𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐟�...

Od wizardette

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Female!Reader "𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐦... Více

Prologue I
Prologue II
ʏᴇᴀʀ ᴏɴᴇ ⬫︎︎ Ghosts and Birthday Truths ⬫︎︎
ʏᴇᴀʀ ᴏɴᴇ ⬫︎︎ A Daughter of Consequence ⬫︎︎
ʏᴇᴀʀ ᴏɴᴇ ⬫︎︎ A Boy With a Familiar Face ⬫︎︎

ʏᴇᴀʀ ᴏɴᴇ ⬫︎︎ Welcome to Hogwarts ⬫︎︎

614 30 71
Od wizardette


Whenever Harry thought about returning to Hogwarts, missing the train and stealing Mr. Weasley's car was not how he thought it would happen, but, he could now check flying cars off the strange things he's discovered in the wizarding world.

Ron tightened his grip on the steering wheel as the car shook dangerously and Harry did his best to pretend that if the car broke down, they wouldn't plummet to their deaths.

He'd be lying if he said a part of him didn't find this exciting, maybe that made him sick, but after almost getting thrown out, his grip on the door dangerously loose, his excitement died down and mixed with his nerves.

Below them, somewhere, was Hogwarts Express, full of children eagerly waiting for their return, or first glance, at Hogwarts. Where Hermione Granger sat, probably worried or furious about their absence.

Though Hermione wasn't the Granger that was the topic of conversation.

"You've been going on about this since Diagon Alley, Harry - we have more important things going on here."

Harry glanced out the window before giving Ron a look, his shoulders tense.

"Somethings just off about this whole thing," he paused and furrowed his eyebrows, "My scar only ever hurt when I was around Professor Quill last year, and he was connected to Vold - er sorry, You-Know-Who, and now...."

Harry gently pressed the tips of his fingers to his forehead, thinking about the girl who seemed to trigger a dull ache right where his famous lightning imperfection lay. Y/N Granger was a name he knew well, it fell from Hermione's mouth more times than he could count.

It was quite clear that her opinion of her little sister was unpretty with the complaints that she threw at the girl they never met. Harry never gave it thought, he was used to family members trashing each other, but now he wondered if they shouldn't have taken Hermione's warnings so lightly.

Ron pressed his lips together and grabbed a toffee, enclosing it with his fingers.

"Is it the same? The pain? Do you think she has a connection to him?"

Harry instantly shook his head as something tightened in his chest.

"No. No, it barely even hurts, it's uncomfortable almost - closer to a slight headache."

"And you said you felt it at the train station, was she even there?"

Harry just hummed in confirmation, feeling his cheeks warm at the memory. Her stare was warm and curious that day, something he felt strangely embarrassed about taking note of before she looked away when he caught her.

He almost forgot all about it until he went to Diagon Alley and felt the ache under his bangs once again, the same one from Kings Cross, and saw her with a fluffy, silver cat - if he remembered correctly, she was holding it at Kings Cross as well.

Ron suddenly snickered, seeing the red fade from Harry's face.

"Maybe you just think she's cute, are you sure you aren't just making excuses to bring her up?"

Harry jolted in his seat, whipping his head to look at his best friend in disbelief. This was a serious concern and his first thought was to make jokes. Maybe he was being theatrical about the girl, but when a house elf gives him a warning about returning to school, going as far as to get him under house arrest, and then a girl shows up and causes his scar to react - well it seems to be far past a coincidence.

"Don't be ridiculous, I wouldn't lie about this - Ron seriously, come on."

Harry scoffed as Ron shrugged, wrinkling his nose as he made fun of the boy. Sure, maybe the thought of the eleven-year-old girl, Hermione Granger's sister no less, being the destruction of the school was a bit far-fetched, but what else was he supposed to believe?

"Harry, relax, I believe you, but maybe try to get to know her instead of jumping into getting her expelled," Ron said, shoving sweets into his mouth, "She may have nothing to do with Dobby, maybe you just had a headache both times."

"I don't want to get her expelled, now who's being dramatic? Hermione might hate her, but she's still her sister - she'd never forgive us, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be suspicious about her."

Ron raised his brows in sudden horror.

"Oh no...we're going to have two Hermiones. It's bad enough to have a know-it-all, but now an evil one? Kill me now."

The car gave a sudden shake and the two widened their eyes.

"Be careful what you wish for, Ron," Harry said, swallowing, "You might just get it."

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Y/N traced the words on the page of Hogwarts: A History carefully, reading slowly so she wouldn't skip over anything important. Ghost's purs filled her compartment as he rested his head on her thigh, his body curled up next to her.

With furrowed eyebrows, she pressed her lips together before taking a deep breath. She never found reading anything informational fun or interesting, her mind couldn't comprehend most of it and it wasn't hard for her to drift to a new subject. Right now, it took most of her energy to keep her focus on the book she had on her lap and not dig through her bag of candy.

She dug her fingers into Ghost's fur and bit the inside of her cheek in frustration.

She could have just waited to arrive at school to read the real one instead of a copy from Flourish and Blotts, but with no one sitting with her, there wasn't much for her to do.

Her focus came and went as she read, her vision blurring every few seconds as she tried to concentrate on the words that made zero sense to her. Of course, this wasn't her choice of subject, but it was the safest alternative to the others she had.

She glanced at her carry-on of books, seeing the corner of the one she was dying to read peak out. She could almost sense it calling out to her, but she knew better. It doesn't matter that no one would see, it was too risky.

Her fingers tingled as she glimpsed at it once again, her mind begging for her to give in, to take the chance to figure out more about her powers with the opportunity she has.

A cold pit formed in her stomach as she shook her head. No, not until she was completely alone.

Her hand instinctively reached to the tiny lump under her shirt, feeling the wire and stone of her necklace through the cloth. She wasn't supposed to speak about her abilities, she wasn't supposed to give any indications of them, especially to anyone that seemed suspicious of her.

All it took was one wrong move, one slip-up for them to connect her to her mother and it was over for her.

"Promise me," her father said, cradling her face in his hands. "You'll be careful."

"Maybe I just shouldn't go, it'll be easier."

Philip gave her a sad smile and let his hands fall to her shoulders. He flattened the fabric that covered them and gently shook his head.

"You have to, what kind of father would I be if I let you deny the chance to understand who you are?"

Y/N frowned as she clenched her jaw, eyebrows furrowing. It was too dangerous for her to go to Hogwarts, it was clear to her that she would never be welcomed there if found out, so why go in the first place?

"I don't need to learn about anything," she said, staring into his dark eyes, "I know who I am. Don't get me wrong, Hogwarts sounds amazing, but what happens if they find out? Dad I'm not supposed to exist..."

A light shone in Philips's eyes as he chuckled.

"Don't worry, you have people protecting you there, you're not keeping you're secret alone."

Y/N did her best not to show her shock.

"Who? I thought no one -?"

"Just some friends," Philip interrupted, "Really good people who would gladly give their lives to keep you safe. People who love you."

Y/N leaned back, her eyes squinted in bewilderment.

She didn't know anyone over there, so how would there be people who love her enough to die for her?

The brightness of her compartment suddenly transitioned into nearly pitch black, making her blink the memory away. She stared out her window in confusion, jumping in her seat seeing no sign of the sun that was just shining colorfully.

The sound of paper being torn echoed in the silence, making her flinch. She glanced around the compartment with wide eyes, her hand falling from her chain as she frowned.

Hermione went searching for her friends and she hasn't come back, so she could only assume she found them, so Y/N was alone. The compartment door was closed as well, the noise outside of it was pretty nonexistent.

She looked down at her book and closed it gently. Another paper was torn somewhere and she glanced at Ghost, who slept peacefully next to her. She placed the book on the other side of her and winced in confusion as she heard another page get ripped around her.

She glanced back at her bag and pulled it to her and dug around, wondering if the books inside were placed wrongly or if she left something sharp inside. When she found nothing, her eyebrows furrowed as she pouted her lips.

It happened again, the sound coming from above and she looked up at the shelves. She waited patiently until she heard it again, narrowing it down to the area, and she gently placed her bag back down on the bench across from where she sat.

Standing, she went on her tiptoes and looked at the frames above her, keeping her balance as she squinted her eyes to see clearly. They were dusty and dark as she reached her hand. She pressed her lips together, feeling lint and dirt cover her skin.

The sound of pages getting torn got louder and became recurring, making her huff. As she continued to search, her hand came along something that felt almost skin-like. She froze, hesitating before reaching her other hand in and bringing it out.

When it came to her eye level, her head tilted in curiosity. The tearing paper stopped as she made the shape of the object out. The compartment was silent, the only noise was the mixture of Ghost's breaths and her own.

It was a simple journal, the cover an inky color. Pieces of gold covered some parts of the leather-bound book and she looked around. She fell back onto the flats of her feet and chewed on her bottom lip.

She didn't want to open it, she wasn't cruel enough to look through someone's diary, and she wasn't even sure if she would be able to in the sudden darkness. Instead, she traced her finger along the edges, humming when she noticed no signs of missing pages.

Maybe there was a creature she missed, ripping pages somewhere she couldn't see. Her eyes landed on Ghost and she threw the idea away. He would have noticed as soon as they entered, it was his weird talent.

She turned the diary around and her brows twitched up as she caught the name on the back.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle," she muttered, reading it.

It wasn't familiar to her, she could only guess it was from an older student who left it on their last train ride.

A sudden chill covered her body as she ran her fingers along the golden name. She shivered harshly, glancing at the window to see if it was open. It wasn't.

The train gave a sudden lurch, making her door unlatch before slamming back close. She dropped the diary as she was sent to the side, her hand catching the wall to keep her from standing.

Her eyes were wide as she looked at Ghost, who stayed asleep. Her face wrinkled in confusion, nearing concern, but her attention was quickly diverted as she noticed the diary on the floor, open, its pages seemingly brighter as she stared at it.

She couldn't move, or maybe she was too scared too. Why was she scared?

She could see from where she was that the pages were empty, with no signs of writing ever taking place in them. Her breathing was uneven as her body shook.

There was barely anytime to blink before the pages started to move, flipping to the next and the next like some gush of wind was pushing them. Her heartbeat matched the pace of them as she watched.

Stopping closer to the end, Y/N was finally able to move as the pages halted. She slowly moved closer to it, but she paused as she got nearer, her breathing ceasing as elegant writing slowly started to take place in the middle of the page.

She had to be imagining all of this, or she was dreaming.

The writing stopped and she felt a crinkle form between her brows as she looked at it. Without thinking, she bent down to pick up the book, her head tilted as she read the word - no, a name that was foreign to her.

As she reread it, over and over again, she widened her eyes as the thought raced back into her head, slamming into her mind as hard as a brick. Her eyes skimmed her surrounding frantically as the realization choked her.


She was dreaming.

In an instant, like she hit a switch, her vision disappeared, a white flash taking over her mind as she dropped the book, the sound of it hitting the floor was the last thing she heard.

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Y/N gasped, her body jolting as the bright sun returned to her sight, filling the compartment like it never left. Her eyes felt dry as she tried to catch her breath, a few tears falling from them like they'd been open for hours.

As she regained her awareness, she felt nauseous as air filled her lungs with every trembling breath she took. Her face crinkled as realized she was sitting up, her book still in her lap.

Her vision was blurry as she glanced around in puzzlement.

She never woke up, her eyes never closed...which meant she never fell asleep. Panic filled her as she comprehended the situation.

She had a vision, though not uncommon, it wasn't frequent. But they only ever happened when she was sleeping, not once was she awake when they invaded her mind.

Her body was cold as she was frozen in her spot. This was new. Something that has never happened before, and she was alone for it. The bottom of her stomach turned dangerously as she swayed, her fear too strong for her body.

She closed her eyes, swallowing as she tried to get her heartbeat under control. Her hands were trembling and a shiver went down her spine.

She was okay, it wasn't anything big, she had to convince herself. Her right leg shook as she took a deep breath and opened her eyes. She glanced to her right, seeing Ghost, who stared at her with his big, blue-tinted, silver eyes.

He must have woken up during her panic.

His paw swiped gently at her sleeve and he let out a soft, drawn-out sound, which made her mind refocus back on reality. She took a few breaths and nodded, gulping as she rested her body back.

Her hand moved to Ghost, her fingers entangling with his fur.

"I'm not alone," she whispered, "I'm not alone."

Ghost crawled up onto her lap, the familiar vibration from his body as he purred took over her senses as she swallowed what tasted like acid. He pawed at her necklace, which was no longer hidden underneath her shirt and she sighed, pushing him away as she put it back.

Some part of her craved to find her sister and seek comfort from her, but she knew it was pointless. Besides, if she was with her friends, she was with Harry Potter, and there was no comfort in the fierce stare that he directs at her.

She thought back to their interaction at Diagon Alley and felt her cheeks go warm. Talk about embarrassing. Maybe it's better if she never came across him again, she wasn't ever going to live that down.

Her eyes suddenly became tired, her eyelids drooping as a yawn escaped her. Her fingers rested on Ghost, his warm, small body taking her fears away as sleep tried to take her.

She eyed her school book, which was now dangling on her knee after Ghost forced it off her, waiting for it to fall.

Ghost's purs grew louder as he fell into a peaceful slumber and Y/N hummed quietly, a piercing ache throbbing in her head as her adrenaline died down.

Her eyes closed and she let her head fall to her shoulders. The book hit the ground, but she was too tired to move. Her heartbeat slowed and she took a deep breath, and it wasn't too long before sleep decided to come for her too.

Hopefully, she doesn't get forgotten on the train.

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Although it was only Harry's second year, he couldn't shake the feeling that starting off the school year normally was going to be off the table for the rest of his time here.

His stomach was full as he and Ron walked toward their common room, their heads hung low in a mixture of relief and humiliation. It was one thing to be scolded by Professor Snape, the chances of being expelled extremely high, but it was another thing for the Headmaster and their head of house to be involved.

Their arrival at Hogwarts could have gone smoother, maybe they could have gotten to go to the feast and Sorting before they were caught, but the Whomping Willow - a tree that he hadn't come across until that night - was awake and well when the car broke down, crashing right into it's moving limbs.

Seven Muggles saw them, the blue flying car that belonged to Mr.Weasley was at the front of multiple newspapers, shining the obvious downfall of the two boys.

He wasn't sure what luck endowed him and his best friend to be able to stay at the school, but the likelihood of his second year being on a constant thin rope was high, and he needed to make sure he doesn't get too reckless in his time here.

Ron's hair reflected the hall's light as they neared the stairs that led to the Gryffindor Common Room and creaks from suits of armor followed them. Harry could even catch some of the paintings moving out of the corner of his eye.

They didn't talk after Professor McGonagall had them eat their dinner in Snape's office, Ron believing that it was to make sure they didn't show off. Apparently showing up at school in a flying car and crashing into a tree hellbent on destroying everything in its path could be a big deal.

The two climbed up the flights of stairs until they reached the familiar painting of a larger woman in a pink silk dress.

"Password?" she said, eyeing them.

Harry felt his heart skip. They never received it as they haven't come across the Gryffindor prefect.

"There you are! Where have you been?" came a familiar voice from behind them.

Feet scattered up the stairs as they turned, coming face to face with a red-faced Hermione Granger, her eyes squinted, enhancing the darkness of them. They watched her as she took deep, fast breaths before she spoke again.

"They're not true! Those rumors, the most ridiculous rumors! Expelled from crashing a flying car!"

"Well, we haven't been expelled," Harry provided her.

Her face dropped faster than the golden snitch, color draining from her face. Her face became stern.

"You're telling me, no- you're not telling me you flew here," she said, her voice stringent and near demanding.

"Save us the lecture," Ron's voice spoke out beside him, his eyes rolling with impatience, "and tell us the new password."

"Wattlebird. But that's not the point -"

The portrait swung open and Hermione's words faded out as a storm of clapping swallowed the silence that wilted throughout the castle. The whole of Gryffindor's house seemed wide awake, packed in the common room and cheering as they came into view.

George Weasley let out a long exclamation and before they knew it, arms reached through the portrait hole and grabbed the two boys, leaving Hermione on the stairs in shock before shuffling after them.

Harry stumbled in, his eyes wide with shock as they were pulled in.

Lee Jordan and the Weasley twins were the loudest with their applause, declaring that Ron's suspicions were likely right. The whole school knew about their entrance to Hogwarts and they appeared to think there was nothing more daring and terrific.

Usually, Harry would hide in situations like this. Cheers for him was something he had to get used to, but getting used to it did nothing to change the uncomfortable ardor he would feel in the aftermath.

"Inspired!" yelled Lee, "What an entrance! Flying a car into the Whomping..."

Harry felt dizzy as his voice vanished, muffling into the background. The instinct to vacate tried to overwhelm him, but he was stuck in his spot as he felt the pain in his forehead.

It was the same pang that seized him at Kings Cross and Diagon Alley, consuming his thoughts and senses. He whipped around, frantically looking around the crowd in bafflement. The arms of older classmates he didn't meet last year and the loud joviality of the whole Gryffindor class wasn't enough to drown out the feeling that started to form under his bangs.

He didn't know what he was expecting, her sister was a Gryffindor, so it shouldn't be surprising that she was sorted into the same house, but he was caught in shock anyways. Maybe it was the gloomy thoughts that were put into his mind that convinced him she was to be placed elsewhere.

His eyes scanned through the crowd, looking for the girl with H/C hair roaming around. What was it about her? What was it about this girl that made his scar burn like a fever when she was around?

He searched as he felt Ron bump into him, his face matching the shade of his hair. Many people clapped him on his shoulder and he did his best to keep his focus detached from his surrounding peers, the attention was never good for his sanity, as he spotted a sudden blur on the stairs.

His eyes locked on her, as they did before, and he fought the urge to touch his scar. From where he was he could see the colorless expression on her, her eyes narrowed as she looked down at the crowd. There was something off, something startling about her expression that gave him the urge to flee.

His stomach twisted as she held his attention. He's seen her twice, he didn't know her, but there she was, keeping him locked in place in suspicion and worry.

A plan was formed, he was told, it was too dangerous to go back to Hogwarts.

Harry watched her carefully, to the way she held on to the wall, her foot on the edge of the step. Her sleeves covered her hands and there was visible drainage on her face. She appeared exhausted.

Nothing about this girl screamed evil or dangerous, unsettling perhaps- but she seemed endearing from their interaction, although it wasn't much to go on - they didn't speak much.

A part of him felt ridiculous, this was Hermione Granger's little sister. If she was a part of some scheme to destroy Hogwarts, she would have known. Unfortunately, it seemed his paranoia was stronger than his logic because it didn't seem possible to think of anything besides the threat this first year could be.

Y/N's eyes suddenly caught his and he flinched and quickly looked away. There was a lurch in his stomach and he frowned. He shook his head and let his eyes fall back to her, holding her baffled stare.

He studied her through his squinted gaze as color rushed back to her, shoulders raising as her breath got caught. She stood straight as she looked away, not bothering to watch her path as she rushed up the stairs, toward her dorm.

She moved fast, Harry could barely process it when she left his sight. If there was one thing he's observed about her was that she was skittish, and always on the move.

The warm discomfort slowly left him as she disappeared from his sight and the sound of the crowd forced at his skull as he came back to reality. He looked around him, swallowing nervously as people continued to congratulate him and Ron.

He glanced back at the stairs unconsciously, but all he saw was Percy Weasley, a frown so deep on his face that Harry wondered if it was liquefied. His face was crimson as he started toward the group and Harry quickly nudged Ron in the ribs.

Ron followed his gaze and caught on quickly.

"Got to get upstairs - a bit tired," he said, and the two didn't waste any time getting to the stairs, moving past Ron's older brother.

Harry glanced at the crowd as they reached the stairs case and eyed Hermione, who stared at them with a look of exasperation mixed with bitterness.

"Night," Harry called down to her before quickly following Ron up their dorms.

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Y/N paused, looking at the red curtain in her dorm room.

Ever since she got off the train, her body seemed to be moving only by force. Coldness seeped into her bones and her head begged her to reclose her eyes, let sleep take over her once again.

She could assume it was the new shift in her abilities that caused the weakness in her, but it was alarming. Her visions...they never had such an effect before. Though, they'd never come while she was awake before either.

However, she was confident that her powers were the smallest of her crises. Whatever impact they had on her, whatever they did to her, was nothing compared to him. Everyplace she went it seemed, even in her own home, as if he was there, his gaze was on her. It was so menacing, it haunted her dreams.

She didn't even make it past the stairs when she witnessed him enter the common room, the crowd cheering him on. The whole school was talking about him and Ron Weasley and how they flew a car into a tree. It was bizarre.

It almost seemed instant, like all it took was one foot to hit the floor for him to sense her. His eyes were on her before she even blinked. Intense and nosy, like before.

His eyes were nearly as alluring as the school itself. The vigor of green shade, the emotions they illustrated so plainly. They consumed her with every glance.

She wasn't sure why he was so curious, or what she did to wrong him, but she could guarantee that it had something to do with Hermione. Who knows what tales she told him? Maybe to him, she was the devil. She was definitely painted as one.

Evil made its way to Hogwarts in the form of Hermione Granger's little sister. She didn't even think of the possible reputation her sister gave her last year - maybe they indeed thought she was the definition of immorality.

Speaking of the school, Hogwarts was stunning.

The moment she roused, her eyes caught it, seeing it from the window. She had to move slowly, not because her body fighting against it, but afraid she'd been dreaming again. It was just so captivating.

The way the darkness of the night sky let the lights inside shine a beautiful marigold enchanted her instantly. The water reflecting each stone and each star in the sky was enthralling.

She wasn't a big fan of water, and she wasn't the greatest swimmer, but the boat ride to the castle had a classic, fairytale-like feel to it, making her get lost, drunk even, in her surroundings.

The outside was so unreal, she didn't believe the interior could beat its magnificence, but one step in and she knew she was mistaken.

It was one of the most comforting atmospheres she's ever felt. She couldn't even imagine it...for a whole school year, waking up to it every day. The only thing that would make it promising is if her parents were here.

The Sorting didn't take long for her as The Sorting Hat was quick with its decision. It was merely a few seconds before it shouted Gryffindor, cheers from the house following, louder than anything she's heard.

When she walked towards the table, she caught her sister's eyes. They were wide with disbelief, like she couldn't believe that Y/N made it to the same house as her.

Y/N would be lying if she said it didn't discourage her at first, but as usual, it was easy to shake the disappointed feeling her sister shared with her.

She made sure to avoid Hermione after that, doing her best to overlook any conversation that could lead to a face-to-face confrontation between the two, something that surely put a damper on the atmosphere, but she was able to ignore it when she saw the Muggle-born from Diagon Alley, Josephine Carden, beaming at her, opening a place for her to sit.

She was glad to see Sophie had made Gryffindor as well. Perhaps the two could actually become friends.

Y/N folded her shirt neatly before placing it on her bed. In her year were three girls besides herself, though she and Sophie were the only two present in the dorm. One of them was Ron's little sister, she recognized her from Diagon Alley, though she couldn't remember her name.

She was too uneasy to pay attention to anything but her own name during the Sorting.

Beside her piles of clothes was Ghost, who was sent to the Gryffindor Common room once she was sorted. He lay calmly, watching her unpack as Sohpie rambled about classes.

Y/N glanced up at the blonde as she continued folding, eyebrows raised.

Sophie quickly shoved all her clothes into her chest, letting the lid fall down. She placed her books on top before shaking her head and trying to get them organized.

"Sophie?" Y/N called out, frowning, "Is something wrong?"

"You don't think our dormmates are clean freaks, do you?"

Taken back, Y/N slowly took the last piece of clothing out of her trunk and watched as she tapped her finger on her lips, glaring at her school books.

"Oh uh, I don't know. Why?"

Sophie shrugged as she switched a larger book with a smaller one and Y/N noticed she was trying to organize them by color. Her curls bounced as she quickly looked over at her, a wrinkle between her brows.

"I was homeschooled, so I don't have much experience with people," she hummed as Y/N looked at her books, taking a visible breath, "Do you think clutter would bother them?"

"I'm not sure, I haven't met them. I don't even know their names."

Sophie pressed her lips together before sighing and sitting on her mattress. She glanced at Y/N over her shoulder and gave her a tiny smile.

"Maileen Chinen and Ginevra Weasley."

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows as a sense of familiarity took over her, making her breathless. Her chest ached as the name suffocated her.


In a moment, it was like she was drenched with cold water, her mind flashing back to the darkened train.

The diary slowed, landing on one of its final pages.

Y/N watched carefully as she tried to keep her balance. Fear and curiosity seeped into her bones and she waited. The noise of a soft scratching filled the compartment and she sucked in a breath, her eyes never leaving the journal.

Just like that, the pages weren't empty anymore, a single word taking place in the center in elegant handwriting. She glanced around, her brain begging for a reasonable explanation for her situation.

Her eyes landed on the book once again and she found herself moving forward like she was compelled.

She bent down, her hands shaking as she picked up the text. Her eyes were squinted as she read the mystical writing that appeared on the page.

She traced it with her thumb, the page rough under her skin. She didn't recognize it, she wasn't sure if she's ever heard it in her life.


Her eyes flickered up to meet Sophies with caution as she came back to reality.

"Ginevra? Sounds familiar."

Sophie widened her eyes as she moved, sitting to face her, not noticing the tremors in Y/N's hands.

"Really?" she said in surprise, "Because I haven't heard anything like it. Pretty, no?"

"Well," came a voice behind Y/N, "Personally, I'm not the biggest fan. I prefer Ginny."

Y/N turned quickly, seeing a girl with vibrant red hair walk in, a delicate smile on her face as she pulled her trunk in. She examined the dorm before looking at Y/N, her head tilted like a cartoon.

"You're Hermione's sister, right? You were brought up quite a few times."

Y/N could only look at her with dread and confusion. Her brain was going a mile a minute as she stared into her dark eyes. It took a few seconds before Y/N recovered and she raised an eyebrow, observing her as she decided on her bed.

"Yeah, I'm Y/N," she paused, her lips tight. "Was I at least an interesting conversation topic?"

Ginny looked at her in amusement as Sophie snickered.

"Not sure, I wasn't a part of it. It was Harry who couldn't shut up about you."


Y/N went rigid, the memory of his gaze flashing through her mind once more.

"Yeah, something about his scar hurting. They don't know I was listening though, so don't go talking to him about it."

Y/N sat down on her bed after she finished putting everything away. Ghost crawled onto her lap and she frowned.

"What does that mean," she asked, "Is it bad?"

Sophie hummed like she was thinking the same thing and Ginny shrugged, looking at her apologetically.

"I don't know, I'm sorry."

"Oh..that's okay," Y/N looked around the room to avoid eye contact, her fingers twitching as they combed through Ghost's fur. "What's he like? Harry?"

Sophie let out a small gasp as she looked over at her, her eyed wide. She dropped a shirt she was holding and crawled towards the edge of her bed.

"Oh my gosh, do you fancy him?"

Y/N's eyes went wide, her heart suddenly beating at a pace that made breathing difficult.

"What? No! I was just curious, honest."

Her eyes flickered to Sophie and Ginny, who let out a quiet laugh as she started to unpack.

Sophie pouted her lips as she sighed, shaking her head.

"Well that sucks, he's cute."

Y/N scrunched up her nose. This was not the conversation she was hoping to have. Though it was a nice distraction considering the other conversation she could bring up with the redhead.

Ginny let out a small hum as she walked towards Y/N's bed, meeting her eyes before sitting on the edge. Y/N's breath hitched as she got closer, but was lucky enough for it not to be heard.

"He's kind, though doesn't talk to me much — spends most of his time with Ron. He might be a little shy."


"Is that not the impression you got?"

Y/N shrugged, watching Sophie out of the corner of her eye, seeing her sit on the bed next to the two.

"Well I've never actually met him, bumped into him once," she furrowed her brows, ignoring the way Sophies eye's lit up, "There wasn't really a conversation."

Sophie let out a little gasp, making the two turn to her. She pressed her hands to her cheeks as she swung her legs over the bed.

Her mouth parted slightly when she realized the attention was now on her. Her hands fell and she gave a small smile.

"Oh, ignore me, sorry," she pressed her lips tight together, "I should uh, finish organizing."

She quickly jumped off the bed and headed to her own, flinging her red curtain around.

Y/N eyed Ginny with furrowed brows.

"What was that about?"

Ginny frowned before shrugging, her eyes brightening as Ghost crawled off Y/N's lap and onto hers. Y/N hesitated to let him go, but before she could grab him, he was rubbing his tiny head against the girls palm.

"Hey handsome," she muttered.

Y/N pulled her knees under her chin, wrapping her arms around her legs. She watched as Ghost lifted his face into her hands and bit the inside of her cheek.

Maybe for once she was wrong. It was possible, right? She was still so new to this, she hasn't even figured out how to interpret her visions, so maybe she was reading it all wrong.

But the energy on the train...the diary. It all felt so wrong, so threatening, and yet Ginny seemed so nice. How was she connected to something that made her body so cold she felt frozen?

She watched carefully as she played with the cat. She kept her focus on the girl's brown eyes, watching them widen and squint with each move Ghost made. Something wasn't right, she could feel it.

"Hey," Sophie started, peeking her head through the curtains that hid her bed, "Maileen still hasn't come up, should someone go down and find her?"

Ginny glanced up, her smile faltering as her focus left Y/N's cat.

"I'm sure she's fine, probably just caught up in the crowd. I'm sure she'll be up soon - that or their little party will be stopped shortly."

Y/N nodded in agreement and Sophie hummed, raising her brows before inverting back into her hiding place.

"What's his name?" Ginny suddenly said.

Y/N popped her head up, sucking in a breath as she processed the question.

"Oh, sorry. Ghost."


Y/N reached over and gave Ghost a little pet, shaking his head softly. He let out a sound of complaint as he shook her off, swatting playfully at her hand.

"Yeah," Y/N continued, "I found him in a cemetery."

Ginny stared at her for a second before laughing quietly. She held Ghost's face in both her hands.

"Spooky. Well, welcome to Hogwarts Ghosty, I'm sure you'll fit right in."

Y/N gave a small chuckle, her lips twitching into a smile. Oh, she was positive Ghost would fit in nicely, and everyone seemed to love him. She, on the other hand, had to be careful with how close she could get to the others.

One wrong move...

She eyed Ginny then glanced at Sophie's bed, her forehead wrinkling.

She didn't know them, she couldn't trust them with her secrets that's for sure. The vision was enough to throw her off Ginny's course. Should she even ask her about it – could she without raising suspicions?

She wanted to be their friend, it would be awkward to share a room with them if they didn't get along, but is it too risky? Friends lead to telling secrets, don't they?

Hell, she could hardly depend on Hermione to keep the secret. She doesn't even know if she told Ron and Harry. She could hardly trust her own sister, so trusting two strangers was out of the picture.

Though there was still the question of the correlation between Ginny and her vision, and if she wasn't close enough to the girl, how will she get any answers?

How do you figure out a puzzle if you're too scared of the puzzle pieces?

⋄︎︎ ⬫︎︎ ⋄︎︎ ⥊ ⬫︎︎ ⚯͛ ⬫︎︎⥊ ⋄︎︎ ⬫︎︎ ⋄︎︎

Note - chapter four! how do you feel about it?

Still no true interaction between Harry and Y/N, I know :( but dont worry, you just have to be patient enough for the next chapter <3

This chapter is sorta rushed, sorry about that, but tell me what you think! Also, we're nearing 4k and we reached 100 votes! Thank you so much! I hope you all enjoy the story so far, sorry if it's boring at the moment. Action will soon be happening, I promise.

Anyways, love you.

~ wizardette

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