
By kate_kurochaya

4.7K 234 55

Brienne of Tarth X Female reader, timeline is set after the finale of Game of Thrones. I don't really watch G... More

A woman must work
The strangeness must exist
The boundary must set
Embracing must last long
Movement must come with consequence
Emotions must raise
Communication must be mutual
Thoughts must share
The confession must elongate
Love must be told

Friendship must build

420 18 0
By kate_kurochaya

After weeks of snow, the sunlight finally decided it was time to grace the land of the capital of the six kingdoms and beamed in the most bright way in the past month. The heat and light of the sun stopped the storm and woke up most of the citizens in their bright minds.

But unfortunately for you, the ray penetrating through the windows of your room spanked right on your face, annoyedly kicking you out of your sweet dream. You flipped in the thick quilt and groaned, burying your face in the pillow, your eyes tightly shut. The aftermath of drinking haunted your head and made it hurt like being pinned by your own sewing needles a thousand times.

Your throat was as dry as the desert and desperately needed some water. Reluctantly cracking an eye open, you scanned through your room through the eyelash, sadly finding nothing to fulfill your thirst. You blinked, yawned, and whined while struggling to get up, the flame in the fireplace kept your room warm and cozy, you really didn't want to leave. At least your legs were still able to bear your weight as you slid out from below the blanket, trembling but not collapsing, that was good enough for now.

Throwing random clothes on yourself, you didn't bother to make your expression more presentable as the buzzing sounds and pain still acted in your ears and brain. Your hands pushed against the wall to keep you straight while you made the way to the dining hall.

As soon as your feet touched the ground on the first floor, the daughter of the owner saw you. She dropped the empty tray on the nearest table and rushed to you, taking your arm to support you, at this very moment, she was the angel in your eyes. Giving her a weak smile, she chuckled and ushered you to your chair.

Sitting down on the usual spot with a hiss, you leaned your head against the wall, eyes half-lidded, speaking in the most thankful tone you could give out, "Thanks, Alina, you are so sweet."

"No problem, let me get you something to ease the headache. You certainly are not the first one getting drunk in this place." She winked at you before quickly disappearing into the kitchen as you closed your eyes and rubbed your temple. It was a miracle for you that you did not throw up right now.

In a blur, she showed up beside you, bringing a cup of some herb mixture, a bow of soup, and some food, urging you to drink the slimy liquid. You did as she told you, couldn't care about whatever it was.

The taste wasn't pleasant and the smell was strong, but it worked perfectly. You smiled gratefully at her after the imaginary pins in your brain vanished and your ears no longer had tinnitus, "You truly saved my life, Alina."

"Oh, It's nothing. Eat up, you'll feel better soon enough." She laughed and waved her hand.

You nodded and shoved bread in your mouth with a gulp of the hot soup. The warmth in your stomach made you groan in satisfaction, and the gears in your brain started to turn.

"I remember I was drinking with Brienne last night, mug after mug, and finally I blacked out. Now I'm here. Where is she anyway?"

She smirked, her index finger pointed upward, "She should be up in a room if she didn't leave at midnight, though I doubt she could. You really got her wasted. Podrick was upstairs too, he failed to bring her back yesterday."

"Well, it looked like I won the competition." You chuckled, knowing that you could see the knight later make the butterflies in your stomach fly wildly.

"You did? Congratulations! Any bet?" She clapped her hands together.

"Nah, we just drink and drink." You shook your head, having a mouthful of soup, it was hot and creamy, thick and full of flavor. Laura always did her job wonderfully.

"Uh, boring." She tutted as you stuffed another bite into your mouth, "Anyway, if Ser Brienne and Podrick have come downstairs, just call me for the hangover treatment and their breakfast. Now I must back to the kitchen, or mother will kill me." Alina rolled her eyes and stood up, running her hands through the apron and dashing toward the kitchen with a wink thrown to you behind her shoulder. You chuckled and watched her leave, she was such a lively girl.

It was not until half hour later that the knight and her squire finally made it to the dining hall. Your gaze had fixed on the stairs since you finished breakfast, so immediately you peeked at the sight of the shining golden hair of the towering woman. You were envy for that she could walk in a way that hardly anyone could tell she has gotten drunk only a few hours ago without any help, and slightly blushed at the thought of how statuesque and mighty she was.

Nonetheless, you beckoned to them with a smile. The knight noticed you first and nodded at you, then turned to talk to the young man. Shortly their conversation was over as he went away, and the tall woman continued her way to you.

"Good morning, Brienne." You greeted her as she sat down. Your eyes scoured the woman's face, her blue eyes were bright and clear, her brows were soothing and flat, and her cheeks were their naturally fair tone. She looked alright, you sighed softly in relief, happy that she didn't suffer as you did.

"Good morning. It seems you did get me not to walk out straight last night. Impressive." She lifted a side of her lips, bright eyes glancing at you amusedly.

You groaned lowly, "Don't mention that. I got a hilarious headache while you just walk and smile like nothing happened? You must be kidding me."

She snorted and tittered, shaking her head, "I guess it's because I am stronger in physic. Are you alright though? Maybe I shall stop you gulping all that buzz." Her expression turned to a worried one as she leaned toward you, her soft eyes looking you up and down with gentle sparkles of concern. You were definitely flushing up under her gaze, looking into her eyes, your cheeks were getting hotter and hotter, and her brows knitted together.

"Do you still have headache? Should I get you any medicine?" The worry in her tone could drip from between the words, making your heart swell sweetly.

"Oh! No, no. I'm just... fazed, that's all. The pain has mostly gone, don't worry." You smiled softly at her and put your palm on the back of her hand, rubbing it reassuringly. She still looked troubled, so you added, "Maybe your tall body did help with the metabolism of alcohol, it makes sense. We should try wine next time, I heard that people might have different endurances of different kinds of alcohol, maybe I can beat you at that." You grinned.

Brienne's strict face broke as her eyes widened before her head snapped backward for laughing. "You barely recover from the hangover, and now you want another round? You must be insane!" She said between laughs, her eyes arched like a crescent.

You raised a brow coyly, saying with a challenging tone, "What? the city was covered in snow, it's kinda boring stocking in the inn with only works' accompany. Come on, you know we are great drinking partners." You giggled as she laughed harder, literally cackling, the booming sound almost startled the passerby.

Spending some time to catch her breath, the knight ran her fingers through her hair and smiled, stunning you with the simplest gesture and making your heart falter effortlessly.

"That's true, and we don't have much to do in the camp in this kind of weather. Besides, I don't really enjoy paperwork either, god knows how easily those feather pans break themself while writing." She admitted with a shrug, and it made you chuckle uncontrollably.

You leaned yourself against the wall to ease your breath, she just looked at you with those pools of lazurite gems and soft curling lips. And you looked back at her, a faint blush slowly climbed up to your cheeks.

The time seemed frozen as you stared at each other, hand covered by hand, you could stay like that forever, and she seemed to have the same thought as you. Until a bump on the table knocked both of you awake, signaling you that the squire had returned. Both of you retrieved your hands, making some space for the plates.

"Good morning, Podrick. Thanks for carrying me upstairs last night." You greeted him as he set two servings of food and found himself a seat beside Brienne.

He sat down and smiled at you, "Good morning to you too, Y/N. And I'm always glad to help."

The two wasted no time and dug in. As you watched them eating, well, to be honest, your sight mostly landed on the tall woman, your thought wandered to the camp she just mentioned, and you wondered what they doing during winter. Curiosity had risen in your mind once again, and nothing ever stop its pace.

When they ate half of the meal on their plate, you cleared your throat.

"I know you do a lot of basic training at the site, but how exactly do you do that? Like, do you have a routine, a schedule, or any tutorial to follow? Do you do sword-fighting or anchoring every day? What would you guys do if the snow is too heavy and covers the quad?"

The questions that had run through your brain burst from your mouth like a series of cannonballs as you couldn't press them back down your throat anymore. Your eyes glimmered with excitement and thirst for knowledge, staring at them like hungry doggy, mouth watering for bones.

They blinked, looking at each other for a moment with mouths full of food, then, the young man swallowed down whatever was inside his jaw and said, "Maybe you could just come to the site and watch our training? It's an open area, anyone can come and see."

The knight turned her head to the young man, her brows furrowed, "I don't think anyone will be interested in watching the training." She said in a curt tone, truthfully, she didn't want you to feel bored, especially didn't want you to feel she was boring.

The man looked at her and nodded, startled by her cold face. Without another word, they both grabbed the food and got back to eat.

You pouted and glared at the knight, a little unhappily with her refusion. You were actually curious about the training session, and you do have some hope to see the knight more often, which you won't possibly tell her. Nonetheless, you decided to push a bit. Turning your face to Podrick, you tilted your head, "So where do you do training though? I would probably drop by while getting my supplements."

The tall woman snapped her head up to you with madly-widened eyes, genuinely surprised by your answer, she didn't believe there was someone who really thought fighting lessons were fun, but there you were, sitting before her in the flesh.

You looked back at her and shrugged while fighting down your blush, she just looked as fabulous as ever even with mouth-filled food. "What? I might not visit your training square on purpose because the weather is so bad, but it might be fun. Maybe I can catch the sight of some soldier chopping off the head of the strawman for archery and being kicked at their ass."

You shrugged again when brought up the case she told you last night, hoping to convince her. And it did work as both of them huffed out laughs. The squire pulled out a piece of paper, scratching the map for you with a charcoal pen. When he pushed the note before you and got back to eat, you studied it with admiration in your eyes.

"Let's see...... three blocks to the north and three to the east, then went through a street and turn right at the second corner, am I correct?"

"Yes you are, my lady." Podrick replied with a grin.

"You got quite decent mapping skills."

"Thank you, we need to travel a lot in the past years, I guess that's why I learn it." He smiled smugly with a faint blush on his cheeks.

"That's wonderful." You said softly and smiled at him, and the red tone on the young man's face seemed to expand. Brienne looked back and forth between the two of you with rounded eyes. Snorting through the nostrils with frowned brows, she silently devoured her food as if they were her enemy.

Soon their plates and cups were empty, and the thick cloaks they needed for preventing the cold were already hooked up on the wall when they got downstairs, so you knew it was time they head back.

A little disappointed about the oh-too-soon farewell, you smiled at the knight when she stood up first, "I guess it's time to say goodbye, I really like drinking with you, that was fun. We... we should do it more often. If you are comfortable with that of course."

The knight paused for a moment, standing still like a statue while Podrick went away to get their heavy clothes, then her brows eased, lips lifted up one side as ocean-blue eyes locked with yours softly, "Me too. As you said, we are great drinking partners. That shall be arranged, and I believe I got plenty of clothes that will need your talented hands to repair. Until next time, Y/N."

A broad smile cracked on your lips, your heart beating in a rhythm that you believed it never had done. With courage coming from nowhere, you pushed your body forward and gave her a tight hug, "Until then, Brienne."

You pulled back before even hearing her heartbeat despite your head setting right on her chest just one second before, being too flustered to keep the bold movement, eyes bolt on the floor as if there was a bush of flowers, or a black hole that could suck you in.

Brienne fell into complete silence and stiffed like a rog. She couldn't remember the last time someone hugged her, or even been close with anyone in this pure chaste movement, the most similar movement like this was carrying her wounded fellow soldier, but the hug felt so much nicer. She would like more, if possible.

Her pale cheeks noticeably warmed up, her eyes staring at your slightly trembling figure as she searched for a word to say.

"I won't be gone long." Finally, she muttered, her voice soft, with a hint of cheer, her hand squeezing your shoulder firmly as an assurance as she brushed through you and went toward her squire waiting at the entrance. Your face was hot and red as you watched them leave, the warmth of her lingered on your skin.


Turned out you made your present at the training square a little too often as you couldn't resist the eagerness to see the female knight, visiting either with a package of goods or a bag of someone's garments in the afternoon because you were too shy to admit that you went across the half city, just wanted to see her.

You would give her a big smile whenever you made eye contact and waved at her, and she would reply to you with a nod and a one-sided grin that you were growing fond of.

You would watch her teaching for a good while, your jaw always dropping slightly as you stared at her in awe. She was magnificent and showed tremendous valor in battle, the way she wielded her weapon and the battle cry she made raised the patience in your chest. Each wave of the sword was heavy, precise, and deadly, you were sure that your head would be sliced from your body in a mere second if you were the one against her in a fight.

But she was truly a mentor, a kind and practical one. She could hold back her strike the second the learners were defeated, her expression would return to a calm one from the furious rage in a blink, and the way she stood straight, professionally explaining to the surrounding guards how to dodge or block the blade only made your heartbeat race and your cheeks turn hot.

She would come to you at their short break time, listening to you excitedly talk about your newly found in the town with a soft smile. After the training, if she got spare time, you would walk back to your inn together with your hands holding at the excuse you made of keeping your hand warm. She didn't doubt it, just grabbing your hand and carefully tucking it into the warm pocket of her fur coat, interlacing her slim fingers with yours.

Except for those days you visited her, when you were too busy to bother her, the noble knight kept her word and showed herself in the tavern, either handing you her yet another worn-off garment, which you questioned in your mind why the clothes patched by your hands getting cracks so fast, or simply drinking with you in the evening after an exhausting schooling session. She got quite a large burden on her shoulder, you realized through your talking, not only did she need to train the new blood in the city guard, but she also had the responsibility of the whole military arrangement of the country.

You respect her deeply, and you were determined to de-stress her as much as you could. You two talked about everything that happened in the day or events that occurred when you were apart, soft conversations seemed to float between you easily with occasional laughing and chuckling. Chatting the gossip with Alina and Podrick was more adapted and even some light teasing quipped from your mouth as you two got more and more comfortable with each other.

As time went by and more and more sharing drinks, no doubt you were close friends now, you could announce it proudly to everyone, but you longed for something more than friendship. You knew that by heart since the day your eyes couldn't move away from her tall and graceful figure, however she stood, sat, went, or turned away from you, only leaving her backside for you to ogle. The love seedling had blossomed in your heart.

With only a glance, the pair of warm, deep eyes could drown you effortlessly, and you never wished to surface from the calm blue pools. The little twitch of her lips, whether it was upward, downward, or pulling to the two sides of her mouth to purse into a thin line, you liked to imagine kissing it, and you would love to kiss her lips for the rest of your lifetime. They would taste nothing less than awesome, you were quite confident about it.

The two of you were getting used to each other's presence, and exchanging touches of hands or hugs were no longer unfamiliar, or rather, you thought confidently that both of you would agree, quite satisfying. But you secretly yearned for more, you wished to loom your hands all over her robust body, gently caressing every inch of her skin under your fingertips, kissing everywhere your lips could reach on the landscape of her, worshipping each and every curve and notch of her trunk and limbs, taking whatever noise she made by your ears gratefully. Oh, how you wished to touch her in the most sinful way you could ever imagine, and how you ached for her rough palms to rub, knead, and stroke all over your too-ready body. You dripped for her every night after spending your time with her, your hand reached down between your legs in your duvet, picturing it was hers and relishing yourself from the fantasy.


It was getting harder and harder for you to keep a calm face before her, you had to hide your face or alter your sight away to stop the rosy hue haunting your cheeks only because Brienne was smiling, at you. That was officially declaimed as a crime, you stated it clearly in your mind, struggling to resist the soft expression on her face that made you blush even more.

"Y/N, are you alright? You seem red than usual." her concerned eyes focused on you, and the back of her hand touched your forehead, keeping solid contact for a while, making you gasp out the last thread of air in your lung, "Your body temperature feels hotter too. Are you sure you want to keep drinking? We don't have to if you feel ill, I can get you something else."

Her hand moved, gently brushing a lock of hair from your damp forehead, worried blue eyes still locking on your face. You gulped down a mouthful of air, almost choked by ether, "No, no, I'm fine, totally. Just the fireplace, it's getting hotter, you know." You giggled nervously, your heart pumping behind the rib cage.

She nodded thoughtfully, glancing out at the window. You looked along her sight, there was no snow falling now, the storm had disappeared and the weather was warmer as the heaviest winter had finally passed, it was pleasant to say that spring was about to come.

She looked at you again with a soft expression and smooth brows, suggesting, "Would you like some fresh air then? It shouldn't be too cold outside."

"Why not?" You grinned, standing first and leading the way out through the back door.

Stopping under the eave of the rear door porch, the air was cold and refreshing, you inhaled deeply with closed eyes, enjoying the quieter and darker surrounding compared to the dining hall. Brienne stood beside you, the contour of her physique glimmered, lit by the dim light from the building.

"Feel better?" She asked softly.

"Very much." You turned to her and smiled, watching her lips twist up.

"Good." She nodded.

You both look out at the darkening city, floating into a comfortable silence, simply enjoying each other's company. You could feel the connection between you even without verbal or physical translation, and you were pretty sure she felt it too.

Her sharp edge was rounded each time she saw you, her face would soften and reveal a little smile only for you, and her paces quickened to a rush, leading herself to you. She was relaxed and free beside you. Not only that, but she was more and more comfortable having body contact with you.

The two of you exchanged playful gazes in cheesy conversations, your arms crossed around each other's shoulders whenever laughing together, her hand grabbing tightly at your upper arm to pull you toward her, even her cheek would touch yours as she cackled wildly at your silly jokes. You adored every moment with her, and you adored her a lot.

However, you didn't want to confess to the knight about your feeling, at least not now, being too fearful of the result wouldn't be what you wish it could be. What if she didn't see you the way you see her and thought you were just a friend? What if she felt the bond was only a platonic, deeply intertwined friendship but not a romantic one? It felt too heartbroken for you to think further into it.

Your body cooled down under the blowing night wind just like your chilly heart, shivering uncontrollably, you made a small step toward the knight for some sort of shell, your arm pressed against hers.

She noticed your trembling body and inquired quickly with one of her arms already landing on your shoulder, "You are shivering. Want to go inside?"

You pressed your body further toward hers, positioned yourself between her tall figure and the wall, and shook your head, "No, I want to stay outside, just a while longer."

The knight frowned, her tone serious, "But you're trembling, the cold won't do you good."

"There's just too noisy inside that makes my headache." You huffed, looking away from her and pouting. You knew you looked childish, but you just wished to spend more time with her, alone.

She sighed, and you gazed up at her with your best doggy eyes. She stared at you then sighed again, her face unreadable. You almost regretted your bratting gesture until Brienne undid her coat and wrapped you in, your backside just a few inches from her front.

Gasping softly, you felt the warmth of her body enveloping your smaller form, as if having its own mind, your body leaned back into hers. You had never imagined it even in your dream, and it felt fulfilling, you were protected by her.

"Stubborn, don't we?" A low amused humming came from the top of your head, you looked up, only for your eyes to meet Brienne's icy blue ones across her soft jawline. Her eyes curved, the crow's feet around them deepened, and the fondness flickered in her eyes like she was looking at a pet cat.

You smiled with a faint blush, "Thank you."

Her face was softer than usual, and the apples of her cheeks bulged as her smile broadened, "Comfortable now?"

You nodded in her embrace, feeling she was much cozier than the warm cotton cocoon in your bed, "Yeah, I want to stay like that a little longer. If your back doesn't ache of course." Her head leaned back toward the ceiling as she laughed, her arms wrapping around you tightened, and the rumbling of her chest made yours resonant, you couldn't help but chuckle.

"No, not at all. You are soft like a pillow, feel much better than a stiff man." She said amusedly with a side of her lips lifted.

You arched a brow at her, "How do you know what a man's body feels like? Was there any juicy detail that I missed catching?" You couldn't help the sourness in your tone as the jealousy bubbled in your stomach.

She shook her head, still smiling fondly at you, her expression made you blush. "It's not a juicy thing to share. I was captured one time, and was forced to be tied up with my friend for days and nights on horseback. He was stinky and stiff, nothing like you. I prefer you so much more."

She chuckled at her own words, and the same words made the reddish on your cheeks grow furiously. Your heart beat so hard and fast that you fear she might feel it. You looked down to avoid her eyes and said nonchalantly, "I am glad nothing bad happened, considering you are here with me now."

"Well, not exactly. He lost a hand because of that. But thank lord he adapted quite well now."

"I am so sorry." You mumbled wordlessly and looked up again, the knight was staring into the empty street. Carefully, you searched her face for any sign of discomfort. But there was none, she looked peaceful, and you let out a holding breath in relief.

You stayed in comfortable silence for a while before she spoke in a calm tone, "I could arrange for you to meet up, you know. He is a Lannister, Jamie Lannister. He is in Westerlands now, but he will come to this city when spring arrived. He would be so happy to hear that I finally have another friend, and he would be excited to meet you, I'm sure." She looked down at you with a small, almost shy smile. Your heart melted at her fucking lovely face but was torn by the word 'friend' at the same time.

Despite your feeling as perplexed as hell, you somewhat formed a smile and nodded at her, "That would be wonderful! I'm excited to meet him as well." And her content expression and a low humming made you happy with sweet bitterness.

She rest her chin on the top of your head and swayed the both of you slightly in the chilly air and the faint, warm smell of food from the inn. You threw away those bitter thoughts and giggled, feeling like there was only you and her in the world, under the starry sky.

Your heart swelled and filled with adoration toward this woman, no one had ever played with your mood on their fingers so easily like doing a snap as she did, and it made you know that she would be the end of you. Nonetheless, you pushed your complex emotion down and simply sank further into her warm embrace.

⧫⧫⧫ (End of chapter 4)

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