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By xgirIxgirIxx

7.2K 87 55

Will byers swears he doesnt smoke. Hes never even looked at a cigarette. but, when high school rolls around i... More



150 0 1
By xgirIxgirIxx

Wills pov

Max spun the bottle, it landed on Beverley.

"Hm, I would marry max, kiss Jane, and kill mike." She said, grinning at mike.

"What?! Kill me!?" Mike outbursted.

"It's not that deep mike, it's just A game." Will laughed, smiling at mike.

Beverly laughed again, before picking up the bottle and spinning it.

It landed on Jane.

"I would, marry max, kiss Beverley, and kill mike." Jane said, giggling at the end.

"Are you guys out to get me?" Mike asked, his face still angry.

"No, we just don't want to kill Will, he's too nice." Max laughed.

"You guys have obviously never seen Will." Mike rolled his eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Will asked, rasing a eyebrow at mike.

"It means, your an asshol-" but before mike could finish, a pillow was shoved in his face.

"Hey!" He Said, removing the pillow off his face.

Will had shoved the pillow in his face, he grinned down at mike.

"You wanna start shit now, huh?" Mike said.

Will shined his teeth at mike, before hitting him with the pillow again.

"You bitch!" Mike Said, getting up and grabbing another pillow.

He gripped the pillow tightly, as he threw it at wills head.

Will dodged it, but it hit Jane smack in the face.

"Hey!" She yelled, grabbing the pillow off the ground and throwing it back at him.

"Hey wait! Before we do this!" Mike announced, making everyone lower their pillows and look at him.

"Does anyone have a hair tie?" He asked.

The girls looked at eachother, before starting to giggle.

"What?" Mike Said, confused.

"Oh, you weren't joking?" Beverley asked, her giggling stopping.

The girls stopped laughing, and max reached into her pocket and hand one over to mike.

He grabbed it, and tied his hair in a pony tail.

Will felt his face turn hot, as mike turned around to face him, he looked majestic.

"Okay! Now we can start!" Mike said, before he smacked Will with a pillow, getting him out of his trance.

"Hey! I wasn't ready!" Will yelled, smacking mike.

"It's because I'm so hot huh?" He said, smirking at Will.

Before Will could say anything else, his face was smacked with a pillow.

"Shut up love birds!" Max yelled, pushing Will to the ground.

"Get off me, hoe!" Will yelled, kicking max in the stomach.

Max quickly got off him, clutching her stomach.

Will got up, and smacked max with the pillow.

Jane ran over to Will, smacking him with her own pillow.

"Hey, leave my girlfriend alone!"  Jane yelled, hitting him again.

Max shortly joined her, also hitting Will.

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry!" He said, holding his hands up.

The girls glanced at eachother, still holding up their pillows.

Max nodded at her, before taking a step back from Will, Jane doing the same.

It's almost like they were talking with their minds..girls are weird.

Will let a breath out, walking over to mike.

"Why didn't you help me?!" Will whined, grabbing onto mikes arm.

"I was being attacked by Beverley!" He said.

"Oh, that makes sense." Will sighed, leaning into mike.

"So, we are gonna pull an all nighter, right?" Max asked.

"Yeah, of course!" Jane yelled.

Will honestly felt light headed, but he didn't say anything, assuming he was tired.

"Do you guys wanna sneak out?" Beverley asked.

"Why would we sneak out, our mom doesn't care." Jane shrugged.

"What? Lucky." Max said, crossing her arms.

"We should go down To the gas Station." Jane said.

"We don't have money." Mike said.

"I do." Beverley said.

"How the hell do you have money?" Will asked.

"Digging around in my aunts purse, she always has cash." Beverley said, holding up a few 20s in her hand.

The five of them grinned at eachother, before running down the stairs and heading out the door.


About half way through the walk, Will was starting to slow his pace.

The reason for that was, since he could barley see straight, the world was spinning right before him.

He looked down at his shoes, I seemed the world was going to fall below him.

"Mike..I don't..I don't feel well." Will said, making mike turn around.

"What? Whats wrong?" Mike asked, stepping towards Will.

Will reached out his hand, but instead his whole body fell forwards, his mind collapsing.

By the time Will woke up, everyone was staring down at him.

"He's alive!" Max yelled.

"Shut up max!" Beverley said, punching her in the arm.

"What.. What happened..?" Will asked, looking directly at mike.

"You passed out, you were only out for about 30 seconds though." Mike said.

Mike looked up and Jane, sharing glances.

"We think we know why, or Atleast me and mike do." Jane said.

Will instantly knew what they were talking about, which he let out a sharp exhale.

"What? Why did he pass out?" Beverley asked.

"Ugh, come on. I'll explain it on the way to the gas Station. Mike, stay here and watch him." Jane said, grabbing the two girls arms.

Mike nodded at her.

Will sat up all the way, slightly leaning on mike.

"I'm sorry." Will said, his voice cracking at the end.

"Hey, hey It's okay. It's not your fault." Mike said, holding him closely.

"I didn't mean to ruin the night." Will said, his eyes watering.

"You didn't, I promise you." Mike said, stroking wills cheek.

Will leaned on mikes chest, sniffling into mikes shirt.

Mike ran his hand through wills hair, doing his best to comfort the boy.


About 10 minutes later, the girls came back with twos bags in their hands.

"We are back!" Max said, joining the boys on the ground.

They were sitting in a grass patch, in the park, just in the dark.

"Here." Jane said, handing will a bag of chips.

Will looked at the bag and grimaced, before looking back at jane.

"Please, try to eat at least some." Jane said, sitting next to Will.

Will slowly opened the bag, glancing up to see where everyone was looking.

He noticed nobody was looking at him, which did make the situation a bit better.

He took one out of the bag, placing it into his mouth.

Will hated the taste, he hates the texture, he hated everything about this.

He tried to ignore it, as he put a few more in mouth.

He set the bag down next to him.

"I'm done." He announced, which made them all look at him.

"You barley ate any?" Jane said, holding up the bag.

"I'm full." Will lied.

"You haven't ate anything the whole day." Jane said.

"It's fine, im fine." Will Said.

"Can you have Atleast a few more?" She said, holding out the not even half empty bag out to him.

He grabbed it again, looking down into the bag.

Did Will mention he also hated the shape?

He wanted to just curl into a ball and start crying, maybe they would all forget about eating and worry about something else.

Will frowned at the open bag, he knew he had to do this, for his sister.

He stuffed a few more chips into his mouth, before sitting the bag down again.

"Thank you." Jane said, smiling at will.

Will slightly smiles back, before looking at mike.

"Can we Go to sleep when we go back?" Will asked.

"Yeah, of course." Mike said, ruffling wills hair.

I Promise next chapter you'll get some fluff, but for now take this. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed!

Words: 1264

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