In Love With A Mafia Boss

By DestinyGantt6

3.1K 31 0

A girl who doesn't care or know about love until she meet 3 of Japanese biggest mafia bosses growing up with... More

New Beginnings
Turn the heat up
The start of love
Mafia Boss
Fair Game
Dont Wake Me Up
Birthday Party
The unexpected
Created lovers
Wet Dreams.
Got You
Where Are You?
Time To Love
Blood Stains

New Things.

57 1 0
By DestinyGantt6

Once I Turn around to see the guys in shock I go up to them..Emmet so looks like you been busy bull then  says* I'll say she been keeping us in the dark * izakaya  I can't belive it my bestie gonna be my sister in law I'm so happy..Jake comes up behind me an put his arms around my waist sorry to keep it from you guys. I had to wait until she was ready to announce it..izakaya when I'm not around you must take care of your sister in law. * izakaya I know me an guys got her as they grab me rough housing how we always do.. the night passes by everyone had a great left. We were all tired an drunk by end of the night. After all the guest left. Everyone went inside to finally relax. I thank everyone again for an amazing birthday.  Then headed up stairs to go sleep..couple days passed an were back to normal schedule.  I woke up to go school.  Jake was at work. An  I was back to hanging with the guys everyday school or working. I felt as if I barely have time to see Jake now I'm either busy or he is I start to get worried we only had puppy love for a second just when I thought that. I was waiting for a car after work. Then hear hey baby girl it was Jake my tall handsome covered in tattoos smiley boyfriend.  As usual dress in all black . I smiled an ran into his arms..what are you doing here I asked..what your not happy to see me .he asked. Of course always I said... where we going I asked ? Well it's the weekend let me take you out of town . I smiled an agreed wait I didn't bring anything with me . Don't worry I already got everything packed for you.  I smiled let's go..we arrived at the airport to a jet. Who's jet I asked ? Looking back with his hand out for mines. Its mines. I was in complete shock I keep forgetting I'm dating a mafai boss now to always except the un expected..we get on to jet ..along with Cole an other of Jake's best guards. We take off i doze off an went to sleep Jake wakes me up were here baby girl.  I look out window an see beautiful blue water. Where are we I asked Jake replies. My family vacation island..we own a couple hotels an business out here as well. I smiled looking at the water i love the beach.  We finally land an make our way to the beach house..after getting there me an Jake have room together.  We get unpacked an dressed go to beach. Umm this is nice I said. Feeling the sand through my toes. An water on my skin. Jake picks me up a twirl me around. I felt like I was in a movie..I wanted this for so long now it finally happening.  We go shopping,  eating now we're back to the house wow today was amazing I said. He smiled glad you liked it. We both take a shower an lay down.. talking for hours finally going to sleep In his arms.  Next morning we wake up to go hiking not before getting a couple kisses in an other things of course we finish an then get dressed and go to eat.. finally leaving out. Cole then says to us I thought I was going have to come in there to break you two off each other.  We both laughed . We've leave  out an after driving for 30 minutes arrived at the hiking location.  Have you ever hiked asked Jake.  No never i replied I always wanted to though. He looks with a smile it's okay looks like I'm teaching you many of your first things. I blushed. He shows me basic things then we start.  We get half way there when. I finally get tired I asked Jake can we stop jake agrees so he can take make an phone call....we took a some rocks..what I didn't expect was behind the rocks were was an mountain snake..I screamed. Ahhhhhh everyone running to me to see what's wrong Jake told me not to move..hissss as the snake. Gets closer to me..Jake im.scared I cried.  I know baby girl just be still didn't I tell you. I  will  always protect you..I looked into his eyes..before I knew it Cole grab the snake away from me throwing an shooting it..Jake grabs me to make sure I was okay..I just wanted to hold onto him..his warmth always made me feel better..we headed back as I was to scared to carry on..we get back to house. Where we took a shower an cuddled. For hours finally we got up an went back out to explore sense it was our last day. On the island..we went to beautiful spots ate amazing food. An dancing! It was perfect. We finally got back to the house. An went to sleep. Morning was here. We packed up an got ready to leave..Cole whispers something to Jake.  Jake entire face changes..I wonder what happened now..he turns around to tell me once we arrive he has a business trip he has to go on. I was confused but said okay..we finally arrive back. Getting off the plane he sends me back. Telling the guys to watch over me. He leaves Cole of course an leave with the rest. Cole drives me home..I tried asking him what happened but he wouldn't say anything other than boss needed to handle something for the business.  I get into the room and. Unpack tired from.the trip. I unpack. An go to sleep. I wake up next morning going to school.  I meet up with the guys. Hey sis in law izakaya says. I laughed hey brother in law. I replied bull an Emmet both ask how was my weekend I told them.jake took me out of town. Ouu to love birds they teased me..Bell rings an we go to class. The day ended I went to work a week passed by an I still heard nothing from Jake I begin to worry. But everytime I asked Cole or izakaya they told me it's Normal for him to disappear for weeks. They were used to it but I wasnt..I begin to get sad he wasn't even answering the phone for me. another week passed again. I woke up early every morning go to school an work by night. Same routine still nothing from jake... I wake up determined to have a good day sense it was Friday. I put on a pretty outfit did my makeup an hair leaving out for school Cole teases me about boss wouldn't want see me out looking to cute for anybody else. I told him if you hear from.him.let him.know how cute I was to make him jealous maybe he come back sooner.

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