I Told You, I Am Better Than...

By kxxla15

2.7K 32 31

Recently a family had moved in to South Park for a better life. Y/N was a innocent girl until she moved to th... More

Chapter 1 - A New Begging
Chapter 3 - The Fight & The Winner
Chapter 4 - The First Date
Chapter 5 - The Party
Chapter 6 - New friend
Chapter 7 - Officially Dating
Chapter 8 - Birthday Boy & The New Pet
Chapter 9 - Being Goths For A Day
Chapter 10 - Our Fun Week
Chapter 11 - Our Fun Just Turned Creepy..
Chapter 12 - Fourth Of July
Chapter 13 - Cheater?
Chapter 14 - Revenge
Chapter 15 - The Truth...
Chapter 16 - Trying Again
Chapter 17 - Last Day Of School
Chapter 18 - Grown Adults
Chapter 19 - Our Wedding Day

Chapter 2 - The New Girl

376 6 1
By kxxla15

I woke up the next morning I was kinda tired not going to lie it was 4 am when I went to sleep . I got changed and got ready like how I would usually do I wear my favorite clothes and I went down stairs. I was greeted by my mom who had made my breakfast, my dad had already left for his new job, I don't know what he's working at but I'll find out soon. But I had left to go to school I walked out and Stan had saw me leave out of my house and chased me so we could walk together to the bus stop.

Once we had arrived at the bus stop 3 boys had been waiting for Stan. One guy had a green hat, an orange coat, slightly green mixed with teal jeans, and black shoes, he's a redhead with green eyes. I love his eyes they're beautiful but still. The other guys had his hood on he's wearing an orange parka he is wearing black shoes, he also has blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. He seems like a sweetheart but who knows I'm just thinking that but I don't know him for sure. The other guy is fat he is wearing a teal beanie with a yellow Pom Pom he is wearing brown jeans and black shoes. His hair is brown and his eyes are brown. I don't know none of them but for sure I can tell that the fat dude seems like a total pain in the ass.

All 3 boys turned to me and Stan and gave a confused look.
"Y/N, this is Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, and Eric Cartman, They are my best friends, except for Cartman he is just my friend." Stan said looking at me.
"Hey!!" Cartman said annoyed at Stan.
I just giggled, it was funny but I wonder how it's all going to be in this school.

We waited a little more for the bus to arrive because the bus usually arrives around 8am and it's just 7:51 am. So we just talked and introduced ourselves until the time passed by. I was very happy at that moment I never had this much fun since I had started at new school in LA it was nice over there but I have to move on. I'm meeting new people and they seem very nice. They just get mad at each other for no reason but I think that's normal, For them.

I checked my phone to see what time it was and it was 8am and I look up from my phone to see that the bus had already arrived just now. The lady look so mean and old and I'm not going to lie she looks pretty ugly. I'm just being truthful but either way. I get up in the bus and sit at the back. Stan sits right next to me and at the other side was Kyle. We were just talking until we arrived at school.

A few minutes passer by and it was 8:30 am and we had arrived at our school. I felt my stomach drop because I didn't know what to do. I just went to the principals office and they gave me a whole schedule. Principal Victoria told me that this is going to be my original schedule for the rest of the school year. I was okay with it but I don't know what classes I have to go to first so I go up to Stan and ask him which classes I have to go to. He told me that we have all classes together which that made me feel better.

I walked to the first class which was Mr.Garrison's class, he told me to wait outside until he saids that there's a new student joining us today. I just agreed and when I heard that he said that same line to told me to come in when he said it. I walked in the class and everyone looked surprised to see me. I heard whispers and some guys had their jaw dropped. I didn't know what was going on. Stan had barfed on the desk and I giggled a little. I saw a girl with a pink beret with black hair and a purple coat look at Stan with an angry expression.

Then she looked up at me like she wanted me dead or something but I didn't care. She doesn't even know me. I just decided to introduce myself everyone stayed quiet for a minute to hear what I had to say.
"Hello, My name is Y/N L/N I hope we can all be friends if y'all want." I said with a smile.
Everyone went crazy. I just smiled and looked at Stan. Man I just feel so happy that he's here I feel better when I see him to be honest. I looked up at Mr.Garrison and told me to sit next to Stan. I walked up and sat next to him. And I felt the Girl's eyes burning in rage. When I heard Mr.Garrison say something.

"WENDY TESTABURGER! DO NOT LOOK AT THE NEW STUDENT LIKE THAT!" He said with an annoyed face at Wendy. I turned to see it was the girl with the pink beret the one that I was talking about she looked mad. I just turned back at Stan and just started talking to him at some point I asked him who is that and why is she looking at me like that. He had told me that that's one of his recent exes. I was in shock but who wouldn't want to be with Stan he is just perfect!

A few hours had past and it was lunch time we went up to the lunch line to get food and the boys said "hello chef" to the school chef I was so confused then chef had introduced himself to me. He seems like a nice guy no wonder why the boys talk to him. Once we finished getting our lunch we walked to the table and I sat in the middle of Stan and Kyle. We just kept talking for a while and then Wendy came up to me.

"Hey Y/N can I talk to you in private please" she said trying to act all innocent
"Sure" I said giving her a sarcastic smile and get out of my seat.
Stan had grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear
"Be careful Y/N" he said looking at me with a worried look I whispered back at him telling him that I'll be back. And he had let go of my hand and I walked away with Wendy.

~Stan's POV~
I had let go of Y/N's hand and I saw her walk away with my ex. I knew something was wrong and I didn't want nothing bad to happen to Y/N I quickly turn to the guys and look at them.
"Get up" I said they all looked confused
"Get up, We are going to see what was so Important that Wendy wanted to tell Y/N" I said with a serious face.

We all got up and walked quietly I was at the front like always and I heard some talking and I do a quick turn to see Y/N and Wendy at the lockers we turn back to the corner to hear what they were talking about. But I know that it's not good...

~Y/N's POV~
Wendy took me to the lockers and she looked mad and annoyed at me. Like if I had stolen something from her. She's just a bitch I can tell you.
"Y/N listen to me.. BACK AWAY FROM MY MAN BITCH!" She said her eyes almost popping out like popcorn
"Look it's not my fault that the guys like me okay I can't magically tell them to stop liking me" I said calmly at her stupid face.
Damn what is she going to do? Kill me?
"How about no" I said looking at her
"JUST DO AS I SAY OR I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL!" She had told me in a threatening way.
"Look if you don't want to end up fucked up then I prefer we don't have this conversation because I can actually make 'YOUR' life a living hell!, OKAY BITCH!? ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU CHEATED ON STAN! HE NEVER DESERVED ANYTHING LIKE THAT FROM YOU, YOU RETARDED MOTHERFUCKING BITCH THATS WHY YOUR A FUCKING HOE!" I had yelled at her losing my temper.
"Okay, today at recess" she said
"We'll fight today at recess and proof everything how weak you are" she said with a smirk.
"I'm not afraid of you Wendy but let's see the loser will be known as the weakest fighter in this school" I said proudly.
"Deal" she told me

We had walked away to our separate ways. Little does she know that I have gotten into a fight of 4 people and won I've had a practiced many things if I ever get into a fight thanks to my parents they pay for my classes so I can be the best fighter yet. Yet instead of me getting in trouble my parents ask me who won and obviously is always me. I know different techniques for me to fight so yea. Me and my family all know who wins...

To Be Continued...

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