My Big Mistake [ JayWon ]

By xvrmayls

6.9K 354 80

Jungwon shows up on a blind date to scare away her brother's friend prospective suitor. However, things go aw... More



213 14 2
By xvrmayls

As soon as Sunoo and Heeseung finally reached their usual table at the cafeteria. Their gaze immediately landed on Jungwon who is frowning and not eating the packed lunch his Jeongin hyung cooked for him. "What is wrong with him? he's been like that since morning." Heeseung started as he snaps his fingers infront of Jungwon

Usually, the latter would wave his hand enthusiastically at the two as soon as he saw them approach the table. But this time, he is silent and is just burning holes to his food. "Believe me hyung, even in class he's been spacing out." Ni-ki said shaking his head before eating his fish shaped bread. 

Jungwon is just holding onto his phone, clutching onto it tightly as if his life depends on it. 

"Yah! what's up with you? Just the last time you are all so giddy chatting with Jay now you're like that" his bestie sunoo makes his way to his side, basically shaking the younger. 

"Oh Jay? as in Park Jay?" A random girl who apparently hear their convo piped in. "Yuna? Are you eavesdropping?" Sunoo rolled his eyes crossing his arms as he asked the new comer. 

"Can you tell me more about him?" Yuna, ignored the question as she smiles sitting beside heeseung. "We're gonna meet later, Jay oppa said he'd picked me up! How should I be like around him?" She asks blatantly as she bats her eyes to them. 

Hearing that, Jungwon abruptly got up his seat, eyes teary as he sniffs. Then marching off the cafeteria. 

The rest are worried, they know what had happened yesterday. Afterall they were there at the empty lot. They all heard from Jay. But Jay never told them about the part about sungchan confessing to Jungwon.

 "You-!" Sunoo started, glancing at the girl across her as he tries to grab her by the hair, gritting onto his teeth as he tries to grab yuna, but was pulled off by ni-ki "Yahh~ babe, come onn!" Ni-ki holds sunoo back as he pries him away from her. "No! Let me gooo!" 

Heeseung, Ni-ki and Sunoo whom is being dragged by his boyfriend away from the girl walks out the cafereria to find Jungwon. 

Yuna triumphantly smiled as she waves the three goodbye as she was at the table. She intended to say that. 

Jungwon's Point of View

Running to where my feet would take me, pulling the hood of my Jacket over my head as I cry my eyes out. Avoiding people as much as possible as I then find myself at the now empty and old building of ENKZ University. I entered it's bathroom catching onto my breathe as I drop down onto my knees and hug it close to my body. 

I messed up, I messed up so bad I know. I know I do deserve to be treated this way but why does it still hurts? Why do I still cry. 

Since last night, after realizing I actually like Jay hyung I tried to contact him and message him to apologize and perhaps hear his voice again. 


"NO!" I yelled out loud, which caught the attention of my older brother as he suddenly appears at my doorstep.

"What you yelling at about huh?" Jeongin hyung said with his arms crossed over his chest. I blinked my eyes twice, or thrice, as the realization slowly sinks in. "I LIKE JAY HYUNG?!?!" I added. 

Jeongin hyung could only roll his eyes, chuckling at the state of his brother. "Uh-huh, Took you long enough to find out" Jeongin said laughing as he leaves the younger heading to his own room. What does he mean took me long to find out? Hyung knows?!?!? Am I the only one unaware?

"I like him yet I acted that way to him today!!" I panicked as I sit up abruptly, reaching for my phone on my bed side table as I immediately went to my contacts and was about to ring him up when I halted. Wait... What should I tell him if he answered?


I have to say sorry. and then, ask him if he's okay and maybe I could use this timing to thank him about the flowers. I then glanced at the flowers as my heart leaps in joy upon seeing it. Exhaling as I then glanced back at my phone before dialing his number to call him. 


the ringing went on for minutes as I blink, just staring at my phone. I tried to call him again for the second time as he could or might be doing something. Usually jay hyung would answer right away after a ring or two. 

After having to call him for the third time I pout and just look at my call log with 3 unanswered calls to Jay hyung. "Why is jay hyung not answering?" I uttered, voice sulky. 

Sighing, I then went to open my instagram account to check whether Jay hyung is online, to my surprise he isn't. 


See you 🙈
sent 2 days ago, seen 2 days ago.


Jay hyung? I called you already for like 3 times now is something up?Are you okay?
I then erased this messages, and didn't send it before typing a new set of words.


Jay hyung, I'm sorry for today.. I didn't mean to just end our day like that.
sent 11:05PM


Jay hyung? Are you asleep? Is hyungie busy?
sent 11:11PM


Hyung :( are you ignoring me? Did I upset you?
once more I erased these set of words trying to formulate new words.


Jay hyung, you must be already asleep. Goodnight then! Thank you for today, I really loved the flowers.
sent 11:29PM

With that i decided then to drop my  phone sighing for the umpteenth time as I lays back down my bed. I still have early classes, I should head to sleep.

Frowning, I then glanced at my phone once more, before letting it rest at the bedside table as I head to sleep.

That's right, I shouldn't worry he must be just asleep and is tired from today. Jay hyung might reply tomorrow.

End of flashback

He didn't text back. He didn't check my messages it's all delivered yet not seen, and now this? He's meeting someone... Why am I even feeling this way! I hate myself for crying like this because I like him.

Wiping my tears off with the sleeves of my hooded jacket as I sob. When suddenly I heard Sunoo hyung, Ni-ki and Heeseung hyung's voice, calling.

Heeseung's Point of View


"Yang Jungwon!"

"I can't see him anywhere, oh I am really worried now" I said, trying to look around. Ni-ki then called me and sunoo as he points at the bathroom door of the old building.

"This is where Jungwon hyung use to stay after our dance practices for our club" Ni-ki said.

We then entered the room as we heard one of the bathroom door stalls close abruptly.

"Jungwonnie?" I started. "Hey... bub, we know it's you, come out. You can talk to us"

"Heeseung hyung's right, wonie we're your friends. We're all ears for you" Sunoo added as he looks at me then to the bathroom door where Jungwon was hiding.

Just then we heard more loud sobs as I sighed. Ni-ki carefully walked to the door as he opens it, revealing a curled up Jungwon sitting on the floor hugging his knees.

"Oh no wonie" I frowned as I immediately head to him hugging him by his shoulders. "Come on you can tell us what happened okay? but calm down for now" I mumbled softly, caressing the younger's back.

Even before when I met both Sunoo and Jungwon in the elementary. Jungwon is already a cry baby, and Sunoo would be the one to sass out the kids who would fight his best friend. Just like awhile ago, Sunoo almost pulled Yuna's hair upon seeing Jungwon storm out the cafeteria.

I motioned to ni-ki to grab Jungwon some water as he does so, walking out to fetch him water.

"I swear to god that Yuna!" Sunoo huffs. "Yah! Kim Sunoo, you don't want to be in detention again after causing a ruckus again!" I scolded as he just smiled, giggling.

Like how in middle school I am always the mediator. I try to stop sunoo from fighting more and I always comfort Jungwon.

Just then, Ni-ki came back with a water as he hands it to the latter. "Here drink this" Ni-ki said.

Jungwon only shakes his head finally calming down as we help him get up from the floor. We took him to the nearest empty classroom as we dusted off the chairs, "I shouldn't be skipping my class right now, but I would do it for you!" Sunoo said as soon as we settled on the room. Ni-ki and Jungwon has a two-hour vacant, while I on the other hand have no more classes.

"You should drink this water" I started "So you can replenish all the water you cried out" After persuading him for quite a while Jungwon finally drink his water.

"So, what's the matter?" Sunoo who is now also calm, holds the younger's hand as he caress it. Ni-ki who was sitting beside sunoo just back hugs his boyfriend, listening in.

"Jay hyung...." Jungwon started, I never missed the frown that appeared on his face as he speaks. "I like him" Jungwon finally admitted. I already knew it but finally hearing it from him is something.

"You just figured out now????" Sunoo sassed. Making Jungwon pout. "Am I the only one who doesn't know?" he asked.

With that, Sunoo widens his eyes not wanting to make the brunette cry even more as he shakes his head frantically.

I just chuckled, "Isn't that a good thing? Why are you crying?" Heeseung asked. Though he probably know why, he still wanted Jungwon to open up.

"We went out yesterday. He picked me up at my work and waited for me.." he said sniffling. "Then, it abruptly ended because Jungwoo hyung called I thought something bad happened to sungchan hyung..." he trailed. "But, hyung lied. He only do that because he wanted to talk to me"

I nodded as I listen, both Ni-ki, Sunoo and I were silent as we attentively listen to Jungwon.

"Why does he wanted to talk to you?" Ni-ki carefully asked. We are all curious about this. Jay never really told us what really happened back at the hospital as he only said he wasn't able to catch-up to Jungwon.

"Sungchan confessed, he said he liked me" Jungwon said, head ducked down as he fells silent.

My jaw drops at the new information. Sungchan what?!?!

"I knew it!!" Sunoo said clasping his hand. "But what did you said? You said you like Jay right?" Sunoo added, asking as he leans closer to the latter.

Ni-ki and I are both shocked.

Jungwon only shakes his head. "I still don't know at the time, that I have these feelings for Jay hyung"

"I just ended our day like that, only then I realized I like him... I tried to contact and call him but he's not answering..." With the mention of that, he starts to tear up once more as Sunoo rubs his back to calm him down, Ni-ki does the same as he pats the latter.

"I hadn't heard from him and now I hear this from Yuna" Jungwon then once more bursted to more tears as Both Ni-ki and Sunoo hugged him. I did hugged all three of them, before my phone rang.

K hyung my big baby ❣️ is calling.

"Let me answer this." I said as soon as I picked my phone from the pocket leaving the three at room for now as the two comfort Jungwon.

K hyung then appears at the screen with a wide smile on his face.

"Hey Bambi~ My classes are over, Should I come pick you up?" He said with an excited smile on his face.

I put up a smile though not as wide as his, after Jungwon being all too depressive I couldn't seem to find myself being all that smiley. It's just my friend is sad and all :(

"Hey babe, actually.. can you pick me up later? Jungwonie..." I frowned remembering K hyung is friends with Jay.

"Why baby? what happened to Jungwon?" K asked, obviously now worried to all because I sound worried.

"Yah! if you're also worried because I am worried don't be, I am fine alright it's just am worried for him, you know.. how much of a cry baby he is" I said not exactly telling the details of what Jungwon had told us yet.

"Jungwon is crying?!?" He said quite loud as he was surprised.
"Baby, Jungwon is like a younger brother you never had to you, he is too to me. Okay?" He added as he smiles at me.

I returned his smile, this time genuine. I could only nod as I sigh.

"Yeah babe, he is. I'll tell you the details later. I'll just text you when to pick me up is that okay babe?" I asked, as I looked at him through the screen who smiled back.

"Yeah of course babe. I understand, see you later! I love you!" He waved his hand, putting up his pretty smile, as I do the same mirroring his actions.

"I love you too!" and with that our phone call ended.

I then headed back to the room as I saw Jungwon is now calm, thanks to the two.

"What are you planning to do now?" Ni-ki asked to Jungwon as soon as I got in.

Jungwon is only staring at his phone. Burning holes through it. "How about we decide on how Jungwon will win his Jay hyung at my house later? Sleep Over?" Sunoo suggested.

Glancing at me and then to Jungwon and Ni-ki.

"Win him back?" Jungwon said, his voice barely audible. "That's... a good idea!" I added. "Jungwon, why not you know this time try to win him over?"

"You think Jay hyung would forgive me if I try?" He asked his boba eyes now glistening with hope. We all nodded, smiling.

"Yeah! Besides nothing is wrong with trying, instead of not doing anything right?" Ni-ki added.

With that, we all decided and agreed to sleepover.

I have to go home first and inform my boyfriend about this.

a/n: HELLO! another chapter! as promised I will try double updating today So expect another chapter to be published after this a little later~

What's your feedback to this chapter? What are your thoughts on the characters?

What do you guys think will happen?

To be honest I am getting all exited while writing this as well. Hehe. I hope you guys like this chapter!

I will highly appreciate it if leave a comment and vote! It helps motivate me to write more! Lovelots!

word count for this chapter is 2500+

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