My Bride... [Yoo Joonghyuk X...

By Hardcorelover07

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โ—†BL [MxM] โ—†Mpreg (if you are not a fan of bl and mpreg please move on...) Yoo Joonghyuk was the Third prince... More

Chapter 1: Divorce
Chapter 2: Now my life belongs to him...
Chapter 3: After wedding
Chapter 4: Greeting mother and father
Chapter 5: cooking for you
Chapter 5.5: EXTRA
Chapter 6: Dokja what happened?
chapter 7: He's pregnant!
Chapter 7.5:Tomato soup (EXTRA)
Chapter 8: Message
Chapter 10: Older Brother
Chapter 11: Kick

Chapter 9: Imperial Palace

2.3K 99 27
By Hardcorelover07

(A/N: I used 'they' to address the unborn baby because gender hasn't been revealed yet)

Next morning

"Dokja wake up! Dokja if you don't wake up now we'll be late for Imperial palace!"

Dokja heard Joonghyuk voice but he was still very sleepy. He turns around and again went back to sleep.

"Dokja we need to go to imperial palace... Dokja wake up"
Joonghyuk who has been trying to wake up Dokja since few minutes straight realised just how unbothered pregnant people sleep.

Usually he let's Dokja sleep as long as he wants. Before Dokja was pregnant he would always get up before 7am. But after getting pregnant this 7am turned into 8am then after sometime in 9am and now Dokja would wake up around 10-11am.

It's was 7am currently Joonghyuk was all ready to go but he was getting late because Dokja won't wake up. Joonghyuk thought he'll wake Dokja after he gets ready and so Dokja get a little more sleep for sometime more but who would've thought waking him up would be such a trouble.

"Dokja wake up or we'll be too late!" Joonghyuk said in a irritated voice.

"Lemme sleep for 5 minutes more Joonghyuk-ah..." Dokja replied who was still too sleepy to wake up and get ready to go.

"I'll count till 3 you better get up or I'm going to Imperial Palace alone!" Joonghyuk said.

Joonghyuk started counting, from his voice it was clear he was warning Dokja to wake up before he counts till 1.




As soon as Joonghyuk said 1 Dokja quickly got up.

"Shut up! I can't even sleep now! See I'm awake are you happy now?!" Dokja said in annoyed voice. Clearly he was angry with the fact that someone ruined his precious sleep in the damn morning.

"Yes I'm very happy that you're finally awake now quickly get ready" Joonghyuk said nonchalantly.

"Sunfish bastard" Dokja cursed then turned around and went straight to bathroom.

"Be fast we're already late" Joonghyuk said loudly.

"Fuck off" Dokja voice came.

Hearing Dokja cursing him a smug smile formed in his face.

Head butler who came to call Joonghyuk downstairs for breakfast witnessed Joonghyuk smug smile and was terrified.
Joonghyuk who doesn't even show a expression during killing barbarians or traitors was showing Dokja signature smug smile??
Truly influence of others can affect you.

Finally head butler come back to reality and knocked the door.

Hearing the knock Joonghyuk turned around toward the door and saw Head butler standing there.

"Your Highness, you're getting late for breakfast" Head butler said.

"Ok I'll come down once Dokja finish getting ready" Joonghyuk responded.

"I understand" with that said head butler quickly left.

"Dokja quickly get ready breakfast is getting cold" Joonghyuk said.

Joonghyuk waited but didn't get any reply. Joonghyuk understood Dokja must be cursing him in his mind.

Joonghyuk waited for Dokja for some time.

"Dokja be quick we're already late" Joonghyuk said.

"Shut up just how many more times are you gonna repeat the same thing!!" Dokja said annoyingly while coming out of bathroom.

"Get ready" Joonghyuk said patiently.

"What else I'm even doing?" Dokja was totally annoyed.

First he woken up in the early morning then Joonghyuk keep telling him to be quick!

"Ok I'm ready" Dokja said grumpily.

"Let's go for breakfast" Joonghyuk said and extended his hands for Dokja to hold.

Dokja grumpily ignored his hands and quickly went forward.

Joonghyuk didn't mind that and followed behind Dokja.

As soon as Dokja reached the stairs he slowed down and carefully held the stairs railing so he doesn't fall or lose balance.

Dokja might be very careless when it comes to himself but he was always careful when it comes to his baby.

Dokja protectively put his one hand on his belly and hold stairs railing from other hand and start walking down carefully.

After walking down few stairs Dokja turns around and look at Joonghyuk who was still standing in front of the stairs but didn't come down. He was quietly looking at Dokja.

Dokja frowns at Joonghyuk. He gets annoyed that Joonghyuk was standing right there but not coming down to help him.

"Selfish jerk! First made me like this now doesn't even help me. Stupid bastard!" Dokja starts cursing his pregnancy hormones were definitely working again.

Finally Joonghyuk decides to move. He comes down and try to hold Dokja hands.

Dokja quickly jerks his hand and ignore Joonghyuk again. He carefully takes another step.

"Sigh" Joonghyuk sighs.

He suddenly picks up Dokja in bridal style. Dokja was surprised by the sudden movement and quickly grabs Joonghyuk clothes tightly.

Soon Dokja body adjust to the sudden movement he realise what happened. Dokja starts struggling to get down from Joonghyuk hold.

"Dokja stop moving" Joonghyuk said.

"Put me down" Dokja said annoyingly.

"No" Joonghyuk said nonchalantly.

"Put me down Joonghyuk" Dokja repeated.

"Be quite" Joonghyuk warned.

Thus Dokja stop struggling but keep cursing Joonghyuk in quite voice but loud enough for Joonghyuk to hear all the curses.

Joonghyuk carefully held Dokja in bridal style and come down. He carefully put Dokja on his chair and start putting foods in Dokja plate.

"Stop stop just how much you expect me to eat?" Dokja said in utter disbelief.

"You mean that much is too much for you?" This time Joonghyuk said in disbelief.

"Yes I'm a human not a devil! Just how much you expect me to eat?" Dokja said.

"Dokja even a child eats more than that" Joonghyuk said.

"I don't know which child you saw eating more than this!" Dokja said in disbelief.

"No chatting while eating and finish the whole thing" Joonghyuk said and took a seat and started eating his breakfast.

Dokja was still grumbling but Joonghyuk ignored him and continued to eat.

"Just eat as much as you if you can't finish the whole thing. Now stop grumbling" Joonghyuk said.

Finally Dokja stopped making a fuss and ate his breakfast. Once both we're done Joonghyuk helped Dokja to get on carriage to go to Imperial Palace.


Joonghyuk and Dokja both were sitting on the carriage. Dokja was leaning towards the window and looking outside at the lively market.

"Dokja don't lean outside the window too much" Joonghyuk said.

"Ok ok" Dokja responded but still continued to look outside.


"I heard it Joonghyuk"

"Don't lean too much"

"I know. Joonghyuk look there! Those sweets look tasty don't they? Can I have some?" Dokja asked in pleading voice.

Joonghyuk looked outside where Dokja was pointing he saw a sweet stall there. A sweet aroma was coming from there. Quite a lot of people were also standing in line outside the stall to buy sweet.

Joonghyuk face turned sour looking at those oily sweets that were keep there on open without any cover.

Joonghyuk stops looking outside and looks towards Dokja.
Dokja was looking at Joonghyuk with pleading eyes.

"No" Joonghyuk quickly refused ignoring Dokja pleading eyes.

"Please! Please Joonghyuk... I promise I'll finish my food from now on if you buy me that sweet" Dokja said trying to make Joonghyuk agree.

"No those are unhealthy" Joonghyuk said.

"Please I promise just today" Dokja said.

"No" Joonghyuk again refused.

"Please our baby wants to eat" Dokja tried to make Joonghyuk agree on the name of their baby.

"No those aren't healthy" still Joonghyuk refused.

"Please I'll agree to your any request if you buy those for me" Dokja said pleadingly.

"Really? Any request?" Joonghyuk asked.

"Yes yes any request" Dokja said hurriedly thinking he finally succeed.

"Okay" Joonghyuk said and smirked.

Looking at those smirk Dokja knew he fucked up! But it was too late now...

Joonghyuk told the coachman to stop the carriage and then he got out of the carriage and walked toward the stall.

Some people saw Yoo Joonghyuk walking towards the stall.

Soon the lively market was filled with murmurs.

Some people started talking.

"Isn't it the third prince?"

"It's the third prince"

"Third prince is coming"

"Quickly quickly move back"

"What? Who's coming?"

"His Highness Yoo Joonghyuk is coming you fool"

"What is prince doing in the market now?"

"How will i know?"

"Quickly make a way for His Highness"

There were ladies also who started gossiping as soon as they saw Yoo Joonghyuk.

"It's been so long since I last saw third prince. He still look so charming as ever"

"I know right all three brothers are carved by the god himself"

"Such a shame I can't believe a lady would leave a man like him and marry other man"

"I wish I could be in his harem but alas! none of the brother keep harem! All are only devoted to their spouse"

"I heard His Highness is soon about to became father"

"Huh? Are you serious?"

"Yes! Yes! One of my cousin is servant in His Highness mansion. She told me His Highness spouse Dokja is with a child"

"Hahh our dream shattered just like that"

"I have never seen His Highness spouse. Everyone say they've only seen him on the day of their wedding but that time too he was wearing veil"

"I heard he is drop dead gorgeous that's why His Highness don't let him out too often"

"Hah! Who knows if he's drop dead gorgeous or just ugly that's why His Highness hids him"

"No no my cousin told me he's really gorgeous and he's very kind too"

" 'sigh' We haven't seen him how would we know?"

Yoo Joonghyuk ignored all the gossips and murmur. He keep walking toward the stall while giving a small nod to everyone who greeted him.

Everyone who were standing in line moved back a little and gave Yoo Joonghyuk way to go and buy first.

Yoo Joonghyuk just nodded at them.

"Greeting Your Highness... It's a blessing for me that you come to a small stall like mine... Let me clean a seat for Your Highness. What would you like to have Your Highness" stall owner greeted him respectfully.

"Don't bother too much I'm just here to buy some sweets" Joonghyuk said.

"No no how could I let His Highness keep standing please have a seat your Highness" Stall owner said respectfully while cleaning at seat for Joonghyuk.

"I'm just here to buy some sweets for my husband" Joonghyuk said refusing stall owner offer.

Everyone was already keeping their attention toward Joonghyuk. Curious to know why he came to a small stall like this.

Now hearing that he was here to buy sweets for his husband everyone quickly start murmuring.

"Yes yes then I won't bother His Highness. which one would you like Your Highness" stall owner asked Joonghyuk pointing towards various types of sweets that were in his stall.

Joonghyuk just pointed at one sweet.

Stall owner quickly started packing it for Yoo Joonghyuk. As soon he was finished packing it. He handed over the packet to Joonghyuk.

"Any other request your Highness?" Stall owner asked.

"No. Thanks you" Joonghyuk thanked the owner and gave him the money. He turned around and made his way back to the carriage.

Everyone eyes kept following him. Finally once Joonghyuk reached the carriage, The person who was sitting inside the carriage didn't come outside or looked outside but everyone saw a beautiful slender hands which took the packet of sweets from Joonghyuk hands.

Quickly Yoo Joonghyuk also got into carriage. The carriage soon moved toward the imperial palace. The market was filled with murmurs.

Dokja happily enjoyed the sweets on the way to Imperial palace.


"My! My! Look who came to palace today" Queen said dramatically while she went to hug Dokja.

Dokja wanted to respectfully bow and greet her but Queen quickly went and hugged him happily.

"I hope you have been well Your majesty?" Dokja said.

"Why are you suddenly calling me your majesty? Just call be mother like you always do" Queen said.

"But Your majesty we're in palace" Dokja said Hesitantly.

"It doesn't matter just call me your mother" Queen said.

"Okay mother" Dokja responded happily.

"How's my little grandchild doing? Do they give you too much trouble?" Queen asked.

"They're healthy and alright, they're just little too energetic always kicking and moving around" Dokja responded.

"Pfff it's definitely Joonghyuk genes he was also very troublesome child! Always running around and destroying things! Good thing his brothers were no less energetic than him so this three brothers would always keep each other entertained" Queen responded.

Dokja just smiled listening to Queen imagining Joonghyuk being is mischievous kid.

"Where's Joonghyuk i thought you both came together?" Queen asked.

"He met some people at the palace gate. They wanted to discuss something so Joonghyuk said I should go first he'll come later" Dokja explained.

"Oh God we're also standing and chatting at the gate let's go inside." Queen said.

Both Queen and Dokja entered a big room. This was Joonghyuk room. After Joonghyuk had decided to live in his own mansion he left palace. But Queen decided to keep Joonghyuk room as it was.

Both Queen and Dokja were chatting when someone knocked.

"Come in" Queen ordered.

Hearing Queen permission few maids entered the room with tea and variety of snacks.

"Your Majesty, His Majesty is asking for you" one of the maid said while bowing.

"Okay I'm coming, leave" Queen said.

All the maids quickly bowed and left the room.

"You've come to the palace after so long but I'm sorry Dokja I can't keep you company today... I don't want to go but I need to go... Stay here and enjoy the snacks. If you want something just tell the maids" Queen said Apologetically.

"I understand mother" Dokja responded.

"If Joonghyuk comes I'll tell him you're here" Queen said and went out.

Now Dokja was alone in the room. He took a look at the snacks that were kept in the table but he was already full. So he didn't touch anything.

Dokja got up from the seat where he was sitting and started looking around. He went toward the big balcony which was in Joonghyuk room. He saw a beautiful big garden just outside. He has came to palace a few times but never got to look around on his own. He decide to look around the palace and garden today.

He quickly opened the door but saw few guards and maids standing outside.

"Do you need something your Highness?" Maid asked.

"No, I was just going to look around a little bit" Dokja responded.

"Your Highness" someone voice came.

"Hyunsung-ssi" Dokja said in surprised voice.

"Where you going somewhere your Highness?" Hyunsung asks.

"I was just going to see around the palace" Dokja responds.

"Let me accompany you then Your Highness"

"Please call me Dokja as you do hyunsung-ssi"

"It'll be rude to address you by your name in imperial Palace your Highness"

"Ah! okay"

"Weren't you on vacation hyunsung-ssi?"

"I was Your Highness but as the two princes and princess are coming back I was also called back on duty to see the security."

"Then aren't you busy now hyunsung-ssi? I'm sorry you can't go back to your work if you want Hyunsung-ssi. I can look around on my own"

"No! No it's not like that Your Highness. Joonghyuk-ssi told me to not leave you alone. He'll be late so he sent me"


Hyunsung accompanied and showed Dokja around the palace and garden.

Only some imperial Palace maids had seen Dokja before.
Most of the maids who saw Dokja with Hyunsung were curious about his identity. But no one really dared to come up and ask because they noticed how respectfully Hyunsung was treating him. They all guessed he must be someone really powerful.

"And this is the corridor you can easily see the garden from here" Hyunsung was showing Dokja around when a loud voice suddenly interrupted them.

"DOKJAAA" it was non other than Uriel excited voice. She was running toward Dokja happily.

"Greeting Your Highness Uriel" Dokja greeted her respectful.

"Why are you suddenly calling me so respectfully?"

"I thought I should mind my manners now that I'm in imperial Palace"

"The hell with damn manners! Just call me Uriel like you always do! I don't give a damn about those things so you shouldn't either"


"No but!"


"Greeting Your Highness Uriel"

Uriel simply smiled and nodded at Hyunsung greeting.

"What were you two doing?" Uriel asked curiously.

"I was showing around the imperial Palace to His Highness Dokja"

"You were looking around the palace? Then let me show you!"

"But Hyunsung-ssi is showing me around"

"It's alright Hyunsung-ssi won't mind it! Right Hyunsung-ssi?"

"No, it's alright Your Highness Uriel"

"See Hyunsung-ssi has no problem with it"

"Would you like to come along Hyunsung-ssi?"

"No your Highness Dokja now Her Highness Uriel is here with you so I'll return to look after the security preparations"

"Okay Hyunsung-ssi"

"I'll take my leave then Your Highness Dokja and Her Highness Uriel"

"Thank you for showing me around Hyunsung-ssi"

"It's my pleasure Your Highness" Hyunsung said and quickly left.

Now only Dokja and Uriel were there. Uriel enthusiastically held Dokja hands.

"Let me take you around Dokja" Uriel said excitedly.

Uriel excitedly chatted and showed Dokja around.
After a while Uriel notice that Dokja pace slowed down.

"Are you tired Dokja?" Uriel asked worriedly.

"No it's alright"

"No need to lie if you're tired we can sit somewhere and rest"

"If it's alright then"

"Can you walk a little more then? In the garden there's a really beautiful place just to sit and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the garden or we can just go there later"

"No let's go I can walk a little more"

"Okay but don't strain yourself tell me if your uncomfortable"


"Look we're here! You go and sit I'll tell the maids to bring some snacks and tea. You want anything specific Dokja?"

"No I'm fine with anything"


"Uriel aren't you busy too with preparations for the celebration?"

"No. I wanted to help them with preparations but Mother said, 'this celebration is to welcome you too then how can I let you work? You should go Dokja is also in palace you both can entertain each other' " Uriel said imitating Queen voice.

"Oh" Dokja responded quietly.

Both sit and chat for quite some time.

Little later Dokja started feeling sleepy. He was about to tell Uriel till a voice came from behind.

"Dokja" It was non other than Joonghyuk.

"You're back?"


"Are you done with your work? *YAWN*"

"Are you tired?"

"Yes I'm feeling sleepy now"


Come on don't rest here. I'll take you back"

"Why don't you take him to your room? He's very tired to go back it's better just to stay a night here"

Joonghyuk was going to refuse but then he noticed another big yawn from Dokja.

"Joonghyuk-ah I'm really tired. Can't we just stay here?"


Dokja just hummed sleepily.

"Can you get up? Let's go to the room then you can rest"

Dokja was too sleepy to even respond. He just hmmed with whatever Joonghyuk was saying.

Suddenly Dokja feel someone picked him up from where he was sitting. Knowing it's Joonghyuk Dokja soon relaxed and comfortably leans on Joonghyuk embrace.

Joonghyuk soon said goodbye to Uriel and started to walk toward his room.

Servants in Joonghyuk mansion were used to this kind of scene happening each day. But Imperial Palace servants have never seen third prince being so considerated.

So they were in utter shock looking at him carrying his pregnant husband.

At first Dokja used to get embarrassed whenever someone who look at them like us. But now Dokja ignore all those stares.

Joonghyuk soon reaches his room and lays down Dokja on bed gently and cover him with blanket.

Dokja quickly falls asleep.

Soon Joonghyuk also takes a bath and joins Dokja.


Finally Joonghyuk wakes up from his nap when he hears a knock at the door.

Joonghyuk gets up and opens the door and see a maid standing there.

The maid quickly bows to Joonghyuk.

"Your Highness, His Majesty and Her majesty are calling for You and His Highness Dokja in the hall for dinner" The maid says respectfully.

Joonghyuk just nods. The maid quickly leaves after that.

Joonghyuk again closes the door and see Dokja still sleeping peacefully.

"Dokja get up. It's time for dinner"

"5 minutes Joonghyuk-ah" Dokja responds sleepily.

"Mother and father are waiting we can't delay Dokja"

"Then just 2 minutes more"

"You've already slept for quite long Dokja"

"Just 2 minutes I promise"

Joonghyuk decides to let Dokja sleep till he takes a bath.

Soon Joonghyuk comes back from bath and walks toward the bed to wake up Dokja.

Suddenly he halts when he notice Dokja face paled.

"Dokja" Joonghyuk says loudly.

"Dokja what happened" Joonghyuk asks again.

But Dokja didn't replied instead his face became more pale.

"It-it hurts" Dokja said in a pained voice.

Suddenly Joonghyuk pulls the blanket away from Dokja and see Dokja clutching his hands around his stomach tightly in pain.

Joonghyuk quickly shouted loudly, "Guards send the imperial physician now!!"

Guards who were standing outside quickly ran to call the imperial physician.

Joonghyuk tries to offer water to Dokja but nothing works.

Suddenly the door was slammed open loudly.

"Dokja" Queen loud and worried voice came.

"Dokja what happened" Uriel who was following behind Queen also asks but soon her steps stops when he notice Dokja pale complexion. He was sweating, his one hand was gripping Joonghyuk hands very tightly while other hand was on his stomach trying to make sure the child was okay.

While Queen quickly goes and sit beside Dokja and grips his other hand. Trying to calm him and reassure him.

"Dokja what happened tell mother" Queen asks worriedly.

"It- it hurts" Dokja says in a pained voice.

Queen quickly look toward Joonghyuk.

"It's too soon for contraction to start" Queen says in panicked voice.

"The imperial physician is here" A guard inform him loudly.

"Send him inside quickly" Uriel quickly orders the guard.

"Yes your Highness" The guard quickly leaves.

Soon a tall man wearing a white colour coat and panting heavily enters the room.

"Greeting your maje-"

"They can be done later please take a look at our Dokja first" Queen says hurriedly.

"Y-yes your majesty" Imperial physician replies while still gasping for air.

To be continued...

A/N: it's your author again here today with a cliffhanger.
What do y'all think what's going to happen next?
Anyway it's kinda funny to say this but yesterday was actually 1 year anniversary of this fan friction.
I don't know weather I should laugh knowing it's been one year since I started writing this or cry realising even after one year it has only 10 chapters... 🥲🥲
Anyways please have patience with me dear readers. I definitely won't be dropping this nither I would make a rushed ending. Even if I take long time to upload next chapter I will write it properly.
And thank you for your so much love and support! 💕

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