Any Kind of Guy ~ Blue Lock V...

By AnimeLoverMurillo

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~ Inspired by the song Any Kind of Guy by Big Time rush~ Note: This story is also 18+ so if you're under 18... More

Luella "Lulu" Yoshino
BlueLock Additional Time: Routines
Team Z Vs Team X
BlueLock Additional Time: Erotic/Smut Fanfiction
Team Z vs Team Y
Unleash the Weapon
Blue Lock Additional Time: The Bet - Part 1
Blue Lock Additional Time: The Bet - Part 2
Team Z vs Team V
Childhood Rivals & Second Stage
Second Time a Charm
Devouring Him
Steaming Hot
Blue Lock Addition Time: Job Switching
The Villainous King
Blue Lock Addition Time: Rensuke Kunigami's Birthday
Rin vs Isagi - Part 1
Rin vs Isagi - Part 2
Get'cha Head in The Game
Blue Lock Additional Time ~ Operation: Sneak into Manager-Chan Room Round 3

Operation: Sneak into Manager-Chan Room

569 20 4
By AnimeLoverMurillo

No one's P.O.V

The next day, Team Z woke up early in the morning while Isagi and Luella stayed asleep. Kunigami woke up and spotted them fast asleep, he chucked at the sight of drool at the corner of her mouth however Raichi woke up seeing this and he was pissed.

Raichi: What the fuck!! Why does he get to spoon her? He didn't score a goal
Kunigami: Will you relax, I gave it to him. It's not like he's sharing
Igarashi: Eh, I beg to differ
Kunigami: Huh?

Igarashi pulled the covers and saw Bachira with his arms around Luella, but his hands were gripping Isagi's butt while his face is buried into Luella's stomach mumbling "so soft" in his sleep.


This woke Isagi up while still holding onto Luella along with her who was still feeling drowsy,

Isagi: What?! What happens?! And who's grabbing my butt?!
Luella: Don't look at me
Bachira: Huh [blinks] Morning already?
Isagi: Bachira!! Will you stop grabbing my ass?!
Bachira: Was I?
Isagi: Yes!!!

Luella sat up staring at both Isagi and Bachira as he nags at Bachira with a blush across his face while Bachira simply smiled like as if nothing had happened, this made Luella's brain slowly tic for a few minutes until finally it dinged.

[Light Bulb: ON]

Luella: Ship

Everyone froze and looked at Luella, thinking why in the world would she say something like that out of the blue.

Isagi: Eh, Ella-Chan. Why did you say "ship"?
Luella: [blinks] Ah!! I gotta go!! [gets up and leaves]
Kuon: W-Wait!! We were gonna discuss about-

[Door closes]

Kuon: Our weapon
Iemon: Maybe we should just do our usual routine, then at our meeting we can discuss
Kuon: Sounds like a plan, but what did she meant about "ship"?
Bachira: I wonder if it's about what she wrote in that journal of hers
Isagi: Her journal? You mean the one that keeps notes and Intel about our physics and skills?
Bachira: No, I swear it said something else in there, I saw it when I walked past her in the hallway when she was waiting for us to go to our team meeting

~ Flashback ~

Bachira was walking to the meeting room very slowly when he spotted Luella sitting on the floor, scribbling on her journal while giggling to herself and blushing. This made Bachira curious and he peeled over her shoulders and read some of it.

Bachira: Hey Pretty Girl, what are you writing?
Luella: Gyah!!! Bachira [close her journal] Eh, did you see anything in that journal?
Bachira: Eh, well-
Luella: Did you see anything?!
Bachira: Nope, no I didn't
Luella: Okay, and I think we should keep it that way, it's nothing interesting
Bachira: Okay, whatever you say pretty girl, also I didn't know you can draw naked guys
Luella: [blushes] Kyaaaaaa~

~ Flashback ~

Team Z: SHE WHAT???!!!!!
Bachira: Maybe I was imagining it
Raichi: Never mind that!!! Who was it?! Was it me, I bet it was me cause I'm very sexy to her
Kunigami: Yeah right!! I bet it was one of her stupid dirty manga she was reading, I told her not to read that dirty stuff!!!
Kuon: Well whatever it was we'll never know
Raichi: [grin] Or will we~
Kunigami: What are you suggesting, that we break into her room and find it. Good luck with that
Raichi: Didn't she mentioned that she has to get ready
Naruhaya: Yeah, if I recall. Ego did say she's allowed to leave Blue Lock to run some errands
Isagi: I bet he's having her run some errands today
Raichi: Which is the perfect opportunity to sneak into her room and see who she drew, although we all know it's me
Team Z: No we don't

While Team Z were discussing their plan, Luella went to go get dressed for her outing to go run some errands. She got dressed and put on some make up, follow by putting her shoes on and grabbing her bag.

[Narrator: Not Mine ^]

When she opened the door, Team Z was standing outside her door in awe when they saw her outfit while Kunigami was pissed.

Luella: Hey guys, sorry I can't attend to your training, but I'll be back. I have some errands to run, love you boys [blow a kiss] muah, bye~
Kunigami: OH HELL NO YOU'RE NOT!!!

Kunigami quickly picked her up and threw her over his shoulder while Luella whines, when he brought her back to her room the team tried to listen in but couldn't hear a single thing. The door opened and they saw a pouty Luella while Kunigami smiled and pat her head.

[Narrator: Not Mine^]

Kunigami: Okay, have fun
Luella: I hate you
Kunigami: No you don't, you love me [kiss her cheek] Have fun
Luella: I won't

While Luella walks away and into the vehicle that was waiting for her, she hopped into the passenger side as the car drove off. When they arrived Luella hopped off while Anri let her know to call her, Luella nodded and walked off while Anri drove away. Little did Luella not know was that someone spotted her from a distance, holding a bouquet of blue roses in their hands.

Luella's P.O.V

I was walking around the mall going to store to store to collect the essential items that Ego wanted me to bring, I even spend a bit on myself to get some cute things including looking for the squishmallow I was looking for.

Luella: Ugh!! Where is it!! I need Maya... Ah, there it is... Eeeehhh~ can't. Reach.

I tried to get on my tippy toes to get Maya, but I was staring to slip backwards, only to fall into someone's arms when they saved me from my fall.

Luella: I'm sorry I didn't-

I looked up to apologize who I fell in to when my eyes widen at the sight of how handsome he looked. A young man with reddish brown hair and slim green eyes that are framed by an array of long lower lashes, he looked oddly familiar but I snapped out of my trance when I realized the position I was in and got out of his arms.

[Narrator: By show of hands, raise your hand if you think Sae Itoshi is super sexy and hot!!! 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️❤️❤️]

Luella: [blushes] I-I-I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to fall on you!! I was just trying to get Maya and-
Reddish Brown man: There's no need, it was just a slip. The floor here is slippery after all [points at the wet floor sign]
Luella: Oh. Well thank you for catching my fall, you're probably here buying a gift for your girlfriend. I should probably get back and not disturb you, otherwise your girlfriend will probably get the wrong idea if you're talking to an average girl like me
Reddish Brown man: Actually, I was hoping to actually meet you
Luella: Eh?
Sae: How rude of me, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Sae, I play as a midfielder in soccer
Luella:... Eh!! You're the Sae!!! The midfielder that played in the Royale Youth!!! Oh my gosh it's such an honor!!! Oops, sorry, I completely forgot to introduce myself!! My name is-
Sae: Luella Yoshino, you're the new manager of the Blue Lock project
Luella: Eh, yeah... How did you know?
Sae: Word travels fast, and I saw your face during an Interview with Japan Football Union
Luella: I didn't even know they mentioned me
Sae: Word travels around Japan is that you're a talented manager, not to mention very beautiful in the eyes of the beholder
Luella: [blushes] Um... Well I wouldn't say beautiful, but-
Sae: How about I invite you to eat at a cafe with me, my treat
Luella: Well, I guess we can go to a cafe. Let me just get this pesky squishmallow and pay at the counter

I turned around and was about to reach up to grab Maya, when Sae got it for me and held it in his arms.

Sae: Let me pay for it
Luella: Y-Y-You don't have to do that!!
Sae: No, I insist... And these bouquet of roses are for you

Sae handed me the bouquet of roses, and walked to the counter. I smelt the roses while smiling since they did look beautiful, Sae came back and took my hand as he escorted me to the cafe of his choice.

Luella: 'Sae is really such a gentleman, I wonder if the boys are doing okay?'

No One's P.O.V [Narrator: I apologize with the point of view switching but it will be worth it]

While Luella was going on a "date," Team Z decided to commence Operation: Sneak into Manager's room. While the boys tiptoe around the hallways, Bachira was making them look suspicious. Literally.

Bachira: Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious, don't be-
Isagi: Why do you keep singing that?!
Bachira: It adds for a good dramatic effect
Raichi: Well stop fucking singing it!!!
Kunigami: We're not going through with this plan
Raichi: We are so going through this!! We just need to go to her room, she won't know we went thought it
Kunigami: And what if she does come back?
Raichi: I have a plan for that!
Kuon: You mean "I" had the plan for that. Me, Iemon, and Igarashi will keep an eye out. The rest of you will go and search, just find the journal
Raichi: Yeah yeah yeah, let's go

Kunigami opened the door and the boys stepped in to her room and were surprised to see it not very girly, they even spotted the pile of squishmallow she collects.

Naruhaya: Wow, so many squishmallow
Kunigami: Yeah, she collects them, this not a lot. You should see the ones she has in her room, she literally calls it her plush realm. Okay, split up and search, don't leave a mess. She'll know when something is out of place and interrogate you like a bad cop. Trust me, she will
Imamura: [grin] Okay, let's start with the drawers
Kunigami: Don't even think about opening the third drawer to the left
Imamura: Why not!? What if it's in there!!
Kunigami: It's not
Raichi: Then what's in there?! Hmm?!
Kunigami: Don't worry about it
Isagi: Can we get back and focus here!!
Imamura: Ah right

The boys kept digging around looking for the journal but found zilch, not a single journal in sight. But Bachira found a photo album and looked through it until he spotted a picture of Luella as a child.

[Narrator: Mine ^]

Bachira: Awww isn't she adorable
Naruhaya: Even when she's little she still so pretty
Kunigami: Yeah, during Valentine's Day the boys would never leave her alone
Naruhaya: So she's gotten so many valentines chocolate
Kunigami: Don't know, it's hard to know how many she got. She only got one in particular when we were in high school and middle school
Raichi: Just one?! How is that even fucking possible?
Kunigami: Don't know

~ What really happened ~ [Narrator: Oh yes, I'm going there 😈😈😈]

Kunigami gradually opened the bin of trash and tossed all of the love chocolate and love cards to Luella from the boys at school, when he was done he whistled and walked away.

~ Back to reality ~

Kunigami: I remember her feeling upset that no one gave her any valentine chocolate's that I had to improves and make her feel better, so I ended up getting her a box of chocolates and Gwendle
Imamura: Gwendle?
Kunigami: The fuzzy pig
Team Z: Oh 'I'm pretty sure he was the one that got rid of those love letter and chocolates'
Isagi: I'm not seeing any journal
Raichi: Keep looking!!
Kunigami: We've already looked!! There's no journal

The team searched and search but no sign of the journal anywhere. Meanwhile, Luella and Sae arrived at a cafe where they sat in a booth that was further away from the crowd.

Luella: So~ how's playing as a midfielder?
Sae: Okay, how is managing Blue Lock future strikers?
Luella: Well I'm not allowed to discuss anything from Blue Lock, due to the contract I signed with Ego Senpai
Sae: I see... So how are you doing? I can imagine you being surrounded by so many hungry men craving for you
Luella: [blushes] W-W-Well, it's no big deal, really! I mean it's not like I dream about it all my life [nervous laugh] Ahahaha~
Sae: Interesting, tell me Yoshino, what makes you intrigued of a man?

Luella sat there while she tried to think for a couple of seconds until she realized what he said, she was blushing like a strawberry when Sae scooted close to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders while his lips are close to her left ear.

Sae: Is it the way they stroke your hair? Gently and slowly, or is it the way they hold you in their arms? Or maybe when they wrap their arms around your waist and pull you close to their strong boarded chest

Sae pulled her close, making Luella's back against his chest while he wrap his fingers around her hand.

Sae: I wonder, do you even have a boyfriend?
Luella: Eh~ N-No!! No I don't!
Sae: Really? But a girl as beautiful as you surely has a boyfriend
Luella: No... If I'm completely honest, none of the guys that ask me out are being completely honest to me... My eyes are pretty handy when it comes to seeing the truth behind the person's actions... It really pains me to see it, my gift is a blessing when it comes to helping me forge a striker, but it's also a curse when I see the person pretending to be someone they aren't... I guess it's pains me that I can find a guy who'll be faithful to me, luckily there's two guys that I can trust but I'm pretty sure they only see me as a childhood friend
Sae:... I see
Luella: I should probably get going, I have to get back to Blue Lock
Sae: If you don't mind, I can escort you to your car
Luella: How thoughtful of you, thank you

Sae paid for both their meals and escorted Luella to where Anri told her the car would be waiting, just like that, Anri arrived and Sae opened the door for Luella as she hopped in.

Luella: Thank you so much, I had a fun day with you Sae
Sae: [smiles] I did too
Luella: Me too, it was nice to actually meet you. I hope to see you next time
Sae: Well it would be nice to see you again, if you'd give me your number

Luella was left blushing, but she reluctantly gave him the phone so he could type his number while she typed in her number into his phone. When she handed back his phone and got her's back, he bid a farewell and Anri drove off while Luella said goodbye, she smiled and looked at her phone that had Sae's number in her contacts.

Luella: 'Sae... Didn't he told me his last name? Ah, probably forgotten about it. I wonder how the boys are doing?'


Raichi: This is ridiculous!!! It's not fucking here!!!
Kunigami: Told you, there's no way she would be this careless as to leave it lying around
Imamura: Maybe it's in this drawer you told us not to look


Imamura: Oww~
Kunigami: Don't even think about it
Raichi: Who cares!! Let's just look and see
Kunigami: NOT A CHANCE!!!

While those three kept bickering back and fourth, Isagi stood up and sat on Luella's vanity chair but felt something off about the chair. The cushion wasn't soft enough but rather a bit hard like a rock, he got off and crouch near the chair until he spotted the zipper and unzipped it, only to find several journals stuffed in there.

Isagi: Hey guys!! I found them
Kunigami/Raichi: Seriously??!!
Isagi: Yeah, they were just stuffed into this cushion next to the vanity
Kunigami: Smart move, Lu
Raichi: Okay, now let's see which one has the naked drawing of me
Kunigami: Keep dreaming, we all know it's someone else
Chigiri: You mean someone like you
Kunigami: [blushes] N-No!!!

Isagi skimmed through the pages but couldn't find any drawings, but froze when his cheeks turned red at the sight of something he wish he didn't see.

Igarashi: Eh, Isagi, are you okay?
Isagi: W-W-What... WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!!????
Bachira: What? What is it?

Isagi was still stiff like a stone, but later Kuon looked over Isagi shoulders and read the details in the journal and realized what it was.

Kuon: Wait a minute, I think I know what this is, this is an erotic fanfiction

[Cricket Chirping]

Imamura: You mean to tell me that our sweet and innocent manager writes erotic fanfiction?!
Kuon: Well, technically this is talking about Isagi and Bachira, so it's consider "Gay erotic fanfiction"
Raichi: So does that mean he's fucking gay?
Isagi: No!!!
Bachira: It's actually not that bad
Chigiri: Huh? Is it weird that she wrote a fanfiction about any of us with a reader, or other players
Kuon: Oh, that must be whoever she writes about with the reader, some writers do that
Imamura: even alpha, bosses, or teacher stuff?
Kuon: Yep
Raichi: So this whole fucking time she's been writing erotic fanfiction?
Kuon: Not just erotic, smut too
???: What are you guys doing here?

The team turned white as a ghost when they heard a voice and looked back to see Luella standing outside with a bouquet of roses and a squishmallow too, while glaring at them but it was her turn to turn white as a ghost when igarashi mentioned her journals.

Igarashi: Eh, manager... We didn't know you write erotic fanfiction

[cricket chirping]

Luella: [blushes] AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! T-T-That isn't mine!!! I was just keeping it for a friend!!!
Raichi: [grin] Oh really, then why does it say Written by Luella Yoshino, property of Luella Yoshino, and if found return it to Luella Yoshino~?
Luella: Ehhhhhhh~
Iemon: You might wanna fess up now, we all know
Luella: Oh man~

~ Team Z Sleeping Quarters ~

Luella: Yeah, they're mine. I written them myself and drew the images. It's just, I can't help but wanna write it so much, I mean how else am I gonna enjoy writing about someone I care for? You guys are like my family, but a lot talented and crazy, but in a good way
Kuon: So in a way, you care for us all the time
Luella: That's why I written them so I can be inspired
Isagi: Only one question
Luella: Hm?
Bachira: "As his hands gently trace Isagi's body from his abs to his v line, all the way done to his bulged-"
Isagi: Don't finish that sentence!!!
Luella: Aw come on, don't tell me that it's not adorable that you two make a cute gay couple
Isagi: WE ARE NOT GAY!!!
Bachira: I mean-
Isagi: Not another word!!
Raichi: So if these erotic and smut are written by you, that means [grin] You've been having dirty dreams about us
Luella: [blushes] N-N-No!!!
Raichi: Then how come the only targets you went after were me, Kunigami, Isagi, Bachira, and Chigiri
Luella: That's confidential!!
Raichi: Wanna make them into a reality?

This made Luella blush like a red tomato, as she frantically tried to get Raichi to stop but he quickly took hold of her wrist and pushed her down to her futon. This made the others blush and look away, while Kunigami got a tight grip on his shoulders.

Kunigami: Don't even try to even pull a fast move on her!!!
Raichi: Why? You jealous~?
Kunigami: Hell no!! I just think it inappropriate to take advantage of a girls fantasy and make it into a reality without her consent!!
Team Z: 'He's so jealous'
Chigiri: I'm surprised it's only you two that got a erotic gay fanfiction
Iemon: Really, cause I remember seeing a Chigiri X Kunigami erotic fanfiction too

The room was silent, and Luella crawled out of Raichi hold and rushed out of the room screaming "CURSE YOU IEMON!!" At the top of her lungs while Kunigami and Chigiri chased after her for an explanation.

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