Ishimondo Oneshots <3

By kaedeakamatsu234

216 8 14

Okay so this is not going to include smut bc i have my own book for it. PLEASE CHECK THAT OUT IF UR INTERESTE... More

Lecture (Pt 2 of Pity Party) ๐Ÿ’•

Pity Party ๐Ÿ’•

149 3 6
By kaedeakamatsu234

Hi! This is exciting. Ive never really invested in fluff other than reading it so here we go! It's a bit angsty at first bc Taka is a lonely guy but then it get's fluffy. I hope you guys enjoy!!
Also if you're interested in smutshots please go check out my other book!

Today was August 31st! Kiyotaka Ishimaru's birthday. He was turning sixteen today. Of course, since he wasnt a little kid he decided not to have parties anymore. Actually, he decided to stop throwing parties at year seven. No one would ever show other than his dad's friends or family. He'd invite his class, trying to make friends and all of them would ditch on him. Eventually he just gave up.

Not this year though. This year he was going to try again. He still didnt have any friends but that wasnt going to stop him. It was his sixteenth birthday after all and he had already gotten the supplies the day before. All he had to do now was invite his classmates.


Kiyotaka woke up when his alarm went off. He turned it off with a groan and sat up, cupping his hands over his face and using force to pull them back down. He had barely slept due to being really nervous. Soon he remembered it was his birthday and got excited. He got up and quickly got ready for school. Afterwards he went down to meet his father for breakfast.

"Good morning, birthday boy!" His dad grinned, obviously busy with breakfast.

Taakaki quickly finished up cooking and served it to his son. It was white rice and grilled fish.

"It isn't a lot but I wanted it to be nicer than usual for you birthday. So, Happy Birthday!" He presented the dishes to Kiyotaka, put them on the table, and gave his son a hug.

"Thank you father. Im so grateful you're doing this for me but you really didn't have to." The boy hugged back, dipping his head when they broke it.

"No. Don't say such a thing. What kind of father would I be if I didn't do anything special for my only son's sixteenth birthday?" He patted the prefect's shoulder, "Now, eat before it gets cold."

"Yes sir." Kiyotaka and his father then sat and ate together. He still had about twenty minutes before he had to leave so he started to talk to his dad about how excited he was.

"I know I said I was excited..but I'm also so nervous."

"Why are you nervous? I thought your classmates liked you. If you change your mind I'll take everything back to the store." Taakaki was worried no one would show up. He was sure his son wasn't lying to him but he knew Kiyotaka was likely to be misinformed and think that people actually cared for him.

Kiyotaka, on the other hand, lied and knew he didn't have friends. He didn't want his father to pity him.

"No! No! Not at all! Sorry for raising my voice...but I don't want to cancel. I don't want to be alone."

"Im sorry I cant be there, bud. Being an officer is rough, you know that." The man ruffled his son's hair and cleaned up the table.

"I know.." He wasn't upset at his dad, it wasn't his fault. But still, it hurt knowing his dad had to go work instead of spending time with him like they usually do on his birthday.

Kiyotaka glanced at the time and got up as well. He patted his uniform and put his hair back into place. "I have to go now, I love you."

"Alright, I'll see you tonight. I love you too, birthday boy."

Kiyotaka grabbed his bag, along with his invitations, and left the house to walk to school. Like usual, he got there early and started to hand out his fliers to his classmates as soon as he saw them.

Sayaka was first, she just giggled and thanked him.

Togami just scoffed and crumpled his up, causing Fukawa to do the same.

Celestia politely accepted the invitation but when Kiyotaka turned away she handed it over to Hifumi to put it in the trash

Mukuro and Junko were no shows.

Kiyotaka didnt even bother to invite Leon and Yasuhiro, knowing they'd trash his house.

Makoto, Chihiro, Sakura, and Aoi all said they were busy. It upset Kiyotaka because he knew they were the most likely to show up out of the rest of their class.

And finally, the last person he saw that morning since he was running late as usual. Mondo Owada. He didn't think Mondo would show because he knew the gang leader hated him but it was worth a shot. In all honesty, he respected the biker. The only thing that peeved him was the constant rule breaking and vulgar language.

"Hey, Owada! I was wondering if you'd want to come over today? I have cake!" The prefect smiled and handed Mondo the piece of paper.

"What's th' occasion?" Mondo took the paper and examined it, it was literally just a paper with Kiyotaka's phone number and address on it, decorated with pictures of balloons. A bit childish but he didn't really know how to celebrate. No wonder no one wanted to go.

"'s my birthday! I really hope you can, if you're not busy of course." Kiyotaka sighed, recalling the last few people he dared to ask.

"Ill think about it." Mondo watched as the raven haired boy nodded and walked away to his seat. 'He didn't yell at me for being late. Must be special to him.'

Mondo didn't hate the boy. He wasn't the type to judge people just like that. The only thing he disliked was the constant detentions. Mondo just assumed Kiyotaka didn't like him so he never listened to his lectures. Now he was having second thoughts on their views because of this sudden invite.


School went as usual, nothing too special other than Kiyotaka's mood being through the roof. He was so proud of himself.

After school he went straight home and started to set everything up. Everything was ready but he didn't get any text messages. He got a little bit worried about it. Starting to wonder if anyone would come. Maybe he should've invited Leon and Hiro. Sure it'd be terrible but he'd still have company.

Fifteen minutes. The party had started fifteen minutes ago and no one had showed up yet.

"I thought people usually showed up early to these kinds of things." Kiyotaka muttered to himself, he was waiting at the window for any cars. He got excited every time he saw a car drive near his house but then when it would drive pass he would get upset again.

It became thirty minutes.

Then forty five.

Kiyotaka gave up on the window. Now he was sitting in front of his cake with a fork. He teared up, wishing his dad was there. He heard his phone ring and realized it was his dad. What a convince.

He picked up, "Hi dad!" He tried to sound cheerful.

"Hi Kiyo! How's the party going?"

"Oh its going great! How are you doing?" He wanted to punch himself in the face for lying to his father.

"Im doing just fine. Im glad you're enjoying yourself. I just wanted to check in on you! I have to go now. I love you."

"Oh. Thanks dad!" His father hung up before he could continue, "I love you too.."

He sighed before starting to cry. He felt the first few tears start to roll down his cheeks. He curled up, resting his chin by his knees. He didn't even want the cake anymore. It was a basic white cake with red sides that said "Happy Birthday Kiyotaka!" He glared at it and then looked away, his vision becoming blurry with tears.

He started to hear this awful motor outside but decided to ignore it. That was until he heard a knock. He quickly freshened up, wiping his tears to look like normal again. It was a skill he developed a long time ago. He rushed towards the door and opened it.

There was Mondo, standing with the invitation in his hand, "Oh! Sorry 'm late..I read the wrong time. Then it took me a little bit to find yer place. I was expecting more cars. Did everyone leave already?"

"N-No! You're the first one. Welcome! You can come inside." Kiyotaka was beaming. He stepped aside so Mondo could come in.

"Wh- Really? Oh shit.." The biker knew what was going on now.

"What made you want to come? I thought you didn't like me." Kiyotaka knew he figured it out. Mondo wasn't dumb.

"Says who? I jus' don't like when ya put me in detention all the god damn time. Thought ya hated me 'til this." The taller boy took off his shoes while talking.

"I never hated you! I just get annoyed due to your constant rule breaking. Speaking of rules though, I'll make an exception for your vulgar language. We aren't in school, but do know I don't appreciate it in my house either." Kiyotaka crossed his arms.

Mondo chuckled, "Thanks I guess..what were you plannin' to do? There has to be somethin' right?"

"About that..I've never had a birthday party before. Well- I have. But no one's ever shown up. So I guess I was planning to figure it out when everyone got here."

The gang leader cringed, "That fuckin' sucks man. I'll stay. We'll figure somethin' out."

"Really!? Oh thank you Owada!!" The raven hugged the bigger man without thinking. Mondo just accepted it, despite not being one for physical interactions.

"Oh my. Where are my manners? I'm so sorry about that! I don't know what came over me.." Kiyotaka apologized after quickly letting go of his new friend.

"'s fine. Don't worry 'bout it. you have any video games or we can do some sort of 'getting to know each other' thingy?"

"Um..I don't have any video games no, but I dont mind just talking to you if you're okay with that."

"Sure. I offered it."

Kiyotaka invited Mondo up to his room and they left to go up there. They started talking and really hit it off. It was surprising how well they clicked. They laughed together and trauma dumped. It got really personal but neither of them minded.

The topic then went back to the party, Kiyotaka talking about why no one showed up.

"My father is at work right now. He's an officer." Taka sat in fetal position on the floor in front of Mondo who was sitting criss cross.

"Yeah. Yer dad and I are pretty close." The biker scoffed, recalling how many times the cop had put him in cuffs.

The raven chuckled, "I dont know how he'd feel if he found out you were in my house right now. Speaking of that though, how many times have you been arrested?"

"Too fuckin' many to count." Mondo chuckled, receiving a small glare from Taka.

Though, he was a little curious, "What for?"

The biker started to list off all of his crimes, the main ones were robbery, assault, being in an adult only building as a minor, gang stuff, etc. Kiyotaka knew for a fact that if this criminal was found in his house he'd get into so much trouble. It intimidated him.

"Shit, bro. Mind if I go outside real quick?" Mondo asked, reaching for his pocket and standing up.

"Erm..sure. But why?" Kiyotaka stood up as well.

"Smoke." He pulled out his lighter, showing it off.

The prefect's eyes widened; he knew this guy was bad but he was still shocked that he was a teen smoker.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Before ya open yer mouth about it, I know." Mondo just left the room and went onto Kiyotaka's back porch. Taka just huffed and followed the taller man.

The gang leader took out a cigarette and lit it, putting it up to his lips and breathing it in. He exhaled shortly after. The raven just looked at him awkwardly.

"Wanna try?"

"Oh heavens no!" Taka's eyebrows furrowed. "I am curious though.."

"Come on, ya wont get addicted. It'll be our secret. I wont tell a soul. Man's promise." Mondo smiled, it was charming. Attractive even. Taka blushed, taking the cigarette. Every part of him but his blossoming feelings were screaming at him to stop.

"Good, now put it up to your mouth and breathe it in." The taller put his hand on the shorter's back, watching.

"This is so immoral.." Kiyotaka muttered before inhaling, it was bitter and gross. He exhaled and immediately handed the cigarette back to Mondo.

"Hey at least ya tried it!" Mondo laughed, taking his turn. He blew the smoke back into the prefect's face, making the other cough, earning him glares.

"How do you even get addicted in the first place?"

"Plenty a reasons, rebellion, the feeling, etc."

"Ah..I see. Im afraid we're going to have to do some laundry when youre done. Is this the last you'll take in if you're staying?"

"It depends on how long im stayin'." Mondo took another huff and put it out. Usually he would just throw it on the floor and step on it but he decided, since his host wouldn't appreciate it, to properly dispose of it.

"You may leave whenever you feel like it. Oh by the way, I think we should eat the cake. I don't want it to be untouched when my father gets home."

"Yeah, that'd be embarrassing. When's your dad gettin' home?"


Mondo nodded and they went up to Kiyotaka's bedroom, bringing the cake with them. They placed it on his desk and started to pick at it with their forks.

"We smell like smoke, I'd like to wash your clothes. I can give you something else to wear while you're waiting." Kiyotaka said before taking a bite.

"That's cool with me." Mondo's mouth was full as he replied.

"Bad thing is, I don't really know if I have anything that'll fit you. You're free to look though."

Mondo shrugged and went over to Kiyotaka's closet, looking through it. What he didnt know is that Kiyotaka was getting undressed. His shirt was off when Mondo turned around to ask him a question. His face flushed and he completely forgot what he was going to say, the shorter guy was extremely fit. It was hard to tell when all he wore was his uniform. Today was the first time he's seen the guy wear normal clothes.

"Oh my, I apologize..I should've asked if you were comfortable." He was about to say something else but was interrupted.

"Nah it's alright, I don't mind."

They continued to change together. It was awkward but eventually they finished up and put their clothes in the laundry. Mondo had put all of his stuff in a pile on the ground. They decided after they were done to move Mondo's bike to the backyard and finally went back up to watch movies together and munch on cake. They were on their second movie when Mondo was starting to get really flushed. During movie one he was fighting with himself to make a move. Now that they were almost done with movie two he was tired of being a coward. He did the basic move of wrapping his arm over the other's shoulder. Taka just chuckled and gave him a humorous look. He really thought Mondo was just joking.

The biker wanted it to be a little more obvious, "Hey bro, what's yer experience with dating?"

"Hm. It's not very great. I've dated a few guys, but all of them wanted me for my body. Which I wouldn't let them have because it's illegal. I wasn't of age back then."

Mondo was completely shocked; he'd never expect that Taka was interested in dating like that.

"Why are you so surprised? I thought it was well known that I'm not straight. People make that very clear..all of the time." Kiyotaka sighed; he didn't enjoy this topic.

"It's not that, I'm just shocked you've dated before."


Mondo just laughed, causing Taka to frown. The biker ruffled his hair and pulled him closer, in attempt to make him feel better. It honestly did, causing Kiyotaka to laugh with him.

Eventually the laughing stopped, and Kiyotaka decided to speak up, "Have you dated? What kind of girls are you into?"

"Are ya just gonna assume I'm into girls?" Mondo paused, barely holding in his laughter when he saw the prefects face, "I'm just jokin'! I've dated plenty of girls. Been pretty interested in exploring though. Wouldn't mind dating a dude. I think I'd like someone to put me in my place. Someone with a spiky personality. I actually have someone in mind. He's shorter than me, he has these gorgeous red eyes, and I haven't known him very well for long but I'd be willing to try it out."

"Really!? I have one too! He's a lot bigger than me, but I dont mind. He's a little rough around the edges but I know deep down he has a soft spot. He's really the first friend I've ever had and I feel that even if he doesn't reciprocate, I'm still so grateful to have him in my life."

Mondo felt it in his gut that the boy next to him was speaking about him. He decided to just go for it and he leaned in for a kiss. Taka gasped before their lips met, the kissed lasted longer than Mondo expected so he decided to put his hands on the smaller man's waist while the other put his hands on his face. The kiss got deeper, the biker expected it to get a little heated as they started to make out but it was really the opposite. It was full of fluffy passion. He didn't expect Kiyotaka to be a very good kisser but boy was he wrong. That dude had him melting.

After about a minute of making out, Kiyotaka pulled away to catch his breath, doing so he teared up.

Mondo immediately panicked, "Shit, did I do somethin' wrong?"

"No! Not at all.. it all just added up. I can't believe I caught feelings so fast. Everything about you is just.. I don't know." He was super happy, he couldn't find the right words.

"It's crazy, I know. But I wanna be with ya. It'd make me so happy."

"It'd make me happy too but are you sure you want to rush into this? What if it's just an 'in the moment' thing?"

"No way! I want to date you, Taka. If you're not okay with it at any point we'll break up and stay friends."

"Okay. I trust you. But um..would you mind spending the night? I can sneak you out before my dad gets home."

"No problem with me." Mondo chuckled and pecked Taka on the lips. "Lemme call my brother and tell him."

After the biker finished talking to his brother, him and his new boyfriend continued to watch movies until they got tired. They got changed again and laid down in the bed together.

"This was my best birthday yet. Thank you so much." Kiyotaka cuddled up Mondo, laying his head on the bigger man's chest.

"There's no need, I owe it to ya."

After some playful bickering they eventually fell asleep cuddled close together. Mondo in his boxers and Taka wearing a plain white t-shirt along with some sweatpants.


It was around 4am when Takaaki walked through the front door, immediately rushing up to his son's room to check on him. He entered and smelled the faint scent of smoke and some weird cologne. It was concerning. He walked up to the bed where he saw two silhouettes instead of the usual, one. Panicked, he turned on the light to see Mondo Owada, practically naked, cuddled up with his son. That definitely caused some misunderstanding.

In other words, the two boys were fucked.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this, I've never really written fluff before. Well I have but not anything like this. So here you go!! 3267 words :)

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