Sword Art Online's Assassin

By tankiss01

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(y/n) was about to celebrate SAO day when suddenly he is put into the world of SAO itself. Now fighting for h... More

information (edited)
Welcome to a new world of life and death
Floor 1
New friend's
Welcome to the brotherhood
The Moonlit Black Cats
Legends never die
The Dragon Tamer
Thanksgiving Special
The Master Blacksmith
The Black Swordsman and Lightning Flash
The Blue-Eyed Demon
Welcome to The Knights of the Blood Oath
Girl of Morning Dew
Can We Go Back
The Battle To End All Battles (The end of the Aincrad arc)
Christmas Special
Welcome To The Dessert of The Real (The beginning of the Fairy Dance Arc)
Welcome to Alfheim Online
Thank You
New Allies And New Enemies
A Duelist's Opponent
Truth's Revealed
Truth's Revealed Part 2
You Reap What You Sow (The End of The Fairy Dance Arc)
Fun Facts
The World of Guns (Beginning of the Phantom Bullet Arc)
The Assassin Returns to Gun Gale
Death Gun
Welcome to The Warzone
Back In Black
Laughing Coffin and Past Trauma
The Assassin vs. Death (The End of The Phantom Bullet Arc)
Thank you 2
(y/n) vs
Excalibur ( The Calibur arc)
Duel of The Fates (The Beginning of the Mother's Rosario Arc)
The Sleeping Knights
Sachi's Return
The Assassin's and Their Skills
Welcome Back, Assassin (The beginning of the Ordinal Scale Arc)
Memories and Dreams
Walking Into the Vipers Den
"And I Count My Sins" (The End of The Ordinal Scale Arc)
Street Racing Online
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
There's Still A Job To Do (The Beginning of The Alicization Arc)
"You Got To Be So Cold, To Make It In This World"
Welcome To Another World Of Pain
Truth's Revealed Part 3
Time to Run the Gauntlet
Time to Run the Gauntlet Part 2
The Final Push
The Most Important Fight of Our Lives (the End of The Alicazation Arc)
Truth Or Dare
A Reunion With An Old Friend
Returns and Confusion
Introducing New and Old Friends
The Formation of a Brotherhood
Truth or Dare Part 2
Can't Help Falling In Love
Our Job Isn't Done Yet (The Beginning of The War of The Underworld Arc)
Character Profile
An Assassin's Playground
The Spirit of a Warrior
The Calm Before The Storm
The Return of A Hunter
Night Time Fun
An Animal is Always Most Dangerous When it's Cornered
Sī Vīs Pācem, Parābellum
(y/n) Vs. Part 2
History Is Written By The Victor
Choices Have Consequences
The Rules Have Changed
I Make My Own Luck
One Last Dance
Finale Part 1 (The End of The War of The Underworld Arc)
Boy's Night
The Good Kind of Payback (Night Time Fun Part 2)
Finale Part 2
The End

The Absolute Sword's Resolve (The end of The Mother Rosario Arc)

565 12 54
By tankiss01

TW: Mentions of blood being drawn

(y/n) POV

January 11th 2026

Yuuki: *using the intercom in the room* Don't cry Asuna, (y/n).

Asuna and Kurahashi: *gasp in shock*

Asuna: *looks around* Yuuki, Yuuki, you can hear us!?

Yuuki: Yeah, I can hear you, I can see you too. Wow, you both look exactly like you do in the game. Thanks for coming to see me.

Asuna: *voice breaking* Yuuki, I just- I don't-

(y/n): Yuuki.

Yuuki: Hey doc, would it be ok if Asuna and (y/n) use the room next door?

Kurahashi: Sure, why not. I keep 2 Amuspheres in there so I can visit her, go ahead it's all yours.

Asuna: Thanks. *walks to the door but looks back at (y/n)* Are you-

(y/n): I'll catch up with you in a minute, I want to talk to the doc about something.

Asuna: Ok.

Yuuki: The ALO app is on the startup menu. After you log in, come to the place where we first met ok.

Asuna: *while Yuuki is talking* *walks in and the bowes towards the doc*

Kurahashi: What did you want to talk about (y/n)?

(y/n): Let's talk outside.

Kurahashi: Ok.

We both walk outside and I walk down a random hallway while Kurahashi follows behind me.

Kurahashi: So what is it that you wanted to talk about?

(y/n): Well I want to help her if I can.

Kurahashi: I don't know if you can but I'm up to suggestions.

(y/n): Would there be anyway that my blood could help? (none of this medically accurate, I looked. Please forgive me but I wanted to find a way to save Yuuki)

Kurahashi: I don't know.

(y/n): Well after Asuna leaves could you draw some blood and run tests with her blood or something please.

Kurahashi: Ok, after Asuna leaves we can do that.

(y/n): Thank you.

Kurahashi: *arrives at Yuuki's door* Go to her.

(y/n): I will, thanks doc.

Kurahashi: No, thank you for being a spark of joy for her, you and Asuna.

(y/n): Always.

I quickly enter into the room and then head to the other room and log onto ALO and haul ass as quickly as possible and find Asuna and Yuuki. I find the island and perform a leap of faith and land quite softly on the ground. I walk up behind the 2 talking.

Yuuki: I knew it, I don't know how you did it but I had a feeling you'd find me in the real world, somehow. And I was so careful not to say nothing, I thought I had you fooled. *turns to look at Asuna* It didn't work, you found me anyway. I must be turning psychic because my predictions never come true.

(y/n): *walks up to the both of them* I had to call in a favor but for you it was worth it.

Yuuki: (y/n), you'd do that for me?

(y/n): Yeah, I'd do it for any of my friends. We were concerned when you left but I get why you did it, you didn't want what happened to you to affect us as much but I couldn't stand there and let you hurt yourself for our sakes.

Yuuki: Asuna?

Asuna: He's right, if it wasn't him it'd would have been me.

Yuuki: *tearing up and blushing a little* Asuna, (y/n).

Asuna: *reaches out to touch Yuuki but then hugs her, crying*

(y/n): *walks over and hugs Yuuki as well*

Yuuki: My sis use to hug me like this. You both smell like her, like the sun.

Asuna: Did Aiko play VR MMO's with you too?

Yuuki: Yep. In fact she was the first leader of The Sleeping Knights ever had and if you thought I was strong man you should have seen her, she'd given you a good run for your money (y/n).

(y/n): *chuckles* I'd love to see it.

Asuna: *rubbing Yuuki's hair*

Yuuki: We met Siune and the others guys in this virtual hospice called The Serine Garden. Back then there were 9 of us but my sis, Clovis, and Meridena well there all gone.

Asuna: *breaks the hug but is still holding Yuuki*

Yuuki: Anyway if you want to know why here disbanding, it's cause we promised each other that if we loss someone, we'd end it. I'm sorry Asuna, (y/n), that's why I couldn't tell you.

(y/n): Did anyone else get told that they only have month to live?

Yuuki: Yes, 2 of us. They gave us 3 months.

Asuna: *gasps and then thinking*

(y/n): *brings Yuuki into a hug and pet's her head while tearing up*

Yuuki: You see, that's why we were all so fired up on having one last big adventure together in this world, we wanted to leave some kind of proof we were here on that big old monument where everyone can see it. One last run that was so cool we could brag about it to my sis and the others but nothing was going right for so we decided that best way to get there was to get someone tough enough to help but we just caused you both trouble and we hurt both of your feeling's too, I'm sorry, we all are. Forget about us, it's probably for the best anyway.

(y/n): *still hugging Yuuki* You have nothing to apologize for Yuuki, nothing. *blinking away tears* And don't you dare think so little about yourself that you think it would be better to forget you but that's a lie, you've been a joy to be around and we would never forget you, not in a million years.

Asuna: *hugs Yuuki while blinking away tears* He's right, I'm happy I got to meet you, all of you, and I'm glad I got to be apart of your last quest. Even after everything, I still wish I could join the Knights.

(y/n): Me too.

Yuuki: *blinking away tears (same as me)* Me too, I wish you could too but I'm happy I came here and got to meet ya both. *crying* You saying that makes it worth it, more than worth it. That's enough for me, I'm good.

Asuna: But' isn't there anything else you want to do? *breaks the hug along with (y/n)* I mean, there's lots of places in Alfheim you haven't been yet and other virtual worlds, there's still lots of things to do and places to see, you can't tell me you've had enough.

Yuuki: For the last 3 years we got to go on tons of adventures in other worlds but I want my very last memory to be the one I got to go on with you Asuna, (y/n).

Asuna: Yeah but can't you think of anything else you want to see or maybe do?

The sun was rising up over the horizon in a beautiful shot.

Yuuki: *thinking* I don't know, I guess maybe go to school again.

Asuna: For real?

Yuuki: Nah, forget it, just kidding. *turns around* I'm happy you want to help but don't sweat it, it's cool. I had an awesome life, really.

(y/n): Actually, you probably could.

Yuuki: *turns back around* Wait what?

(y/n): You could go, a friend of ours is working on something and I could get him to let me borrow it when I tell him why.

Yuuki: Wait, really.

(y/n): Yeah.

timeskip brought to you by chibi Yuuki and chibi (y/n) messing around in ALO

Me and Asuna spent some time with Yuuki in ALO but after awhile Asuna decided to leave.

(y/n): You sure you don't need a ride?

Asuna: Yeah, plus I wanted to walk a little.

(y/n): To think?

Asuna: Yeah, how could you tell?

(y/n): Most people would want to think after learning about something like this so I don't blame you.

Asuna: Well, I'll see you tomorrow at school.

(y/n): Ok.

Asuna leaves and I head back over to the doc.

Kurahashi: Did she leave?

(y/n): Yeah, I wanted to stay with Yuuki for a little while longer, and do the thing that we talked about earlier.

Kurahashi: RIght, well follow me then.

We both walk off to another part and there was a chair and I sat down as Kurahashi went to another part and got the tools he needed to draw by blood.

Kurahashi: Ok, I need you to roll up your sleeve.

(y/n): Ok, don't ask about the scars though. *rolls up sleeve*

Kurahashi: *sticks the needle and starts drawing blood* Are they-

(y/n): No they are not self inflicted or abuse either.

Kurahashi: Alright.

After that we decided to go into a conversation about our lives and I said that I was apart of the SAO incident and so was Asuna but not to mention it to Yuuki. We talk about other things when he said that we were done. He said he'd run tests tonight and would text me with the results tomorrow or the day after. After that I rolled my sleeve back and we walked and reentered Yuuki's room and said that we could talk for a while.

(Yuuki fluff)

(y/n): *moves a chair closer to the window* Hey Yuuki.

Yuuki: Hey (y/n). I'm guessing Asuna went home then.

(y/n): Yeah. I offered her a ride but she wanted to walk, she needed to think.

Yuuki: Why?

(y/n): Well after learning something like this someone would need to think.

Yuuki: Oh.

(y/n): Don't blame yourself, you couldn't control what happened to you.

Yuuki: Ok.

(y/n): So how have you been?

Yuuki: I've been well.

(y/n): That's good. Whenever you are around you've shown me your resolve and how strong it is and yours is strong enough to give mine a run for its money.

Yuuki: *unseen blushing* Thanks.

(y/n): You are someone who can turn a hopeless situation into a brighter one and I commend that. You have been nothing but a joy to be around with just by being yourself.

Yuuki: *unseen madly blushing* T-thanks.

(y/n): No thank you.

Yuuki: *nervously* H-hey (y/n), have you ever been in love?

(y/n): Yeah, I have. Why?

Yuuki: Just wondering. What's it like?

(y/n): It can be one of the best feelings in the world. There's multiple ways to describe it but there are 2 that I have personal experience with, it's either when you with the person you love you feel content and at peace,safe even, or whenever your with them you feel your heart rate pick up to the point you feel like it's going to beat out of your chest and your stomach erupts to the point if feels like there are butterflies in there or a combination of both.

Yuuki: Oh, and what if your in love with 2 people?

(y/n): My thoughts are that you should be able to love whoever you want, love is love in my opinion, no matter if it's a man or a woman and weather it's one person or 2 or more, that's my thoughts.

Yuuki: *unseen blushing* (y/n), I-

(y/n): *looking towards Yuuki*

Yuuki: Nevermind, anyway what happened with yours?

(y/n): She died.

Yuuki: I'm sorry. What happened?

(y/n): I don't want to talk about it.

Yuuki: I'm sorry if I pushed you.

(y/n): Don't apologize it's just a difficult subject.

Yuuki: Ok.

(y/n): So what do you want to talk about now?

Me and Yuuki spent a couple more hours until the doc told me I had to go. I left the hospital and got on my bike and rode home. I was greeted by Kazuto and Sugu and he asked me how it went. All 3 of us talked about it and our days in general.

(end of Yuuki fluff)

timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) doing everything to make chibi Yuuki happy

January 12th 2023

I woke up early this morning and took a shower and got ready for school. I can't believe I have to go through this shit again, high school was bad enough the first time around but I had to do it again. After I got ready I checked my phone and saw that I got a message from after I went to bed and I decided to check it.

Kurahashi: I need to talk to you, see if you can come to the hospital before you have to go to school. I'll be waiting out front.

After reading the message I quickly get everything I need and I wrote a quick note and left it on the table telling Kazuto and Sugu I was going out for a bit and to go to school without me. I leave and shut the door quietly and locked it. I hop on to my bike and roll it aways away from Kazuto's and then I hopped on it and started it and drove off. I quickly arrived at the hospital and saw Kurahashi out front like he said he'd be. I quickly walk up to him and we both head inside. We both walked to the room where he drew my blood and I sat down in a chair.

(y/n): So why did you call me over here so early?

Kurahashi: Well I wanted to tell you this quickly, when I ran tests on your blood with hers there was something in your blood that could fight the AIDS head on.

(y/n): What? (thoughts) Could it be because of me coming to this world it somehow gave me something that could help with Yuuki's AIDS, did it know I wanted to save her?

Kurahashi: (y/n)?

(y/n): Sorry, I was just thinking about something.

Kurahashi: You the only person who could possibly be immune to the AIDS virus but how?

(y/n): I think I have an explanation.

Kurahashi: How?

(y/n): I have to explain a couple of things first. Biggest thing is who I am. I am not from this world.

Kurahashi: What do you mean by that?

(y/n): Where I come from you, Asuna, and Yuuki are just characters from a TV show called Sword Art Online. I am not from this reality.

Kurahashi: Ok, and the immunity?

(y/n): I guess is that it knew I wanted to save Yuuki so it gave me a way to save her. That's the best I can explain it because even I don't know how to explain it.

Kurahashi: Ok.

(y/n): * walks over to the chair to get his blood drawn*

Kurahashi: Ok. *sets up the equipment and begins drawing blood* So then where did the scars come from then?

(y/n): From SAO, when I was in the game every hit I took did physical damage to my body with that being every scar you see but that's not all of them, they're on my other arm and on my torso and legs. That's why I wear long sleeves all the time.

Kurahashi: I see.

(y/n): And please don't say anything about this to Asuna or Yuuki.

Kurahashi: Ok.

(y/n): Thanks. So what can you do?

Kurahashi: Well if you come here every day for about a month I think I can have enough of your blood to maybe figure something out for Yuuki, most likely a pill she will have to take for the rest of her life but she can live.

(y/n): Ok, so what would the timeline be like? 

Kurahashi: Well, let me ask, when does she die? 

(y/n): March 29th 2026

Kurahashi: So a little over 2 months then, ok we'll try it out and see what happens then. I say those first 2 months we'll try the pill and see if it works. Then we'll probably do it and other things for another 2 months to build up her immune system and then probably 3-6 months therapy and to bring back her muscle mass so earliest would probably November at the earliest.  

(y/n): Would she be able to ever have kids because with something you'd need to be careful right? 

Kurahashi: She probably could but not in the traditional way.

(y/n): Ok, but can I ask you for a favor? 

Kurahashi: What is it? 

(y/n): Don't tell Yuuki or Asuna I'm the one helping her. Tell Yuuki if and when she's discarged. 

Kurahashi: Why? 

(y/n): *takes a deep breath* Because if she dies and it didn't work I want that just on my conscience. I don't want Asuna to blame me or herself. I already have deaths on mine, what's one more. 

Kurahashi: What do you mean by that? 

(y/n): Ever heard of The Assassin of Sword Art Online? 

Kurahashi: Yeah. 

(y/n): That's me. 

Kurahashi: Why though, why hunt down Laughing Coffin? 

(y/n): It's personal. 

Kurahashi: Oh, sorry. 

(y/n): It's alright. 

Kurahashi: Well that should be it for now. 

(y/n): *roles sleeve back and stands up* Thanks for the help, and information, doc. 

Kurahashi: And thank you for telling me the truth, does anyone else know? 

(y/n): Just 2 people but they are not around anymore. 

Kurahashi: Might I make a suggestion? 

(y/n): Shoot. 

Kurahashi: I think you should tell your friends before they figure something out. 

(y/n): *takes a deep breath* I'll think about it doc. Goodbye. 

I leave the hospital and quickly hop on my bike and drive off. The sun was starting to rise farther into the sky so I quickly head to the school and arrived before anyone. I walked into class and waited for everyone to show up. 

timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) finishing homework before anyone else because he has done the classes before 

Me and Asuna went to lunch and quickly ate. After we were done we went to Kazuto and we talked to him about using his camera thing for Yuuki and he agreed. They put it on my the shoulder of my off hand. 

Friend 1: No see the way it's set now the gyro to sensitive. If you want to prioritize the visual tracking you've got to give yourself a little more room in these parameters. 

Kazuto: *messing with the computer* Ok but won't  it act like crazy if he made any sudden moves? 

Friend 2: I guess you'll just have to trust the learning program and the optimiser can deal with it. 

Asuna: *checks her watch* How much longer guys, our lunch breaks' almost over?

(y/n): You can never rush stuff like this, technology can be very finicky. 

Kazuto: Let's just set this to the default setting and see if it works. 

(y/n): Ok, hey Yuuki, can you hear ok? 

Yuuki: Yep, I hear you loud and clear. 

Kazuto: Good. Alright, I'm firing up the lens now so it might get bright. Let me know when you can see perfect and I'll lock that setting in. 

Yuuki: Fire away. 

Kazuto: *messes around on laptop* 

Yuuki: Hold it.

Kazuto: *gets up* Ok, your ready to go. *walks over to the camera* Last thing, *messing with the wires* I installed styblizers but they're kind of janky, try not to make any sudden movies. 

(y/n): I can be smooth. *slowly gets up* Thanks brother. 

Asuna: Let's go. *drags (y/n) away* 

(y/n): Slow down. 

Kazuto: *chuckles* 

Yuuki: *giggles* 

Me and Asuna walk out of the room and we walked outside. 

Yuuki: Wow, your school's ginormous. 

Asuna: I know right. I'm sorry we couldn't show you around first but lunch breaks' almost over and we don't want to be late. 

Yuuki: That's ok, I'm just excited to check out your class. 

(y/n): Well we're glad. Let's go to the faculty room so we can introduce you. 

We make our way to the faculty room and once we arrive I noticed that Yuuki was silent and so did Asuna. 

Asuna: Yuuki, what wrong? 

Yuuki: It's the one part of school I don't miss, going to the faculty room. 

(y/n): Don't worry, the teachers here aren't your typical teachers. They're cool. *opens the door to walk in* 

Asuna: Excuse me. 

Yuuki: M-me too. 

Asuna: *giggles* 

(y/n): *chuckles* 

Asuna: *walks over to the teacher with (y/n)* I just wanted to make sure it was still alright.

Teacher: Sure alright, I'm fine with it. And what's the name of the student who will be joining us today? 

Yuuki: Oh um, Yuuki, Yuuki Konno sir. 

Teacher: Oh, ok. Mrs. Konno you're welcome to my class anytime you want. Although we start Akutagawa's A Lorry today, unless you stick with it until the end you won't get the point.

Yuuki: Y-yes sir, thank you very much. 

Teacher: Mu-hum. 

Asuna and (y/n): *walks out and turns around and bows* See you in class. *closes the door* 

Everyone: *sighs in relief* *relizes and giggles or chuckles* 

Me and Asuna start heading towards the classroom when 3 idiots that have been assholes to me stopped us. Real smart being assholes to a highly trained killer, real smart.

Jackass 1: Where do you think you going? 

(y/n): Well let's see, to finnish class today and then maybe to do other things. 

Jackass 2: What's this? *referring to the camera* 

(y/n): Touch it and I will stick you hand where the sun don't shine. 

Jackass 3: Like you'd do anything. Maybe we'll destroy that camera and we'll see what happens. 

(y/n): I'd like to see you try. 

Jackass 1: Well then, we will try it. 

(y/n): Your funeral. *cracks knuckles*

That last line set them off and they went after me and not Asuna, good. Knowing these guys can't fight this would be to easy. One came at me with a punch and I just moved my body to dodged in a smooth and not quick movement so Yuuki wouldn't get motion sick.

After he missed I decked him hard with my (d/h) and sent him on the floor. His buddy went for me and tried to punch me like the last guy but he was even slower and I just nonchalauntly grab his wrist and elbowed him first in the gut and then in the face knocking him down.

The last guy couldn't react in time and I sweeped his foot out from under him and after he started falling down I sent my fist on my (d/h) and nailed him right in the head, causing him to go down hard. I stretch my fingers out and walk back to Asuna who was shocked. 

Yuuki: That was awesome. Your movement was so controlled and the camera didn't act crazy while you did it. 

(y/n): Thanks. 

Asuna: Wow, I didn't know you could fight. 

(y/n): Ask Kazuto about it, he'll have something to say. 

Asuna: Ok. Well, let's get to class then. 

(y/n): Agreed. 

We walked away heading towards class and we arrived and everyone was talking. Both of us walked in. Yuuki made a worried sigh as we made our way to our seats. There were 3 girls talking to each other when we walked in and they stopped when we walked up and started to talk to us. 

Girl 1: *points to the camera* What's that Mr. (l/n), Mrs. Yuuki? 

Yuuki: Hey, how did you know my name? 

Girls: *confused shock* 

(y/n): Wrong name, that's Asuna's last name. 

Yuuki: Oh right. Duh. 

Asuna: *referring to the camera* Guys, meet Yuuki Konno. She's in the hospital right now and can't leave her room so instead she'll be attending our class like this. 

Yuuki: Nice to meet ya. I can only hang out for a little while though. 

Everyone: *looking at us interested* 

Girl 1: Nice to meet you. 

People: *starting to swarm us* 

(y/n): *mildly wanting to leave* 

Yuuki: *greeting everyone* 

The Bell: *rings* 

(y/n) thoughts: Save by the bell. *sits down* 

Teacher: *walks in and closes, closes the door and walks over to the podium*  

Random Person: Please stand, bow, be seated.

Everyone: *does what is asked of them when asked* 

timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) being able to read japanese because he actually sees the words in english

Bell: *rings* 

(y/n): Well that's over. *gets swarmed again by people* (thoughts) Lord help me. *looks to Asuna and mouths help me* 

Asuna: Sorry guys, I want to go somewhere with the 2 of them. 

(y/n): *gets up and is dragged outside by Asuna* *sighs heavily* Thanks. 

Asuna: (jokingly) Don't like being the center of attention (y/n)? 

(y/n): You already know that, it makes everyone look at you when I'd rather be hidden in a crowd. 

Yuuki: I'm sorry (y/n). 

(y/n): It's not your fault, everyone is just excited about someone being new. 

We walked outside and sat down on a bench. I take a deep breath enjoying the fresh air while the wind blew my (h/l) (h/c) hair around. 

Yuuki: Now that was awesome. 

Asuna: I know right. 

(y/n): Yeah. 

Yuuki: Thanks for making today happen Asuna, (y/n). I had a blast. I'm never going to forget today, ever. 

(y/n): No problem, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. 

Asuna: *thinking* Well of course you won't the teacher said you could come back again if you want. Oh modern japanese is 3rd period tomorrow, you don't want to miss that.  

Yuuki: *not enthusiastically* Yeah. 

(y/n): So where to next, it there anything else you want to do? 

Yuuki: Oh, umm. I guess there is one place I'd like to go. 

Asuna: Where? 

Yuuki: I'll tell you once we leave.  

(y/n): Ok, well I need to do something first, want to come with me?

Asuna: Yeah, what do you plan to do? 

(y/n): Well I'm going to ask Kazuto to take my bike home since we'll be walking for a while and introduce Yuuki to everyone we know that goes here. 

Asuna: That's a great idea. 

Yuuki: Ok. 

We all walk over and I text the other to meet up. Once we arrive we saw everyone talking until we walk up causing everyone to stop and look at us. 

Rika: Want to answer why you called us over here? 

(y/n): Well we wanted to introduce everyone to Yuuki. Yuuki you've already met Kazuto who is Kirito but these are our friends, Rika who is Liz in game and this is Keiko who is know as Silica in game. Guys this is Yuuki Konno aka Zekken. 

Rika: Hello there. 

Keiko: Hi. 

Yuuki: Hi there. 

(y/n): And then there's Kazuto's sister Suguha who is Leafa in game and a couple of other people. 

Rika: It's great to meet you. 

Yuuki: Same goes for you guys as well. 

Asuna: Oh Kazuto, I wanted to ask you something, earlier (y/n) had to fight 3 people. 

Kazuto: Why? 

(y/n): They were being annoyances and were wanting to break you camera and they started it. 

Kazuto: Yuuki, how did the camera do? 

Yuuki: Well his movements were not jaring so it didn't have too much of an affect on the camera. 

Kazuto: Seems he took my advice very seriously. 

Asuna: Anyway he said you'd have something to say about his fighting. 

Kazuto: Oh. You found out he can? 

Asuna: Yeah when he single-handedly beat 3 guys while not moving much. 

Kazuto: Was he calm? 

Asuna: Very. 

Kazuto: You should see when he's pissed. 

Asuna: Huh? 

Kazuto: Well after we left the hospital after the GGO tournament and went to Asada's place he kicked the door open and when he walked in he was pissed and him and one of the Death Guns fought each other and (y/n) dodged his attacks and was able to disarm him when he was holding a syringe and destroyed it. Death Gun brought out a, what was it?

(y/n): A butterfly knife.    

Kazuto: Yeah, anyway Death Gun brought out a butterfly knife and (y/n) dodges all of his attacks and disarmed him again and stabbed him in the leg and dragged him over and slammed his head down on the counter. Afterwards (y/n) was holding him by his hoodie and his feet were touching but not supporting him and punched him right in his face, breaking his nose and knocking him out. 

Asuna/Yuuki/Rika/Keiko: Really!? 

(y/n): Yeah. I had to do what I had to do, I have no remorse about that. 

Kazuto: Your right. 

(y/n): Thanks brother. 

Yuuki: Ok, why do you call Kazuto brother and Asuna sis? 

Rika: Because he considers them to be like family. 

Everyone: Huh? 

Asuna: How do you know? 

(y/n): Well she was the first person I told about my thoughts on you 2. 

Asuna: Oh. 

(y/n): Kazuto, catch. *throws him keys* 

Kazuto: Your letting me drive your bike? 

(y/n): Yeah, I'm going to be walking around with Asuna and Yuuki for a while. Tell your parents I'll be home later.  

Kazuto: Ok. 

(y/n): Bye guys. 

Asuna and Yuuki: Bye. 

Kazuto/Rika/Keiko: Bye. 

Me and Asuna walk away and Yuuki tells us to go to the station. We ride the train and once we arrive at the destination we get off and start walking. 

Asuna: *stops walking* It's so pretty here huh?  

(y/n): *stops as well* Yeah. 

Asuna: Just look at that sky. 

Yuuki: Yeah. Hey are your folks cool with you staying out so late? You've been hauling me around all day. 

Asuna: Don't you worry about it, I sent them a text and it's fine. 

(y/n): Yeah, we're good. Where to next Yuuki? 

Yuuki: Go left.  

We spent time walking around and passing a open market. We walked around until it became night. 

Asuna: Hey are we in Skimidie yet? 

Yuuki: Yeah. Next corner there's a white house, can you stop there. 

(y/n): Sure. 

Me and Asuna both stop in front of the house and I know the place is Yuuki's old home. 

Yuuki: *sighs* 

(y/n): I understand if this is hard for you. 

Asuna: This is your house huh? 

Yuuki: Yeah. I never thought I'd get the chance to see it again, thanks for bringing me out here, both of you, and for everything. 

(y/n): I'm glad you got to see it again one last time and for everything else, thank you for giving up an incredible ride. 

Asuna: Do you want to go inside? 

Yuuki: Nah, this was enough. Come on, lets head back before your folks get worried. 

Asuna: No it's ok, we can stay a little longer. 

(y/n): Yeah. 

Yuuki: Me and my family, we only go to live here a little over a year and the weird thing is I can remember everyday so clear. My sister and me use to play in the yard, running around and around and around, we had barbeques and we even built these bookshelves with our dad, good time. 

(y/n) and Asuna: *leaning on a rail* 

Asuna: Lucky you. 

Yuuki: Yeah. They're going to tear it all down though. 

Asuna: Really? Why? 

Yuuki: My aunt wants to either put a convenience store here or maybe sell it. 

Asuna: No way. 

(y/n): Damn.  

Yuuki: That's why I wanted to come here, so I could see it one more time.

Asuna: Well I know how you can save it. 

Yuuki: How? 

Asuna: Your 15 now aren't you? When you turn 16 find someone you love and marry them, that way you'll have someone around who can keep this house from ever being torn down. 

Yuuki: *laughing while unseen blushing a little* You got the craziest ideas, (muttering) though there is someone or someone's I like . 

Asuna: What was that? 

Yuuki: Nothing. 

Asuna: Oh yeah, but you and Jun make a cute couple. 

Yuuki: God no, that guy's so immature.   

Asuna: *giggles* 

Yuuki: Let's see, who should I marry, oh I know one of you! 

Asuna: Huh? 

Yuuki: The only thing for you Asuna is if you marry me, you'll have to be the wife, I mean the other way around my name would be Yuuki Yuuki and that'd be weird. *giggles* 

(y/n): You don't have to change your name when you get married. That's only an agreement that the 2 partners can come too. 

Asuna: I can't imagine what my mom would say. 

Yuuki: I know, I'm kidding besides you are already someone lined up. 

Asuna: Oh um, well yeah, I guess. 

Yuuki: Still you should be careful, I get the feeling he's not living in the real world either. Not like me but you know. 

Asuna: *giggles nervously* What about (y/n) though? 

Yuuki: *unseen blushing* That could work too. 

(y/n): Yeah. 

Yuuki: I can't thank you enough Asuna, (y/n). Just to see my old house again, you don't know how happy that makes me. Back when we lived here, I remember we'd go to church to pray and stuff and mom always use to say this to me and my sister this "god would never put us through all this suffering if he didn't think we could bare it." It didn't make me feel better though, instead of quoting the bible what I really wanted was for mom to talk to us like well, like a mom. But you know, after seeing our house again, I think I get it now, the words didn't matter, it was the feeling behind those words. She was praying for me so I wouldn't feel sorry for myself so I could be strong until the end and now I finally get it. 

(y/n): Sometimes is fate or life dealing you a bad hand, or bad fucking luck that this happened to you but your optimism makes you unique, if it were me I probably would have given up hope a long time ago. I'm not much of  a religious person myself but that's a nice sentiment.(these are just my belief, if yours is different it's fine, you can change the line up if you want) Your resolve is something I admire because it's your resolve that has kept you well you. 

Yuuki: *unseen blushing* Thanks (y/n). 

Asuna: I'm the same. See I-I haven't understood my mom either. I can't hear what she's really trying to tell me, she can't seem to hear me. Remember what you told me, that sometimes you have to fight to get your point across, how can I get to be strong, like you? 

Yuuki: Me? Huh, I'm not strong, no way. 

Asuna: Oh yes you are. Your not like me, when you stand up to someone you don't flinch or let them intimidate you, nothing seems to scare you at all. It's like second nature for you.

Yuuki: Humm yeah I don't know. When I was living in the real world or you know what I mean, most of the time I was faking it. 

Asuna: Huh? 

Yuuki: It's like, I thought had to act cheerful because I didn't want to  make my mom and dad feel sad for me. 

Asuna: Yuuki. 

Yuuki: You want to know what I think in the end, so what if I'm just acting, if I get to spend more time smiling even when it's fake what's the big deal. Am I right? I mean, it's not like I got a whole lot of time left and it'd be a shame to waste whatever I do got by moping around all the time. So now I say exactly what I feel to everyone, (mumbling) maybe not everyone everything, (normally) and if they got a problem with that who cares at least I spoke my mind and maybe even got a little closer to them. 

(y/n): Death comes for us all, some sooner than others, but it's what you do in your life that matters. It's natural to fear death but never let it control you. Reminds me of something I hear once, "When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home." - Tecumseh. Some people, when they leave this world they're scared or they try to fight for one last day, and leave kicking and screaming but you, your different. You seem content, you understand and you seem happy with what you have done with you life.  

Asuna: Your right. That's the reason were here today, why we're so close after only a few days, it's all cause of you. 

Yuuki: Nope, that wasn't cause of me. 

Asuna: Huh?

Yuuki: It's cause even after I ran away from you 2, you 2 tracked me down. Look, how about you try talking to your mom like you did to me, if you try telling her how you feel maybe you'll  get through to her. Don't worry, you can do it, your way stronger than me honest. 

Asuna: *cradles the camera* Yuuki. 

(y/n) thoughts: Yuuki would be holding her hand out trying to just touch her and that thought is depressing. 

Yuuki: You both hit me with everything you've got, that's how I knew I could trust you 2 with everything I had. In the end it worked out for all 3 of us, didn't it. 

Asuna: Yes it did, thank you so much Yuuki. *ends the hug with the camera* 

(y/n): *chuckles* You know what they say, great minds think alike. 

Yuuki: Huh? 

Asuna: Oh yeah, (y/n) said something similar to me when I told him about this. 

Yuuki: Really? 

Asuna: Yeah. 

We spent some more time together but we had to leave for after a while. We went to Asuna's first and on the walk we talked for a while until we arrived at Asuna's. I told her to use both me and Yuuki's advise. After she went inside I went on the walk towards Kazuto's and me and Yuuki spent more time together. As we arrived I asked Yuuki to stay on a little longer because I wanted to introduce her to Sugu. I walk back in and was greeted by Kazuto and Sugu. 

Kazuto: You back. 

(y/n): *takes off jacket* Yeah. 

Sugu: Where have you been? 

(y/n): Talking to a new friend. Sugu, this is Yuuki Konno aka Zekken and Yuuki this is Suguha Kirigaya, Kazuto's younger sister, who is Leafa in game. 

Yuuki: Hello there. 

Sugu: So your the infamous Zekken I've heard about and dueled, it's nice to meet you too. 

The 4 of us spent time together and the girls got to know each other better. Yuuki had to leave so we all said our goodbyes and afterwards Kazuto took his camera back. I knew Asuna was going to work things out with her mother and I'm glad she did. The 3 of us talked for a little while longer and then we all went to bed. 

massive timeskip brought to you by chibi (a/n) (author name) trying to hold back tears while writing this entire thing 

February 12th 2026

Today's the last the doc asked me to come in to get my blood drawn. Asuna fixed the relationship she has with her mother and is much happier than before. Yuuki came back to school again a couple more times and things were good. School was over for the day and I hopped on my bike and cruised over to the hospital. Once I arrived I went over to Kurahashi and went over to the room where we always did the blood drawing and I sat down and rolled up my sleeve and we got started. 

Kurahashi: So how's your day been? 

(y/n): Alright, relearning stuff I already learned so same old same old. 

Kurahashi: *chuckles* Probably would be. 

(y/n): And yourself? 

Kurahashi: Just fine. No new developments in my life really, just work. 

(y/n): You need to take a break every now and then. 

Kurahashi: *chuckles* I should, shouldn't I. 

(y/n): *chuckles* Not if you want to drive yourself crazy. 

Kurahashi: *laughs* Yeah. 

(y/n): So, hows Yuuki? 

Kurahashi: Well ever since I started giving her the pill with the part of your blood that could fight her AIDS she's been getting better everyday. 

(y/n): *sighs in relief* That's good. 

Kurahashi: And so far no major side effects.

(y/n): That's good. 

Kurahashi: It truly is but this could only work for her though because of you and who you are. 

(y/n): Yeah. 

Kurahashi: Well we can at least help her. 

(y/n): Yeah. 

We spent some time talking about our lives and stuff when he said he was done. 

Kurahashi: I hopefully don't need anymore blood from you but if I do-

(y/n): You have my number. 

Kurahashi: Yeah. 

(y/n): I'm going to see Yuuki then. 

Kurahashi: Ok. 

I walk into the room and see Asuna talking to Yuuki. 

Asuna: Hey (y/n), what are you doing here? 

(y/n): Same as you, here to talk to Yuuki. 

Asuna: Ok. 

(y/n): *brings a chair over next to Asuna* Hey Yuuki. 

Yuuki: Hey Asuna, (y/n). How are you guys? 

Asuna: I'm good, schools been good and my relationship with my mom is better. 

(y/n): So you headed our advise. 

Asuna: Yeah I did and thank you both for that. 

Yuuki: It was all you, we just gave you the push. 

(y/n): Yeah. 

Asuna: But if you didn't give me that push then I would have never done it.

Yuuki: Alright, (y/n)? 

(y/n): I've been doing good myself, schools been ok and nothings to crazy right now. How have you've been? 

Yuuki: I've been doing good, something the doc's gave me has been helping a lot. 

(y/n) thoughts: Seems the doc did what I asked of him, I'm glad because I did not want Asuna to know if something went wrong. She looks better and doesn't look as pale. I did everything I could to help her, now it's up to fate and her will. (normally) That's great. 

Asuna: Yeah. 

Yuuki: Thanks guys. So what are your plans for today? 

While the 2 start talking I just watch with a smile on my face because I think I have saved Yuuki. Who or whatever put me here into this world, thank you for letting me save her. It makes me think about how much strength Yuuki has to still keep fighting but to also understand that she might not make it.

It also make me think back to SAO and how I fought every day not for my life but to protect the lives of others and even after I stopped killing Laughing Coffin I still put my life, on the line with no regard for my safety, just Kirito and Asuna's. I question everyday why it was me who survived but I try not to take it for granted. I think about why I fought and why I went after Laughing Coffin, did I want to get rid of them or was it as a way to embrace death and maybe to see her again?

I don't even know why, so many emotions ran through my head during that time that I don't know what how to make sense of them. But I'm happy now, I have people around me that I care about and will protect with everything I've got. I want to make everyone I know happy and I have to at least try. I was deep in thought when Yuuki pulled me out of my thoughts. 

Yuuki: (y/n), what were you thinking about? 

(y/n): Nothing. What did you want to ask me?

Yuuki: What's your plans for today? 

(y/n): Don't know probably hang out here for a while and then hang out at home for the rest of the day. 

Yuuki: Well then, what should we talk about? 

We spent a lot of time talking about past stories and embarrassing each other and ourselves with Yuuki laughing lightly have enjoying the stories. It started to become night and me and Asuna decided to leave but not before telling Yuuki bye and maybe causing her to blush.

We both leave and I head back home and spend time talking to Kazuto and Sugu until we had to go to sleep. This past month has been wild, Yuuki got to meet everyone better and Yuuki and Kirito went against each other in a dueling tournament and I fought in there too and the finals were first Kirito vs Yuuki and the winner faced me. Both of them fought hard but in the end Kirito just barely lost and then me and Yuuki fought.

We both had a close fight but I won but she nearly had me a couple of times. I was laying in bed thinking about how much I have probably changed in this world, Sachi and The Moonlit Black Cat's are still alive, many members of Laughing Coffin are dead, not as many people died because of them, removed that awkward moment between Kazuto and Sugu when they find out their real identities, kneecapping Sugou and Kazuto not fighting him, beating one of the Death Gun's faces to a bloody pulp, and saving Yuuki but I still have much more to do.

I have to at least try to prevent Kazuto from getting poisoned or if he does the go into the Underworld to get his ass, kill Johnny Black, save Eugeo from dying, prevent Kazuto from going catatonic for 6 months, and I'll fucking kill PoH and Gabriel, they're to much of a risk to leave alive because they could cause more problems along with everything that happens in Ordinal Scale. (when I wrote this I still have not watched Ordinal Scale)

At least Mother's Rosario is a repreve before shit hits the fan again. I need to be prepared for the things coming up. I stop thinking and decide to go to sleep. 

massive timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) happy that he was able to perform a miracle for Yuuki 

March 29th 2026

I woke up this morning later than usual but it was Sunday so it can be forgiven. I get up and take a shower. After getting dressed I leave the bathroom and quickly put away my clothes that I wore yesterday and I went down stairs and saw Kazuto and Sugu eating breakfast. 

(y/n): *walks over* Morning. 

Kazuto: Look who decided to sleep in for once. 

Sugu: Kazuto, really. 

(y/n): *chuckles* No he's right, shocked myself even. *sits down and starts eating* So how long have you 2 been awake? 

Sugu: I've been up for an hour. Him like 2. 

(y/n): You waking up early, weird. Usually I'm the one to get you up. 

Kazuto: Hey, I do get up early. 

(y/n): Yeah, *finger quotes* early. Hey I haven't told you this story about the one time I woke up Kazuto have I? 

Kazuto: Oh no. 

Sugu: No I don't think I have. 

(y/n): Ah, well this was during SAO and the cabin on floor 22. It was the day after we bought it and Asuna was already up cooking breakfast and I woke up because of the smell. Anyway we talked for a minute and she asked me to wake him up. 

Kazuto: Oh lord. 

(y/n): Anyway I found him still asleep so I snuck up and yelled out, " Hey wake up Aincrad is falling apart we have to go now", he fell off the bed like a sack of potatoes. 

Sugu: *laughing* I needed to see that. 

Kazuto: *grumbles* 

(y/n): Come on it's funny. 

Kazuto: Oh yeah well there was this time where he pranked Rika and she full on slapped him very hard. 

Sugu: *laughing* 

(y/n): *chuckles* Yeah, wasn't a good idea but hey I still did it. 

Kazuto: *chuckles* Yeah. 

(y/n): Hey got any about Sugu? 

Sugu: No, we can skip me. 

Kazuto: Oh have I got one. 

We spent a good couple of hours telling embarrassing stories about each other and laughing our asses off with a few of them. Afterwards I got a text from Kurahashi. 

Kurahashi: Could you come to the hospital and bring Asuna with you, Yuuki wants to talk to you about something. 

(y/n): *message* I'll be there soon with Asuna. 

Sugu: What's that about? 

(y/n): I have to go. Hey Kazuto can I ask you for a favor? 

Kazuto: What's up? 

(y/n): Can you and Sugu gather everyone who has fought Zekken and a people who admire her skills and bring them to the island that she fought on, on floor 24?

Kazuto and Sugu: No problem. 

(y/n): Thanks guys. 

I quickly get dressed and head outside to my bike. I hop on and start it up and drive to Asuna's. After a few minutes I arrive outside her door and knock on it. 

Asuna: *opens the door* (y/n), what are you doing here? 

(y/n): Yuuki asked to see us so I came to pick you up. 

Asuna: Is she ok? 

(y/n): Didn't say but I don't think it's anything serious.

Asuna: Ok. *to her mom* I'm going out with a friend. *walks out and closes the door* Ok let's go. 

Asuna hops on my bike and puts on a helmet. I hop on and put mine on and we both drive away. After a few minutes we arrive at the hospital and walk in and we immediately saw Kurahashi.  

Kurahashi: Hey you 2. 

(y/n): Hey doc, were here. 

Asuna: Why did Yuuki want to see us, is something wrong? 

Kurahashi: No nothing's wrong and she didn't tell me why she wanted to see you 2 just that she did. 

Asuna: Ok. 

We all walk towards her room and we arrived at Yuuki's room. We walked in and I immediately noticed she was not as pale as last time. 

Yuuki: Hey guys. 

Asuna and (y/n): Hey. 

(y/n): Why did you want to see us? 

Yuuki: Well I wanted to talk to you about something but we need to talk about it in ALO so could you 2 go into ALO using the amusphere's in the room next door. 

Asuna: Of course. 

We both walk into the room and log onto ALO and once we logged in we were on the island on floor 24 and in front of us is Yuuki. 

Yuuki: Thanks you 2. 

Asuna: What did you want to talk about Yuuki? 

Yuuki: Well, today was when my time was up and my final day but I've been feeling better so now I have more time so I'm going to explore another world and I won't be back on ALO for a while so I wanted on final goodbye. But- *looks up a little* 

(y/n): *sense's a lot of players presences*   

Me and Asuna turn around and saw a large amount of people, including all of our friends accept for Sinon. Everyone that could land on the island landed and kneeled in respect for Yuuki.  

Yuuki: Wha-

(y/n): You have earned the respect of everyone here, as well as mine. 

I draw out Excalibur with my main hand and get down on one knee and am holding the sword with the tip pointing down and on the ground and me holding the grip. My other arm was across the knee that wasn't on the ground with my head tilted down.

(the pose that (y/n) was in) 

Yuuki: (y/n)-

(y/n): No you deserve this, all of this. 

Yuuki: (y/n), get up please. 

(y/n): Alright. 

I slowly rise up and with a half spin of my sword I put it back in it's sheathe. 

Asuna: So, what else did you want to talk about? 

Yuuki: Well, I said that whoever could beat me or at least go the distance I would give them my original sword skill but-

(y/n): *points to Asuna* She's more deserving of it than I am. 

Asuna: (y/n)-

(y/n): It would be better if you had it, you'd be able to use it better than I could. 

Asuna: Ok. 

Yuuki brings out her sword and looked towards the tree that was on the island and did her 11 hit combo. Once she was done a scroll appeared with a symbol on it and gave it to Asuna. 

Yuuki: There it is, my 11 hit combo, Mother's Rosario. It will always protect you when ever you need it.

Asuna: Thank you Yuuki. Where will you go? 

Yuuki: Don't know yet, I'll leave that up to a suprise for myself. I guess this is where we part ways isn't it? *tearing up a little* 

(y/n): For now but we will see you again. 

Asuna: *huggs Yuuki tightly* Yeah, we will see you again. 

Yuuki: *hugs Asuna back* Of course. 

Asuna: *breaks the hug* 

Yuuki: *walks over and squeezes (y/n) tightly* I'll miss you, both of you. 

(y/n): *hugs her back and starts petting her head* We'll miss you too, me and Asuna especially. 

Yuuki: *breaks the hug blushing* Me too. 

All 3 of us log out and me and Asuna wake up and we say bye to Yuuki and we both head home. I drop Asuna back home and I ride back home and once I arrive and head inside and thank Kazuto and Sugu for gathering everyone. We talk for hours about random things and afterwards we went to bed. I know next is Ordinal Scale and that one's going to be interesting. 

That's it for Mother's Rosario and I am sorry if it was short for any of you. I did come up a little short on how long I wanted this chapter. I wanted to do 10,000 but I chose the call it here because I didn't want the quality to go down. Also everything from the final episode I did offhand because if I did watch it I would have been crying and that would have made it harder to write. I hope you have enjoyed the story so far I am glad. I hope you have had a good day so far and if you have I'm glad. Goodbye for now. 


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