Recovering || minsung|| *disc...

By TheNebeKing

290 27 42

2/3 book sequel to First aid (Seungjin) I strongly suggest you read first aid first to get an idea of everyth... More

Im so sorry


17 2 5
By TheNebeKing

The next day

Minho was walking along the lonely street. It was cold but he had a black zipped-up jacket and it felt cozy, plus he was high and was enjoying the wind blowing on him. He still didn't have a place to stay, he didn't want to go home. He takes another hit from his pen held it in for a little bit and exhaled feeling the effect flow through him like how blood flows through veins. As he walked down the road he starts spinning with a wide smile.

As he spun he slowly spun onto the sidewalk tripping over the curb and crashing onto the ground. He didn't feel any pain, no he didn't care about the pain he was giggling the whole time.

Meanwhile, Jisung was pacing around his room trying to decide whether or not to call Minho and see how he was doing after his injury, Should I? Or would I annoy him? Like I don't know if we're at that level of friendship yet. I let him stay in my house which he asked to stay in. But many people have different levels of friendship. Oh my gosh, why are feelings so difficult?

After a while of pacing, he decided to do it. He took a deep breath grabbing his phone, please don't go wrong...

He scrolled through his contacts and found Minhos and pressed calls. Jisung was more nervous than ever he started to feel a cold sweat. Come on I'm just being dramatic, but what if I make him uncomfortable when I call him? I know some people don't like talking on the phone.

He tried to collect his thoughts but as he was about to hang up, "Wassup" Minho slurred startling Jisung out of his deep thoughts.

"Hey uh," he said hesitantly of god I didn't think this through...

"You wanna come over and hang out?" Jisung, "Yeah sure text me the address" he giggled. Jisung frowned hearing his giggle, "Are you ok?" He asked in a genuine tone.

"Yeah I'm just happy, and I'm a little high not gonna lie, but I feel great!" Minho laughs, Jisung frowned, "Are you outside?" He asked, hearing the wind blow through the phone. Minhos hearing became thin slowly hearing ringing. He didn't freak out he just stared across the road with heavy eyelids.

"Minho? Minho? You still there?" Jisung called out, worried crept up in his heart. Minho smiled his ears still ringing. He's felt this way many times, he wasn't scared like before, he was too high to even try to do anything. He just stared until the ringing calmed down.

As he came down he heard Jisungs calls, "Hey sorry my ears were ringing" Minho laughs, "Where are you right now" he asked slowly losing patience, Minho giggled looking around, "I honestly have no idea".

Jisung sighs, "Send your address I'll be there in a little bit ok?" He asked making sure Minho understood, "Mmhm" Minho smiles hanging up the call and going to their messages, and sending his location. Minho lay on his back on the grass feeling the texture of the ground underneath him.

He groaned turning and laying on his stomach he put his earbuds in and drifted off to sleep.


Jisung pulled up to the neighborhood looking side to side trying to see where Minho could be. He slowed down his car seeing a guy laying on the grass. He saw a phone right beside him, it was Minho's phone case. He look confused, Did he pass out? He thought worriedly. He got out of the car and dropped to his knees to check on him.

He turned him around to see him sound asleep. Jisung looked at him and he saw earbuds in his head, he carefully took them out snapping Minho awake.

"Huh?" He asked, rubbing his eyes, "It's Jisung, I'm taking you to my house, remember?" He asked softly while rubbing his back wiping the dirt and leaves off.

"Fuck I'm so tired" he groaned, "Then get up get in the car and I'll take you to my house and you can sleep ok?" Jisung said lifting Minhos arm and wrapping it around his shoulder getting him up.

Jisung got Minho in the car, fastened his seat belt, and drove back home. As he drove he took glances at Minho to see him asleep the entire ride. After a few minutes, they pulled into the driveway. He got out and unlocked the front door. He then went back to the car and got him out.

It took a couple of minutes but Jisung got him in, locked the doors behind him, and laid Minho on the bed going to his room to take a nap himself.


Minho woke up confused, what? Minho looked around confused, it clicked he was in Jisungs room, well his spear room but he knew he was at his place. Minho let out a sigh of relief. He walked out of the room looking around the apartment taking notes of everything so he wouldn't be startled if he ended up here again.

He walked down the hallway seeing the bathroom and the family photos on the walls. he smiled seeing a baby picture of Jisung, aww he thought smiling his smile is adorable

He gently put it back on the wall making sure it was steady before walking away. As he walk further down he saw a door with a sign that said, H.J. Minho went up to it and knocked on the door. When he heard nothing back he slowly opened the door and peeked inside to see Jisung sleeping.

He debates whether or not to wake him up. He found himself standing at the entrance at his door staring at the guy. He snapped out of his thoughts, If he woke up I'd probably look like a creep to him! He thought walking up to him. He kneeled down and carefully shook him awake.

Jisung snapped awake looking confused, "Oh it's just you, do you feel better?" Jisung asked rubbing his eyes and reaching for his glasses, "Yeah I still feel a little high but other than that I'm feeling great" Minho smiled getting, "I didn't know you wear glasses"

Jisung nodded, "Yeah when I'm too lazy to put my contacts on," he said stretching, "What time is it?" he asked looking at Minho, he pulled his phone out, "It's 6:37," he said turning his phone off, "Fuck! I have so many assignments to do! My stupid alarm didn't go off!" he says getting up grabbing his notebooks and book bag putting them on his bed. Minho got up and sat at his desk fiddling with the pens and pencils.

"Are you ok if I stay here while you do your work?" Minho asked quietly. Jisung nodded, "Sure but please don't make a lot of noise," He said then turned his whole focus to his work.

15 minutes later Jisung it stuck on a question it was starting to get him so frustrated he felt he was going to cry, and he did. Minho looked his way to see Jisung wiping his tears, "What's wrong?" he asked sitting up.

"It's nothing, Science is so fucking stupid!" Jisung groaned dragging his face through his hands, Minho frowns, "What question is it?" He asked

"It's not the subject it's the wording" Jisung huffs running his hands through his hair for the 50th time. Minho got up and sat next to him, "Can I see?" He asked gently taking the book out of his hand.

"Oh this is easy" Minho exclaimed, Jisung scoffed, "Then you do it then!" He snaps, Minho chuckled, "Ok," he said

"No don't seriously do it-" Jisung says, "Would you rather have me help you and break it down for you to understand and help you learn it or stress out to the point you start to cry? Again." He asked rhetorically

Jisung huffed giving up, "Ok go ahead," he says. Minho smiled at his face. He took his pen out, held the button and inhaled, held it in for 2 seconds, and exhaled, he let out a fits of coughs.

"You're getting high again?" Jisung asked in surprise making Minho laugh lightly, "Yeah for me I do it because it makes me feel calmer and I know the stuff so weed helps me not overthink it" he explains

Jisung nodded, "Does that work for everyone?" He asked Minho smiled shaking his head no, "Hell no some people just can't take weed and some have layers, all depending on the person, the mood, and the type of strain you have. This is perfect for me and it works for me" Minho says

Jisung watched as Minho worked, dozing off, he checked to see it was midnight. Now to some that doesn't sound bad but to Jisung, it was mental and physical torture trying to stay up. He always had a routine and he was ruining it.

Don't fall asleep, wait until he's done, read it, then pass out, he thought. Minho kept taking glances at Jisung to see his eyes closed for a few seconds then snap back wake. Minho smiled, "Jisung, you can go to sleep," he says softly.

Jisung shook his head his body rocking back and forth. Damn, he's stubborn Minho thought, Minho took his hand and gently pushed Jisung to lay down rubbing his neck and ears making Jisung even more sleepy than before, and before he knew it he drifted to sleep.

Minho smiled at the resting boy, "Sweet dreams" he mumbled.

Guess who's back~ back again~ I'm back fr this time even tho I have like 4 more exams I'm still gonna post. I hope y'all ready this finna be a CRAZY ride.

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