Energy || My Hero Academia x...

By stopbeingsohorny

50.4K 1.4K 464

{ COMPLETED } (Y/N) was a girl who was thrown from home to home as a toddler. She finally found a home but ev... More

|| Prologue ||
|| Chapter One ||
|| Chapter Two ||
|| Chapter Three ||
|| Chapter Four ||
|| Chapter Five ||
|| Chapter Six ||
|| Chapter Seven ||
|| Chapter Eight ||
|| Chapter Nine ||
|| Chapter Ten ||
|| Chapter Eleven ||
|| Chapter Twelve ||
|| Chapter Thirteen ||
|| Chapter Fourteen ||
|| Chapter Fifteen ||
|| Chapter Sixteen ||
|| Chapter Seventeen ||
|| Chapter Eighteen ||
|| Chapter Nineteen ||
|| Chapter Twenty ||
|| Chapter Twenty One ||
|| Chapter Twenty Two ||
|| Chapter Twenty Three ||
|| Chapter Twenty Four ||
|| Chapter Twenty Five ||
|| Chapter Twenty Six ||
|| Chapter Twenty Seven ||
|| Chapter Twenty Eight ||
|| Chapter Twenty Nine ||
|| Chapter Thirty ||
|| Chapter Thirty One ||
|| Chapter Thirty Two ||
|| Chapter Thirty Three ||
|| Chapter Thirty Four ||
|| Chapter Thirty Five ||
|| Chapter Thirty Six ||
|| Chapter Thirty Seven ||
|| Chapter Thirty Eight ||
|| Chapter Thirty Nine ||
|| Chapter Forty ||
|| Chapter Forty One ||
|| Chapter Forty Two ||
|| Chapter Forty Three ||
|| Chapter Forty Four ||
|| Chapter Forty Five ||
|| Chapter Forty Six ||
|| Chapter Forty Seven ||
|| Chapter Forty Eight ||
|| Chapter Fifty ||
|| Chapter Fifty-One ||
!! Second Book !!

|| Chapter Forty-Nine ||

473 21 2
By stopbeingsohorny

(Y/N) shook in the chair, her limbs feeling as though bugs were crawling between the fibres of her muscles and causing trembles to overwhelm her body. Her flesh felt like it was on fire, sizzling with itch and sting. Her throat was dry. Her lips were chapped. And her body was overcome with rigid goosebumps.

Her eyes were being pried open with a metal contraption, the white of her eyeballs painted with sore redness. At first, her eyes had teared up immensely at the prevention of blinking, but now they were weirdly dry. The only thing she could see was the grey wall in front of her.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on the top of her head, pulling it backward. The face of a masked woman leaned over (Y/N) with eye drops in her hand. (Y/N) whimpered in fear as the masked woman leaned unbelievably close to her and poured three droplets of the possibly harmful liquid over (Y/N)'s eyeballs. Her eyelids twitched as they instinctively tried to blink.

"Sorry about that." The masked woman said bittersweetly. "Put a little too much." She mused before lifting (Y/N)'s head back upwards and walking away.

(Y/N) shivered uncontrollably as the droplets brimmed her eyes, pulling on the restraints that tied her down with weak strength. She found herself having no energy at all however, she was just a limp bag of meat in a cold chair.

"We'll be starting shortly." The same lady said with a smile that (Y/N) couldn't see.

A few minutes passed of complete silence. (Y/N) couldn't even guess what was going on behind her due to the absence of hints. The room was unbelievably cold, but that was no indication as to what was about to happen to (Y/N) as the entire base was cold - along with the fact that she was malnourished, dehydrated, and wearing minimal layers to protect herself from the natural temperatures that would erupt from the absence of the sun, completely secluded from natural heat.

(Y/N) squeezed her eye, the one that was not being pried open, shut as her tear ducts tingled. She wanted to cry. She desperately wanted to sob and weep and wail in despair at the sheer panic that overwhelmed her. But she couldn't. Nothing happened. All she could do was tremble.

Suddenly, a loud bang of a door slamming against the wall sounded throughout the room and caused (Y/N) to flinch in shock.

"Is everything ready?" A croaky voice asked - Overhaul.

"Yes, Sir." A much more submissive voice responded. "Everything has been double-checked to completion."

"Good." Overhaul answered simply. He left the masked woman's side and walked over to (Y/N).

(Y/N) could not see the room. It was a fairly standard-sized room. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all closed in the same dull slate grey making it look like a grey capsule. (Y/N) was sitting trapped in a chair on one side of the room, facing the wall like a toddler being punished in primary school. Behind her was a hospital bed that had been tinkered with. It had several leather straps along the side to keep whoever was to lie on it securely restrained. At the head of the bed was a large looming light very similar to what would be used during long surgeries - but this one was unnervingly white and bright. Next to the hospital bed was a series of generic medical instruments and some tools that looked like they shouldn't be anywhere near a medical procedure. As well as that, there was an IV machine next to the table with the medical instruments, the bags filled with a deep red liquid - Eri's blood. Furthermore, there was an anaesthesia machine hooked to a rusty tank of gas that did not look promising or safe.

Overhaul walked to the back of (Y/N) and watched her silently from above, staring at her as she quivered in fear and cold. There was no emotion in his eyes, no guilt nor malice. Nothing.

"Let's start." He sighed as if disinterested in his own evil scheme to torture an innocent student.

At his words, the "doctors" began to scramble throughout the room. The masked woman along with two other masked people began to prep the anaesthesia machine as well as the IV while four strangers dressed in hazmats suits rushed towards (Y/N), swiftly and quickly unstrapping her as well as taking off the contraption that pried her eyes open before lugging her out of the chair and placing her weirdly gently on the hospital bed.

(Y/N) held her breath as they grabbed her, her whole body succumbed to suffocating anxiety as her flesh sizzled with discomfort at the unwanted touch.

She stared up at the ceiling with half-lidded eyes. She melted into the soft mattress as her muscles relaxed instinctively at the one sense of comfort she had been given in days. That did not last long, however. Someone then forcefully grabbed her head and strapped the anaesthesia mask onto her face before immediately pumping in the gas from the questionable-looking canister. The smell of permanent marker flooded (Y/N)'s senses, so much so that the tear ducts in her nostrils tingled. In a matter of seconds, her sight was wiped away from her. Then her body went numb. And then she couldn't feel her tongue. The last thing she heard was the sound of clinking metal as someone messed with the instruments. And then everything went black.

Overhaul did nothing to contribute to the surgery but looked upon it introspectively.

(Y/N) remained unconscious for just over two hours although the surgery was done in just an hour and a half. She was wheeled out of the operation chamber and back into the room she was first placed in when she arrived at the underground base not long ago. She was not unstrapped nor given any food or water.

She awoke to darkness. She blinked rapidly as her brain began to acknowledge its consciousness. Her throat was dry and scratchy and her skin was painted over with goosebumps. She began to panic. Too many emotions and a complete lack of control of her systems resulted in a flurry of anxiety to overwhelm her.

"Hello?" A sudden timid voice called out in the dark.

(Y/N) held her breath.

"I-is someone there?" It sounded like a child.

(Y/N) inhaled sharply which caused a violent hack to escape her. She breathed again, stabilising her damaged lungs. "Hello." She responded meekly.

"Who are you?" The voice asked.

"My name is (Y/N)..."

There was a pause. "I'm Eri."

"That's a nice name." (Y/N) smiled blindly and found that the muscles in her jaw were sore. "Where are you?"

"In the corner." Was the quiet response.

"Could you get me out of this stretcher, Eri?" (Y/N) asked. But there was an obvious pleading tone in her words. She was desperate.

"I'll get in trouble," Eri said.

"Oh." Was the natural reply from (Y/N). She sighed cautiously. "Do you know where we are?"

"We're in an underground bunker." Eri began. "It's owned by Overhaul."

"Overhaul? The guy with the red and gold bird mask?"


"Okay..." (Y/N) thought about it for a moment. "Do you know what's going on?"

"They're using us... To make bullets that erase people's quirks... It's my fault this happened to you..." Eri began to whimper. The sound of sniffling enveloped the room.

"No, no, don't say that, Eri." (Y/N) attempted to help. "This is not your fault at all."

Eri's cries got louder. "They used the bullets to erase your quirk." She forced out in hiccupy breaths. "That's why you're here."

(Y/N) frowned. "That's okay, Eri. You didn't mean for this to happen." She breathed. "This is not your fault. I promise."

Silence overwhelmed the dark room.

"I want to get out of here," Eri mumbled.

"Me too... Maybe we can work together?"

Eri was silent.

"I know you're scared. I'm fucking terrified." She laughed nervously. "But we're gonna get out of here. I'm not about to let myself be killed by some thugs who think the entire world is under their control." Pause. "If you can get me out of this. I promise that we will get out of here. Please." 

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