he going to keep Sang Ho with him? I deserve some time alone with him too."

Uk chuckled, "You were with him last night, he carried you to bed." He teased, "Do you not remember?"

Hyejin narrowed her eyes at him, "I do." She retorted, though there was a few things missing on her memory from last night, she remembered how Sang Ho carried her from Jinyowon to her house. And yes, she remembered kissing him, but other than that, her mind was blank.

"I would've thought that you guys did some--." Before he could even finish his sentence, Hyejin already kicked his right foot, earning a hiss from him. "Darn it!"

Yul looks at the both of them with disbelief, before their conversation could even turn into an argument, he decided to step it. "Hyejin, have you seen Mudeok?" He asked.

That seemed to make Uk stop from acting like a child, "Oh right, you have been walking around Songrim for quite some time now. Have you seen her?" He asked.

Hyejin rolled her eyes at him, "Look at this jerk.." She scoffed before glancing at Yul, "I haven't seen her at all. Why are you guys looking for her? Shouldn't she be with Uk?"

Uk pouted, "She left the house earlier than i did, i thought she would be here by now but i don't see her anywhere." He told her.

"Well maybe she's just taking a stroll.." Hyejin reasoned for her, "Im sure you will see her later."

"You should go with us, Hyejin." Yul suggested, "Lord Park might take a while to let Sang Ho go, even if you head to the center to see him. I don't think you could spend some time with him."

Hyejin pouted before nodding her head slowly as she knew that Yul was right, if there are dozen of guests that are in need of Lord Park's attention, then Sang Ho would no doubt stay by his side. "Alright." She muttered, "I have nothing else to do anyway."

Yul smiled before leading the twins back to Jeongjingak, they went inside the building and was immediately met by dozens of influential people that was there to witness the marriage of the heir of Songrim, and the heir of Jinyowon.


It was a few moments after that when Hyejin decided to head outside to get some fresh air. Jeongjingak was currently full of men that did nothing but talk about men things, and Hyejin want no part in it. She was now walking towards Songrim's balcony, she knew that the balcony was the only place where it's not crowded.

After a few minutes of walking, she reached the balcony. She was about to take a step towards the stairs that would lead her towards the place when she felt a pair of eyes staring at her. Her brows furrowed before looking back, her face immediately lit up once her eyes landed on a pair of dark orbs.

"Sang Ho!" She grinned before running towards his direction, a chuckle left her lips as she engulfed him in a hug and Sang Ho didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her. "Finally.. I was looking for you everywhere, but i can't see you. Uk said that he saw you with Lord Park."

The mage sent her an apologetic smile, "The leader wanted me by his side while he was talking to the guests, it was hard to escape from him." He explained.

Hyejin rose her brow up, "Escaped?" She repeated before a gasp left her lips, "You escaped from Lord Park?"

Sang Ho gulped as he looked like a child that was caught red-handed, "I.. Had to see you." He reasoned, "Lord Park wouldn't let me leave. But in my defense, i told him that im leaving, but he was busy talking to the guests, i was hoping that he heard it."

Hyejin can't help but laugh at that, "Wow, you're disobeying the leader now?" She teased before poking his arms repeatedly, "Who would've thought?"

The mage sighed, "Well, if you think i am disobeying Lord Park.. Should i head back to the center and--."

"No way!" Hyejin exclaimed, "You said you wanted to see me, so stay. After all, you did say that it's hard to escape from Lord Park."

"I already saw you." Sang Ho rose his brow up as he decided to tease her.

Hyejin pouted, "Sang Ho, i was just teasing you!" She muttered before wrapping her arms around him, "I won't let you leave. Do you have any idea how long i waited for you?"

Sang Ho scoffed before looking up, "Fine, i guess i could stay. After all, the leader won't punish a mage who's only want is to see the woman he loves." He muttered.

Love, Hyejin smiled at the thought. "Of course he won't. And he also won't punish a woman for keeping that certain mage by her side. After all, she deserves to spend some time with her lover, doesn't she?" She grinned.

"She certainly does." Sang Ho smiled before pecking her lips. His pupils dilated as he pulled away from her, "What do you want to do, Hyejin?"

The girl pouted, "I would've ask you to head back to Jeongjingak with me but Jeongjingak is already infested with enough men, talking about things only they could understand." She scoffed, earning an amused look from the mage. "And i would've ask you to go to the gardens with me, but there are too many eyes there. So let's just stay here, this is the only place aside from the river where we can do anything."

"Then we'll stay." He muttered before taking a small paper bag out of his hanbok and handing it to her, Hyejin looks confused at first but still took it. "I brought it for you, it's your favorite. Honey biscuits."

Hyejin's eyes lit up after hearing that it was yakgwa, "Thank you, Sang Ho." She smiled widely before unwrapping the paper bag, "Gosh, just what im looking for." She grinned before taking a bite on one of the biscuits, "You surely know how to make me smile."

"Im glad." Sang Ho muttered before looking at her, "Eat, i'll go and get you another bag if you still want some."


Another hour have passed after that, and the couple decided to leave the balcony and head to the center where Lord Park was.

They walked down the stairs with their fingers intertwined with each other, "Do you think if i tell Lord Park that i want to go out of the capital with you, he will allow us?" Hyejin asked.

Sang Ho rose his brow up, "Out of the capital?" He muttered, he found it amusing that he was thinking of asking the leader about that after Young Master Park's wedding. We're thinking of the same thing, the thought made him smile. "It depends on how far you want to go, Hyejin."

"I was thinking of visiting Wol fortress." She told him, "It was my mother's birthplace. The last time i have visited that place was when i was still a kid, with Maidservant Kim, and Uk. I want to see it again, but now, i want to see it with you."

Sang Ho's lips curled into a small smile, "You want to visit your mother's birthplace with me?" He asked.

"Yes." She replied before looking at him, "Why? Is it bad?"

"It's not." He responded, "It's just.. I was thinking of the same thing."

Hyejin rose her brow up, "You're thinking of going through Wol fortress with me?" She asked.

"Close enough." Sang Ho smiled, "I was thinking of asking permission to Lord Park for a few days off, i want to go out of the capital with you."

Hyejin's eyes widen, "You are?" She asked, and Sang Ho nodded his head as a response. "Woah, we're thinking of the same thing.."

The mage chuckled, he was about to respond when he saw Yun Sol, one of Songrim's guard, was running towards their direction with fear written all over his face, "Sang Ho!" He exclaimed while gasping for breath, "The leader is looking everywhere for you, where have you been?!"

The couple shared a look of confusion, "I was at the balcony with Hyejin." He responded, "Why? Did something happen?"

Yun Sol exhaled, "An assassin attacked Sejukwon, and killed Lord Jin!" He announced.

Hyejin felt her heart dropped after hearing that, an assassin. There was only one assassin that is capable of sneaking in, and out of Songrim without anyone knowing. The color drained out of her face as her hands started sweating, it can't be.

And just like that, Uk's words filled her head. "She left the house earlier than i did, i thought she would be here by now but i don't see her anywhere."

Did she finally run wild? Those were the thoughts that were going inside her head, "Hyejin!" Sang Ho's voice was the one that brought her back to reality.

She looks up at him with panic written all over her face, "Stay here, alright?" He said before glancing at Yun Sol, "Take her back to the center, don't let her out of your sight, do you understand?"

Yun Sol was still panicking, but nonetheless, he followed his order. That was the only answer Sang Ho was waiting for before running towards the forest where he knew Lord Park would be right now.

"Young Lady Jang." Yun Sol approached her, "We have to go."

Hyejin didn't say anything and just let him pull her towards the center. She was too occupied with her thoughts to object anyway.

And as Yun Sol was escorting her towards the center, memories of her conversation with Mudeok slowly filled her head.

Mudeok was surprised when Hyejin smiled at her, she thought that the young lady would be mad at her for deciding to settle down with Uk. After all, she was an assassin, and a soul shifter that could run wild any moment.

She did not expect that Hyejin's reaction would be like this, "Why are you looking at me like that, Mudeok? Are you expecting that i would be mad?" The young lady grinned.

"Well.. Young Lady Jang.."

"Aigoo, drop the formalities. We're the only ones here, Mudeok. Besides, if we're going to be in laws, then you should start calling me by my name even though there are other people around." She told her.

Mudeok furrowed her brows, earning a chuckle from Hyejin. "You're betrothed to my twin now, which means you're going to be my sister in law." She explained.

"Hyejin.. Are you not mad?" Mudeok questioned.

"Mad?" Hyejin pouted, "I was shocked when Uk announced your engagement with him, but mad? No way. You went through a lot just to be with him, you did everything for him, and he did the same for you. So why would i be mad? You may be a heartless assassin in the past, but you're different now, Mudeok. And it's in a good way."

"Are not bothered by it?" Mudeok asked, "That your twin is marrying a ruthless assassin, and a soul shifter that could run wild any moment?"

"I am." Hyejin admitted, "I already talked to Uk about it, he already explained everything."

Mudeok knew what she was talking about, she was aware of the conversation Uk had with Master Lee earlier and she understand them. She was about to respond when Hyejin beats her to it.

"Look, as much as how i want to continue this conversation with you, Choyeon is waiting for me." She said before pulling her into a quick hug, "I know you're not a hugger, but i had to do it. You're going to be my sister after all." She grinned before pulling away, "I'll see you later, Mudeok."

Hyejin was about to leave when Mudeok grabs her wrist. After the trust, and kindness that Hyejin showed her, Mudeok think that it's only fair if she told her who she really is. After all, she deserves to know what kind of person she was before she was Mudeok, and Naksu.

And if there was someone she could trust about who she really was, it was the twins. "Cho Yeong." She said, earning a questioning look from the girl. "It's Cho Yeong."

Hyejin recognized that name, her brows raised before smiling at her. "In that case, i hope you will be happy with my brother, Yeong." She said before walking away from her.

Hyejin was snapped back to reality when she saw the tall building of the Training Center, it was only then when she realized something. "Have you seen Uk?" She asked Yun Sol.

"He was at Jeongjingak with Young Master Seo." He replied, "Perhaps he have already heard about it. Lord Park wanted to inform everyone in here to stay inside these buildings until the soul shifter is killed."

Hyejin gulped, if he already heard about it. Then she was sure that there is no way that her brother would stay inside Jeongjingak. She winced at that. She glanced at the training center, there's no way in hell i will stay there while my brother could be running towards danger.

She scoffed before running towards the forest without any hesitation, and when Yun Sol heard her heavy footsteps, he immediately looks back, and his eyes widen once he saw that she was running away. "Young Lady Jang!" He said before running after her.

The last time she ran this fast was when Lord Park decided to punish her brother for causing trouble in Songrim by accidentally ripping a few important documents that will be used for the Unanimous Assembly. They were still young back then and had no idea that those papers were important. Jang Uk was forced to stay outside of the center to repent.

That was the day when Uk almost died because his body couldn't handle the temperature. And now, she was running this fast because of him again. As she reached the forest, she wondered if the assassin was still at Sejukwon, or if it already escaped.

A part of her was hoping that it wasn't Mudeok. That way, Uk won't be hurt. But who is she kidding? There was only one assassin that is capable of killing an influential man without the fear of being caught. It was Naksu.

Her brows raised once she heard a scream not far from where she was, she immediately ran towards the direction of the sound. She was too focused on getting on the scene that she failed to notice the group of mages that were running towards the direction of the scream as well.

Hyejin grunted once her body collided with someone, the impact was too strong that it sent her on the ground. "Hyejin?" Hwang Soo's voice made her snap her head towards him. 

"Hwang Soo?" She muttered and was about to make a move to stand when she felt a stinging sensation on her right hand. She lowered her gaze towards her arm and noticed the way it was bleeding, it must be from the impact of my fall.

"Hyejin, what are you doing here?" Hwang Soo asked, "You should be at the center with the others."

Before Hyejin could even respond, one of the mages that was accompanying him spoke. "Soo, we have to go." 

The mage winced before nodding at them, "Head there first." He ordered.

The mages shared a look before leaving without him. Hwang Soo sighed before kneeling beside her, "Can you stand?" He asked.

Hyejin groaned before nodding, "Help me up, Hwang Soo." She muttered, "I need to get to the scene, Uk might be there."

"Hyejin, it's dangerous." Hwang Soo frowned.

"I don't care!" She exclaimed, and despite the pain she was feeling, she forced herself to stand up to her feet, and Hwang Soo stood up and guided her. "If you're not going to help, just let me go."

Hwang Soo takes a deep breath before nodding, "I can't let you leave just by yourself, Jin Mu was at the center earlier, he claimed that Mudeok, your brother's maid was Naksu. Though it's not yet confirmed, we can't risk it, we all know how dangerous Naksu is."

And that was the only confirmation Hyejin needs to know that Uk was there, she sighed in frustration before looking at Hwang Soo with pleading eyes. The mage sighed before looking down in defeat, "Let's go, but be careful alright? Just stay behind me." He said before grabbing her hand and leading her towards the scene.

The two of them arrived the same time Lord Park, and the others did. Hyejin's eyes widen once she saw that Lord Park created an arrow with his energy before shooting it towards Mudeok, but what shocked her the most was that Uk ran in front of Mudeok and shielded her from the attack, "No!" She yelled and was about to run towards him when Hwang Soo stopped her by pulling her back. "Uk!"

Sang Ho's eyes widen once he heard her voice, he snapped his head towards her and was slightly relieved when he saw that Hwang Soo was holding her back. 

Before the arrow could even struck Uk's back, Lord Park changed it's direction and the arrow landed on the ground before it disappeared into thin air.

Hyejin released a breath she didn't knew she was holding, she was relieved when the arrow didn't struck Uk. But her relief was cut short when Naksu pierced her sword straight to his heart.

Hyejin's heart dropped at the sight of her twin brother being stabbed. Naksu was about to pull out her sword when Uk held her hand before pulling her close, causing the sword to move deeper.

She gasped once she saw the blood that came out of his mouth, "Uk.." She was too stunned to move, she couldn't do anything except stare at him.

Uk looks up and met her eyes, he didn't say anything. But Hyejin knew that he was apologizing. For what? She thought, why is he apologizing? Why is he looking at me like he was about to leave?

"Mudeok.." Uk called desperately as he fell to his knees.

He kept on calling her name, as if his life depended on it. He kept on calling her, until she snapped back to reality.

Naksu was confused, she didn't know what was happening. "Jang Uk?" She called back before leaning back. Her eyes widen once she saw the blood that was coming out of his mouth.

Naksu lowered her gaze towards her hands, and her heart dropped once she saw that it was covered with blood. And not just that, her sword.. Her sword was plunged deep Uk's heart.

Hyejin watch as she breaks down and screamed for his name. Tears were starting to fall off her eyes as she covered her mouth with her hand to stop herself from screaming.

She couldn't believe it, what would Maidservant Kim think if she saw him? The scream that she was trying so hard to stop was heard by everyone when Uk's lifeless body fell to the ground. And as Naksu was screaming for him, Hyejin fell to her knees.

"No!" She yelled before forcing herself to stand and running towards him. "No.."

"Uk.." She called as she tried shaking him, as if he would wake up if she shake him hard. "Uk, damn it.. Stop pretending to be dead! Just stop!"

"Hyejin.." Naksu called, "Im sorry... I.."

Hyejin cried, she leaned her head towards his chest and cried. "No.. No, you're not dead. You can't be." She sobbed as she tried to feel his breathing, but she can't.

Naksu gritted her teeth once she started hearing those bells again. She clutched her head as she tried to stop herself from being hypnotized, but it was no use. The bells were so loud, and soon, she found herself dropping Uk's hand, as if it didn't mean anything to her.

Her face was emotionless again, she stood up. She extended her hand, and a sword flew towards her. She catched it before hitting the arrow that Park Jin sent her way. She looks up, and the upper side of her face was now starting to turn into stone.

Naksu aimed the sharp end of her sword towards Hyejin's back, she was about to struck her when the girl pulled out her sword out of Uk's body and shielded herself.

Hyejin's eyes were full of anger, her knuckles turned white due to how hard she was holding the sword. "You did this!" She exclaimed before pushing her.

Hyejin stood up before unknowingly gathering the energy around her and turning it into a ball of water. She throws it in the air before striking it with her sword.

"Tansu.." Park Jin muttered, his eyes widened in shock as he watched her perform Tansu with the use of Chisu. "Some are just born with it." Master Lee's words filled his head.

Naksu remained emotionless as she used her remaining energy to shield herself from her attack. She created a foot hold with her energy before using it to jump higher. She used that opportunity to escape as she let the sword she was holding pull her away from the scene.

"Get her!" One of the guards yelled before running after her, leaving Park Jin, Hyejin, Sang Ho, and Hwang Soo to grieve Uk's death.

Hyejin sobbed before dropping the sword on the ground before moving towards Uk's body, "Uk.." She cried as she hold his hand, in hopes of him clutching it back.

Park Jin walked towards them with tears pooling on the side of his eyes, he kneeled beside Hyejin before reaching out to Uk. He grabbed the hem of his hanbok before shaking him, "Uk.." He cried, "Uk-ah!"

Sang Ho didn't know what to think, he approached Hyejin before kneeling beside her. "Hey.." He called, his voice soft, and gentle.

Hyejin bit her bottom lip before leaning towards his chest, and Sang Ho did not hesitate to wrap his arms around her. "He's dead.." She sobbed, "He's dead, Sang Ho. My brother is gone, he's not coming back."

Sang Ho didn't speak, he knew damn well that everything won't be fine after this. Which is why he just hugged her, and let her cry on his arms. She kept on crying until the pain she was feeling started to subdue, her eyelids started getting heavy and a few moments after that, she closed her eyes.


It was that same night when Hyejin found herself locked up inside the secret room, where Uk's body was lying just a few minutes ago. She was sitting on top of the table, the same table Uk's body was placed.

No emotion can be seen on her face, Hyejin felt nothing. It was as if her soul died with him. Her white hanbok was stained with Uk's blood, as her hands were covered with it too. Her face were covered with dried tears, and her usual vibrant, and elegant hair was now disheveled.

She turns her head up slowly once the door opened, "Lord Park." She said with no emotion in her tone, "Here to see if im fine?"

"Did you know?" Park Jin questioned, his voice held authority and anger.

Hyejin rose her brow up before looking away, "Know what?"

"Jang Hyejin!" Park Jin shouted. Usually, Hyejin flinches whenever he shouted that loud, but it was different today, she remained stoic despite the way the he was glaring at her.

"You already know the answer." Hyejin told him, "Why are you still asking me?"

Park Jin clenched his fist behind his back, "You knew that maid was an assassin, and you did not tell anyone? Did it not occur to you what would happen the moment she ran wild?" He questioned.

"I get it, it's my fucking fault. You don't have to emphasize that." Hyejin told him before looking away, "I'll take whatever punishment you want to give me, so please just stop.."

Park Jin sighed in disappointment, "Since when have you reached Chisu, Hyejin?" He asked.

Hyejin narrowed her eyes at that, "Are you seriously asking me that question?" She scoffed before she stood up, "My brother just died, can you atleast allow me to grieve his death first?"

Park Jin went silent after that, he kept his mouth closed for a few seconds before nodding. "You will stay here, you will not leave until i say it. I will decided what your punishment is after Jang Uk's funeral." He stated before walking out of the room.

And when he left, that is when Hyejin started breaking down again. Funeral.. She thought.. She won't be able to witness her brother's funeral.


The next day arrived and not a single person has walked inside the secret room aside from Park Jin. Hyejin spent the rest of that day lying on the table, even Maidservant Kim didn't visit her. Though she doubt that Park Jin did not allow her to.

Even Sang Ho, but Hyejin knew that perhaps it's because the leader did not allow him to. After all, she knew that she's considered as a traitor right now.

And Hyejin knew that Dang-gu already found out that she knew that Mudeok was Naksu. She would understand him if he was mad. After all, what happened yesterday didn't just ruined the wedding, it ruined her relationship with Choyeon as well.

Tonight was supposed to be Uk's funeral, she thought about escaping, but then the secret room was locked. The only way out was to open it from the other side.

Hyejin closed her eyes, all she wanted to do right now was to fall asleep. The only thing that gives her peace was her dreams, she was thankful that it's not about her brother's death. But how could she sleep right now? She wanted to see her twin for the last time, before he was gone forever.

But then everything changed when the door to the secret room suddenly opened, and revealed Maidservant Kim with tears falling off her eyes. "Young Lady Jang..." She cried.

"Maidservant Kim?" Hyejin muttered before she sat up and ran towards her, "Am i allowed to see Uk?"

The older woman cried before pulling her into a hug, and Hyejin didn't hesitate to hug her back. "Im so sorry, Young Lady Jang.." The older woman muttered before rubbing her back.

Hyejin's lip trembled, "Why are you apologizing, Maidservant Kim?" She asked as she felt her tears falling off her eyes, "This isn't your fault.."

"You shouldn't blame yourself, Young Lady Jang." Maidservant Kim sobbed.

"I knew, Maidservant Kim.." Hyejin muttered, "I knew that Mudeok was Naksu, if only i.. I didn't know this would happen, Maidservant Kim. If only i knew.."

The older woman nodded her head in understanding, "Where's Uk?" Hyejin asked, "It's his funeral tonight, right? Can i.. Can i see him?"

Maidservant Kim winced, she doesn't know how to tell her that the royal family decided on burning his corpse in front of the people. It was a funeral that was given only for criminals. Her young master was not a criminal, he doesn't deserve to be treated as one.

And she knew how her young lady would react, "Why aren't you answering my question, Maidservant Kim?" Hyejin asked.

"Young Lady Jang.. I don't know how to tell you." Maidservant Kim said.

"What is it? Did something happen?" Hyejin questioned.

"I tried to stop them, Young Lady Jang." Maidservant Kim cried, "I tried to beg the leader to stop them."

"Stop who?" Hyejin asked as her face was filled with confusion, "What's happening? I don't understand.."

"The royal family.. They wanted to burn Young Master Jang's body in front of the people.." She told her, "I cannot even wear mourning clothes, nor hold a proper funeral for him.. I tried everything, i begged them. But even the leader of Songrim cannot do anything, Young Lady Jang. Im sorry."

"What?" Hyejin clenched her fist, "Why would they burn his body in such place?!"

"Im sorry, young lady." Maidservant Kim sobbed.

And it was the first strong emotion Hyejin felt since yesterday, anger.


When Sang Ho found out that the leader wanted to lock Hyejin up in the secret room, he objected. For the first time in his life, he questioned him. Hyejin did not deserve to be treated as a criminal, especially not now, when her brother just died.

But just like what he expected, he was the leader. His position is a hundred times higher than him, and his authority is nothing compared to him.

He was forced to stay back and watch from a far distance as the guards pulled Hyejin away, and what hurt him the most is that she didn't even do anything to defend herself. She didn't protest, nor objected. She just let them drag her away.

And what's worse than that is that Lord Park forbidden him from seeing her. That was the second time he questioned his decision. "Her brother just died, My Lord! I can't let her deal with it alone!" Those were the words he told him, but the only response he received was a stern look.

"You are letting your feelings cloud your judgement, Sang Ho." The leader told him.

And now, the news of Jang Hyejin escaping the secret room spread around Jeongjingak like a plague. For the hundredth time this day, he was being summoned again.

Jang Hyejin was seen walking out of Jeongjingak with her sword on her hand, and a murderous expression on her face.

"Capture her." Park Jin ordered.

Sang Ho looks up with pleading eyes "My Lord.."

"Disarm her if you have to." Park Jin continued.

"You're.. You're asking me to fight.. To hurt her?" Sang Ho questioned, "I can't do that."

"Sang Ho." Park Jin spat with gritted teeth.

"I can't." Sang Ho insisted, "I won't hurt her."

Park Jin faced him, "The royal family will kill her if you don't." He stated, "Do you think they will allow such disrespect? Jang Uk already died, and if Hyejin went there in rage, the royal family will not hesitate to end her life."

"We can prevent that by capturing her. She is being controlled by her anger now, you have to stop her. If she lays a hand on a member of the royal family, we won't be able to do anything other than watch as they slowly end her life." Park Jin added, "Do you want that to happen to her?"

Sang Ho looks down as the tears in his eyes started to fall, he was being forced to make a choice, and all of the consequences of his choice will only end up hurting Hyejin.

It was saddening to think that a happy day could end up into tragedy in a blink of an eye. "Why is it me, My Lord?" He questioned, "Why do i have to be the person to face her now?"

"I gave you this order not to hurt her, but to save her." Park Jin told him before closing his eyes in frustration, "You have to bring her back, Sang Ho. Or she will end up like her brother."

And he was forced to obey him again. Sang Ho's heart dropped at the sight that was in front of him, his fellow mages were lying on the ground. Some are injured, and some are lying on the ground. And Hyejin, she was standing at the center with her hands, and hanbok covered in blood.

"Hyejin." He called, as he tried his best to sound stern. "What have you done?"

Hyejin's expression softened once she heard his voice, for a moment, she felt at peace. "Sang Ho?" She called before walking towards him, "I--."

She didn't get to finish her sentence as a sword was suddenly pointed towards her neck, she looks up and was met by dark orbs. Those same orbs that used to stare at her lovingly, was now staring at her as if she was a criminal that needs to be dealt with.

Her brows furrowed, why was he pointing his sword at her? "Sang Ho.. What are you doing?" She asked. Everything that happened since then was a blur to Hyejin, the only thing she remembered was the cold stare Sang Ho was giving her, their argument, and then the next thing she knew, she was being dragged back to Songrim.

It was then when she realized that she had no one now, even Sang Ho. The person who promised to stand beside her, was now standing against her.


The only light that allowed Hyejin to see her surroundings was the few torches that was lit at the walls of the secret room.

She was clenching her fist in anger as she wanted to break down, to shout and curse everyone. But that would just make her look pathetic than she already was, and she didn't want that.

Hyejin was sitting on the dark corner of the room while hugging her knees, her own memories was starting to torture her. Every time she close her eyes, all she could see was the look on her brother's face before his body fell to the ground.

That was the position she was in when the door to the secret door opened again, the only thing Hyejin did was lift her head up slightly to see who it was. Anger filled her systems once she realized that it was Sang Ho.

"How dare you show your face here?" She spat, yet didn't make a move to stand.

The mage gritted his teeth as he stopped beside the table before placing a clean cloth on top of it, "What you did earlier already reached the palace, the leader thinks that you will soon be summoned for questioning and he wants you to stay here until that day comes." He stated with no emotion in his voice, "This is the cloth that was given by Maidservant Kim, change. Your whole body is covered in blood."

That just seemed to fuel her anger, a scoff left her lips as she stood up and marched towards him. "That's it? That's the only thing you will say?" She said with disbelief evident in her tone.

"What do you want me to say, Hyejin?" Sang Ho asked.

Hyejin couldn't stop the anger she was feeling, she nodded her head before pushing him away as tears fell off her eyes. "Are you fucking kidding me? After everything that happened, that's the only thing you will tell me?!" She exclaimed before pushing him again.


"How could you?!" Hyejin shouted, "You promised, Sang Ho! Of all people, i thought it was you who would understand. But you're just like them! You're just like them!"

"My brother died.." Hyejin cried as she fell towards his chest in exhaustion, "He died, Sang Ho. And i couldn't do anything but watch as he was stabbed. I wasn't even allowed to attend his funeral, and now.. The royal family's decision will not just make him gone forever, but it will taint his name forever too. He will always be known as the one who released the assassin."

"They want to burn his body in a place that was only reserved for criminals.." She continued, "Even in death.. He was still being treated as if he was nothing!"

Sang Ho clenched his fist, all he wanted to do right now was stand by her side. But he couldn't, Hyejin will only get hurt if he did. He would rather be hated by her than see her get hurt.

"You're not the only one who's hurt by his death, even Maidservant Kim was grieving." He stated, "If you left Songrim and head to the palace, do you think they will let you leave? They will have your head, Hyejin. Do you want her to mourn two bodies?"

Hyejin's face was full of betrayal, she swallowed the lump on her throat before looking at him. "Why must you stand against me, Sang Ho?" Her voice breaking in the process, "You said.. You said that no matter what happens, it was you, and i againts everything. Why am i the only one left here as you stand beside them?"

Sang Ho looks up to stop the tears that was about to fall off his eyes, "You're in the wrong, Hyejin." He stated, "You didn't just taint Songrim's name by hiding the truth about Naksu, you also harmed your fellow mages. That is against every single thing i believe in."

A tear escaped Jang Hyejin's eyes as she stare at Sang ho, who remained emotionless despite seeing the woman he loves crying. "Maybe we weren't meant to be together after all, Sang Ho." She spat with gritted teeth, "It's supposed to be us againts the world, not me againts you."

It wasn't supposed to end like this, he was supposed to fight for her.. He was supposed to stand by her side no matter what happens, im so sorry, Hyejin. I have to..

Sang Ho's knuckles were turning white as his grip on his sword tightened, "Im just doing my job, Hyejin. I can't let the world fall into chaos just because my heart belongs to you." Those were the last words Jang Hyejin heard before he left the secret room.

The moment he left the room, was the moment when Hyejin dropped to her knees and broke down.


After what felt like hours of crying, Hyejin's eyelids were starting to get heavy. But she refused to sleep, how the hell was she going to sleep knowing that they're probably proceeding with burning Uk's body now?

It was so tiring, maybe she should've just let Naksu stab her too. Atleast in death, she wouldn't be able to feel this hurt. She closed her eyes before leaning her back on the table, in the end, was it all worth it?

The sound of the door opening made her sigh, "Who is it this time?" She muttered as she was too tired to even speak clearly. She didn't even bother opening her eyes, whoever this person was, she just wishes for them to leave.

Yet a part of her was hoping that it was Sang Ho, if it was him, then was he here to apologize? The thought alone made her scoff, why would he? He already made it clear that to his eyes, she was a traitor. Just like how everyone in Songrim sees her now. He was no different, he was just like everyone.

Hyejin heard how the person sighed, she was about to tell them to leave when she heard his voice. "Hyejin?"

Hyejin snapped her eyes open, her brows furrowed as she looks up. "Yul?"

His heart ache at the sight of her, perhaps he should've told the leader that Mudeok was Naksu the moment he found out that it was her. Maybe he could've prevented everything if only he did, he sighed heavily before walking towards her and kneeling beside her, his eyes were still red, and puffy due to the fact that he was crying too.

Master Heo did not allow him to leave Sejukwon, but he knew that he could not let Hyejin deal with everything alone. Which is why he begged the leader, he begged him to let him see her. To comfort her before Master Heo sent him back home. It was the last thing he could do for her, for Jang Uk, and for Naksu.



The fact that im crying and listening to only love can hurt like this while writing this chapter

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