♡ Slasher x Fem Reader ♡

By H3ll0lovelys

79.8K 1.4K 845

Y/n becomes a nurse at the asylum for dangerous killers, she's going there for one reason only, that she and... More

-Y/n's Backstory-
Interview Time
Meeting Them Part One
Meeting Them Part Ywo
Art and Crafts
Getting Rough
New Comers
Quality Time
Game Plan
Lets Get This Party Started Part 1
Lets Get This Party started Part II
Settling In
What a Night
Getting Caught..??
Nice to meet you
Who's this?
One chance
Visuals & Announcements!

Into The Walls

1.8K 32 33
By H3ll0lovelys

TW: Talks about abuse


I get up out of bed and head to the bathroom to see the damage Stu and Freddy did yesterday. I look at myself in the mirror and pull down my shirt.. yup.. hickeys all over my neck!
Ima need to cover this up cause who knows how the others will react. I cover up the hickeys with good old makeup and a hoodie.
I head downstairs so I can get some breakfast in my stomach and see what's up with everyone one else.

No one

No one's in the kitchen.. hm ok. I mean I thought I would at least see one person in the kitchen or on my way to the kitchen, oh well, I wonder where everyone is tho.

I go on with my day and make myself some scrumptious food 😋 scrambled eggs with a side of bacon and a piece of toast, oh and a bowl of strawberries! ( Change if u want(: ) I go to the living room to eat cuz I wanna watch some tv, maybe the news to see what's up in this world or maybe watch some Scooby doo, dateline, something like that.
After lots of thinking I put on (movie/show choice) and start eating.

From the corner of my eye I see one of my bigger paintings moving- oh, now Brahms is stepping out.
I look at Brahms seeing him standing there looking at me with such cute eyes, wearing some sweats with a tank and a cardigan of course. I pat the seat next to me, signaling for him to come sit with me, he comes walking over to me and sitting down.

Hi Brahms :) what's up? How are the walls working for you?

Hi y/n :D The walls are great! All the exits are nice and tall so I don't have to crawl out and everything's actually spacious considering everything looks normal from the outside but uh I came over cause I saw you from the walls and I uh saw you had bacon. .

Oh, I'm guessing you want some bacon?



I look down at my bacon than up at Brahms than back down.. I close my eyes for a second than push my plate towards Brahms, he happily takes the plate and eats a slice of my bacon.

Brahms had pulled his mask up to eat the bacon cuz duh, that how it goes in but it made me think.
I've never seen Brahms face. . I've only seen his chin, lips, and a bit of the side of his face. Though, I never asked to see.
I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice Brahms staring down at me.


Hm? Oh- sorry Brahms

Haha it's ok :) ..

I wanted to ask you something y/n

Oh ok, what's up?

If you're not doing anything, maybe wanna hang out with me?..

Oh, I would love to Brahms :)

YAY! :D come onn let's go!


I shove the last of my food into my mouth (not cute y/n) before Brahms fully drags me away.
It looks like we're going towards the walls so I guess that's where we'll be.

Brahms opens up one of the paintings and we step inside.

(A/n, inside the painting or other entrances have latches to lock. Dunno why I'm saying this but yeah.)

The painting:

Me and Brahms walk down the paths that lead to different rooms and such. When I was building the walls to be how they are, I made sure there was one room big enough to have a bed and just big enough to be cozy for a person. There's no kitchen in the walls tho, only a toilet but it seems fine with Brahms tho.


So, y/n..

Yes Brahms?

How are you feeling with everyone here? No one's giving you trouble right??

No one's giving me trouble:) everything's good. And I feel great!
It's nice to have everyone here.. it was always me and Esther, the family we did have weren't nice, loving people, we had a pretty bad family. I know me and Esther weren't always nice either but.. well never mind but I'm glad to have a family that actually cares. I know Esther's finally happy to..

Oh.. well we all love you y/n, I love you, don't forget that.

-Brahms stops, now in his room-

We'll always be here for you

-Takes y/n's hands-


-Leans down & kisses y/n on top of the head-

Oh Brahms. .


I wrap my arms around Brahms neck, pulling him into a hug. His words were so warm, I've never felt comfort and love like that, it was strange but I liked it so much. It's what I needed to hear.

I slightly let go but only to kiss Brahms on his porcelain cheek.
I see Brahms eyes wrinkle as he slips his hands around my waist. We just hug for a few seconds and then Brahms takes me to sit on his bed.

-Half an hour later-

Me and Brahms laughed, talked, and joked. He showed me some things that he made, like paper origami, small taxidermy animals (didn't ask where he got those small animals), paper dolls, you know.. just stuff like that. Brahms even gave me a (fav color) origami swan! It was so cute, I loved it. Brahms was so happy to hear that to lol.
But then came the questions..

Y/n, can I ask you some questions?

Hm.. sure, go ahead

You said you had a bad family, can I ask what happened to them?


Sure.. me and Esther had our birth parents but they were abusive. They would starve us, beat us, lock us up, and cut us.. as we got older we got stronger and would fight back. Like throwing hot coals at them, physically fighting back, they tried to get rid of us to. Sending us off to asylums, mental institutions, you name it and I bet we were sent there. Still we escaped or got kicked out.


How did you kill them?

Setting the house on fire with them inside

Did you kill anyone else?

It was manly just Esther though, killing the families she stayed with, but I did kill some people over the years.

Why did you want to take me, the others, to live here? Why did you help us?


I don't know..

I guess I just didn't want to be alone, hoped if I took you guys with me and Esther, that we could all be together, like a family.

Is that all Brahms? I-it's getting kinda late

Yes that's it, no more questions.. let's just lay down and relax. Ok?



We laid down, Brahms arms around me. My head against his chest, hearing his heart beat, the calm constant beating of his heart. Everything was drowned out, I would've missed when Brahms had taken off his mask. His face in my neck . . Kissing my neck gently before drifting off into sleep..

Goodnight Brahms



Sorry for taking forever to post 😪 I have writers block but I hope y'all enjoy 💋

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